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Pluto in Capricorn

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by Rick DiClemente with Cheryl Crise

From an earlier article, written November, 2007


“Seat thyself sultanically among the moons of Saturn, and take high

abstracted man alone; and he seems a wonder, a grandeur, and a woe.

But from the same point, take mankind in mass, and for the most part,

they seem a mob of unnecessary duplicates, both contemporary and

hereditary. . . “


In the great American novel, Moby Dick, Herman Melville offers us this

lofty view on humanity, then introduces us to his exception: “But most

humble though he was, and far from furnishing an example of the high,

humane abstraction; the Pequod’s carpenter was no duplicate; hence he

now comes in person on this stage.â€


The challenges (and their inherent solutions) that we face as Pluto

travels through the sign of Capricorn over the next 16 years are

encapsulated above by Melville’s Saturnian perspective. The times

ahead require each of us to assume a mantle woven of both unique

personal calling and social responsibility. Melville might be

encouraged to find that our species is now, in fact, awakening to this



I’m not sure if my own heavy dose of Capricorn traits aids or hinders

my astrological intuitions regarding this coming 16-year era, yet, I

offer these insights:


One can think of planets as having specific traits, personalities and

intents. Each planet wants to have particular impact - individually

and collectively. In 2006, astronomers declassified Pluto from its

status of “planet†to that of “dwarf planet.†However, Pluto will

always represent an archetype of depth, gravity, and transformation.

When it changes signs every 13 to 30 years on its orbit around the

Sun, Pluto indelibly colors the character or feel of the generations

that are born during those times, as well as of those times in

general, according to the zodiacal sign being transited. This is

because each sign has it’s own archetypal signature as well, and is

said to “rule†certain attributes, principles, or facets of life.


Tom Brokaw christened those born from 1912 through 1937, while Pluto

transited the sign of Cancer, “The Greatest Generation.†Consistent

with Cancer’s archetype, this generation lived through global economic

depressions and conflicts that affected the whole planet, including

two world wars. Through these experiences, people everywhere on Earth

were preoccupied with Cancerian issues of security and survival:

maintaining their homes, putting food on their tables, and protecting

their nations’ sovereignty.


When the Pluto in Leo Generation came along (born: 1937-1956,) Pluto’s

archetype went to work creating and transforming the Self, colliding

with the Cancer generation’s struggle to preserve the family. It is no

wonder that one icon of these Leo times was the Rolling Stones’

disrespectful, protruding tongue. The “generation gap†was painfully

upon us. The Baby-Boomers were not to be suppressed. Family or not.

Country or not.


When the Pluto-in-Virgo Generation (born: 1956-1971) came of age, they

collectively looked askance and with disdain upon the “hippie†Leo

generation as the cultural pendulum swung back to the right. They felt

a need to be more responsible as the rebellious swells of the Leo

generation fell dormant. They felt compelled to straighten up the

muddy mess that Woodstock left behind.


Those with Pluto in Libra (born: 1971-1983) reacted strongly against

the austere, self-restrictive Virgo Generation: it was OK once again

to enjoy life. This disco/MTV era produced a generation that was quite

materialistic and hedonistic. They “looked mahvelous†in their

designer jeans, and often seemed motivated only by profit and myopic

self-aggrandizement. However, there was also an emphasis on exploring

relationships and a growing respect between people of different

genders and orientations.


Next, the intense Pluto-in-Scorpio youth (Indigo/Crystal children born

1983-1995) incarnated as if Lord Karma himself had placed the weight

of the world on their shoulders. The AIDS epidemic became rampant, and

the Soviet Bloc disintegrated. The Wall tumbled and left us confronted

with the realization that we could no longer blame our problems on any

“THEM.†As Pogo tried to tell us years before, “We have met the enemy

and he is us.â€


The Earth and life as we know it will never be the same, thanks to

Pluto’s recent sojourn through the sign of Sagittarius since 1995.

Take some time to contemplate these huge changes we have experienced

because of the revolution in communications/computer technology, and

because of confrontations between religious and political extremes.

Keeping with Sagittarian themes, our world has shrunk and greatly

expanded at the same time.


As you can see, when Pluto changes signs, it represents not just a

singular event, but the unfolding over time of discrete eras,

affecting the personal as well as the global. Pluto symbolically calls

for death and rebirth - doing away with old forms, especially ones

that are weak or no longer serve in substantive, healthy ways. It

replaces them with more effective, meaningful ones. Pluto will have

its way, whether we choose to play along or not, and it doesn’t always

play nice. Pluto’s effects through each sign are transformative and

profound and cannot be underestimated.


Looking back in time, we clearly see important cyclical patterns:

Pluto transited Capricorn between the years of 1024 and 1042. During

this part of the High Middle Ages, there was a sudden decline of

Byzantine power and rise of Norman domination over much of Europe,

along with the prominent role in Europe of notably influential popes.


