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Obama Numerology

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Sat Nam,


You may or may not have voted for him, but here is his numerology reading:


( you can access yours here:

http://www.3ho.org/clients/3HO/numerology.nsf/WebEntry?OpenForm )



Tantric Numerology

Name: Barack Obama Birth date: 08/04/1961




The SOUL Number is the core of your identity. It indicates your own

internal relationship with yourself. Your relationship to the

infinite, unlimited part of yourself. It is the key to tapping into

your creativity and depth.


You are very indecisive under stress. You say to yourself, " Well, I

don't know; I'm not sure; let me think about it... " If you get your

neutral mind to work for you then you will be absolutely decisive. You

can know yourself so quickly that the accurate answer to any problem

will come to you immediately. If the 4 in the soul position is

working, then you are able to hear your own " inner voice " and you will

be totally sure. The solution is to activate the Neutral Mind. The

Neutral Mind is the essence of your own inner identity. If you connect

yourself to your Soul, then you will experience your true nature. Your

true nature is extremely detached and neutral.


The key phrase here is " Cup of Prayer " . It is your receptive nature

that, like a cup, allows you to neutrally receive the negativity and

positivity of others without reacting to it, and therefore to bless

others with your own neutrality. If you live in your higher

consciousness then everyone will love to just be near you so that they

can feel the blessing of your presence.



Just as the SOUL number indicates the nature your relationship with

your own soul, the KARMA number indicates the nature of your

relationships with other people. This is the number that describes

your 'test' in life... the thing you must break through in order to be

successful in your relationships with others.


You have a lot of fear. No matter what you get into, there never seems

to be enough energy to do it. You often feel tired. You can't seem to

see the Infinite aspects of a situation and to know that you can do



Your test is to become able to see the Infinity in every situation of



The solution is to master the pranic body and so become extremely

energetic and projective. Mastery of the pranic body will give you

tremendous energy, and the ability to be an effective " long-range

planner " ; i.e. to see the steps that you have to take to make it from

where you are to where you want to be, and to follow through with

plans and goals.



This number indicates your natural GIFT in life. This is your

God-given talent. You don't have to work for it; it's yours... IF you

accept it!


The key to accepting your GIFT is to connect with your soul. You

cannot accept and use your gift unless you feel that you deserve it.

Remember, this gift is already yours. Relax, use it and enjoy it.


Your gift is to always be able to uplift any situation. You will be

able to walk into any situation and bring your bubbly spirit and

enthusiasm into it. You have the ability to generate good energy

easily and so open people's hearts and elevate them. You are a natural



If you keep up on a spiritual path in your life, your special gift

will manifest more and more. Your gift can be well expressed through

music and/or singing if you are so inclined.



The DESTINY number indicates the main trait that you have worked on

within yourself for many lifetimes. It is the thing you have mastered

through personal sacrifice and effort. You may not see this mastery in

yourself, but in actuality, it shows in everything you do. The destiny

number is a description of how OTHER people see you. It is a mirror.

It is YOU seen through the eyes of others, not through your own eyes.


Your basic viewpoint is fearlessness. Other people see you as someone

who has the ability to carry through and keep up when everyone else

has fallen by the wayside. People love to get you to work on projects

for them because they know that you have the ability to latch on to a

project and take it all the way to its maximum potential.



Your PATH number is the key to living a fulfilled life. It is the key

to understanding who you are and why you are here on this planet at

this time. Your PATH is the the single aspect of yourself that you

must manifest in your day to day life in order for you to feel

fulfilled and successful within yourself. Without understanding and

manifesting your path in your life, you will always feel that

'something is missing' from your life. Live your path and all else

will work out naturally.


The key to your success and fulfillment in this life is your devotion.

It is by being a super good student, by being absolutely obedient and

dedicated to your (inner or outer) spiritual teacher, and to the

Infinity within yourself, that you will be successful. Your path is

the path of love, and of devotion to the Infinite.

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Sat Nam and Wahe Guru!!!It looks like we have a winner here!! Obama sure seems to have mastered his fear and neutral mind, and I feel we are blessed beyond even our own understanding at this time in history to welcome and support a true Aquarian soul.Kirpal Denise Kirpal Kaur Lapides, IKYTA, E-RYT, RYT 500http://www.Divinelightyoga.com410-570-2878"Dedicated to creating a conscious community for spiritual growth and connection."Check website for updates!

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Greetings group,

Not only has Obama mastered his fear and neutral mind, he has also

surpassed his 2 Path. Depending on how you add up a Path of 2 it can be

a 2 or an 11. Obama has chosen 11--mastery over all ten bodies,

represented by the presence of all ten Gurus in Siri Guru Granth Sahib,

tackling all facets of being fearlessly with the grace of a neutral

mind. We have a true ally in the White House.


Loving Blessings to all,

Guru Prem Kaur

Memoirs of a Yogini--SGGS Path of Life to Light

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