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Students' questions- getting pregnant

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I've written about this here a couple of years ago, but a lot of posts

have gone under the bridge since than.


I'm assuming your students are a little older and that's why they are

worrying about it. This is not normally something to sweat about if

you're 18, 22, or even 26. After all, of perfectly healthy women who

are having sex frequently without using birth control will find that,

as I recall my doc telling me, only about 60-70% will be pregnant at

the end of a year. So 30-40% aren't pregnant after a full year, yet

almost all go on to have babies! When I was wondering what the heck

was taking so long many years ago, what really got me was the lack of

control. We are used to controlling our destinies and making things

happen, and there's only so much you can do in this probability game.


It seems like after avoiding pregnancy for so long, getting careers

launched and finding the right guy, with women I've known, our bodies

just aren't quite ready to relax and let it happen. So one thing I

would suggest, is hold babies whenever you can- it stimulates your

heart and hormones like nothing else! Offer to babysit for friends,

and talk to babies every chance you get when you're out in public. This creates

a huge personal shift!


There are some other, more practical, things to increase chances of

pregnancy that maybe your students haven't heard of. Give up coffee

(tea doesn't seem to have the same anti-pregnancy effect), green peas

on a regular basis have been discussed for the 3rd world as a pretty

good birth control option (no kidding!), use a pillow or two under the

woman's hips to get a good angle and then lie in bed for at least 20-

30 minutes after sex to give the sperm plenty of time to travel. Also

ideally have sex every other day from days 10-18 of the cycle for

maximum sperm production (but jeez, don't make yourselves crazy!)


One last secret of getting pregnant, if you can't wait any longer- a

hysterosalpingogram clears out your fallopian tubes. It used to be

part of an infertility workup, but even if nothing shows up on the

xray (a dye is forced up your tubes), it apparently clears minor

blockages that don't show up. It's totally a weird thing to do and

hurts, but I personally know several women that immediately got

pregnant after doing this, myself included. Like within 4 days!


I wish them good fortune and prosperity, not just luck!

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