Then again, from 1270 to 1287, after its conquests in Asia, the Mongol

Empire stretched from Korea to Eastern Europe. In Europe, power

struggles within the Holy Roman Empire escalated into civil war.


During a critical stage of the Renaissance, Pluto once again moved

through the sign of the Goat from 1516 to 1532. A revival of learning

based on classical sources emerged as the world enjoyed dramatic

educational reforms. This period of the Renaissance saw developments

in most intellectual pursuits, but is perhaps best known for producing

Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. It was also during this time that

Martin Luther defied the Pope, birthing the Protestant Reformation.


We now find Pluto’s 21st century debut on the worldly stage in the

sign of Capricorn the Goat. Since Capricorn “rules†all forms,

including organizations, governments and social structures, this is a

critical time. The last time Pluto transited Capricorn, it coincided

with the era of the American and French revolutions which elevated and

refined the idea of democracy. The human species came to understand

democracy as a double-edged sword during this epic time: We learned

that individual freedom is possible, but not without personal

responsibility toward the welfare of all. This seems to be an

important lesson that we must now revisit on a world-wide scale.

Pluto-in- Capricorn insists that, to save ourselves that we each must

be proactive and vigilant about saving this planet and its inhabitants.


While this new era will greatly affect all of planet Earth, much of

the focus will be on the troubles created by and visited upon the USA.

A common sentiment expressed by my clients and friends is that its

time to stop kidding ourselves that the government will always take

care of us. We sense that our outmoded, inefficient institutions, like

our health care system, Social Security, and the United Nations, need

a thorough renovation. Its corrosive effects can already be seen,

heralded early on by the scandals of corporate corruption such as

Enron and WorldCom, and the stunning collapse of the mortgage

industry. Pluto digs down into the heart of the matter. The very

tenets of capitalism and all other economic and political theories are

now on trial.


As a country ruled by the sign of Cancer, the USA has a tendency to

believe that our way of doing things is the only right way. The US is

not the world’s police force, and the more we try to be so, the

greater the chance during Pluto-in-Capricorn that our “known enemiesâ€

will rise against us. Instead of engaging in more power struggles, the

US could offer a Capricornian response to a beleaguered world in the

form of real assistance to a hungry, deprived people with no strings



We as a country will be greatly tested in our handling of power and

usage of resources for the next 14 years as it completes its orbit

back to where it started from on July 4, 1776. This represents the

completion of a cycle †" one that will be no walk in the park. Pluto

will assess how we have used or abused the power it has entrusted with

us over the past 246 years. How passionately and responsibly have we

performed our roles as planetary stewards? Or, as Pluto puts it, have

we just been taking up space? Keep in mind, Pluto will be in Capricorn

for everyone on the planet †" not just Americans.


So, now what do we do?


What we can’t do it keep on keepin’ on the way we have been. The

recent Sagittarian response to blame others, and to cut and run is no

longer workable or acceptable. The finger-pointing must end - welcome

to Capricorn - we’re all accountable to each other. Capricorn requires

us to make a stand, to be good citizens, and to build solid social

institutions. This Capricorn stuff may sound hard and unglamorous, but

we are creative enough to discover ways to make differences that are

meaningful. Greed can no longer be our sole, or even our primary

motivation. As we comprehend that our individual fates are

increasingly intertwined with those of people thousands of miles away,

following the Golden Rule is no longer just a nice way to be - it

could be the key to our survival.


This planet is a far different place than it was in 1995. We have new

Pluto-in-Sagittarius hi-tech tools to bring to the Capricorn

challenge. One of the most encouraging factors of this transits is

that collectively (that’s how Pluto works,) we’re going to start

feeling differently. I’m already seeing clear signs of this. We’re

going to feel like meaning more, like our mojo has arrived. like we

have a new found ability, and that we just can’t accept excuses

anymore. Are you feeling that way, too?


Yes, the Pluto-in-Capricorn period will be perilous unlike any other

era we’ve seen before. The world and the US could face quite a series

of setbacks during this time. However, we now have a new

consciousness. We do have the capability to take care of our own. A

paradigm shift is needed. We can succeed and flourish in creating yet

a Newer World. Pluto does not take kindly to us when we cower from our

power - and, our power has just arrived. We’re not duplicates, each of

us can make a huge difference.


The New World was created during the last Pluto-in-Capricorn cycle,

when American colonists revolted against the old rule of England. The

Newer World will likely be one in which each of us is like a unique

gear in a beautiful timepiece, working in unison towards universal

goals. When we individually raise our own consciousness, it acts like

a magic fulcrum - the whole planet is lifted.


