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The Mystery of 2012: Predictions, Prophecies & Possibilities

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The Mystery of 2012: Predictions, Prophecies & Possibilities (Hardcover) http://www.amazon.com/ Book DescriptionWhat Will Happen in 2012? Will there be an age of awakening, a new step in human evolution, or even an end to the world we know? For years, archaeologists have known the Mayan calendar predicts this date as the end of an era on Earth. Today, more and more researchers, spiritual explorers, and even scientists are witnessing signs that 2012 will mark a critical shift in the history of our planet. Now, the leading authorities on the 2012 phenomenon present their insights about this enigmatic date.Featuring essays from 25 renowned experts on the question of 2012, this invaluable anthology examines the mystery from every angle--spiritual, economic, ecological, and scientific--and to decide for yourself whether 2012 will end with a whimper or a bang. In The Mystery of 2012, you will discover the startling predictions and revelations of prominent thinkers, including: * John Major Jenkins' journey to the source for answers--the original Mayan calendar * Gregg Braden's examination of the scientific evidence for a shift in the Earth's magnetic field, and how it will affect all life * Barbara Marx Hubbard's and Peter Russell's explorations of the accelerating pace of evolution--why we may literally be transforming into a new species * Ecologist Joanna R. Macy's vision of "The Great Turning," and how we can take part in this shift to a life-sustaining culture * Daniel Pinchbeck's investigation of the shift of consciousness that will be necessary for humanity to survive 2012 * Jean Houston's predictions on the coming "Jump Time," and her practical advice for dealing with the impact it will have on your life * Corinne MacLaughlin's discussion of using spirituality and consciousness to influence business and political trendsContributing authors: John Major Jenkins, José Argüelles, Carl Calleman, Robert Sitler, Arjuna Ardagh, Gill Edwards, Lawrence Joseph, Llewelyn Vaughn Lee, Janosh, Sharron Rose, Christine Page, John Petersen, Karl Maret, Corrine McLaughlin, Gregg Braden, Jay Weidner, Ervin Laszlo, James O'Dea, Geoff Stray, Peter Russell, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey, Joanna Macy, Jean Houston, Daniel Pinchbeck -----Why is it that books like this keep coming out and there is not one single Kundalini Yoga person listed with what ever it is that Yogi Bhajan said about this time? I have only seen bits and pieces of what YB said on 2012. Does anyone even have a listing of all that he has said? Books like this are more main stream than you might think. They are in bookstores being read while Kundalni Yoga may be in the Yoga sections of bookstores and only people interested in Yoga are ever going to see them. No one is going to know about the mantras, the breathing, the balancing of the brain and everything else. This is a wonderful method for everyone. I remember seeing in Vanity Fair a Yoga issue, and KY was represented, unfortunately, as being very RIGOROUS. Rigorous puts so many people off, very few people are interested in hard to do, most are too out out of shape. This is a method for everyone.As far as I can determine Kundalni Yoga is still a BIG SECRET from the rest of the world. Why, do I say this? How are people going to find KY, starting right now, and in 2010, 2011, 2012? How are they going to know that this method exists and what it can do, how it can help them, when you are not represented in these books and conferences that are coming out everywhere? How are people going to know that there is this wonderful science, a way to deal with what is all already happening in their lives and in the world. Through telepathy? Isn't it time to start beating the drums and letting more of the world's people know what is available for them.In 2006, when I was trying to find out about Kundalini Yoga in the State of WA (Seattle), there was nothing listed in the 2 main (and free to the public) magazines that come out with alternative care and events. I never thought of googling it. It took me more than 2 months to find someone. I am not the only one having this problem and it is not only in the State of WA. Time is really short and seems to be speeding up. Communication is garbled-my perception. I really do wonder, how people are going to find you and what all of you Kundalini Yoga teachers have to offer them when you are invisible.Sat Nam,Sat Avtar Kaur

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Dear Sat Avtar Kaur,


I agree with you. I am reading " A New Earth " by Ekhart Tolle. He

talks about the world needing to and coming to a new

awareness/consciousness. Page after page I see Yogi Bhajan’s

teachings, sometimes in different words, sometimes almost the same!

On my train ride into work this morning I read a piece that talked

about sensing the I Am that I Am. As a big fan of Celestial

Communication, that really spoke to me.


Why don't we advertise more, make ourselves more known? That’s a

tough one, but some common themes may be; limited resources- time,

money. Maybe discomfort with self promotion. In teacher training this

was addressed basically by saying, get your ego out of it! It is not

about you, it is about the teachings and people NEED IT!


I would ask of teachers who may be hesitant, or have limited

resources, push through it, ask for help. It is like having a first

aid kit, and not sharing it with someone who is bleeding. There are

actually resources and classes to help with promoting yourself.

GuruMeher Singh comes to mind, he is an amazing and dynamic teacher



I also have to say that you as a student can be of service. If you

see a place where teachers should advertise, then mention it (maybe

more then once) maybe even offer to help? When you see a message

board, and it is relevant you can speak about your personal

experiences with Kundalini Yoga. At my job, granted it is my husband

and my business, we put out flyers for events in and around Boston

including and especially our local ashram. For school fundraisers, I

always get yoga class gift certificates... These are a just a couple

of things I do in my daily life to " put us out there " . I bet many

others have some great ideas that we could all incorporate into our

daily life.


Finally, Yogi Bhajan said (I am paraphrasing here) we need to be

known for our service. Which makes your point all the more relevant.


God bless us, every one!

