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Strengthening the aura post

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Hi Christine,


I know how hard what your are going through is. It might be that you are highly empathic and picking up on things around you. I went through a long period of avoiding groups and contact for similar reasons. I found myself trying my best to defend by closing up, trying to seal myself. And I would feel more and more drained, like my energy "stolen". Over time and with the advice of a friend, I started, rather than closing up, to open up. To allow myself to keep all that is mine and intend and ask God to conduit through me whatever the inifinite (universe, God, Namelessness....) would like to conduit through me. And within a couple of weeks I found that I had accostumed to being open for what Lord wanted to do through me yet keeping my own energy and stregth. In fact, this conduiting as I go about my day is indeed passive. It is not conscious on my part, I do not think of it, though I did have that conversation with Lord, saying that I need to be maintained yet serving this function. Shortly I found that groups and crowds and erratic energy around me was no longer draining.


I also realized something else. That I brought all this onto myself. In a sense, I realized, "how dare I close myself off from the universe and others?How dare I not be the infinite child of infinity, carry God's light?". There is a way- and it is certainly possible, to contain and control your energy field while remaining open and a conduit to whatever is around you. I use to think that it was contradictory, but it is not. And, in fact, the greater universe will help you in this task as it always serves our growth and healing. Prayer, bringing your self before God and putting your cards on the table, having that loving negotiation, was a big part of it for me. Realizing that all those "things" weren't mine, weren't me, and asking God to take those coats that are not mine, was also a big part of me. It is letting your system know that it is safe, ever in God's palm, that it can be unaffected by what is not its own, and kindly, gently, letting it come out and play. I sometimes use a visualization of myself in God's palm, often in a surrendering, peaceful fetal position.


As for wearing white- my personal feeling is that the creative power is within us, and that items therefore have the qualities and energy we afford/ give them. So if you would really prefer to wear white but for some reason cannot, ask God and Guru to make this as if it were white-- God and guru will take care of things.


Much love and healing to you,

daniel harpreetPack up or back up–use SkyDrive to transfer files or keep extra copies. Learn how.

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