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can any one tell me what these mediations consist of

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From the book, " Relax & Rejoice: A Marriage Manual, Volume 2 "


Product Description

How to be joyfully married -- and stay that way. Teachings on marriage

and sex, including exercises for male potency and a host of

meditations for specific marital problems, including meditations to

love better and fight better, for financial and marital stability, to

see God in your partner, to heal a broken heart, a meditation for

women to get rid of unwanted horniness, and a man's meditation to keep

clear of his wife.


What is the mediation to " fight better " ?


And the mediation for a man " to keep clear of his wife " , what would

that be?


Does anyone know?


Thank you,


Sat Avtar Kaur

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Sat Nam, Sat Avtar. What a great question about that all pervasive,

all important reality of " relationship. " And, since everything " is "

relationship and everything (and everyone) " is in relationship, " this

seems like a really worthwhile question to consider.


Not everyone may view things this way, but I'd encourage giving this a

trial test run. My healing work (or Seva) as a yogi is largely about

healing relationship (past, present and future). From an ordinary,

commonsense point of view we don't normally include the concept of

" fighting " as an integral part of relationship. " Fighting " is

normally thought of as something that should be avoided at all costs

in a relationship, because fighting (in this other view) is seen as

something that " destroys relationship. " But this expectation can be

seen as a naive distortion of how life actually works, even when life

is working at its best.


Similarly, " if " we are in a fully reciprocal spiritual relationship or

marriage, the ideal of " keeping clear of your partner or wife " seems

like a double standard idea of keeping secrets or running around

outside the commitments to remain together and true to one another.

But this is also a naive and poorly stated ideal.


Marriage is a joining of two human psyches into a state where " one

living light " (JOT, Guru Nanak called it) completely pervades both

partners in every way. The paradox is that each partner also remains

radically, yogically speaking, individual. But intrinsic to this art

of " true marriage " is the art to merging the self and other without

destroying either. That is the art of marriage. Yogiji once once

described the coming changes in human psyche in exquisitely detailed

language (see lecture on Mayan " Harmonic Convergence " in August 1987,

a transcript of this teaching is in the files section of this site,

titled " Yogi Bhajan - What the Coming Age Owes to Mayan Culture " ). It

is one of the most vivid technical descriptions of Aquarian reality

you'll ever find on this outer side of the cusp of what is coming

dramatically and soon.


In a culminating expression in this lecture he introduced a concept

I've never seen or heard repeated in any other place when he spoke of

" THE DESIRE ATTUNEMENT OF HUMANITY. " He also said we wouldn't

understand this immediately, that for us it will be like " higher

mathematics, algebra and geometry together. " But I have to say that

for me, higher mathematics, algebra and geometry are three of the

things in all of reality that I deeply embrace and enjoy. Now I've

been contemplating this teaching for twenty-one years. What he is

saying makes the most elegant, simple and beautiful sense out of

otherwise unsolveable problems.


Consider this: EVERYTHING about the ( " worldliness " of the) world is

going to change. " It will become an UN-CONSCIOUS world. Piscean era

is a " SUB-CONSCIOUS " world. And, Aquarian age is the conscious and

unconscious world merged together. So you cannot pick and choose. If

you live consciously you will live totally different. Or you will

live unconsciously, you will live totally different. Humanity will be

divided in two areas, and they will like to merge. And this way they

will destroy each other. Because the conscious will merge with the

unconscious, and have nothing left of it. The unconscious will merge

with conscious, and have nothing left of it. That is how they will

cancel each other. "


[from here in 2008, this sounds like McCain vs. Obama, and also the

distance between their respective, collective audiences - what happens





GOD, SHALL SURVIVE. Do you understand? "


" In other words, we're starting the Era of the Command of the Shabd


COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING OF ME. And whatever I shall speak, and what

I'll say, and what I'll live, will be Infinity. "


It will be the end of the kind of radical, ego-defined individualism

that has been so prominent in the period now ending. The offer that

John McCain made, to be our own tough-guy " rock of Gibraltar " for our

own privileged, private collective salvation, makes no sense. This

kind of fighter seeks to destroy the other, the enemy, or make the

enemy over into a clone of ourselves. This is an " old cultural " form

of radical poverty that has no place now.