Siri Devta Kaur

Beautiful Millis, MA

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Dear Sat Avtar Kaur ji,

At this time in my life I am traveling internationally teaching Kundalini

yoga workshops, mantra workshops, teacher trainings and training adults to

work with children. I am always amazed at how far reaching Kundalini Yoga

has become and how vast our network is and how many people are aware and

practicing. I am drinking yogi tea in all sorts of places! Somehow I just

don't have the same perspective that you are mentioning and just wanted to

share this with you. It might be important to remember that no one does

anything outside of the Will of the One and everything is moving along

exactly as it should be. The only true gain of any yoga practice is to

awaken to the truth that the Infinite Source of All is the only doer. It's

all happening perfectly though the finite mind cannot always understand the

process. By Grace we come to expand and dissolve our ego to include all

others and understand that all the dramas that we live are gifts for our

spiritual awakening. I just wanted to mention that I really appreciate all

the time and effort you have put into making this forum so dynamic. There

are a few of you that keep popping up, like Krishna Singh and Karta

Purkh...etc. I am amazed and grateful that you have the time to share all

that you do. With love and blessings, Gurudass Kaur (Herndon, Virginia - and

the world!)

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Thank you Gurudass Kaur of (Herndon, Virginia - and the world!),


Thank you very much, I really appreciate hearing all that you are

doing and your views. I could not do what you are doing. My path is



I never know, when I put something on this forum, if I have stuck my

neck out or put my foot in my mouth.


When I first got on here, I did not know how to communicate (and

sometimes, I still don't) by email. And, I have learned so very much,

reading about what other people are doing and teaching and learning

and sharing, it is a treasure for me, to cherish, and always will be.


Sat Nam,


Sat Avtar

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Sat Nam Siri Devta Kaur,


I too am re-reading " A New Earth " by Ekhart Tolle.


And, once again, he speaks to me and my soul. As, did my teacher,

Thane (called " Teacher of Teachers " by Ernest Holmes), of 35 years ago

using almost the same words, same teachings as are in this book and

that Yogi Bhajan teaches. It is wonderful coming into the loop again

and re-visiting my thoughts and identifying my ego.


On page 96, he says " Well right now, this is how it is, I can either

accept it or make myself miserable. " This really hit home with me, as

I have been dealing with the fallout of a situation that happened last

May, and I think I can finally let the rest of it go.


Tuning in to Ekhart and Oprah and watching and listening is just

great, and that 14 year old girl that is reading the book and posed

her questions to Ekhart, I don't know that I could have done that at 14.


Thank you for your comments and suggestions.


Sat Avtar Kaur

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Sat Nam Siri Devta Kaur,

I am writing a book in the form of my memoirs that Yogiji gave me on the

deeper, yogic meaning of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib that will bring all

our teachings, K-Yoga and Sikh, into mainstream awareness. And yes, I

need funding or someone or many to champion this project in order to

bring it completion in a timely fashion. Yogiji said that 1,000 people

will contest it but it will come through pure. That's a lot of free

publicity! And he said writing it would burn off all my karmas.

The book is presently over 1,700 pages.


The following episode from Volume VIII of the book will give you an

sense of the book's nature:


Episode 13. Pain is the Medicine


January 3rd, 2008

The Gurus followed up on my New Year’s resolution by hitting it home. I

woke up this morning with the worst pain running down my right arm into

my hand that I ever remember having. Pressure point stimulation on my

shoulder and especially in my elbow relieved it only momentarily, then

it came back full force.


I asked for relief, chanting to Guru Ram Das, a miracle worker. Nothing.

Finally I asked how best to relieve it, and the answer was, ”Allow”.


Allowing, allowing, only mild soothing energy entered—still great pain.

But allowing opened my mind, my consciousness to process the reason why

the pain was so relentless.


Relaxing, relaxing giving it to God, through Guru to understand, Guru

explained the reason my hand was curled in pain: the key was in the word



What is the opposite of a hand constricted in pain?


A hand open in blessing.


This was a great revelation for me. I see my right hand as the Guru’s

hand. It is my giving, serving side. For it to be in pain, the Guru must

be in pain. But why?


Guru is in pain from our worldly pain, our misplacement of life focus on

things rather than on valuing life and the divine within all. Even those

on the spiritual path commit this blunder. The whole world is caught up

in the disease of myness.


If the opposite of that pain is to give blessings, then I am to give.


My focus switched from dwelling on the pain, thinking of myself, my

death, my inability to heal myself—to giving full focus to

blessing—blessing each husband to free him of pain and blame, forgiving

all, my family and the sangat for not seeing, the SGPC and leaders in

Amritsar (all men) who cause the Guru pain in not allowing woman to play

kirtan in and wash the floors of the Golden Temple.


It wasn’t enough. The pain was deep and obstinate.


I raised my clenched hand to bless the waters, the earth, the sky, the



The spasm persisted.


I gave my being with no thought of self to bless through the earth,

deeply and beyond to all the planets, stars, galaxies and spheres, all

consciousness, all spirit unto Infinity. Blessing, Blessing, Blessing

all beingness endlessly.


Only then did the feeling of death in my arm and hand begin to heal and



So vast is my destiny! Recognizing the soul’s infinity, taking

responsibility to live to the highest Truth, to serve Truth in blessing

to all unto God is the only way to heal the pain of creation’s

separation from God.


There is nothing physically wrong with my arm. Gurus used it like a

thermostat to let me feel the magnitude of spiritual work to be done on

this planet.


We must all transmute our pains into equally vast blessings to

gracefully enter the New Age.


Pain is not a death. It is a challenge to go beyond death and physical

limitations and live for others, liberated while alive.


As Guru says, pain is the medicine.


The Hukam from the Golden Temple this day is appropriate. It is also the

last day of my doing the White Tantric 40–day follow-up meditation, “Har

Hari Haree” for prosperity.


Loving Blessings,

Guruprem Kaur

Memoirs of a Yogini, SGGS Path of Life to Light

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