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3HO International April eNewsletter: International Earth Day

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International Earth Day Since Earth Day is March 20, we decided to dedicate this month's eNewsletter to Earth. All sections including the Monthly Yogi Bhajan Lecture, Quote, 3HO Updates, Recipe, and Healing the Body Mind and Soul, will be dedicated to our Mother Earth. You can view the entire eNewsletter here. April 2008 UpdatesEarth Day 2008: A Call for Climate Earth Day 2008 is expected to be the biggest yet. From Tokyo to Togo, Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 in over 175 countries, this year unifying millions of people behind a Call for Climate. Hundreds of events are popping up all over the globe and April 22 should be a most memorable Earth Day. Have you thought about how you are going to honor this day? We would like to encourage you to participate in a local event or organize a community project. Some ideas might be to plant trees or clean roadway litter in an area near you. Together we can also focus on Mother Earth and give thanks to the bounty and beauty she provides us with. If you have other creative ideas of how Kundalini Yogis around the world might celebrate and participate in this worldwide event, please share them with the community. Read more about Earth Day. Get inspiring ideas on how to celebrate this day. Find inspiring tips on how to make your life greener. 3HO International UN Office: Protecting Health from Climate Change World Health Day, on April 7, marks the founding of the World Health Organization and is an opportunity to draw worldwide attention to a subject of major importance to global health each year. In 2008, World Health Day focuses on the need to protect health from the adverse effects of climate change. The theme Protecting Health from Climate Change puts health at the center of the global dialogue about climate change. WHO selected this theme in recognition that climate change is posing ever-growing threats to global public health security. Read more. A Greener 2008 Summer Solstice Sadhana Celebration Led by our Green Yogis, a group of caring and dedicated Solstice participants, we are developing a conscious relationship with the sacred land of Ram Das Puri and our great Mother, the Earth. The Green Yogis have helped in purchasing earth-friendly supplies, processing waste and raising consciousness of the impact of our daily actions on the environment. Last year we reduced our solid waste significantly through composting and recycling practices. We switched to Dr. Bronner's earth-friendly hand soap, as well as green kitchen cleaners. This year's goals include increased use of organic food, improving bathroom setup with water-saving toilets and faucets, and offsetting the Summer Solstice carbon dioxide footprint by financing renewable energy projects and planting a tree for every Solstice participant. Learn more. There is so much to do, so if you think we could do even better, please join us, this is how we create our Solstice Sadhana Celebration! Aquarian Times Magazine Is Getting Greener To ensure the best use of the planet's resources, it's important to let Aquarian Times know now if you wish to keep receiving the magazine by mail for free (US addresses only) or would prefer to simply download the pdf file when available online. To keep receiving Aquarian Times by mail, please email your name, address, phone and email address to guruterak, with "opt-in" in the subject line. Sign up by November 30, 2008, to receive all the 2009 issues. International subscriptions are available for the cost of shipping and handling. Please respond today! 3HO Spiritual Names – New Website A spiritual name reinforces and accelerates your progress on the path to your highest destiny. Making the choice to receive a spiritual name (and using it) is a step to rebirth in consciousness. Request a spiritual name online, learn how they are given, hear the pronunciation and print request forms to give to students and friends. Information on Spiritual Names. Please share this information with others. Do You Have an Engaging Story About a Kundalini Yoga Mantra? Aquarian Times magazine invites writers to submit stories for the August issue on Sound, Mantra, and Naad. Articles are due by April 16. Our November issue will feature your stories about seva around the world. Have you been touched by an outstanding story of service and giving back in your community? Please contact Guru Tera guruterak if you have a story idea. Project Dreamcatcher Have you had visions, dreams of Yogi Bhajan, or meditative miracles? Guruvir Kaur, a recent Harvard graduate and member of our community, is writing a novel about spiritual growth. She wants us to have a voice in the book and welcomes you to share your experiences with her. For more information and a questionnaire, or simply to enjoy her blog, visit guruvir.com

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