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The Three Gunas and the Five Tattvas

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What’s the world made of?

Posted: 09 Apr 2008 11:32 PM CDT

Gurumustuk Singh Ji asked me to write a bit

about the five tattvas and the three gunas.

This is what was " assumed knowledge " in the

time Gurbani was written. Basically, it’s the

KAR part of IK ONG KAR (ONG being the creative

power itself.)



The five tattvas are: earth, water, fire, air

and ether. They are not those things

literally, but rather states of density of

matter. For example, water can be solid

(earth,) liquid (its normal state between 0

degrees C and 100 degrees C) and air (when it

vaporizes.) So matter is made up of both the

five tattvas (or states) along with the energy

that flows through them. E=MC2 right? So it’s

a continuum of energy and matter and the two

flow into each other, but neither is destroyed

(according to the law of conservation of

matter and energy.) So the tattvas are the

states of matter and the three gunas are the

frequencies of energy: low frequency=tamas

(inertia,) mid-frequency=rajas (motion) and

high-frequency=sattvas (calm.)



The three gunas are manifested in human

qualities as well, and I’m sure you know these

qualities in yourself and in other people.

Most people have one of the three gunas

dominant in their personality and projection.

Tamas=crude, lethargic, heavy.

Rajas=passionate and action oriented.

Sattvas=light, pure, calm and relaxed. When we

say someone has a " high " vibration, we mean

they are dominantly sattvic in nature.



- Guruka Singh



P.S. - We did an earlier video on the subject

of free will and God’s will. I think it was

the " fate and destiny " one, but I’m happy to

revisit that topic.

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Sin, Guilt, Heaven and Hell

Posted: 09 Apr 2008 08:25 PM CDT

Here is one topic which I think is a great one

for us all to think about. I have found that

even within the Sikh lifestyle many people

have adopted the mentality of " guilt and sin " .

Western influence has definitely played a big

part in this, and it doesn’t help to have

translations of Gurbani that translate " paap "

into " sin " .



In the following video interview Guruka Singh

shares his thoughts on the topic of Sin,

Guilt, Heaven and Hell. Hopefully the next

time you catch yourself feeling one of these

things you may think more deeply about it.



Download Video



Here are some other comments on the topic:



I have to admit, I have a problem with

the concept of sin. And the fact that

there is a quote in one of the (poor)

translations of the Siri Guru Granth

Sahib that says we are all sinners has

me confused. Admittedly, we are all

specks of dust in relation to the

Infinite, — but at the same time Ang

Sang Wahe Guru



The Siri Singh Sahib once said, “The

thing I like best about Sikh Dharma is

ANG SANG WAHE GURU.†I like it, too! It

means that God is in every part of me,

every limb, every molecule, every atom

is a manifestation of God. You might say

it is a paradox. Despite my human flaws

or failings, this mantra is a reminder

that God is living and breathing in me

all the time! This is distinct from the

concept in some religions that we are

all born in sin. I don’t buy it. " -

Shakti Parwha Kaur



The word in the Guru is ‘Paap’

(sometimes translated as “sin.â€) It

means the action of a manmukh — one who

speaks from his mind and follows his

mind. The point is that to move from

manmukh to gurmukh, (one who speaks with

the mouth of the Guru, not his own

mouth) we must merge into shunia (zero –

thoughtlessness) at the feet of the

Guru. " Sinner " is a manipulative Western

concept based on Christian guilt. It is

not an accurate or useful descriptive

term. ‘Paap’ as used by the Guru, means

any action that makes you feel alone and

separated from God. ‘Paap’ is not “bad.â€

Nothing is good or bad, except that

thinking makes it so. ‘Paap’ is simply

an action that makes you forget who you

are, One with the Infinite. " - Guruka


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