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Kundalini-Yoga , " gurusingh_khalsa "

<gurusingh wrote:


> #125 ScorpioPath


> This newsletter supplements the free on-line Kundalini Yoga lessons.

> Here is your lesson for the month of Scorpio, which can also serve as

> a guide for understanding and working with your emotional body. This

> is a long one, so you might wish to print it out and digest it over

> the month. There are definitely things that we must work on and not

> just read. At the end are ideas on how to surrender to your own flow.

> Be sure to get started with these practices in your daily

> Sadhana/Kundalini yoga and meditation sessions.


> Blessings, Gururattana Kaur:





> October 20, 2006 By Guru Rattana, Ph.D.




> The SUN enters Scorpio October 23 at 6:27 AM PDT (1:27 PM GMT) and

> stays through November 22 at 3:02 AM PST (11:02 AM GMT)


> The TAURUS FULL MOON is November 5 at 4:59 AM PST (12:59 PM GMT.) The

> Moon is at 12 degrees Taurus and the Sun is at 12 degrees Scorpio.


> The SCORPIO NEW MOON is November 20 at 2:19 PM PST (10:19 PM GMT.) at

> 28 degrees Scorpio.


> The JUPITER/SATURN SQUARE was exact October 18th. (Discussed in depth

> in NMBeing #123 and #121.)


> The dynamic of the T-square of the fixed signs (also discussed in #123)

> (squares and oppositions between planets in Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and

> Aquarius) continues to play out.


> October 23rd and 24th the Sun, Mars and Venus join Mercury, Jupiter

> and the Moon in Scorpio. Except for the Moon which stay in a sign for

> only 2 ½ days, the other five planets stay in Scorpio through November

> 16th.



> At the TAURUS FULL MOON, the Sun, Mars, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter are

> ALL in Scorpio. The Moon closely squares Mars, Venus and the Sun and

> loosely

> (orb of 8 and 13 degrees) squares Mercury and Jupiter. Saturn in Leo

> tightly squares Jupiter and Mercury and very loosely squares Venus,

> Mars and the Sun. Neptune opposes Saturn (7degree orb), squares the

> Moon, and squares Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, the Sun and Mars (orb 9

> degrees.)


> At the SCORPIO NEW MOON Mercury, Mars, the Sun, Moon and Jupiter are

> all in Scorpio. The Sun, Moon and Jupiter are conjunct (same

> degree/place). Saturn squares the Sun, Moon and Jupiter. Neptune

> squares Mars.


> URANUS goes DIRECT on November 19th. The atmosphere is one of

> optimism as the Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22 and Jupiter

> moves into Sagittarius the 23rd. Saturn turns retrograde on December

> 5th.


> MERCURY goes RETROGRADE October 28th and will remain retrograde

> through November 17th. Mercury is in Scorpio from October 2 through

> December 7th.




> Scorpio may rule the underworld and hide in our subconscious basement,

> but it does make the truth known, whether we like it or not. We are

> in for a heavy hitting Scorpio thriller starting October 23rd. We are

> well advised to tune into our neutral mind so we have a balanced place

> from which to deal with the truth that is about to be revealed.


> October 23rd and 24th the Sun, Mars and Venus join Mercury, Jupiter

> and the Moon in Scorpio. Four planets, the Sun and the Moon in one

> sign and this close together is a rare occurrence, and bound to get

> our attention. The Moon of course says in a sign for only 2 ½ days,

> but the other five are joined in Scorpio through November 16th.

> (JUPITER October 26, 2005 - November 24, 2006, MERCURY October 2-

> December 7, VENUS October 24-November

> 16, MARS October 24- December 5)


> In sum, " it is a hot time in the old town tonight. " We better have

> our neutral mind in place as we are confronted with truth AND

> consequences.


> Adding to the intensity, Saturn in Leo and Neptune in Aquarius form a

> T-square in fixed signs with the planets in Scorpio. The issues of

> the fixed signs discussed in NMB #121 and 123 continue to confront us.

> Only Uranus in Pisces and Pluto in Sagittarius are not in fixed signs.


> Because Mercury is retrograde, it will be within one degree of Jupiter

> from October 21 to 31. The Jupiter/Mercury pair brings optimism,

> expanded awareness and strategic thinking.






> So what does this mean for us? First and foremost it is time for a

> big change. We will feel the pressure of a lot of raw energy and

> experience an overdose of visceral emotional intensity. We are being

> forced to change personally and collectively. Personal power is a

> major theme. Self-empowerment would be the conscious way to go. This

> can be an exciting time, IF we follow the deep motivations of our

> heart, release the brakes, surrender to the unfoldment, and go for the

> gold. However, for the unconscious members of the human race, whose

> reptilian brain and shadow side commands, power struggles, aggression

> masked as self-defense, lack of restraint, fear, loss and

> disempowerment can be played out.


> At the personal level, issues of debt, over-extension, taking risks

> and deception can arise. If you are over-extended, cut out

> non-essentials. This is also a time of opportunity, but make sure you

> have all the facts and don't sign anything or make any definite

> commitments until after Mercury goes direct November 17th.


> In the financial and political arenas, Scorpio's probing can reveal

> some nasty secrets. The energy of death can lead to collapse of what

> is no longer workable and expose corrupt attempts to control public

> resources to maintain power and wealth.


> Libra is polite and fair. Scorpio is direct, honest and exposes the

> naked truth. Scorpio is about transformation and the natural cycles of

> life. Death is a natural part of regeneration. What is no longer

> useful will be eliminated. What is no longer relevant will be

> exposed. What is buried in denial will bubble to the surface.

> Scorpio makes sure that we see what we need to see and change what we

> need to change.


> Consciousness, honesty and integrity are required to make it through

> the Scorpionic maze.


> Scorpio exposes our shadow. What is the dark side of Scorpio?

> " Inability to trust. Double standards. Addiction to drama. Black and

> white thinking. "

> *(1)




> Not everyone has planets in Scorpio, but the energy of Scorpio is part

> of everyone's birth chart. There are three ways to identify where and

> how the Scorpio energy plays out in our lives. (1) Locating the house

> or houses that contain Scorpio, helps us identify the arena in life

> where we confront our Scorpio issues. (2) Scorpio is ruled by Pluto,

> so the sign and house location of our natal Pluto also indicates how

> and where we confront our dark side, as well as claim our inner power.

> (3) The 8th house is the house or territory ruled by Pluto and

> associated with Scorpio. Any planets in our

> 8th house are immersed in Scorpio issues and power.


