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Unto Infinity - and consolation to Dharam Singh

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Dear Dharam, Sat Nam. I am very sorry that you have experienced what

is clearly a misunderstanding of what I said. A painful

misunderstanding. I want to be absolutely and definitively clear

that NOTHING that I wrote was spoken or intended as an attack on you,

your character or your reputation. From the beginning I regarded and

assumed you to be an innocent party who inadvertently conveyed

a " side comment " that for you was quite casually just an illustration

of something you were saying to Amar Atma Singh.


EVERYTHING I wrote was about the content of an offhand observation

that you made (ie., that Yogi Bhajan was an advocate for the Iraq

war) and where you stated the justification of that remark came from

(ie., " insider 3HO sources " ). And, yes, I'm going to pursue those

two statements with hammer and tongs until the daylight and clarity

becomes obvious. The hammer and tongs are clearly and definitely not

attacking you, so don't take it as personal attack. If you do that,

I can understand your pain. But what you think you read is not what

was written to you. I did not attack you personally.


If there is any " attack " in my writing, it is most definitely in the

sense of a quite legitimate need and right to attack any " notion or

pretense " of superior, privileged, secret information or

organizational insight that might be exercised and wielded over

others to control organizational realities. This is all about the

administrative group of five human beings, now known as " Unto

Infinity, " who have a clear and direct responsibility to speak openly

and act responsively in relation to the Infinity that dwells in each

and all of us. WE, collectively, are the Infinity THEY are charged

to serve. If this group would like to speak openly and directly for

themselves and for the position they occupy, they are most welcome to

do so, and there are many questions to be answered. AND there are

some of us, some of whom have longer tenure in the founding of this

organization than they themselves personally may have, strongly and

deeply object and protest their demonstrated modus operandi, their

communications, decision making, and behaviors. Thus far, it's been

like trying stick something to a teflon frying pan. We don't want

teflon. We don't use teflon. Teflon looks pretty in its

technological cleverness, but it's deeply toxic in its damaging

molecular effects on living human cells. If teflon is the only

frying pan this group is going to give us, we can create a new and

healthy frying pan. The soul of 3HO is not in the 3HO corporation or

it's individually designated functionaries. The soul of 3HO is

pervasive, its spores are in the air, and a new culture can be

created just like a new batch of yogurt, or sour dough starter. No

one has a lock on the truth. Just by continuing to walk the path,

we'll be walking away from this piscean regressive model. We have

the Aquarian model, we know it, we all walked together for 40 years

in the creation of this organization and its current realities.

We've all contributed to the successes, the Fatehs, and we've

witnessed many mistakes, failures and betrayals (from both members

and leaders, many). We're not an organization of fools. And now

that we've witnessed and participated in the founding of " organized

sacredness on the Earth, " truly a first in the past 2000 years at

least, we know that it can be done, we know how it can be done

(by " Guru's Grace, " obviously), and we can do it again if this

organization has in four years become so broken from personal and

corrupting presumptions of superiority, command and control.

Without " We, the People " this organization has no roots. If the

flower exploits the roots for its own glory, the roots will die and

the plant is merely an " annual. " There will be no perennially

sustainable harvest from such a plant, no benefit, and no reason to

continue planting that variety. We can use the original genome of

the species, and produce a more hardy, robust, sustainable,

permaculturally beneficial crop variety that will benefit the entire

humanity and nature itself. It all amounts to whether this specific

experiment that launched in 2004 is really being conducted in an

honest way that is transparently responsible and responsive to the

entire organism. It it's not, it's going to fail anyway.


This behooves us to become experts and masters of selective plant

breeding, in order to select out or neutralize " negative traits, " and

allow the organism to become acclimatized in the reality where it

lives (known as a bio-region). Our destined bio-region is known as

the Aquarian Age. If the current 3HO organism intends to evolve

itself further into long term sustainability, it MUST become

complaint and responsive to itself, first of all, and to its own

COLLECTIVE SENSE of its own existence. In other words, in OPEN,


to live in the world consistently with whatever it learns and decides

about itself. Otherwise, I have just described the blueprint for a

real Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization, individually and

collectively, that will by necessity and definition of " Aquarian " – I

have described a coming re-organization that will correct this

current state of affairs. Inexorably, because this is how reality

works. This is no conspiracy or hostile takeover – our patience and

inner initiative can either outlast or create its way around any

obstacle. And the existential dialogue (in the absence of open

verbal dialogue) between these two forces will produce the synthesis

that everyone wants.


What I pointed out is what the problem in leadership is, and how it

necessarily will be solved in order to produce a result known as an

Aquarian Organization – with or without the co-operative

participation of those in positions or power or authority. Because

there's only One real power and authority, we all have access to

that, we can all rely on that, and the rest is human pretense, human

aspiration, or human opinion.


A real difference that is emerging is the collapse of globally

dominant authority. This coincides with the current collapse of

economic-political hegemony of global monetary capitalism, a reality

and an illusory cash cow which some members of this organization have

rushed to embrace, foolishly. The green energy of money is dwarfed

in comparison to the pervasive power of cosmic energy, whether you

describe it as E equaling MC squared, or in the language of Kundalini

you can describe it fully as " Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru. "

Human capital will always trump monetary capital and Yogi Bhajan

proved this beyond a doubt, and WE were his subjects in that cosmic

laboratory. And he taught us the inner connection between doing and

being, so that we are free to Be and to Do, within the sacred

identity of Sat Nam that we all Have. We don't need executives and

their checkbooks. We have the universe. The executives and their

checkbooks need US. And it will be our free choice to Co-Operate or

not, based on their demonstrations of trustworthiness. It is this

issue of transparency and trustworthiness that is at the heart of our

current difficulty. Thus far transparency has not been forthcoming,

it has been patronizing and patently deceptive. I have witnessed it

at close range in one of its most vaunted operations where I worked

in a technical administrative capacity for eight years in Eugene,

Oregon. This has been one location where there has been egregiously

unethical behavior that I have witnessed directly and hereby provide

this testimony to. Non-disclosure agreements were extracted from

some employees who were fired in this coup de tat that abused and

dispatched the old 3HO business reality, in exchange for financial

severance payments. I'm a lucky exception to that, because I wasn't

fired, I fired my own boss and retired. I am not under any legal

constraint to hold my speech about what happened. I am free to speak

about my own experience. Kundalini Yoga is the " yoga of awareness. "

Knowledge comes from experience. I've experienced a lot, so I now

have an " opportunity to know a lot, " and to learn even more by honest

communication with others. This independent website is an important

part of such communication. There are no sacred cows that cannot be

discussed. These are all " I statements. " Dharam Singh was a hapless

bystander who made two comments, deeply suspect, and this post goes

to the heart of that. It is not an attack on Dharam Singh. I will

personally and responsibly stand behind everything I've said, and

will continue to pursue, in writing, in direct speech, and through my

prayers and actions, until it is resolved. This is one of the places

where the rubber met the road. This is where the story continues in

that long and winding road toward home. Our next chapters will

resolve this plot dilemma, and our best days are ahead of us. I

recommend this mind set as a deeply constructive head set. A way out

of this mess.


Sat Nam,

Krishna Singh Khalsa

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