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Checks have been mailed, the other 2 are just now coming. Ill reply in more detail tonight. Thanks for your support, Dharma




Charles D. Frohman <cfroh

Dharma Khalsa <drdharmask

Thu, 17 Apr 2008 10:52 am

Re: The Yoga of Eating: 5 Important Tips





please just forward to kundalini-yoga ; it's written so well


also, have the checks been mailed, the fliers mailed, and the powerpoint sent?



Charles D. Frohman

202-536-4346 (office)/202-258-8027 (cell)


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Dr. Dharma <TheHealingMinute


Thursday, April 17, 2008 2:31:59 PM

The Yoga of Eating: 5 Important Tips


The Yoga of Eating: 5 Important Tips


Dear Friend


I was recently interviewed by a great new magazine called Clean

Eating. They were interested in discussing how we can let go off the

struggle we sometimes have with food and find peace and nourishment

with every bite. In my book Food as Medicine published by Atria Books

in 2003 I called this concept yoga nutritional therapy or YNT.


Now the yoga of eating doesn't require any specific pose, no

attendance in class, no burning incense, no chanting, and no

flexibility, except in your mind. The yoga of eating isn't even about

following any specific diet or becoming a vegan or denying yourself



In fact, it's quite the opposite: The Yoga of Eating is about fully

embracing the experience at hand, about being completely aware of and

actively participating in whatever is happening in the present moment.


Recall that yoga means union and the yoga of eating refers to being

one with your sense of smell and taste and the joy of eating that

provides you with well-being and optimal health in your body, mind,

and spirit.


As I said in the article, " Eating well regulates the production of

important brain chemicals, known as neurotransmitters, such as

serotonin and melatonin: the feel good hormones that produce a sense

of pleasure, contentment, and peaceful well-being."


Here are 5 very important tips for benefiting from and enjoying your

food more.


1. Eat sitting down: This doesn't include in your car or, most of the

time anyway, in front of the TV. This symbolizes that you have taken

the time to eliminate emotional eating and move away from the fridge.


2. Enjoy your meals in a pleasant setting. This doesn't mean at your

desk. As the weather is getting nice perhaps you can consider eating

outdoors on a patio or porch. Also try and not do other activities

while you eat.


3. Engage all five senses while eating. Be mindful of the appearance,

as well as the taste and texture of the food. Listen to nice music or

the sounds of nature.



4. Allow yourself time. At least 20 minutes to finish a meal. Don't

rush through it and gobble down your food.


5. Avoid preparing or eating when you are stressed, rushed, or

worried. If you are stressed when you are ready to start eating please

stop and take a few deep breaths, say a prayer, or grace and simply s-

l-o-w down. Prepare your mind and body for the sacred act of eating.


Also remember that if you are stressed or have challenges eating well

all of the time or getting your 7 servings of fresh and organic or

locally grown produce each and every day, medical research does tell

us that a high potency multiple-vitamin mineral like my Longevity Gold

Caps will help provide an outstanding nutritional foundation and

insurance policy for you.


I take 3 in the morning and because they are so potent and have a

great kick to them, you don't need to take more. In this case, by the

way, one bottle will last 2 months, which as you can imagine will cut

the price in half.


Other people however, do like to take the full dose of 6/day; 3 with

breakfast and 3 with lunch. That works really well to maintain an

excellent level of energy all through the day as well as fully create

super health.


Feel great, look great, and rejuvenate with the Longevity Gold Caps



Best of Blessings,


Dr. Dharma


P.S. "I have been taking vitamins and herbs for forty years. Your

multivitamin/mineral Longevity Gold Caps make a profound difference in

my energy level. I am 74 and still practicing yoga. Your Longevity

Gold Caps give me steady pep. They are the best multivitamin/mineral I

have ever found. Thank you, Dr. Dharma."

W.M. Arcadia, CA


P.P.S. Remember that when you join Dr. Dharma's Longevity Continuity

Club you save each and every month. Check it out.





Copyright 2008 Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.


The FDA has not evaluated any of these statements. This e-mail is for

educational purposes only. Always consult your personal doctor for

medical advice.

Dr. Dharma makes no claims to treat, mitigate or diagnose any disease

with any of the products listed on our site, past, present or




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