> All of the above help us identify how and where we confront our

> deepest fears, long to express our most profound desires, repress or

> deny our truth, quest for our inner power and wish to shine our light.

> In mythology, Pluto was both the God of the Underworld and the God of

> Wealth. *(2) And herein lies the secret of Scorpio, Pluto and the

> 8th house. Our real treasures are hidden even from ourselves until we

> dig deep into our psyche. The excavation process involves facing our

> fears and our shadow, ferreting out the truth that lies buried in

> these distortions, exposing these misperceptions, and claiming the

> hidden gifts that long to serve the Light.





> The Taurus full moon highlights Scorpio issues and brings to our

> attention critical issues that must be addressed. MARS stimulates us

> to action. Mars in Scorpio makes us examine the nature of our

> motivation. " Why are we doing what we're doing? And why are we not

> doing what we should be doing? " *(3) VENUS in Scorpio asks us to

> examine if what we are doing is going to make us feel authentically

> satisfied or just breed more discontent. MERCURY in Scorpio asks us

> to not only speak the truth, but to listen to the truth. JUPITER in

> Scorpio invites us to expand beyond our fears and stuckness so we can

> enjoy the wealth of our soul.


> The three outer planets are all players in this full moon. PLUTO

> (semi-squares Sun and Mars) unlocks hidden power and truth. It is

> easier to see how our ego camouflages our true identity and how hype

> is a poor substitute for authenticity. NEPTUNE squares the Moon in

> Taurus and the five planets in Scorpio. Neptune in Aquarius simply

> dissolves the veil of ignorance, shining the light of truth for all to

> see.


> URANUS trines the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars and sextiles the Moon

> releasing our burdens so we can be open and flow with an unencumbered

> spirit. Trines (120 degrees) facilitate flow and connection. This

> configuration makes it possible to let go, not be afraid, and relax

> into our next moves. If we allow ourselves to go with the flow, we

> will be guided and things can turn around over night. Letting go

> makes it possible to align with cosmic forces. We are not only

> assisted, becoming unstuck releases extra power to do what we need and

> want to do. Uranus continues to enliven the party as it stations

> direct on November 19, just before the Scorpio New Moon.


> The Taurus full moon highlights Scorpio issues, bringing

> unconsciousness programs, motivations and beliefs into awareness so we

> can release debilitating baggage, claim our authentic power and move

> forward on our soul's mission. During this intense time it is

> important to remember that Scorpio and Pluto are not out to punish us.

> Their mission is actually to help set us free by showing us what we

> need to address. If we listen, take our head out of the sand of

> denial, and get with the self-empowerment program, we can use all this

> energy to our advantage. When we stop being a victim and step into the

> seat of responsibility, life gets easier. Ultimately the Taurus full

> moon is trying to clear the emotional drama so we can experience more

> ease, comfort and worldly pleasures.




> With 5 heavenly bodies in Scorpio (Sun, Mars, Moon, Jupiter and

> Mercury), this is an extraordinary new moon. We are at a spiritual

> crossroads. We can either choose to continue in the same direction or

> we can make a major life change and alter our course. Whatever we

> choose, the old has got to go. The Sun, Moon and Jupiter are all

> within one degree of each other and Mars and Mercury are close behind.

> At the 29th degree of Scorpio, we are being tested by Scorpio. This

> is progress report time. How far have we advanced in mastering our

> Scorpio lessons?


> To understand the dynamics of this new moon, we must realize that

> Scorpio walks the path of a double-edged sword. It must always choose

> between Light and Dark. But the choice is not that simple. We must

> give up the past in order to move forward. And we must embrace the

> dark, and forgive the past in order to let it go. We have to descend

> into the underworld of our subconscious, confront our own mortality

> and in some way die, in order to be reborn into greater awareness and

> empowerment. The process of death and rebirth takes place within

> ourselves, where we are alone with our self-tormentors.


> Fortunately if we pay attention, Scorpio always shows us a way out.

> The question is can we go deep enough to find the escape route. With

> Jupiter close to the Sun and Moon, this new moon offers us enough

> light to show us the way out of our internal prison. We will see

> possibilities that we did not see before. Our expanded perspective

> will free our mind to take advantage of the opportunities available.




> From the 20th of November through the 5th of December every planet is

> in direct motion! This is the only two weeks in 2006 when all planets

> will be moving direct. The way is clear. What will we decide to do

> with our life? What direction will we go? What path will we take?

> Breakthroughs, quantum leap, leap of faith and full speed ahead are

> the themes launched by


> Uranus going direct on November 19th.


> The atmosphere is one of optimism as the Sun enters Sagittarius on

> November

> 22 and Jupiter moves into Sagittarius the 23rd, completing its

> yearlong journey through Scorpio. We have had one year to look deeply

> into our unconscious, examine our directing beliefs and assumptions,

> confront our fears and shadow and get in touch with our deepest

> heart's desires. Jupiter in Sagittarius will expand our hopes and

> opportunities and make us more committed to our spiritual path.


> Saturn turns retrograde on December 5th. So enjoy the feeling of

> unfettered freedom before the taskmaster reminds us of the limits and

> of the material world and the work it takes to manifest our dreams.

> The good news is that Saturn energy makes manifestation possible.




> Scorpio is the second water sign. There are three zodiac signs in

> each of the elements. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces represent water or

> the emotional body. They each teach us how to express and master the

> water element. Cancer teaches us how to nurture. Scorpio instructs us

> how to create through attraction. Pisces shows us how to be



> " Like all water signs, Scorpio finds a natural habitat is the world of

> feelings and instinct. Its emotional reservoir is incredibly strong,

> since its fixed nature is resistant to easy movement, allowing the

> watery element to seep into rarely accessed depths where it is not

> easily stirred, processed or purified. " *(4) Scorpio's unexpressed

> emotional energy is the source of both inner torment and dynamic

> magnetism. Even a " perfect childhood, " cannot prevent young Scorpio

> from being disturbed and troubled by its deep emotional rivers.





> acceptance, awareness Distrust trust Black and

> white thinking see things the way they are¸ embrace all Double

> standards non-judgment Addiction to drama

> intense engagement in real life Commotional emotions

> connection to the pulse of life Inner torment, troubled strong

> emotional core Overpowering fear and anger inner truth, insight

> Exhaust self with efforting magnetize opportunities Downward spiral

> to depression focus on the Light and transformation Deceitful

> ability to recognize deception Corrupt

> naked honesty Controlling inspiring


> Manipulative strategic thinking Need to control

> ability to surrender Power struggles profitable

> and meaningful collaboration Desire for control desire for

> highest good Annoying poking at offer penetrating wisdom

> Fear of dissolution able to hold on to identity and oneness

> Manipulate collaborate, merge Stuck

> flow with natural cycles Isolated and alone deep

> intimacy with transformative powers





> Scorpionic energy is intense, driven, secretive and protective.

