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For some reason I had a comversasion whit my old yoga teacher from

KRI. About healing. I belive healing is wery god for many reasons

but only if the person that gets the healing have gaved permision

about it. And that the person that gives the healing have asked the

person that He/she are going to heal furst so its ok. Becase I think

its like it is whit everything like Medecin and drogs for exempel.

You cant give heart medecin to a person whit Lungcancer. Becase a

person whitout heart problem can diay of heart medecin if its not

the heart the person have problem whit. I belive its the same whit

healing. Because I hade that problem before. People whas sending

healing to me then healing whas the last thing I needed. In that

moment I whas working whit my posotiv,neutral and negative chackras

to balans it upp to go naturely in to the 4 demention. But I got to

much problem whit peoples energis that whas compleatly atacking my

system . This people probobly just whanted to opend upp my energy

system to heal real real real deep. Whel thanky because alot of shit

camed upp. That I alredy been working on many years. That I whas

alredy finish whit. That I alredy have learnd from. So what is it

that this people whants me learn from healing. Whel I have learnd

from this peoples mistake many lifes ago. Because I wouled never

send healing to somebody that I have not asked the permison on in

person . Because nobody know what somebody else are working on.

Because I whas not going to tel you this before my guides told me

not to. And my guieds tel me alot of ather things to. Nobody can

accend whit on ather peoples energi. And everything everybody do

leaves a market. I have not meet any healer that not leave any

market of themselth on the person they heal. But now I come to the

point. My teacher say I chal not reakt on it. Just whach it not

reakt. Sorry but I cant do that. Its my life,my accention, my energy

system, My chackra system we are taking about. They say in Kundalini

Yoga . That we dont go in in peoples energy system, we chal not tuch

the students We even have mantras for that. Ad gode name Jugad gode

name , sat gode name Siri guru dave e name. For ex. So what went

wrong. I have to find balanse agen in my selth so I can start from

the begining agen. And I have alout of ather peoples energis in my

system now that I have to clean away. Its not my Yoga teachers falt.

Its nathing persional agenst her. ITS JUST THE FAKT. My energy

system need rest now . I need to rest now from peoples energy eter

atacks. I need to heal in my selth agen in my own energi. Because

what I been thro have made alot of damige. And one more thing . My

teacher think I chal not go my Yogaeducation in KRI until Im in

balanse and stop reakting on things. Its only one problem If I dont

reakt I heart my selth. Because I been laying in healing chocks so

many times now and got wery tierd of it. Healing chocks is a chock.

And I dont think I have to tel you what hapens when you are chocked.

And dont wory about my balansing of my energy system. I do that

myselth . Only me can heal and balansing my energy system in me for

the moment. And if I chal need any help. I ask for it my selth. And

I think my yoga teacher have misunderstand me alot. Because she took

al of this persional. Im wery sad for that. But I cant help that

ather people also reakt sometimes. Its not only me that have problem

whit that. I think that is wery much human thing to do. Because in

life. You meet people and you come to situations when it happens

alot of things. And maybe I got my life destroud for the rest of my

life. I can not sit here and dont reakt. Then. I have not told you

anything about that you can read my blogg if you like to know.

http://blogg.aftonbladet.se/21897 My Yoga teacher told me that

to. That she cant ask me to take distanse from myselth that teacher

have to do to teach. She sad that because she whants me to build upp

my life. Go out having fun . Take back what people have took from

me. Im happy she whants me to do that. She sad that because she care

of me. Its only one problem. I have chosed to life a diffrent life.

I dont whant anything back of what this peoplel took from me.

Because its not worth anything for me anymore. Im not here to live

whose peoples life. Im not here to go out on the pub every wekand to

get drunk, And Im not here to be a superstar, Im not here to be

peoples hero that media and people whit no own life have created. Im

not here to be superman, Im not here to be a slave like everybody

else in this world, Im not here to be a sexobjekt,

Im only here to accend and to live a spiritual life and go home. And

anestly I dont need any diploma ore something like that. Even if

that is good to chow upp for people when you/me teach. But that is

not accention. Accention is something a spiritual person that have

chosed to do . Do in themselth. That I do in my selth. Everybody

find ther own tols. There own way to accend. And everything I meet

is only a morrow of myselth. Something in my selth that I have to

change. But as almoust al spiritual people now. As whither you are

as more shit you se. And as more shit you atrack.( sorry about my

speling) I have been treaded wery bad in my life. And that have made

wery painful ..... ( dont know the english word.) But blaming me for

ather peoples behaver and reaktions are wrong. In my life people

made a system to raip me and get away whit it. I dont whant any new

sustem whit people that behave wery bad and blaming me and reaktion

so they can get away whit it. Because Everything people say ore do

are a reaktion . So how deap are we gona get in to reaktion . And in

which situation are it ok to reakt. Because awestly it whas not ok.

That I reaked then I got my life destriyd agen compleatly ( reed my

blogg if you whant to know) Its not the first time I got my life

destrod . Im so tierd of hering from people that I been reakting to

strong. Sorry but are you traing to merder me. Do you whant me to

ded. That you dont belive in me as a Yoga teacher I can take that as

a teacher. Al teacher get that problem soner ore lather. And I

probobly never gona get any paper from any of you in KRI. That

ofcorse can be a problem when I teach. Becasu people dont se what

people can do. Only if they have a peper on it. Its only humanthing

no big deal. I just to think that whay to before. Whel I have not

meet any munk whit paper on that. Munks are munks. Its just the

fakt. So I ges I have to live in Achram for a couple of years so I

can work whit the things I supost do do. Yoga. So I can get exepted

as a teacher and human on this planet. Then I can heal me pain that

al this people have cast.Alone as a munk . I have heard munks dont

meet so many people. Its sunds nice. Maybe my chackra system and

energy system can rest then. So I can take back al pises of my my

spirit my inner family that al this people have splited upp around

the world. Becase Im still picking upp pises of my inner family from

this people that have so swet healing me. As I sad Everything leves

a market. And the person that gets healed leavse a market to. Its

wery difficult to heal somebody whitout taking on energys from the

person you heal.


Sat Nam

Jennifer Fincher

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