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yogis: find organic sanctuary in Panama

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Dear Yogis,


We wish for better food and health sources, more supportive communities, and investments that meet our consciousness. A client of mine is developing property in Panama's mountains, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=511), and yogis may find this too good to resist. If you want to buy in, help recruit health care offshoring or other services, or help with the organic farming or self-sustaining energy project (living off grid), or just want to build or have property, please email NSF's attorney, Ralph Fucetola JD, at ralph.fucetola. Forward to friends if you want. Enjoy the letter below...





P.S. A month ago I vacationed in this mountain range, over the border in Costa Rica. We wore long pants and long sleeved shirts the whole time. In other words, the weather was amazingly comfortable - not too hot as one might fear for this latitude. Folks, this is a chance for each of us to invest in a community that will redound to our benefit for generations - email Ralph now for details.


Amar Atma



----- Forwarded Message ----NSF-Panama


This letter is from Nicholas Karant. He asked me to send it to thegroup. His email is nkarantI visited the site in Panama on Feb. 28 - March 3 with Ralph Fucetola.I walked the entire property which I found pristine, heavily forested,and, from the looks of the dark soil, very fertile.I encountered only birds, no animals of any kind, only exotic birdsand was enamored by their call songs. I walked the entire mountain fortwo days: the first day on the North side and the second on the Southside, I saw the waterfalls, the foliage, the enormous amount oforganic coffee plants and got drenched by a downpour which convincedme that

the rainy season is, indeed, rainy.I enjoyed the local fare at the restaurants, from Panamanian to Greekto Thai, all were very inexpensive, healthy and delicious (I am anexperienced foodie). There were a great number of American touristsgoing on eco-safaries.I believe in the project and I believe in the land and I am the firstone to put my money in. My wife and I are putting in $100,000 in twoinstallments. The first installment, a donation of $50,000, will bemoved into the Natural Solutions Foundation account on April 16, 2008.I believe that there is a significant urgency to this project: weneed to move fast and take hold of this land now for our own use. Inthe event that the project moves forward, we will have secured a prizepiece of land. In the event that it does not, we have a significantasset which we can sell.One of the reasons I am so concerned with moving rapidly is that

Ilive in New Jersey, the first state to compel mandatory pediatricvaccination of flu vaccine and others on an annual basis starting inSeptember, 2008. I believe that national vaccination on a mandatorybasis is just around the corner. I have two vaccine injured childrenand I will not see them vaccinated again. If that means leaving thecountry with them, so be it.If there is anyone willing to go to jail rather than accept compulsoryvaccination, I will send them my regards from Panama.I am deeply concerned about the contamination by pesticides, GM,antibiotics, hormones, etc., of our food supply. In fact, to cure mytwo children, they have had to eat a diet of clean, wholesome food.Where will they get that food in the US? So the farm in Panama is ofgreat interest and importance to me and to my family.This IS the time to move, before we hear from many of you "I couldhave...", "I should

have..." I would have ..."Yours in health,Nicholas Karant


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