> Scorpio is committed, real, and in no way flippant or superficial.

> Scorpio's emotions run deep, are strong and passionate and not easily

> expressed. *(5) Scorpio is not relaxed or easy going within itself or

> in relationships. When Scorpio withdraws and detaches to engage in

> its own personal process, it can appear to be cold-hearted and leave a

> partner " with an acute sense of abandonment. " *(6) Scorpios are

> loyal, " take their responsibilities seriously, and respond positively

> to trust that is sincerely invested in them. " *(7) Ultimately,

> however, even in relationship, they must follow their own path.


> Scorpio is insightful, sensitive and philosophical. Through its

> powerful personal magnetism, Scorpio draws people and opportunities to

> itself. It learns the hard way that efforting is exhausting and many

> times counterproductive. Its motivating will strongly influences

> others in relationships and positions of power. Scorpio's ability to

> persevere usually guarantees its success.


> Scorpio shies " away from positions that involve long periods of being

> the center of attention. " Scorpio's territory is underground. Bright

> " light is stark and inhospitable to them. Although they enjoy pulling

> the strings of influence, they prefer to do so behind the scenes or in

> a way that ensures their personal privacy is preserved. " *(8)




> Scorpio's powerful and subterranean reservoir of emotional energy

> makes it sexually magnetic, charismatic, enigmatic and resilient, with

> an imperturbable reserve of will to back up its fixity of purpose.

> This feminine, nocturnal and autumnal sign should never be

> underestimated. It has a tendency to be defensive, a predisposition

> to intensity and an icy detachment that makes it difficult to



> This feminine sign carefully guards and internalizes its energy.

> Scorpio is a worldly-wise sign that operates through emotional and

> instinctual gut reactions. Taking advantage of its magnetism, it

> allows its energy to attract to it. It is capable of probing to the

> depths of any problem, exposing and eliminating whatever is

> superfluous and artificial. Its penetrating emotional and psychic

> sensitivity, ability to penetrate superficial gloss, and its almost

> compulsive ability to focus on a problem allows it to get at the root

> cause and offer a meaningful solution. *(9)


> In mythology Scorpio plays the role of guardians, custodians and

> protectors, whose power comes from its cool and calculated focus. The

> ability to remain undisturbed by external distractions frees it to

> concentrate on strategic defense.


> Reminding us that archetypes represent and bring into focus the

> extremes of that theme, Scorpio can be a master of deceit as well as a

> master at recognizing deception, superficiality and facades. Scorpio

> delivers us to a deeper level of truth by penetrating to levels of

> reality most of us prefer not to even contemplate. If we want real

> communication with Scorpio we have to be totally honest and direct.

> Scorpio can't be fooled, and it doesn't waste its time on

> pleasantries. *(10)




> In Vedic astrology both Aries and Scorpio are ruled by Mars. Aries,

> the active, externally oriented expression of Mars, is open, direct

> and indulges in the bravado of war and competition. Scorpio is the

> internally oriented expression of Mars. Scorpio does not make open

> war, seldom initiates attacks, and carefully holds its power in

> reserve. Covert, secretive, silent and stealthy, Scorpio is more

> preoccupied with strategic defense, and neutralizing the enemy through

> infiltration and ruse.


> Scorpio helps us understand where our inner Mars got repressed,

> suppressed, shamed and damaged -- where our deep emotional reservoir

> got blocked, stuck, disoriented and wounded. Scorpio teaches us that

> it is definitely better to examine the anger that we don't want to

> admit than to live our lives as wounded warriors. To live powerful,

> courageous and independent lives we have to examine our shadow so that

> it will not draw us into either victim or victimizer roles. This

> examination is a natural part of our developmental process.


> If we ignore, deny or try to suppress our fear and rage when we are

> young, these unresolved emotions become deep conflicts and breed

> self-hatred. We unconsciously act out these repressed emotions until

> we acknowledge and make peace with them. If the emotional energy of

> our inner Mars/Scorpio is misdirected we feel troubled and drained of

> energy. When our inner Mars is not marginalized, its energy can be

> directed toward a mission.


> When our emotional energy can be consciously directed to what we love,

> we can feel vital and strong. Instead of feeling like we are

> struggling against an antagonistic, hostile unidentifiable force, we

> feel supported by a deep confidence, strength and wisdom within

> ourselves. The gift of Scorpio is to uncover and empower our core

> emotional strength, which gives us the capacity for enduring patience,

> unquestioned determination and a natural resilience to meet all life's

> challenges with grace.




> No sign of the zodiac reveals or determines our level of

> consciousness. Each can be expressed in the most childish immature way

> or at the highest level of self-mastery. Our level of maturity and

> mastery is determined by our willingness and ability to learn our

> lessons and grow into adult expressions of our embodied soul. The

> possibility of all levels of mastery exists for each sign. And each

> has its challenges that we must both face and embrace.


> The symbology of Scorpio offers us a chance to evolve from the

> scorpion, to the phoenix to the eagle. Our ability to ascend the

> ladder of evolutionary expression of this energy depends on

> acknowledging and accepting our dark side. Scorpio's core experience

> gets it in touch with the fact we humans are capable of demonic

> expressions. Scorpio teaches us to get in touch with this primal

> energy and figure out how to work with it. If we try to repress this

> energy and cage the beast in our subconscious, it will subtly, or not

> so subtly, manipulate our reality. It will control our life and how

> we project, attract and manifest in the world.




> Scorpio and Pluto tell us the truth. Some one has to do it! Or we

> will remain forever stuck in our denial and illusions! When we really

> pay attention to what Scorpio is showing us, we can find it appalling

> how we lie to ourselves and each other. It takes only a few hours in

> front of the television to be sickened by the depths of depravity and

> perversion that humans are not only capable of but actually indulge

> in. It is shocking how our whole culture revolves around a

> superficial bubble gum reality and how we buy into it as gospel truth.

> How could we not see what we are doing? The degree to which we see,

> why don't we ask why? Why don't we care? Why don't we do something

> about our low level of consciousness and existence?


