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Practicing Kundalini Yoga and what it means to me to agree or disagree

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This " dialog " about the war in Iraq is simple one of many " issues " that people


and discuss...politely or not.


The questions it bring up for me in relationship to Kundalini Yoga so I learn

from this dialog

are below. I have not posted my perfectly right answers :)


If I practice Kundalini Yoga how much pressure do I feel to " agree with the

opinion of others "

who practice Kundalini Yoga?


If I don't agree...what are my actions?


Is there anything directly in the teachings of Kundalini Yoga that assist me in

taking action,

being at peace with what I do, going it alone or staying with the group?


What about the life of Yogi Bhajan, he was a Master of Kundalini Yoga...what

would he do?


If I find out something about " him " that I do/don't agree with how does that

affect my

relationship to the practice of Kundalini Yoga.



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Kundalini-Yoga , " Gurumeet Kaur Khalsa " <gurumeet



> This is obviously referring to me and Guru Dass is one of the

> brightest lights on the planet. Please, Guru Dass, allow me to resign

> instead. I am guilty of everything you say and the people deserve you

> to stay. It is not their fault.


> Kundalini-Yoga , Gurudass Khalsa <gurudass@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Amar Atma Singh and moderators of this group...

> > I wish to be taken off this group. The kind of self-righteous and

> > aggressive emails that have been published regarding the topci of

> > Yogiji's position on the war in Irak are shameful, to say the

> least. I

> > do not wish to receive this kind of rhetoric from self-appointed

> > guardians of truth. I suggest you think over your filtering system

> and

> > make this a group that serves the Kundalini Yoga community at

> large

> > and not let it be a soap-box for anyone's delusions of grandeur or

> > self-appointed missions.

> > Humbly yours,

> > Guru Dass Singh

> > KRI Level I and II Teacher Trainer

> > Member of KRI-TTEC

> > Honorary President of the Kundalini Yoga Association of Spain

> > Student of Yogiji since 1971

> >


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Dear Sat Ganesha Singh, Sat Nam -

Your question is a wonderful one: " If I find out something

about " him " that I do/don't agree with how does that affect my

relationship to the practice of Kundalini Yoga. "


This goes to the very heart of the discussion we've been having about

1. Yogi Bhajan,

2. the Iraq war,

3. " who has a right or insight to weigh in on the questions, " and


4. " why does it matter? " --


Yes, why does it matter anyway?


" All knowledge comes from experience, especially when processed

within a yogic process of awareness in order to extract intrinsic

insight from the ground of the experience. " This is the essence of

Raja Yoga, one of the very cornerstones of the teachings of Yogi

Bhajan. The issue of " knowledge vs. belief " is entirely dependent

upon whether one has experience (which makes it possible " to know " )

vs. having an opinion, or speculative belief about something. The

first is Aquarian, the second, " belief based " approach to life is

Piscean, yesterday's news, a dying order. In a future age of

intelligent discourse, we will either speak what we know or listen to

others who know before asserting an opinion. That makes good sense.


SO, on this issue of the Iraq war, Yogi Bhajan, " the classic culture

of 3HO Business and how the current regimes stack up, " and all those

of us who have arrived at highly personalized responses about these

subjects, there is a difference between those who have got " down in

the trenches " years of experience working intimately in these

situations, and those who merely have heard or read about it, having

intelligent minds, and who would like to learn from all that

experience that one's " siblings of destiny " have compiled, digested

and perhaps now understand more clearly. All we can all just talk at

the same time, assuming no one really knows anything other than the

institutional doctrines. Perhaps we could use doctrines to debate

about how many angels can dance on the head of a president, but I'd

prefer the former option. Let's use wisdom, intelligence, and

practices of deep awareness more skillfully, for R & D (research and

development) and for navigating ourselves and our world out of the

mess that it's in.


So who has status, knowledge or experience in order to speak

appropriately or valuably about whether Yogi Bhajan supported the

Iraq war or not. To whom should it matter?


I am weighing in as one for whom it precisely matters very much, also

based on my direct experiences with him as my teacher and guide, to

have RE-entered the US Army Reserve in Los Angeles, California, under

his recommendation in 1974. I've posted a photo in the " files "

section of this Kundalini website, titled " USAR KSK 1976.png, "

as evidence of same. You can go there and look at the paper tiger,

eyeball to eyeball. Say what you like, I've paid my dues in this

field, I've lived a certain way to incorporate a capacity to speak

and manage my life as a sovereign yogic human being while having

performed over extended periods " IN THE BELLY OF THE BEAST " talking

the talk of Guru Gobind Singh and walking the walk of a Guru's Sikh

while in US Army uniform, instructing NCO academy members who had

just returned from tours of duty in Vietnam. What did I have, as a

strange looking guy with a turban and a long beard, martial arts

practitioner, brass bed factory worker, yogi, ex-hippie, ex-

philosophy PhD. candidate, What did I have within my presence to

deserve and expect their respect that I might have something of value

to say that they should be listening to, and remembering. For their

own best interests. THAT would be a spiritual teacher teaching in

the uniform of the US Army. Statistically, this will be a very tiny

percentage of the human population. I was designated and led to this

role personally by Yogi Bhajan, that was his gift to me. Can anyone

introduce me to any more such spiritual teachers today? I doubt it,

but I'd love to meet them if I'm wrong. It's time to organize this

stuff. It's time to stop waiting for Godot.


