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Mul Mantra and more!

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Sikh Mool Mantra: http://www.kundalini-matashakti.com/worddocuments/Sravana/Mool%20Mantra.doc


Japji Sahib: http://www.kundalini-matashakti.com/worddocuments/Sravana/JapjiSahib.pdf


Anand Sahib: http://www.kundalini-matashakti.com/worddocuments/Sravana/AnandSahib.pdf


Other Sikh Gurbani Texts: http://www.kundalini-matashakti.com/spiritual_text.html

(open and see menu of SGGS scripture)







































Spiritual Texts new

Articles with comments on the Siri Guru Granth

Sahib from http://www.gurbani.org/

Siva, Siva-Sakti & Siva Puri

Cave of the Heart


The Light

Self-Realization: What is it?

Realization of the Shabad or Naam


What is it?

Supreme Reality: The Homogeneous



The Knot

" Neta Neta "

One Substratum-AADHAAR


Witnessing Consciousness

" Joti Svaroop " : The

Original State



" Chauthaa Pada " : Fourth

State Turya

God's Home Address: Heart Cave

Remove Mind with Mind

What Comes and Goes is Unreal

" Hukam "

Vital Breath


Unchanted Chant

True Identity

Sahaj: Natural State of Being


Japji Sahib new














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Dear Patry,


It’s not just a matter of

reciting, but also of trying to figure out what experience these words are alluding



All the religions refer to 3

elements required for Salvation / Realization / Liberation. These 3 form

a trinity, as they all happen together, the first maturing into the last.

These are: “Hearing” – “Recollection” or “inner

reflection” and “Abiding” – They are the same, when

translated into English, for Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism and

Hinduism/Vedanta. The Sikh Japji is all about these. These are what

religions and religious text is all about. Everything else is preliminary

to what happens when the Spirit awakens through “hearing.”


Hearing is like building a

fire. You prepare some wood and leaves, twigs, etc, and then you get your

flint rock and keep striking it until a spark ignites the fire. In this

case, the leaves, twigs and logs of wood are your various spiritual scriptures,

which can be stories of the Saviors, Sages and Saints, which develop devotion,

longing and the sense of purity that surrounds these God-Conscious Beings, the

feeling of which are transformative to the reader. The flint rock is your

repetition of the words, which are crafted in so many ways to get you to remember

your Self, that sense of self radiant “I” as “I” versus

“I am this and that” – It’s like being someone in a

state of amnesia and having a reminder of who and what you really are brought

to your attention each time you read, recite, or someone reads to you these spiritual

texts. At some stage of reciting, something happens in the mind, a sort of

force of intelligence arises and permeates your mind, where you begin to feel

an inward sense of pause or consideration of the words and their meaning, to

try to figure out what it is they are saying about who and what you are, something

you feel is both immanent and imminent.


In this world, the Creator

has established an “Archetype” which are the churches and temples

that are built around the sacred words of the Saviors, Sages and Saints and

their lives, a place that people go to “hear” the words spoken over

and over until this sense of inner consideration begins to manifest. This

inner consideration is different from comparative intellectualization, as it

relates directly to the reader and not the texts themselves. In other

words, you’ve already gone way beyond comparing scripture in the same or

different religions and you intensely try to figure it out for yourself.

There’s a sense of consideration of the meaning of the words from an

intuitive state, rather than by thinking about them. You are trying to

inwardly “hear” the meaning for yourself.


The practice of any yoga,

especially as a spiritual tool to aid in the purification of the body temple

and related mind, speeds up this process of being capable of hearing, as the

higher centers, which relate to compassion, intuition and discriminative

intelligence, the sense feeling the distinction between the “Real”

- self radiant “I” as “I” versus the false identity of

the sense of “I” with the thoughts, images and impressions in the

mind, begin to manifest by themselves in the muddle of the mind. In the

Yoga Sutras it states that the purpose of yoga is to isolate the seer.

Thus, with practice, the body and mind become brighter and your you, your Self

becomes capable of distinguishing Itself as the ground, support and substratum

of all that you see. How you practice the yoga will reflect on the speed

of advancement of these capabilities to “hear” – “recollect”

– “abide.”


In any case, at some time

this “hearing” manifests, which is a recollection of your Self as Self-radiant

Being Consciousness, and you abide as That. Initially it is a sense of a

kind of an “I” pulsing as “I” versus what we have been

used to where the “I” is projected into one or another thought,

image, mood, sensation, impression in the storehouse of the imaging mind, which

constitutes our idea of identity. So your sense of being shifts radically

from the identity to a mixture of varied impressions to a sense of identity

that is unalterable, single and pervasive, a Singularity that has such a force

that it dissolves the notional identity to thoughts images and impressions, that

were based on making judgments, distinctions and separations. You come

into a state, for example of non-judgment and perpetual forgiveness, “empty,

clear, self-illuminating.” You begin to see and realize yourself to be a

field or unit of consciousness that animates the mind and body, as in “I

AM THAT I AM,” and no longer just the mind’s “I think

therefore I am.”


Thereafter, whenever you hear

or read scripture, you will feel the pulsation of the “I” as “I”

in your heart yet everywhere, as a Self recognition, a sense of steady inner

quest and abiding.


At some stage the sense of

Self abiding begins to become Perfect, and the pulsing of the “I”

sense is felt in longer waves with few thoughts arising, except for the

occasional very deeply felt, vibrations of who and what you are, such as, “uncaused”

“unconditioned” “without time” “space-like”

where the words we read in the Mool Mantra, for example become the expression

of your state of being, rather than a reference for consideration. At

some stage, you go beyond words, and merge with the Infinite. Your

sense of “I” impacts the Eternal “I” and you become



Anyway, repetition is a

start, as it triggers this “hearing,” as mentioned above.


My ISP is apparently down for

the past 12 hours, or I would refer you to other write ups about this.








Wednesday, March 26, 2008 7:49 PM


Re:Mul Mantra and more!





Thank you for these. I will certainly browse them. I

have found some transliterations of the words and the sayings are almost like a

creed. I love them. I have been using Singh Kaur's version. I

hope that is okay.






I have been reciting Ajai Alai and Mul Mantra. Do you know

if there are any benefits for doing this? Not that it matters, but you

know how the mind can be curious.







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