> To protect our sanity, we may limit the extent to which we torment

> ourselves with the atrocities and idiocies that systematically

> organize our political and economic lives. Making a business out of

> fear and gore is one of the major ways those in power control our

> minds and emotions. Buying into the deception is not the way out.

> But escapism and denial don't deliver us from evil either.


> Some forms of denial can be used as protective mechanisms against the

> tyranny of political propaganda. How much " truth " about the human

> condition can we bear? How much violence is healthy? At what point

> do we feel overpowered by the forces in power and simply turn off the

> tube and live our lives the best we can? What perception of " reality "

> simply fosters an attitude of victimization, allowing us to continue

> wallowing in our stance of disempowerment?


> How many facts are needed to motivate us to take responsibility and

> work together to create alternatives?




> Although Scorpio is totally cognizant of the dark side of human

> nature, it doesn't encourage us to get caught in the claws of

> negativity or the muddy pools of the subconscious. The Scorpio

> archetype shows us a way out of the pit. Scorpio acknowledges the

> darkness, but directs us toward the Light. In fact, Scorpio teaches us

> that the only way out of the darkness is to turn our vision toward the

> Light. Of course, it isn't all that simple to extricate ourselves

> from our darkness, but Scorpio demonstrates that it is both possible

> and ultimately very rewarding.


> Scorpio shows us that everything exists - good and evil, black and

> white, the wicked and the pure. If everything is possible, then what

> do we do? We have to make a choice. Responsibility is the stepping

> stone of Scorpio's deliverance from the under world.


> Scorpio teaches us that the Dark and the Light both exist. One is

> part of the other. We are always evolving to higher levels of

> Lightness. Our path is to bring Light into darkness, to expose, not

> deny. To embrace, not condemn. To accept, not judge. To give up

> being a victim and take responsibility for our own lives.




> Getting real for Scorpio is accepting our evolutionary journey and

> getting thoroughly involved in the process - (1) witnessing our dark

> side, our less than optimal behaviors, and the extent to which we live

> robotic and unconscious lives, (2) acknowledging how our inner

> reality creates our outer reality, (3) learning how to let go of

> sub-optimal behaviors, beliefs, programs, (4) consciously engaging in

> the death and rebirth process of our own psyche, (5) always keeping

> in mind that there is a higher truth in the universe that expresses

> through our self, and (6) questing to embody this pure expression of

> our soul.


> Scorpio lets us know that we can transform dark into light. But there

> is no quick fix or simplistic route. We have to take our physical and

> emotional bodies with us into the light. Evolution is not a mental,

> out-of-the body experience. Most people have no idea what to do with

> their emotional energy, which explains why we expend it in perverse

> activities, squander it in fear and anger, and try to sublimate it to

> not feel out of control.


> Scorpio reminds us, again and again, that emotional energy can be

> denied only at our own expense - illness, crime, torment and

> meaningless existence. We have to patiently and lovingly transform and

> transmute our emotional energy that is buried in sensitive wounds,

> deep hurts, nagging dramas and obvious scars. Transcendence happens

> only after we have given up our need to control, judge and punish and

> have surrendered to the highest good. Scorpio does not let go easily,

> but let go it must to rise above the ashes of the past.




> Scorpio has the uncanny capacity to see things exactly the way they

> are. Scorpio's X-ray vision unmasks facades and exposes whatever lurks

> in our subconscious. There is no hiding from Scorpio's penetrating

> gaze that uncovers our deepest secrets and exposes our debilitating

> self-deception. " Scorpio is like a prism through which the whole

> spectrum of good and evil becomes visible. " *(11)


> Scorpio exposes the dark side of human existence - cruelty, violence,

> murder, sexual perversion, dominance and submission, the forbidden and

> the taboo. Scorpio is magnetically drawn to experiences that the

> light-hearted don't dare to even contemplate. Scorpio does not hide

> under a façade of social acceptability. It excavates our buried

> secrets and unabashedly exposes them.


> Scorpio is able to observe, acknowledge, and even immerse itself in

> horrors, identify how we have buried ourselves and lost our way, and

> then reveal truths that can liberate us from the quagmire of

> corruption and depravity.




> Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, is the rooter router in our birth chart.

> Pluto performs the same function for the collective consciousness.

> Both Scorpio and Pluto's mission is to make us aware of how our

> unconscious manifests in our lives. Their task is to show us how our

> internal state of affairs determines both our personal and collective

> realities. When we cooly observe ourselves and others, we can clearly

> see that what we do, how we behave and how we relate are all

> determined by our inner state of being. Nastiness, aggression,

> defensiveness, kindness, compassion are all generated inside ourselves.


> Our internal state determines our outer reality through an

> interrelated process of denial and projection. We use denial to

> protect our conscious awareness from seeing uncomfortable truths and

> facts that threaten our ego identity. Denial is a conscious or

> unconscious defense mechanism that refuses to acknowledge qualities,

> feelings, beliefs, motivations, desires, wants, needs, attitudes and

> facts about our self, others or the world. What we deny can be either

> true or untrue.


> Projection is the result of denial and is made possible by the fact

> that our internal reality impacts our external reality. What we deny

> is externalized through projection. Whatever we are unwilling to

> recognize in our self, we see as a problem or a threat coming from

> people or circumstances outside ourselves. The tricky part of

> projection is that our illusion can become a reality because we draw

> to us what we most fear or dislike. Our projections create our

> reality whether what we believe is real or true, or not.


> The first step in releasing ourselves from the denial/projection trap

> is to recognize what we are doing. It is both Scorpio's and Pluto's

> job to deliver us from denial. No one really enjoys this part of the

> maturation/empowerment process, but it is required to quit sabotaging

> ourselves and to move toward self-mastery.


> One very important thing to remember is that we can deny both our

> positive and our negative attributes. And our denial can be both

> accurate and fallacious. Poverty consciousness is rooted in false

> assumptions about universal abundance. Low self-esteem is founded on

> inaccurate beliefs about our own merits and worthiness. To get the

> maximum benefit from this Scorpionic overdose, we need to be aware of

> how we underestimate ourselves, limit our success and settle for less

> than we deserve. For many people negative beliefs often cause more

> damage than hubris and ego trips.




> Pluto's passage through Sagittarius from 1995 to 2008 is in the

> process of exposing political corruption and religious

> inconsistencies. And more is yet to come. Pluto in Sagittarius is

> making us aware of how both religious and political extremism create

> distrust and wars. And how both are a product of denial and

> projection on a mass scale. Both our personal and collective

> unconscious are up for deep scrutiny and cleansing.


