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Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo - Source of All Treasure

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Sat Nam, Nadh Singh --

In my personal opinion your question is the most specifically

important question I've seen on this website, from the perspective of

" What is the essence of kundalini, life and the cosmos, anyway? " Guru

Nanak established a spiritual revolution of enlightenment with the

first three syllables (two words) that he spoke (sang out) from his

Enlightenment, with Japji Sahib. Ik Ong-Kar. He broke the trap of

searching for truth in relation to a transcendental absolute source,

and brought what had been transcendental and impossible to achieve,

into our own hearts and minds as the most intimate part of ourselves.

This is the ONG. It is also expressed perfectly in Lao Tzu's Tao Te

Ching, and in the Vajrayana Buddhism introduced into Tibet by

Padmasambhave Guru Rinpoche. Guru Nanak actually traveled to Sikkim,

Tibet, and Bhutan, and was received there as a true sage, in the sense

that Guru Nanak (like Padmasambhava) is remembered and still referred

to today in those Buddhist areas, as " Guru Rinpoche " (Precious Guru).

Why were Padmasambhava and Guru Nanak both regarded as " Precious

Ones " ? Because they broke the stranglehold of absolutism, of

brahminist elite spiritual rulers. They both delivered the highest

spirituality to the shared nature of humanity. ONG is the Shuniya,

the Essence, the " No-Thingness " at the heart of all " things. " Instead

of having a universe whose center is a deity or reality absolutely

distinct, separate and unknowable from our finite, relative

perspective, a " center " that is " away " in some impossible place (and

all " transcendental absolute - finite fallen world " belief systems

fall apart in this same way). These constructs do not serve humanity,

they serve the priests and elites who manage them for fun, power and

private profit.


If it became known that we are all equally qualified to KNOW the

ONG-ness Essence of everything, why would anyone need to be or allow

themselves to be controlled, ordered, or spiritually enslaved by any

other two legged personified being?


Kundalini Yoga, as implicitly embedded in all the teachings of the

Sikh Gurus (including their inherent natures as successive embodiments

of perfecting each of the Human Subtle Bodies (ie., Guru Nanak, first

Guru, exemplifies the " Sustaining, Surviving Nature of the Soul Body

within the Human Form (at the Sacrum, the base of the spine, the

Kundalini). Each Guru perfectly exhibits the perfections of the

Subtle Body qualities in perfect sequence, written in history and time

by their lives and actions, they are a lesson in Pranic History and

not erasable, in the same way the the Mayans left their most precious

calculations chiseled into stone and hidden under centuries of jungle

composting. The Mayan Library of Wisdom could not be burned by the

fanatic in the way the Alexandrian Library was burned by Christian

founder-fanatics, or in the way the Spanish conquerors on a mission

initiated by the Pope himself, set out to destroy all remnants of

" Pagan " cultures wherever they might have been found. Round up and

oxycute everything that does not comply with Orthodoxy.


In three syllables (two words), Ik Ong-Kar, Guru Nanak broke that trap

and opened the way for humanity to become GROUNDED in the Universe

itself. Because ONG is all pervasive, at the heart and essence of

Every-Thing, the most powerful way to approach Any-Thing is through

it's Essence (not the secondary phenomena that indicate its

manifestation, the KAR side of the thing). We unite with all of

Reality by approaching any reality from the " ONG side. " In doing that

we actualize and inherit our primordial relationship with Everything.

If we approach " realities " from the KAR (ie., relative,

phenomenalistic, MAYA based, dualistic side) - you get exactly what

you get, Maya, illusion, opinion, frustration, lack of success, and

vulnerability to any predator human currently collecting slaves,

clients, customers, patients or parishioners). When you chant Ong

Namo, you are proceeding out of this zone of insanity, and into the

realm of Truth and Divine Wisdom.