Yogiji said next, " The relationship between a man and God, or a woman

and God, will be a merged relationship. Nobody will seek God outside

themselves. Those who seek God outside shall live in outhouses. I

think you understand that. You all have to seek God within. That is

all the change is about. And that's the way it will be. The majority

of people will live in unconscious hysteria. And those who do 'I

(me-mine)' shall not fit in, except to be in pain. Their sighs and

their shrieks and their callings will be heard by God but shall not be

answered. Because God, from Monday, shall not live outside. For God

it's going to be a long winter. He's going to move 'in.' But if

you're thinking it's summer, and you want to find God outside, your

trip will be a waste. "


Sat Avtar, in this context of relationship, it is not that difficult

to reach an appreciation for the nature of " honest, constructive "

CONFRONTING (and learning) between deeply held, differing perceptions

of personal truth between partners as " precious and irreplaceable

moments when essences meet and confront " in order to find a deeper,

more evolved truth that embraces and contains both of the original

points of view that came into the conflict. This is the same thing

Marx spoke of as " Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis. "


It is also the essential nature of a rock and a hard place coming to

surround living beings in such a way that those beings are forced to

evolve, otherwise it will be the end of the road for them. " We evolve

to avoid that outcome. Ev-olution occurs in the midst of powerful and

opposing forces, as a res-olution and creative move forward.

Evolution is a peaceful, successful outcome to a prior conflict where

the demise of two former, conflicted realities led to a new and

sustainable state of internal harmony of being. In this sense, the

purpose of " evolutionary fighting " would be to preserve the essence

and the best of both self and other by mutual, through sweat and

co-operative resistance (an interesting paradox) to achieve higher and

higher states of mutual self-realization. " Regressive fighting " (the

kind we normally identify as " fighting " ) intends to harm or destroy

the other. This view says that " no fighting " is an ideal that is both

impossible and undesirable. Differences will necessarily arise.

" Evolutionary confrontation " with respect and grace in the heart of

each, in this way can lead to benefit for everyone.


And in this beautiful dynamic kind of union, wherein a woman IS

psychically more powerful than a man, it is equally essential for a

man to have a capacity to self-integrate within himself, to be a fit

partner. In evolutionary engagement, if a woman defeats a man that is

not a " win-lose " outcome, it's a " lose-lose " outcome. It's like

premature ejaculation. " Show over! " No amount of wishful thinking

can continue, in that moment, with what was " about to happen " for her

in the way he was formerly supporting it to happen for her. It

happened for him, but what's next will (for that time) be less than

what was hoped for, for her. So a man has to " be himself " as a stable

individual being, and not " lose himself " in the other, in order to

serve the other in the highest way. And this is reciprocally true for

a woman in relation with a man. We are prioritizing what is the

opposite of DYSFUNCTIONAL CO-DEPENDENCY, where everything collapses

into a muddle and mess somewhere in the middle of nowhere.


Perhaps this might offer some clarity regarding the profound nature of

the topics you asked about, that seem so counter-intuitive to the

ordinary cultural way of looking at things. Essentially, that old,

ordinary cultural way of looking at relationships IS OVER. We will

elevate ourselves by evolving away from old ways that have passed

away. And bid them " A-Dios. "



Krishna Singh


Kundalini-Yoga , " Sat Avtar Kaur "

<myralorey wrote:


> Hi,


> From the book, " Relax & Rejoice: A Marriage Manual, Volume 2 "


> Product Description

> How to be joyfully married -- and stay that way. Teachings on marriage

> and sex, including exercises for male potency and a host of

> meditations for specific marital problems, including meditations to

> love better and fight better, for financial and marital stability, to

> see God in your partner, to heal a broken heart, a meditation for

> women to get rid of unwanted horniness, and a man's meditation to keep

> clear of his wife.


> What is the mediation to " fight better " ?


> And the mediation for a man " to keep clear of his wife " , what would

> that be?


> Does anyone know?


> Thank you,


> Sat Avtar Kaur


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Sat Nam Krishna Singh Khalsa,


I finally made, it all the way through, your long and convoluted

lecture. I did not ask the question that you answered. Therefore, you

did not answer my question. But thank you anyways.


My 2 questions were in regards to what is actually in the book in



" Relax & Rejoice: A Marriage Manual, Volume 2


What is the mediation to " fight better " ?


And the mediation for a man " to keep clear of his wife " , what would

that be?


That is all I asked.



Sat Avtar Kaur



Kundalini-Yoga , " Krishna Singh Khalsa "

<krishna wrote:


> Sat Nam, Sat Avtar. What a great question about that all pervasive,

> all important reality of " relationship. " And, since everything " is "

> relationship and everything (and everyone) " is in relationship, " this

> seems like a really worthwhile question to consider.


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