> The question of morality and immorality falls in Sagittarius's turf.

> It's Pluto's and Scorpio's job to show us the source and impact of

> this type of evil vs. good thinking. The first reality check is to

> observe that evil vs. good thinking creates polarization and division.

> It doesn't take much observation of the current world situation to

> note that both " the sacred and the secular are now profoundly

> disturbed and in conflict. " *(12)


> Polarized thinking positions everyone into one of two categories -


> (1) with us or (2) against us. Polarization is a " Way of seeing the

> world - as a clear division into absolute and simplistic black and

> white versions of good and evil. " *(13) (Saturn opposing Pluto

> between 2000-3 provoked polarized thinking.)


> The political ruse for fostering polarized thinking is that the real

> reasons for going to war - expanding power, control and dominance over

> people, territory, and resources - can be eliminated from the

> discussion and effectively denied. Anyone who makes these arguments

> is shunned into the " evil " category of not supporting the soldiers or

> the country.


> The problem is that, once categorically " defined and polarized, good

> and evil inevitably morph back into each other. " *(14) The preachers

> (political, religious and corporate) of moral authority fall prey to

> their subconscious lust and greed. Denial and projection play out in

> illicit sexual encounters, lining of pockets and kickbacks. Pluto and

> Scorpio expose foul play and all levels of lack of integrity. There

> is no place to hide in Pluto/Scorpio territory. The secrets leak out.

> There are mirrors everywhere we turn.




> Moral codes of conduct and ethical frameworks are ideals that we may

> aspire to, wish for or use as a model to live by, or employ to judge

> others and ourselves. This is Sagittarius territory. In Scorpio's

> terrain we simply look at the impact of polarized moralistic thinking

> on how we create our reality. Unlike Sagittarius, Scorpio is not

> idealistic. Scorpio is pragmatic. Scorpio knows that morality is

> " vulnerable to hypocrisy, and Scorpio hates hypocrisy. " *(15)


> Scorpio has no illusions about the dark side and how we deceive

> ourselves. Scorpio serves us well by telling us the truth exactly the

> way it is. The sensitivity of the Scorpio archetype to the dark side

> is useful and relevant because it " offers a way out of the moral

> quagmire of empty posturing and sanctimony, not to mention outright

> lies and deceit. Distinctions between 'good and evil' are certainly

> not erased and may occasionally be highlighted in Scorpionic

> consciousness, but here the gates between those contrasting fields of

> moral judgment are flung wide open. .. Scorpio ferrets out the hidden

> truth that apparent good often contains seeds of evil, and gross evil

> may at times spark profound goodness. " *(16)


> Scorpio is the practical and emotional application of Libra's neutral

> mind. Libra must learn to be neutral to help compensate for its

> naiveté. Libra doesn't quite have the guts to face what Scorpio

> embraces. However, without the neutral mind, Scorpio's heightened

> psychic and emotional sensitivity can be a trap instead of a gift.


> Scorpio sees and accepts things exactly the way they are and is

> neither shocked nor surprised by human behavior. The Scorpionic lens

> does not view reality from the perspective of right or wrong. In a

> pure observational mode, it understands how polarities and extremes

> are not separate and in fact often morph into each other. Scorpio's

> nonjudgmental, amoral view is one of its strengths.


> Scorpio does not base its action on moral principles or judgments.

> Scorpio operates from the ethic of effectiveness. " Scorpio wants to

> gather power, conserve and concentrate it, then use that intensified

> power to maximum effect. Morality has nothing to do with it. " *(17)




> We have just begun to witness the results of the penetrating probing

> of Pluto in Sagittarius. The next month of concentrated Scorpio

> energy will uncover more of humanity's dark side - corruption, moral

> authority betrayed, falls from grace and public disgrace.


> Public scandals grab our attention, partly because we are relieved

> that those violating pubic trust finally get caught. But there is

> another reason and it has to do with denial and projection. We are

> relieved that we did not get caught, that our silent participation in

> collective corruption is not exposed.




> Most of those who eventually get caught do not start out as

> intentional criminals or planning to be thieves of public coffers.

> They gradually allow themselves to be corrupted by the temptations of

> money, sex and power. The moral breakdown of a government,

> corporation or society is a collective affair. Many people contribute

> through their passiveness and denial mode of existence, finding it

> more comfortable to be not counted than to participate. We

> contribute to collective corruption through subtle non-action and

> " invisible loss of integrity. " *(18) We remain silent not to

> displease others or endanger our position. We let our need for

> security, social approval, wish to please and gain influence serve as

> rationalizations to cover up our lack of courage.




> Pluto exposes the collective responsibility for society's dark side.

> Pluto shows us how our individual psyche is related to group dynamics.

> Like an insidious, " invisible radioactivity that slowly poisons, " our

> fear, anger, hatred, intolerance, good and bad moralistic thinking

> gradually poison our emotional environment. Like a psychic " Geiger

> counter, Scorpio is especially sensitized to these poisons. " *(19)




> Imaginary threats are created in our subconscious from " fear and

> hatred of the other because of what we deny in ourselves. " *(20)

> " Pogo - We have met the enemy and he is us. "








> Scorpio's sensitivity to the dark side does not invite us to succumb

> to or to indiscriminately play out our primal urges. It simply lets

> us know that they are there and that we are at choice as to how to use

> this energy. Scorpio simply informs us that we are capable of anything

> and have the potential to express everything from utter depravity to

> the highest states of grace.




> Conscious Scorpio does not live in denial, which is possible because

> of its ability to use its laser-like perception to penetrate to the

> truth, perceive motivations, accurately reveal, understand and access

> our true heart's desires. The real question is how do we elevate our

> consciousness enough so that we can become aware of our own dark side

> and how we participate creating both dysfunctional personal and

> collective realities. How can we reach authentic maturity and not

> " remain in suspended childhood or arrested adolescence, merely posing

> as adults. " ? *(21)




> Scorpio teaches us that authentic transformation is not easy, never

> neutral and an on-going cyclical process in which decay and death are

> an integral part of renewal and rebirth. We have to experience our

> dark side to get in touch with the energies that make fear, hate and

> destruction possible. The shift has to take place within ourselves.

> We are transformed by accepting what is without judgment, viewing our

> past as part of our empowerment training, and allowing ourselves to

> reunite with our highest expressions.








> When we get to Scorpio, we become aware of the fact that we have to

> figure out some way to process our emotions. We also realize that we

> usually store our unprocessed emotions in a certain place in our body.

