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Question about the ida nadi

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I recently discovered that I may have a weak ida nadi, since I have

experienced some of the weaknesses(lethargy, day-dreaming, and

habits). Can anybody advise of any kriyas that may

strengthen/revitalize the ida nadi, or maybe advise on meditations

that I should avoid so that I preserve the ida nadi strength?

Here is some info that I found about the ida nadi in case anybody

wants to get some insight...


I. Ida Nadi (Moon Line, Left Channel)

Qualities: tamo guna, past, subconscious

Gross expression: left sympathetic nervous system

Place on hand: whole left hand

Manifestations: auspiciousness, emotion, existence, joy, desire.

Causes of catch: lethargy, habits, conditioning, superstition, blind

faith, guilt, fear, self pity, day-dreaming, drugs, bad childhood,

gross attachments to children, tantrism, sexual perversion, black magic.


The left side channel begins at the Mooladhara chakra and crosses at

the Agnya Chakra (6) into the superego in the right side of the brain.

It expresses the passive mood of the Virata and the power of desire

(ichha shakti). Desire is our prime mover, the power by which we exist

and the first cause of our creating or seeking. Emotion is born out of

desire which is not yet materialised. Therefore the left is our

emotional side.


Weakness in the left side leaves us prone to emotional extremism,

where we are thrown between elation and depression. There is very

little sense of self-discipline, and we become slaves to habits

inculcated in us through conditioning. We become very lethargic,

retreating into passivity and self-obsession. Eventually the pressure

on the brain grows too much to bear and there is a breakdown,

culminating in lunacy, epilepsy, senile decay.


To correct a weak left side we have to first balance it with the right

(rajo guna). This means activity which develops the ego and pushes the

over-developed superego back to the central area of the head. So we

put more attention outside, on work and action. Discarding all ideas

of self-destruction and self-pity, we materialise the emotional side

which is attuned to our sustenance (dharma). By using the neglected

right side, we bring the left into balance with the rest of the being.

Now when Kundalini is raised she does not fall again.


The real and greatest quality of the left side is to give us joy

(anand), which is beyond the duality of happiness and sorrow. The

Spirit is always in joy. That joy is expressed in its purity when

Kundalini enlightens the attention with the Spirit. Actually the joy

which is latent in creation starts manifesting through our left side.

Then you find joy radiating from any source of divine vibrations.


Your priorities change automatically. Old habits and addictions are

over and done with, given up without difficulty. A sense of security

is established and all guilt and imaginary fears disappear.

`Everything created by nature gives a new meaning and one starts

enjoying the genuine significance of every ripple of joy they emit.'

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