My S.E.E.R. reports (Senior Enlisted Evaluation Reports) routinely

graded my duty performances for many years as " Ranking with the Very

Best. " The reality of this course of action over 7 years, until

Rummy and Cheney returned to the Pentagon on the coattails of Ronald

Reagan in 1981. It all changed. The Executive Order signed by

President Eisenhower in 1953, allowing Sikhs to serve in the US Army

in Korea, was rescinded by Ronald Reagan. Overnight, we became

personae non gratis. Every attempt was made to slander or manipulate

realities in order to discredit us and get us out.




Because the neocons were planning to overthrow the world with a " NEW "

world order having a bad world odor (witness the intervening 27 years

until now - this plan is failing magnificently, and taking the world

economy down with it). Gopal Singh and Avtar Singh in Phoenix were

Sikhs in a Special Forces unit, which is something that operates with

more unit loyalty than the standard cannon fodder Army unit, where

truth is a masquerade party, and you are the donkey whom bad tales

may be pinned onto. This is the way the army works, going all the

way back to Plato's Republic. In Plato, a semblance of fairness is

maintained by assigning soldiers through a lottery, but it's

important to manipulate the lottery, Plato said. Add Machiavelli to

this story, and you have the neoconservative philosophical agenda,

all coming out of the University of Chicago under such lights as

Milton Freidman, Leo Strauss (a proponent of Machiavelli whose

disciples practically " own " academic political science departments in

the American university system), and finally from which said

University of Chicago that even Barack Obama is drawing major

intellectual support and advising, re. " economic theory. "


Sorry to bore anyone with such intricate detail or insight, but

reality can be like this. Sometimes it's hard to understand and it

might require a little work before our opinions become valuable. If

someone has done that work, it's commendable to listen. And learn,

and then add to it. Otherwise, suit yourself (are there any other



So, politically speaking, the enire system is corrupt and

corrupting. I was as bitterly opposed to Lyndon Johnson and his

starting the Vietnam war, as I was and am against the Bush dynasty

for starting the Iraq world war. It's a political system with two

talking heads that's always working for the same geopolitical

economic goals, since 1898 when the US declared itself to be an

empire and first took possession of Guantanamo Bay. The faces are

different, the actions are the same (though we see more of the

ugliest committed in " our names " ), but the game is essentially the

same. NOTHING about this current system of military-industrial

economics or academics has any resemblance or relationship to the

way " Khalsa " would do it. Fortunately the tiger's teeth are falling

out, but the old men with command authority and fingers on buttons

are living in the senility of militarism. This is the fourth major

empire that Khalsa has faced: Mugal, British, Indian central

government, and the New World Order. EVERY ASPECT OF THIS SYSTEM IS



realize what this means. That today's changes are for today, but

change is going to be exponential for a long time. No one is better

suited for change than a yogi. That's why you're all smart for being

yogis. Because the UNKNOWN is becoming Known, with the lightning

bolts of planet Uranus and the Aquarian ero behind it. Without this

yoga we will never know (or enjoy) what's hitting us.


Any notion that he would have, could have supported THIS system is

delusional. He came in 1968 because there youth of the Earth were

engaged in a revolution - Haight Ashbury, the Democratic convention

in Chicago, Mexico City at the Zocalo massacres (comparable to

Tianneman Square 20 years later), France had the largest general

strike in 200 years, it was a worldwide revolt and the old order

which Vietnam demonstrated the moral collapse of. Why did Guru Dev

Singh leave Mexico City after the Zocalo massacre? Because the

students who participated in the " old left " style socialist strike at

the national university were running for their lives, and they went

to the jungles to learn from the indigenous native healers and

shamans. That's where Guru Dev Singh practiced until he met Yogi

Bhajan. 1968 was a huge, big deal in the shift of geopolitical

reality from Pisces to Aquarius. THAT's why he came. Because the

youth who had the courage to stand up to the system, we were getting

our butts kicked, and getting stones, looking for any clued about

when the moon would be in the second house and jupiter would align

with mars and love will steer the stars, that seemed like icewater in

hell from where many of us were looking. WE NEEDED HIM!!!! He

came. We met, we merged our lives into his teachings because, folks,

show me one other significant movement with likelihood of success

against the machine humanity's been raging against for 5000 years?

The next 5000 is the Khalsa Raj (according to Guru Gobind Singh), and

then WE sing " If the Khalsa falls, there won't be a world at all. "

Khalsa is pure. ALL who are pure are Khalsa brothers and sisters.

WE, and the people who become attracted to the possibilities we will

reveal, will be the only people we will have. Revealing is teaching,

and attracting is Love. We have to be loving revealers, and

revealing lovers, or nothing is going to occur down here on the

ground. And we must stand our ground against abuse or misuse.


That's all for now, Sat Ganesha Singh, but this period will be

studied, with wonder, for a very long time into the future. We are

now taking the steps that will be studied later.


A truly existential philosophy, and yoga, require passion. And inner



Walk in Beauty,

Krishna Singh








Kundalini-Yoga , " satganesha "



This " dialog " about the war in Iraq is simple one of many " issues "

that people disagree/agree and discuss...politely or not.


The questions it bring up for me in relationship to Kundalini Yoga so

I learn from this dialog are below. I have not posted my perfectly

right answers :)


If I practice Kundalini Yoga how much pressure do I feel to " agree

with the opinion of others " who practice Kundalini Yoga?


If I don't agree...what are my actions?


Is there anything directly in the teachings of Kundalini Yoga that

assist me in taking action, being at peace with what I do, going it

alone or staying with the group?


What about the life of Yogi Bhajan, he was a Master of Kundalini

Yoga...what would he do?


If I find out something about " him " that I do/don't agree with how

does that affect my relationship to the practice of Kundalini Yoga.


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