> As our default receptacle of thoughts that we don't want to feel or

> even know about, this area of our body becomes our weak point. Two of

> the most common disposal areas are our shoulder/neck/ upper back and

> our belly/lower back.




> Scorpio is the " fixed " modality of the water signs. The fixed signs -

> Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius - are both the most stable and the

> most stubborn. The fixed expression of the water element manifests

> literally and symbolically as " long-accumulated sediment, water

> trapped by the coldness of ice or the heaviness of mud. " *(22) Water

> in these murky and solidified forms can be moved only with great force

> and effort. This helps us make sense of Scorpio's qualities of

> intensity and control.




> However, the need to control is the one thing that Scorpio must learn

> to give up, if it is move forward on its path of self-mastery. As

> with the other archetypes, the gut focus of the unconscious expression

> of the sign, makes sense, but it is the Achilles heal that must be

> transcended. Within the paradox are both the lesson and the means of

> liberation.




> To achieve self-mastery, Scorpio has to let go of control. Letting go

> and surrendering to (1) the innate flow of energies within the body,

> (2) the progressive unfoldment of the soul, (3) the natural cycles of

> nature and (4) the rhythmic pulse of the universe all are essential

> for Scorpio to uncover, know and embody the truth.


> When we relax our body, we can experience and attune ourselves to the

> rhythm of our breath through our physical vessel. Our breath is our

> primal connection with the cycles of our soul, nature and the

> universe. As we return to the natural rhythm of our breath and our

> pulse in our body, we awaken to deeper levels of truth. The truth is

> that all levels of existence unfold in evolutionary cycles. Scorpio's

> power comes from the ability to tune into natural cycles, to patiently

> let them unfold and then to respond at the most appropriate time.

> Scorpio's secret and challenge is to release the need to control the

> uncontrollable and to give up the equally unproductive tendency to

> resist inevitable change.


> Scorpio has the uncanny ability to attune its primal being with

> natural and universal energies. When it synchronizes the pulse of its

> soul with the pulse of the universe, it can participate in the cosmic

> unfoldment as an astute and highly proficient co-creator. The faculty

> that was used to try to control can now be employed to focus the mind,

> to be attentive to shifts of energy and to be aware of the most

> opportune moment to take action.


> Scorpio knows the truth of natural cycles - decay, death, birth,

> growth, regeneration, decay, etc. It also knows that attuning to the

> natural flow is the best way to " let Thy will be done, " which

> guarantees the highest outcome of any situation. Scorpio's challenge

> and power lie in the ability to let go and allow the flow of all

> levels of cycles starting with the breath.






> Scorpio is able to get in touch with what is stuck and why we can't

> let go and move on. Scorpio uncovers the deep programs of fear, anger

> and sadness that block our flow and impede our power. Only visceral

> emotional letting go, can end the inner torment. Scorpio can go

> beyond surface appearances and withdraw back to the source and root

> causes of our destructive habits. Scorpio is in touch with the primal

> power that alchemically either creates or destructs. This

> transformative force can neutralize and eliminate all resistance.


> The Scorpionic evolutionary dance unfolds through continual

> " attraction, creation, destruction and regeneration. " *(23) This

> never-ending process can be painful and exhausting for the unconscious

> ones who do not understand, accept or know how to deal with the active

> dynamics of transformation. Manic/depressive highs and lows involving

> uncontrollable passion and raw pain can wreck havoc with an

> uninitiated psyche that is constantly exposed to the distress of

> agonizing emotions.


> The disquieting and harsh emotional energies that defy rational

> interpretation lead the unconscious Scorpio into an inner hell from

> which it seems to have no escape route. Scorpio is however inexorably

> drawn to both confront and deal with its demons. Scorpio's deep

> insight is that what we suffer from, we contribute to creating. And

> herein lies our power to reverse a downward cycle and turn it around.

> Empowered by the truth of co-creation, Scorpio engages itself in the

> process of regeneration and rebirth to deliver itself to freedom.


> Scorpio represents our initiation into the sacred mysteries of life

> and evolution. The soaring eagle represents the elevated Scorpio

> which by freeing itself from the muck of unprocessed emotions is now

> able to use this liberated energy to fly to great heights. Scorpio's

> symbology -- the scorpion, the phoenix (rising from the ashes of its

> own nest turned into a funeral pyre), and the eagle - portray a

> transformative spiritual quest. Scorpio is committed to a purposeful

> and transformational journey. Ultimately Scorpio will be redeemed from

> its fallen earth-bound follies and spiritualized into the heights of

> self-mastery.




> Scorpio's main lesson is to learn that real power is not achieved

> though control and dominance. To learn this lesson, Scorpio must let

> go, accept things the way they are and work with what is. When we

> really let go at a visceral level, we discover the rhythm of our body

> and being. Scorpio's path is not only to experience this deep level

> of being but to TRUST it.


> The path of the Libra is to attune our mind to the Divine channel.

> Unconscious Libra simply ignores the existence of this neutral

> channel. Similarly Scorpio's path is to attune our emotional body to

> our soul channel. The emotions are the communication mechanism of our

> soul. In our unconscious state we not only ignore the communications

> of our soul through denial, we block and distort their expression.

> Whereas our mind needs mental purification, our physical and emotional

> bodies need emotional purification. Any form of control blocks the

> free flow of our emotional energy. Our emotions not only deliver

> information from our soul, they are a critical part of our

> manifestation mechanism, and they can be a source of deep

> satisfaction. Control is counter productive to probing for the truth.

> We have to give up control and let go to investigate the depths of

> our being and to get in touch with the flow of our soul. The more we

> let go, the more treasures we find. The same applies to relationships

> - any attempts to control or dominate others simply prevents us from

> knowing another's truth, beauty and gifts.


> As we release our stranglehold, we get in touch with natural rhythms

> and cycles. We find out we can't control the deepest level of our

> being, others or nature. And we don't want to! Everything and

> everybody has its own life flow that plays out independent of our

> interference. We can make our life miserable trying to control or we

> join the flow and enjoy the seasons as they unfold. Scorpio

> eventually finds out that following the current of life's river is

> infinitely easier and more pleasurable than pushing against it.


> Scorpio has the innate capacity to know its own energy and blend it

> with prevailing energies. As we let go of our limiting individual

> agendas, we can use our acute sensory awareness to notice the play of

> energies, tap into them and work with, instead of against them.

