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gunas, satvic mind, the II pulsing as I

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Dear Christine,


The isolation of the sense of “I”

is a process that after some time of practicing one’s daily Sadhana and

reading certain kinds of scripture wherein the lives and words of those living

in the non-dual state are given, the stillness, radiance and voltage will be

such that there will arise a kind of an inner groking or recognition of the

sense of “I”, the seer being at the substratum and support of everything

we previously assumed to be separate and distinct, but no longer apart.

You recognize yourself a s field of consciousness in which the body is animated

and the mind illumined.


In the beginning you notice that

the whole body radiates without focus to any part. The voltage continues

to rise and at once the focusing mechanism of the mind disengages, and you

remain abiding as the seer, a Singularity that is at once grounding and all

absorbing yet light penetrates everywhere without limit, diming all it illumines

by Its intensity.


You’ve pierced the veil,

the hole / door in the Spiritual Heart and are now on the other side. The

force is so great that the tamasic and rajasic aspects resolve themselves

entirely into the Satvic. What Nisagadatta Maharaj said was right. The

satvic state means that you abide as a field of consciousness that reflects the

Intelligent Force of the single and all pervasive Self.


Here’s an analogy: In

the Dark Ages after the Roman Empire was destroyed after around 500 AD to 1600

AD, all knowledge of the stars and planets was lost and destroyed, and the

Church predominated as the source of knowledge. People lived as serfs or

indentured servants for the most part with some towns functioning mostly to

serve the manors and castles of Lords of different types, which in turn were

all under the rule of the Church. When people would ask what the lights

in the sky were at night, they were told that at night God pulled a shroud over

the heavens and in that shroud were pinpricks behind which was the infinite

glory of God, which shown through these pinpricks giving off light. What

mystics went on to say further about these lights was that within the heart of

each of us was also a pinprick behind which pulsed the infinite being and light

of God, which animated the body and lighted the mind, and gave the denoted the

sense in each of us as “I” and that if this point could be

penetrated through prayer and watching through the body, a silence would emerge

filled with the pulsing of “I” as “I” and one would

abide in the all pervasive Light of Being, the Father, where the Son was the

pulsing or knocking at the door of the Heart. This pulsing sensation

which causes a churning in the nerves, disengages attention to images and

impressions encoded and stored throughout the nervous system.


If you practice your Sadhana

every day, then this begins to happen on by itself, especially if you are also

inquisitive enough to read the scriptures and try to figure out what experience

these stories and words are explaining, something immanent and imminent.


The following article explains a lot about the Gunas.





Here are some articles that were

handouts for KY TT classes that may be interesting reading for you:


The actual reading order should be:

Sadhana, Ardhana, Pradupati

Basic Kundalini Yoga Breathing

Breath of Fire

Role of the Teacher

A Proper Understanding….

What is Yoga.


2 articles that followed these include:

Right Path - Akal Purkh Illuminates me



disengagement of the reticular activating system new



The spiritual texts http://www.kundalini-matashakti.com/sravana.html

go hand in hand with the KY practice, actually all yoga practice, because the

purpose of yoga is to bring the mind and body into a condition where they

become receptive to “hearing” and experiencing the Self, which

animates and lights them. This Self is like a Star, located in the

Spiritual Heart, the Seat of Consciousness, that lights the whole body.

Because the mind is outwardly focused, the part that sees, the subject

“I” is not recognized, and identity between the “I”

sense and the images appearing within the field of consciousness are mixed.

However, when the mind and body are still, pure and radiant enough, the

reflected consciousness in the mind begins to pulse with the source of the

mind’s illumination, with the impalpable sensation that reverberates

throughout the nerves of the body “I” as “I.” This is

called the experience of Isolating the seer mentioned in the Yoga Sutras of

Patanjali. When one abides as the seer only, the whole body is filled with



Years ago, I used to have an intense

practice of yoga, and by chance, on the day before my birthday, I happened upon

a book about the seer, and had this experience. I wrote Yogi Bhajan, who

sent me on a 3 year program from one ashram to another and then I’ve just

been figuring it out, which is what each person has to do regardless of what

their yoga practice is.


Self Realization is more a matter

of just getting it, of somehow “hearing” an imminent/immanent

Truth, something there before you, around you and within you that is you, that

just requires a singular intensity to perceive, and once you see it, you know

your Self and for yoga, that’s when practice really begins, everything

else being just a preliminary.


A radical shift takes place from

identity to the apparently separate objects and impressions to singular abiding

as That which Lights them, where the objects, impressions and the world are no

longer imagined as separate, but where you, nevertheless, abide as their

substratum, a field of unconditioned, uncaused, timeless, space-like

consciousness that animates the body, lights the mind with no distinction

between inside or outside. Something that is entirely beyond stillness of

the mind.


In the Christian and other religions,

the original sin, or sin that we are inadvertently born with, is simply the

inherent denseness or darkness, tamasic and rajasic tendencies, that shrouds us

in a veil of forgetfulness of our real identity , our True Self. This beginningless

ignorance of who we are is what is meant by “original.” It’s

like a state of amnesia. That’s why, as you practice and the mind

becomes brighter, and voltage increases, there is the start of the reflection

in the mind of a sense of singular recollection, which all the religions call “hearing”

– When we read scripture or it is read to us, when the mind, which really

emanates or percolates up from the heart, is clear enough, something stops it’s

movement from thought to image to sensation and in inverts to reflect the “I”

pulsing as “I” and is drawn in as though by a powerful force, a

force however which radiates a penetration of light through all the atoms of

the body. And with this comes a sense of singular recollection and remembrance

and abiding as unconditioned uncaused being. As this remembrance gains

force, as though you are awaking out of a stupor into a sense of extreme clarity,

then this beginningless sin simply vanishes. The notion and idea of

separateness looses all meaning. The purpose of religion and scripture,

which is greatly enhanced through the fervent practice of yoga is the put

before us something within the glittering Maya that is somehow “heard”

by that within each of us that is True, and when the mind is capable, often by

repetition leasing to inquisitiveness of meaning, and meaning leading to inquisitiveness

of what the stories and words mean to who and what I am, until suddenly there

is this “hearing” – “reflection” / “remembrance”

– “perfect abiding” ….


Third Zen Patriarch from Faith

Mind, “Emptiness here, emptiness there. No difference for

definitions have vanished and no boundaries are seen.”


Feel free to e-mail me with any questions.



Schoonheim Samara

Wattana Heights - suite 38B

143/58 Soi Wattana

Sukhumvit, Soi 19 (Wattana)

North Klongtoey, Wattana

Bangkok 10110, Thailand

tel: +662 661-6597/8

fax: +662 261-6885

e-mail: pieter



URL: http://www.kundalini-matashakti.com



Mobile local #'s:

Philippines: +639266244366 (no roaming)

Bangkok: +66819871435 (with roaming)

Skype: pietersa


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