Pluto in Capricorn Per Sun Sign


Pluto’s residence in Capricorn will have long-lasting effects on each

of our Sun signs. In general, this is how I see it affecting each sign:


Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19) †" Simply, direction is the story for the Ram.

This is time for you to make your move. Are you meaningful enough? Is

your job challenging enough? Are you effective? This is time to pull

out the stops and really discover the pioneer that you really are.

Also, put this in your pipe and start smoking it: keep in mind that

things really are much more complicated than what they seem at first

glance. Puff puff.


Taurus (Apr 20-May 20) †" In general, with all the ninth-house

activity, Taurus now digs deep into what they really believe. Never

being one to do anything hastily, it’s now your time to use your great

researching and organizing skills to investigate your belief system.

How did these old ideas get in here? Time for them to vacate and for

you to renew your outlook on everything. Period.


Gemini (May 21-Jun 21) †" Now is the era for you to take no prisoners

in all of your relationships. Do they fulfill you? Are you really

getting meaningful exchanges with others? Do you have intimacy that

feeds your soul? These are your questions. I know the Gemini butterfly

lands lightly on its subjects, yet, now is where you look for deep,

meaningful relationships to sustain your self-worth.


Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22) †" This one should be wild. In your seventh

house of relationships, Cancer needs now to really investigate their

whole sense of relating. Clinging, co-dependency, and hiding in the

safety your mate will really backfire now. It is imperative now that

you maintain your individuality and don’t sell out or settle. You are

a richly emotional sign and give greatly of yourself when you feel

safe. Don’t get taken advantage of. Don’t be afraid to let go of a bad

relationship if it just isn’t working for you.


Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22) †" It’s now time for the Lion to perfect their job

skills and attend to its health. Saturn and Neptune have been very

rough on you the past few years and many are plum tuckered out. It is

clearly time to reach deep into that fiery Sun that rules your sign

and loose your buoyancy! Time is now to master your skillsets. Show

everyone how to plan and execute big ideas! Let it shine!


Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22) †" Now Virgo shifts from the perfectionistic

craftsman to the creative one. Have you been having any fun? You

really need to discover your creative skills now. Whether it be

singing, playing an instrument, creating videos, scrapbooking,

dancing, whatever †" Pluto through your fifth house harkens a time of

great release of creative energy. Just make sure it’s something other

than woodworking. Watch out that you don’t hassle yourself for not

being productive enough.


Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22) †" Deep emotional issues are not usually your

strength. Now, you feel like taking care of bidness. Your emotional

nest is in great need of an overhaul. You will find yourself unusually

intense now as you assess whether or not you are happy emotionally.

Yes, you need your sounding-board partner, but are you really being

attended to when it comes to your feelings? Is your soul being fed?

Man (and woman) can not live entirely on ideas. You may need a big

shake-up in your role in the family now.


Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21) †" Scorps won’t even notice this one. Their

ruler Pluto goes into the house of the mind. Deep thinking gets

deeper, deeper, and deeper. Your eyes are getting sleepy. Nevermind.


Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) †" Sag will be greatly relieved as PLUTO

LEAVES THEIR SIGN FINALLY. Don’t celebrate too early as it will return

for its final act from June through Thanksgiving. Nevertheless, you

have really been put through the meat tenderizer since 1995. Now the

focus shifts on picking up the pieces and re-anchoring your Self. Get

your money straight. Most of all, set your new self-esteem in motion,

aim that Archer arrow high, and don’t look back.


Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19) †" Wow. What do you say here? Cappies will no

longer get by on just following the rules. Stop playing it safe. What

are you made of? What’s really in your heart? Yes, you are a grossly

underestimated sign, but you bring a lot of it on yourself. Capricorn

is absolutely the worst sign in terms of allowing themselves to accept

compliments. It’s no wonder people eventually stop offering them. Now,

you must put soul and oomph and mojo into your life. No one cares if

you belong to the right Country Club. What matters is who you really

are while you’re there.


Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18) †" Twelfth house transits are never simple.

Your past lives and soul’s contract call you now. It will begin a

16-year mystical journey for you. Meditation, contemplation, and

whatever spiritual endeavors you embrace now are of supreme

importance. This transit will call you from afar to find your sole

(soul) route back to the Godhead. There is no simple way to say this.

It may be time for past-life regression, poetry, labyrinths, Reiki,

etc., etc. It’s the time to dig deep to reunite with your Source.


Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) †" Now is the time for you fishies to swim

upstream and start spawning your long-held passions. The eleventh

house calls you to go above and beyond what you simply do for a

living. This is time to find your avocation, not just your vocation.

Do your mission statement now. Be open to invitations to do things in

groups now. I know you are basically a loner, but your gentle spirit

is much needed now in just about any association. Your wisdom is

always looked up to, if we get to hear you express yourself! Now more

than ever you need to speak up.


For much more detail http://www.starself.com/newsletter25.html#toparticle

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