> Scorpio teaches us to hold on to the essence of our goal and trust the

> big river of life. With our higher purpose in place, we can release

> obsessions over particulars, bypass obstructed routes and be open to

> the most effective and efficient way of getting to our final





> Let go. Surrender. Trust. We are all familiar with these concepts,

> yet we hold on with dear life to things, beliefs, ideas and the past

> with a tenaciousness of a pit bull. The grip is so tight, we are

> simply unable to relinquish control. Usually we can't even identify

> what we are holding on to. But we can't let go of some unidentifiable

> force that controls our will. The most basic force preventing us from

> letting go is the fear of death. We may be eternal souls, but we live

> in human bodies. Our primal instinct is to struggle for survival and

> to do what it takes to stay alive. When we are not conscious of the

> fact that our soul will not die when we leave this physical vehicle,

> we hold on even stronger to our physical reality.


> Our primal gut reaction to fight for our life is strengthened by the

> innumerable ways we are imprinted from the womb on with struggle and

> " death threats. " Our Scorpio experiences lead us through many mental,

> emotional, and sometimes physical, near-death experiences, where the

> outcome is a transformational death. A part of us dies so that we can

> live fuller, freer lives.


> One important thing to remember while we are working with ourselves to

> let go, is that we have to let go at a physical, emotional, cellular

> level. Letting go, surrendering and trusting are visceral experiences,

> and require more than mental training. We must cultivate in-the-body

> experiences where we realize at a core level that something lives no

> matter what - we will not and cannot die.


> The meditation to attune to our natural rhythms outlined below can

> facilitate the process of letting go. Chanting divine mantras are

> also powerful tools designed to imprint the truth of our eternal

> reality in our being.




> Acceptance of things exactly the way they are is Scorpio's master

> strategy. Scorpio knows that acceptance of the present moment is the

> secret to knowledge. The basic problem with denial is that it breeds

> ignorance. In denial we are not in touch with the reality of the

> moment, which prevents us from knowing what to do and how to move

> forward.


> Guilt, shame, grief, regrets, judgment, disappointment, lack of

> forgiveness and wishful thinking all preclude acceptance and deep

> connection with the energies of the moment. In non-acceptance we are

> preoccupied with either the past or the future. Our mind is immersed

> in dissatisfaction with what we or others have done or with what has

> happened. Or we are preoccupied with what we wish to happen, with

> feelings of anticipation, instead of feeling and loving ourselves

> (mind, body, breath) and our life at this moment. Past or

> future-directed anger, fear, frustration and hope all temper our

> emotional energy and cause it to create future moments that are also

> not to our liking.


> Scorpio teaches that we can live a passionate, committed and

> powerfully creative life only if we connect with things and ourselves

> exactly the way they are. Scorpio knows that everything changes and

> evolves. Life unfolds in a beauty so deep and profound that we don't

> want to miss one exquisite moment. The more we appreciate the wonder

> of the moment, the more meaning and satisfaction we will experience

> and co-create.




> Immature Scorpio likes to provoke a reaction or instigate conflict by

> taking advantage of others' vulnerabilities. These cheap thrills to

> demonstrate dominance are destructive and succeed only in annoying and

> alienating others. Manipulation is a misdirected use of Scorpio's

> power. Scorpio's tendency to manipulate and use others only fosters

> stagnation, rigidity and fear of loss within its psyche. The result is

> that Scorpio feels isolated and insecure.


> The more rigid our internal structure, the more we shut off

> opportunities for interacting with others in meaningful ways. We miss

> the chance to discover others' value and lose our own feeling of

> self-worth. Scorpio has both the awareness to perceive hidden talents

> and the ability to inspire others to access their gifts and live to

> their full potential. Contributing to others' transformation is

> transformational for Scorpio as well. Directing its power to helping

> others enhance their own power makes Scorpio feel worthwhile and

> valuable and promotes the meaningful connections that Scorpio desires.


> Unidentified and unexpressed inner emotional turmoil in the form of

> anger and impatience can make Scorpio secretive, defensive and

> vindictive. When Scorpio can get in touch with these hidden motives

> and agendas within itself, it can contribute to others by sharing and

> revealing the secrets that help them also transform their lives.


> Scorpio's strong survival instinct can make it distrustful, feel

> emotionally isolated, and prone to engage in battles for power.

> Although Scorpio thrives on intensity, it ultimately wants to

> experience serenity and peacefulness within and in relationship this

> lifetime. Taurus is the polarity that can help Scorpio achieve this

> balance.




> Scorpio has a tendency to create roles of control and dependency.

> Fearing loss of control or being controlled builds walls that make

> intimacy impossible and result in frustrating isolation for both

> partners. If Scorpio shuts down and does not participate fully, its

> relationships can remain stagnant or deadlocked. In either business

> or intimate relationships, Scorpio can transform stuck situations if

> it is clear within itself about its motives and intentions. It must

> also be upfront with others about what needs to be done to transform

> existing circumstances.


> Scorpio has the capacity to engage in deep, intimate and highly

> rewarding relationships. To participate in mutually beneficial

> relationships, Scorpio must first give up its need to compete for

> power. Power struggles not only alienate others, they squander energy

> by directing the power of desire toward maintaining control. Scorpio

> has the capacity to share and merge resources with others in order to

> create powerful business enterprises resulting in significant

> financial gain. Scorpio can also connect on deep psychic levels,

> which makes authentic Tantric sexual relationships possible.



> Scorpio must learn that manipulating others to demonstrate its power

> or to create dependencies is counterproductive. To find the depth and

> intensity in relationships that it seeks, Scorpio must commit to its

> own purification and emotional growth and promote this dynamic

> transformation in others. Scorpio seeks the stimulation of change and

> requires risk and mystery for fulfillment. The only way to experience

> this radical level of intimacy in relationships is to personally and

> in partnership be committed to continual renewal, ongoing

> transformation, sharing of power, and freedom to be totally honest and

> authentic. A deep dedication to spiritual and emotional liberation is

> key.




> As Scorpio releases its desire for power over others, it achieves a

> level of integrity that makes it possible to transform itself as well

> as others. Scorpio has to feel unrestrained within itself to open up

> to the powerful connections possible in truly intimate relationships.

> Scorpio has to feel free to play a defined leadership role to be

> effective in business relationships Ultimately Scorpio must

> surrender its personal power to a higher power and trust the

> transformative nature of authentic partnership in order to co-create

> relationships that are mutually beneficial and fulfilling.


