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any more Solstice stories ?

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Thank you Daljit for the great Summer Solstice story. I'm sure many of the 1,700 worldwide members of 3HO's international kundalini yoga would love to read more stories on Solstice from you, as well as from any of the other 1,800 attendees. So, yogis, let's hear your stories: just email them to kundalini-yoga .Amar Atma

Raam Daas Puri (part 1 of 2)


Posted by: "Daljit Singh"







Tue Jul 8, 2008 2:46 pm (PDT)


*New semi-fictional story about my experiences at Summer Solstice, 2008.*



"It hasn't rained here in weeks," lamented the driver, "too hot and dusty!"


I hadn't expected anything less - this was summer in New Mexico after all.

We were on the shuttle from the airport. The driver was less interested in

driving, more in conversation. Mostly about how much he loved his 6th or 7th

daughter from his 3rd or 4th wife. He was a sweet guy but when it comes to

drivers, I prefer mine to be safe first; then they can be sweet, talky and



We stopped at the gas station to get water. I noticed another driver of a

parked van listening to music full-blast through his earphones (still the

sound made it to me). Boy, I thought, drivers sure are plenty safe here in

this land of enchantment.


I was the first out of the store. And I noticed an old woman bent over and

moving ever slowing behind the parked van. To my horror I realized the

driver was backing up (still listening to music) and hadn't noticed the

lady. I shouted out but neither the old lady nor the driver (surprise,

surprise) paid me any attention. Without further thought I lurched forward

and just managed to push the lady out of harm's way - but couldn't do the

same for my own body - the van brushed my left hip. I fell besides the old

lady with a cry. The van backed away and went merrily on it's away without a

care in the world.


I quickly asked the lady if she was OK - she was. She saw me grimace and

quickly put her hand on my left hip and closed her eyes. I might have

imagined it but I felt a lot of heat coming from her hand - healing heat. I

felt the pain dissipating and within a minute, my hip was almost perfect.

She opened her eyes and once again, I might have imagined it (New Mexico Sun

can do wonders for budding spiritualists) but I saw a bluish light in her

eyes. She said something in her native American Indian language and got up

with surprising agility and left me staring after her as she disappeared

behind the store.


Our driver meanwhile came to me and asked what I was doing on the ground. I

mumbled something - he helped me up (told you he was sweet) and I repeated

the lady's mutterings to him. He looked at me curiously and asked me where

I had heard it, but he didn't wait for an explanation (told you he was

impatient) and said, "May your deepest wish be granted"


"Uh ..." I said blankly (I am quite good saying "Uh" blankly).


"That's the translation, " he explained, "Say, lemme show you the cutest

picture of my 6th or 7th daughter from my 3th or 4th wife...."



We reached a long dusty upwards road with "Dangerous curves" warning signs

all over the place. The driver decided this was the perfect time to make up

for all the time lost in the store and hit the gas. He also decided one of

his hands was enough for the wheel - with the other he pointed out various

land marks to us. Perhaps he envisioned himself a dangerous guide rather

than just a mere dangerous driver.


He also explained about the mountain we were climbing, "Our people used to

meet here every century as a Nation. Then bad things happened and we

stopped. But in our legend, a group of spiritual people wearing white

clothes were going to show up and start meeting here regularly - for

spiritual well-being of the planet, you know. When such people arrived, our

elders gave them this land. And here you are," he laughed loudly, "wearing



Despite our driver, we arrived safely at top of the 7,000 feet mountain and

a pretty angel of lady came and greeted us with "Welcome home!"

The air felt was different at home - "permeated with divinity" as someone

put it. I walked around seeing the people milling around - laughing and

enthusiastic for the coming days. Whenever anyone found out it was my first

time here, they said a few words of wisdom and advice. The advice I took to

heart was "if there is only one daily program you can attend while you are

here, make it Sadhana - the early morning meditation".


Determined, I slipped into my sleeping bag at 9pm, but my body and my mind,

perhaps due excitement and tiredness, refused to comply. I lay for minutes;

many minutes, many long minutes ... hours trying every relaxing exercise I

knew, but to no avail - at about midnight I decided I wasn't going to make

it for the first morning Sadhana after all - I promptly fell asleep.




At exactly 2:30am I heard someone playing music really loud. I groggily got

up and peered through my tent window wondering who would be doing this. I

saw a rather majestic looking man, with a long beard and beautiful turban

singing. There were others around him surrounding my tent (doesn't anybody

take their sleep seriously any more?). The man sang with clear and powerful


Rise up Rise up sweet family dear

a time of the lord and remembering

love is here

love love is all you will say

if you are awake and rise up right away

Lord will bless in so many ways

if you will rise up right now

and sing this praise


The singers moved away and my mind shouted, "Go back to sleep, you can't

function on 2 hours of sleep!" My body creaked and complained noisily. But

my heart sang loud and clear "RISE UP!"

I listened to my heart and jumped out my sleeping bag. And I am glad I did

- the air and the full moon created a breathtakingly beautiful scene. After

a quick refreshing shower, I headed to the meditation shelter. There were

already hundreds of people there.


The Sadhana started and the time passed wonderfully. I felt nourished and

filled. The Sadhana music kept filling me more and more until I felt I

would burst, and burst I did when a mourn-full voice sang,

ik ardas bhat keerat kee

guru raam daas rakho saraniae


Guru Raam Daas, only one prayer I ask of thee

keep me in your sanctuary


My heart spilled over - I covered my head with my shawl and freely wept.

Every time the voice sang "Guru Raam Daas" I felt waves of beauty arise out

of my depths. It was too much for me and the only way to express this was

to cry with joy.


My mind, for once, just stood aside quite befuddled; not knowing how to

handle this situation. My heart seized this opportunity and washed me with

it's nectar. In a rare instance, I felt that I deserved this love, this

joy, this bliss. I realized it was my birthright to receive this love - I

had just denied that to myself for a long time.

After the songs ended, I needed solitude. I knew as soon as I started

talking, my mind would take control again and would dilute this feeling of

depth and wonder - I headed towards the sunrise into the meadows. I sang

the Guru's words and experienced an awe of the Guru's word - how can it be

so deep, so perfect, so beautiful, so intimate?


The rising sun made the clouds gloriously golden and fresh. I found a nice

shady spot and lay on it. As I did so, I felt a slight pain in my left hip

and remembered the previous day's events. The magical lady had granted me a

wish - I closed my eyes and vibrated, "My deep wish is to see you, Guru Raam


Almost immediately, I shot out of my body. I was lunging forward at the

perhaps the speed of light. Quite surprisingly it didn't feel strange to be

out of my body and moving so fast. I felt free and exhilarated in

anticipation of the adventure awaiting me.


*(to be continued... )*

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