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about ending a pregnancy

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Dear Sangat,


One of my former students (and good friend) just found out that she is

pregnant and decided she is not ready for being a parent, so she wants

to end the pregnancy. I felt shocked when I read her email, she has

always been very grounded and she even wants to become a midwife.


I am at the moment writing her an email, that in my soul, I believe

that God gives and takes as he likes. It is not our decision to end or

not but we have to accept the will of God, in all situations. They are

challenges which make us stronger and which help us grow. Aad such

jugad such haybay such Nanak hosee bay such. No resistance, flowing

with life....


Do you have any suggestions, or opinions from a yogic / sikh

perspective about ending pregnancy? What did Yogi Bhajan say about that?


Thank you and blessings to all,

Sukhdev Kaur

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With Miscarriage and Abortions invariably the baby soul stays within the Womb where it was conceived as it is home to it. Its feels the mothers warmth and becomes very comfortable in it.

The mother has no idea why she has gone into depression after miscarriage or abortion. She has no idea it could be the Traumatic Soul stuck to her.From the womb the Baby Soul then may choose to cause a lot of suffering to her host/ ie Mom and people around. If the baby Soul becomes possessive of the Mother then it will invariably become very jealous and act accordingly with the people attached to MOM!



I went to Shoreham Airport one day where a husband and wife team ran a Flying School. They owed us tens of thousands of pounds they were leasing 5 aircraft from us and had stopped paying us.

I went up to Paul and said I have come to take away my aircraft Away as you have stooped payment for the hire of.

I was becoming angry.

Suddenly Sai Babaji appeared and merged with Paul. HE Walked inside him.

I was looking at Paul and what do I See ---- Babaji standing inside him.

I said Babaji, WHY have you merged with Paul I need my money and aircraft What am I going to do now why have you merged with Paul.

To which Babaji replied 'Amarjit I have not merged with him now I have always been part of Paul , YOU and every one you deal with , I have awakened you to allow you to see this. You must in all your dealings perceive/see God in everything you do and every one you deal with,

Babaji then walked out of Paul and he showed me standing next to Paul a girl in spirit about 11 of age.

This girl then spoke and said 'Amarjit tell my Dad Paul that I am very very angry that my parents aborted me.

I said 'Paul there is a girl here who is extremely angry and violent and she says that you aborted her, why did you abort me she wants to know.

Paul was shocked He said 'Amarjit we had to abort it was very traumatic for me and my wife and he broke down.

I asked Sai Babaji what to do. Babaji said ask the parents for Forgiveness from their daughter which they did.

Daughter refused ' She said that for the last many years I have caused and will continue to traumatise my parents mentally and emotionally for aborting me'.


She refused to go with the angels. We then did a lot of prayers and she eventually agreed to forgive her parents and the angels came and took the girl away to heaven.

As soon as she left standing next to Paul the father appeared the soul of his living son, Tim.

Tim spoke and said ' Amarjit you have given healing to my sister what about me I need HELP.

I said ' What do you need help for!

Tim said ' I have been sexually abused by my father. I need help.

I was very hurt, and spoke to his father ' Paul your son Tim is standing next to us and saying he has been abused by his father he wants help.

Paul was shocked and started shaking He said 'Tim was abused by his father , I am his step father Please can we help him. We , the father son and me prayed to the angels and God to remove the trauma and any imprints of the abuse out of Tim.

But Babaji then said 'Okay Amarjit the angels are taking away the Trauma from Tim, However this will not work, unless you ask for healing for the father who abused him, as Babaji said this he brought Tims real father's soul in front of us his soul was crying , in Tears, He spoke and said thus, 'I had no choice I only did what my father did to me!'

Then Babaji showed me the drama going back for few generations father abusing son and so on and so on. Baba said Amarjit in all cases you must consider and carry out ANCESTORAL Healing.

Ask for all the ancestors to appear, (which they did) and now ask for every one involved to be healed and their Book of life healed accordingly and ask for the attachment Chords to be very gently Dissolved. And this happened and the family changed for the better after that. No they did not pay me. As Babaji says earth is a Learning School for us to evolve and every step we take is on the learning curve.