> Scorpio possesses the innate skill to work with creative sexual

> energies for mutual regeneration and transformation in intimate

> relationships. *(24) To engage at these profound levels, Scorpio must

> feel secure enough within itself to confront the inevitable challenges

> and to undergo profound levels of purification, death and rebirth.

> Giving up selfish and secretive motives and risking and trusting true

> intimacy are required. To release the fear of being dissolved by

> merging with another, Scorpio must be able to hold on to its own soul

> identity and divine connection. Fear-based psychic defenses must be

> replaced by an invulnerable power to retain oneness within, which is

> pleasurably expanded and strengthened by union with another.


> A profound sense of our own individuality as well as a deep respect

> for the individual uniqueness of others, serves as the basis for

> intending and creating freedom for oneself and others in relationship.

> This releases us from expecting or depending upon emotional

> fulfillment from our partner. It also allows us to commit to and

> support each other's process of self-purification required for

> continual regeneration and renewal. Trusting the universe and the

> potential power of relationship can greatly facilitate our experience

> of meaning and fulfillment in potently unfolding relationships. In the

> end, continually surrendering to the unknown transforms our fears into

> the dynamic realization of self-mastery.






> What I feel is what I project. What I project is what I create.

> Experience creates attitudes. Attitudes create feelings. Feelings

> create projections. Projections create reality. Everyday I go deep

> inside to experience profound peace and strength. Today I create an

> experience and attitude of trusting and surrendering to the Infinite.

> My projection is covered by surrendering to and trusting the highest

> good for all. I may see the worst, but I always trust the highest

> good. I know and accept that everything changes. I release the

> tendency to get stuck and choose to move on with the evolutionary

> flow. I let natural forces and the Universe carry me across the deep

> ocean of the unknown. I live by continuously surrendering/dying to the

> unknown.



> sounds like a great idea. The question is - How is it possible to let

> go and surrender to the unknown? The reality is that the human psyche

> will not let go unless it has an experience of what it is surrendering

> to. A belief, a good idea, even the truth are not sufficient to

> convince our body to let go of control. We can nurture the

> possibility of letting go by getting in touch with the innate flow of

> energies within our body. We can begin by attuning to the cycle of

> our own breath.


> Let go, allow the flow of the breath in your body. Note where the

> breath and the energy stop and start.


> Do a kundalini yoga exercise for 1-2 minutes, for example, spinal

> flex. Then be with your breath in your body. Be with the experience

> of the breath slowing down and eventually coming back to a stable



> Notice the relationship between the rhythm of your breath and the

> state of relaxation or stress in your body. When we are able to relax

> our body, we can experience and attune ourselves to deeper levels of

> the rhythm of our breath through our physical vessel.


> For 3 to 5 minutes, consciously slow your breath down to 4 or less

> complete cycles per minute. Then be with your breath as it breathes

> through your body. Be very attentive and note the difference between

> consciously controlling the breath and simply being with it as it

> breathes. This is the difference between control and letting go.


> Our breath is our primal connection with the cycles of our soul,

> nature and the universe. As we return to the natural rhythm of our

> breath and the pulse in our body, we awaken to deeper levels of

> connection with our own truth.


> This exercise (adding your own personal variations) can be used

> between the exercises of any Kundalini yoga set. Be sure to be

> especially attentive to letting go and surrendering at the end of the

> set and after any mantra or breathing meditation.


> The goals of this exercise are to

> (1) to release the need to control the breath

> (2) to surrender to the natural cycle of the breath

> (3) to experience that there is a natural rhythm within yourself that

> you can trust

> (4) to experience that you will not die if you release control of your

> breath

> (5) to monitor your resistance, to allow it, to feel how it feels in

> your body, and through acceptance feel your body let go and relax even

> a little bit

> (6) For one precious moment - enjoy letting go and relaxing in your

> own body.




> The recitation and chanting of mantras change our attitude,

> perspective and beliefs. Our continual practice eventually creates an

> experience of the Truth of our undying nature. Chanting or listening

> to any divine mantra*(25) will send a message to our body that it is

> safe for us to relax, let go and surrender to the unknown. Mantras

> nurture our emotional body so that we feel safe. Mantras create

> alignment with universal forces. I remember Yogi Bhajan telling us

> that the universe is set up for us to win. We just have to be willing

> to win. Surrendering to the unknown is required. Surrendering to our

> experience of the unknown in our own body makes it possible.


> During this time it is very important to keep our vibration high.

> Practicing Kundalini Yoga and chanting mantras are designed to raise

> our vibratory frequency and shift our internal space. Pick a mantra or

> mantras and keep the sound current going within your being.


> REFERENCES AND FOOTNOTES Austin, Stephanie, " Taurus Full Moon, Scorpio

> New Moon, " The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #129, Oct/Nov, 2006,

> pp.103-104. Bogart, Gregory C., Astrology and Spiritual Awakening,

> Dawn Mountain Press, Berkeley, 1994. Gerhardt, Dana, " Mars, " The

> Mountain Astrologer, Issue #129, Oct/Nov, 2006, pp. 19-23. Herbst,

> Bill, " In Defense of Scorpio's Dark Side, " The Mountain Astrologer,

> Issue #129, Oct/Nov, 2006, pp. 29-34. Houlding, Deborah, " Scorpio the

> Scorpion, " The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #129, Oct/Nov, 2006,

> pp.37-43. Spiller, Jan and McCoy, Karen, Spiritual Astrology, Simon

> and Schuster, 1985 and 1988. Tarriktar, Tem, " The 2006 Scorpio

> Overdose, " The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #129, Oct/Nov, 2006, pp.35-6.

> 1. Austin, p. 103

> 2. Austin, p. 103

> 3. Austin, p. 103

> 4. Houlding, p. 38

> 5. Houlding, p. 40

> 6. Houlding, p. 40

> 7. Houlding, p. 40

> 8. Houlding, p. 40

> 9. Houlding, p. 38

> 10. Houlding, p. 38

> 11. Herbst, p. 32

> 12. Herbst, p. 30

> 13. Herbst, p. 30

> 14. Herbst, p. 30.

> 15. Herbst, p. 31

> 16. Herbst, p. 30-1

> 17. Herbst, p. 30

> 18. Herbst, p. 31

> 19. Herbst, p. 31

> 20. Herbst, p. 34

> 21. Herbst, p. 34

> 22. Houlding, p.39

> 23. Houlding, p. 39

> 24. Spiller, p. 118

> 25. There are dozens of beautiful cds available on www.yogatech.com

> Pick one you like and chant along or listen to it while you drive,

> work or simply to enjoy.


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