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more on the universal kundalini Tree of Life symbol

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When I came across the Tree of Life/kundalini symbol in this YouTube about Sitchin's controversial thesis about human origin, I thought I'd share it. You'll see the rising serpent energy by the goddess Innana at her Sumerian temple in the city-state of Erech (she may be the same goddess as Ishtar for the Egyptians and Lakshmi for the Indus civilization):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3ckD8R-SIkAt another site, we see most ancient civilizations had this symbol and experience, with the Yaxche tree serving as the Mayan Tree of Life, and the Aztec god, Quetzalcoatl, representing the "serpent". http://www.adishakti.org/subtle_system/chakras.htm. At this link notice the Sikh poem from the Adi Granth:"The energy channels of the Ida, Pingala and Shushmanaa:These three

dwell in one place.This is the true place of confluence of the three sacred rivers:This is where my mind takes its cleansing bath.O Saints, the Immaculate Lord dwells there;How rare are those who go to the Guru, and understand this.The all-pervading immaculate Lord is there.What is the insignia of the Divine Lord¢s dwelling?The unstruck sound current of the Shabad vibrates there.There is no moon or sun, no air or water there.The Gurmukh becomes aware, and knows the Teachings.Spiritual wisdom wells up, and evil-mindedness departs;The nucleus of the mind sky is drenched with Ambrosial Nectar.One who knows the secret of this device, meets the Supreme Divine Guru.The Tenth Gate is the home of the inaccessible, infinite Supreme Lord.Above the store is a niche, and within this niche is the commodity."Raam Kalee, Adi Granth, p. 974.This Youtube discusses the Mayan tree of life:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWVtOvwSWlk. And here's a video about the Tree of Life in general:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAWXi_WZUkUWhen Cortez landed at Veracruz in 1519, he was not feared as the conqueror that he was; rather, due to legend he was foolishly welcomed as the prophesized returning "white, bearded god", who may have been the same god as the Egyptian Thoth, who was known by the Greeks as Hermes - the founder of the kundalini symbol later used by the medical profession - the Cadeucus:http://www.sitchin.com/astronaut.htm).If flawed, the theory certainly does interest one in ancient history! But, if anyone thinks mainstream scientists dismiss these theories, a certain humility may be in order, if we consider the questions posted by Slave Species of God author Michael Tellinger, on the QUESTIONS FOR WHICH WE HAVE NO ANSWER:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBWn7tAj23cAnd as 2012

approaches, perhaps this video will bring it all home, or just raise more questions, which is OK, isn't it?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5b-kLvppdgMy advice as 2012 approaches? Support liberty in politics, liberation (mukunday) in yoga/meditation, and truth (sat) in letting go of false brainwashing by the Oligarchs. Blessings,Amar Atma Charles D. Frohman202-536-4346 (office)/202-258-8027 (cell) * click here, www.cfrohman.com, for my bio and client info* click here, http://dcflow.gaia.com/blog, to "comment" at the blog* click here, www.3ho.org, to find a kundalini yoga class near your home or work

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Continuing from my previous post, in going through David Wilcock's

YouTubes, when I came to number Three, I had to highlight it in a

separate post to this . That's because it's here where

David gets into a topic really important to yogis - the raising of the

kundalini and its importance to ancient cultures.


Turns out the pineal gland resembles a pine cone, and many staffs of

the ancients are topped by a pine cone, whether in Egypt, Greece,

Sumeria or India. This fact may help bring Christians to kundalini

yoga class: the largest statue at the Vatican is a pine cone.


Here's the video:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmVaOYDQAiY & NR=1


It's amazing how the more we investigate Big Questions, the more

important kundalini yoga becomes.



Amar Atma

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