When humanity does not understand the games within power systems, we

typically become used BY the powers, rather than establish appropriate

and equitable ways of co-operating as a human spiritual collective

(what Siri Singh Sahib Yogiji spoke of as elevated group

consciousness). Without standing together in such a way, humanity

suffers separately and in oppressive isolation.


ONG, then, is the simplest and most profound key to the doorway out of

the trap of human spiritual slavery. Guru Nanak's declaration, that

ONG and KAR are INSEPARABLY ONE, enables us to realize that the Pope,

the brahmin, the king, ane decider presidents are all no closer to God

than we are, and for all their contrived representations of " Being

closer to the truth " they may have pushed themselves much further

away. It is also an archetype of how the feminine and masculine, and

the ONG and the KAR get reconciled in everyday reality, which thereby

becomes a divine reality. ALL OF THIS IS IMPLIED and CONTAINED WITHIN

" ONG NAMO GURU DEV NAMO. " And, the accomplishment is already a " done

deal " has been since " AD SUCH " and is guaranteed to be so Forever.


Ergo, our delusional slavery to Maya, power systems, our own

delusional ignorance constructs, agendas, false social promises,

abandonment, disempowerment, addictions, THEY ARE ALL CANCELLED, IF WE

WANT AND ALLOW THEM TO BE. This is the true meaning of Ong Namo Guru

Dev Namo. It connects us with the Essence of Wisdom itself as the

most immediate experience of all the experiences we're constantly

having. God doesn't live on the Moon or some other planet or galaxy.

The center of Reality is Everywhere, in Everything. If we don't use

it, we lose track of it, and become lost in the Jumble. How wonderful

that this magnificent teacher brought a 30 second key to quantum leap

from confusion to the depths of clarity and reality. We should be

celebrating and writing powerful introductions to this Treasure.


Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo came to us via the Golden Chain, BUT it

connects us not only to itself but also to the entire Reality of the

Universe. Don't confuse the water with the water pipe. Love the

pipe. Then, drink the water and love the water most of all.

Your question deserves a beautifully composed expository essay written

in such a way that sages and children would be equally moved and

inspired. And fact, ALL of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib is deep

explication and application of the simplest and most powerful of all

blessings: " IK ONG KAR, SAT GUR PRASAAD. "

All Blessings flow from the true wisdom that arises simply by

realizing this UNION of Form and Formlessness. So, after all, perhaps

a new essay on ONG NAMO is not needed, since the Guru Granth Sahib is

a master text, written in Naad, for the experience itself to be

realized. We could simply read and immerse meditatively into the Guru

Granth Sahib, and have it all with what we already have. Wahe Guru.


for many Blessings,

Krishna Singh




Kundalini-Yoga , " terrarium44 " <terrarium44



> Sat nam,


> I've been trying to come to terms with this, and have combed through

> the web and this group to find the answer and can't find it, so if you

> do have the answer, I would appreciate you sharing your knowledge.


> I know that when we chant " Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo " , we connect to " the

> Golden Chain of Teachers " , but when I deconstruct the mantra, I find



> Ong Namo = I bow / offer my obeisances (stemming from the word " namah " )

> Guru Dev = Guru Nanak

> Namo = offer my obeisances (stemming from the word " namah " )


> I'm not sure, however, if " Guru Dev " actually refers to Guru Nanak,

> but I've read before that Guru Nanak, the first Sikh Guru, is also

> often referred to as " Guru Dev " . If this is so, then doesn't this

> mean that when I say this mantra, that I'm bowing/submitting to Guru

> Nanak?


> Up until now, I've always been told that " Guru Dev " meant " inner

> teacher " , but am wondering if that's not quite the case. Although I

> find Sikhism to be a beautiful religion, I'm not Sikh myself, but have

> certain concerns about bowing/offering my obeisances to Guru Nanak. I

> do not wish to offend anyone with this post, and sincerely want to

> further my development in Kundalini Yoga, and hope that anyone knowing

> the answer to this question will take a few minutes to reply.


> Thanks!


> Blessings,


> Nadh Singh


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