One fine morning when I was chanting mantras BabaJI appeared and said ''

''Amarjit come with me and suddenly I was taken away and we reappeared in a Gurudwara I looked around and saw my wife also sitting next to me in the temple Hall.

BabaJI looked at us and said '' I have brought someone to meet you''

I said BabaJI ''Who have you brought''

BabaJI said ''Look meet your other daughter''

I was totally confused ''BabaJI we have a daughter she is Mona we do not have another''

'' AHA,! said Babaji ''But she is your other daughter do you not remember the trauma Jeet suffered when she had the miscarraige''

Babaji '' Why have you brought her to see us'' I Replied.

I saw this girl standing next to us tall and very serene as she had been touched by the hand of GOD!.


Babaji said '' Amarjit, When the mother has a miscarraige or Aborton it is not automatic that the childs soul ascends, If the mother is constantly immersed in prayers then God intervenes and send Angels to to take the Baby soul to Heaven/appropriate place, if not in prayers -- then the Baby soul can be trapped in Limbo, becoming a Discarnate, and normally attaches itself to the mother where it is home!

From the mothers body the Baby soul may cause untold Tauma to its Mother/father and all around''. Many times the Soul has no idea that its body/temple has died! The soul watches everything the parents do and interferes with their emotions. Amarjit this is why its important to immerse in God and chant always the prayers.

Babaji said '' Amarjit , because of the time you have spent in Devotion to God, God has recognised this and has intervened to take your baby soul Home we have come to bless you all''.

Babaji then took hold of our daughters hand and the gates of Heaven opened and he disappeared with the Angels.

Its only when the Hand of God touches us we realise there is more to life then what we percieve. Gods Miracles happen always.

We should open our senses and be always as the Divine.

OM SAI RAM Waheguru


With an Abortion / Miscarriage while it may be argued that the foetus has no soul in it in the early stages, it was shown to me by Babaji that the foetus can be classified as a Phantom Living organism of the Mother similar to ' The Phantom Limb'.So separating the foetus is similar to that of having a trauma when you loose part of your body, say the Limb , Kidney etc. The very fact of removing this living organism causes Untold trauma especially in the Mother.Our body is the temple of God 'Do not defile your Temple'.

Being born as a woman conceiving Wow and sometimes Men find it hard to understand why their women behave strangley. If only Men knew . I was helping a lady and Baba ji showed me in her womb was a dark energy. I spoke to this energy and it manifested to 2 souls of 2 Babies which the lady had in 2 abortions The souls were jealous of each other and fighting each other inside her womb giving her health and emotional problems within her family.. Babaji took the souls away after we prayed for the Souls to be healed and their Karma to be forgiven . The lady since has changed for the better.Another lady suffering from Emotional problems had darkness attached to her breast when i spoke to this darkness it turned out to be an aborted baby soul which was sucking her mothers breast for milk , energetically and draining Mom of all her energies.Sai Babaji then took away this soul as well. I then prayed to God to soften the Effects of this trauma within the lady. She has changed for the better since with Gods Grace.

Since then I have seen sometimes with the Grace of my Guru, Angels have taken away other souls stuck in limbo in the womb/aura of women. If the women dies with the soul still stuck with her then this becomes a Karmic issue. If say the women is reborn as a man or a woman in the next life this trauma still follows the person reincarnated. We have seen sometimes the energy becomes absorbed into a Karma Issue or in some cases the Soul waits for the rebirth of the soul it was attached to and as soon as it reincarnates it attaches itself to this Soul , the new body may not be a women it could be a man.

This Karma can be released thru mantras, prayer deep devotion to God or Sadhanas like Vortex , or the Grace of your Guru.Amarjit

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Do you have any suggestions, or opinions from a yogic /

sikh perspective about ending pregnancy? What did Yogi Bhajan say about that?


Thank you and blessings to all,

Sukhdev Kaur



Dear Sukhdev Kaur Ji,

I do not have the lecture handy, but this is what I

remember Yogi Bhajan saying. He said that we can think of our pregnancy in the

beginning as being similar to building a house. First we put up the frame, and

then the roof, and then the electrical wiring, and the plumbing, and that that

point, we could move into to one room of the house, while we continue its

construction. He said that on the 120th day, the soul enters into the

womb and the body cave. Prior to the 120th day, a mother may choose

not to continue with the pregnancy. Of course this is not done lightly. Help

your friend to feel supported and safe and don’t judge her but encourage

her to meditate, so that she knows that she is acting in harmony with her highest

consciousness. Let her know you will support her in whatever decision she



Sat Nam,


Gurumeet Kaur Khalsa

Create Inner Peace






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Dear Sukhdev,


How about from a human perspective and a womens right to choice, I am

hearing an incredible amount of judgment and that you seam to know

what is best for someone else in your post. if this woman is grounded

and one day wants to be a midwife then perhaps your could try

honoring her in that she at this time knows what is best for her.

GOD... Generator , Organizer, Distroyer....


Sat Nam



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Sat Nam Sukhdev Kaur,


I went through this situation myself earlier this year.


After having an abortion in my late teens I promised myself that I

would NEVER do that again.


I next found myself unexpectedly pregnant at age 30 and now have a

wonderful 7 year old daughter.


In February this year, I was again unexpectedly pregnant. Each

pregnancy occurred under very different circumstances, with me at

very different places in my life.


The third decision was the hardest – I was finally with my life

partner, the one person in the world I actually wanted to have a

child with, and who felt the same way about me, but everything else

in my life situation was against the pregnancy and bringing another

child into the world.


I talked to other yogi's, sat with myself and God in meditation, I

prayed. I asked why I had to go through this again – the answer came

through my sister " this time you get to make a conscious decision,

instead of a knee jerk reaction " . She was spot on.


In Sikh Dharma the belief is the soul enters the womb at 120 days –

well after the cut off time for a termination. This didn't make my

decision any easier. The love and support of my partner, family and

friends eased the post procedure adjustment.


Whatever decision any women makes, when it is done consciously, it is

always the right one. Be supportive of your friend, regardless of

your opinion. She needs to know she is loved unconditionally, as do

we all.


Peace Joy and Abundance for All

Sat Shabad (Penny)

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Dear Sukhdev Ji.. Sikhi/ yogic way teaches that the soul of an unborn child 'enters' the foetus on the 120th day (counting conception as day 1).. Yogi Bhajan said that when a child is not wanted and it's arrival is not deeply embraced in the most heartfelt manner, it erodes the new person's grit.. Though the welcoming of a child is both parents' business, the decision to possibly terminate may ultimately rest with woman, mother-to-be or not to be.. He said the sages see the child's soul enter on the 120th day.. Until then, it is just cells multiplying and basically 'the house for the soul' becoming ready.. He says a termination is not a crime and no adverse karma is attached or incurred.. It was always considered "Mother Nature's way out' and may be more compassionate than a pregnancy that feels so wrong, or untimely, or scary or uncopeable.. That doesn't mean one takes this decision lightly.. One may also want to consider that sometimes a termination messes with one's ability to become pregnant.. Sometimes what came as a huge shock may end up being a great blessing and many people who accepted their pregnancy with a heavy heart in retrospect are grateful they welcomed and accepted what life gave to them.. One can meditate on this, then decide.. Often women may do a ceremony to reconcile and give respect to the soul/s standing in the wings waiting for a chance to incarnate.. I found Yogi Bhajan's sharing on this as usual, wise, compassionate, practical and real.. With love, Pritam Hari Kaur



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Yogi Bhajan taught that the soul enters the baby's body at the 120th

day of pregnancy. We like to have a big celebration to celebrate this

special day for the parents and the child. Just as we build a house

before living in it, the soul waits for the body it will inhabit to be

formed enough for it to enter and live there. This does give a women

the option to terminate the pregnancy. If things are not secure

physically, emotionally, and financially, it might not be a good time

to have a baby.

Blessings to you and your friend,

Guru Sangat Kaur, VA

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