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What Kriya or Meditation have you utilized to improve your situation?

What set have you done that has purpously or inadventently changed your life to quicken your path?

Tell us your story:

1. Was it recent or long ago?

2. Have you inspired others?

3. How long did this practice take place?

4. How has this event changed your commitment to practice? Yourself? Others?

5. Add to this any other insights you might have.

We are looking forward to hearing your stories.


Kind regards,

Siri Bandhu

Humble Moderator


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Sat Nam everyone,

In response to Siri Bandu's request, I'm posting an excerpt from my

" Inner Bio, " as found on my website. It describes a lifetime of spritual

evolution via Kundalini Yoga and Sikhism, and the effects of combining

the two:


_My Inner Bio_

I had been practicing Kundalini Yoga for two months when my yoga

teacher, Baba Singh, suggested that we go home and do spinal flexes

while looking into a mirror, saying we would see our soul. I went home

and flexed my spine with powerful breathing for a few minutes, got up

and stood before a mirror and gazed unblinkingly, breathing in Sat

through my crown and Nam out my eyes in an attempt to see my soul.


To my surprise, my face underwent a metamorphosis, becoming in turn

various people, male and female. I calmly observed this movie until my

eyes locked into the penetrating gaze of a woman whose eyes mirrored the

wisdom of ages. When I broke the bond, the image dissolved into my own

reflection, but the power of that face was locked into my mind. I

hurriedly sketched the woman’s expression, the wisdom, depth and energy

and was awed by the drawing’s unsettling trueness. That afternoon my

younger sister visited me. I told her of Baba Singh’s assignment and

showed her the drawing, explaining how I had seen “her,” a frighteningly

powerful woman, and exclaimed, “No! It wasn’t her. It was me!” With that

statement and moment of realization I was flooded with energy so immense

that it felt as though I was a giant; my head was near the ceiling, my

hands huge, vibrant, full of pure healing love. I was love. Love was

All, everything. Like I could touch my sister and heal all the wounds of

her soul. Overwhelmed by such immense beauty, I held my head in my

hands, hiding tears of bewilderment, and immediately resumed my normal

size and awareness. It was not a religious experience except as in a

return to my origin, for the only holy apparition was my own immense spirit.


During the months that followed I learned the particulars of a yogic

lifestyle through Baba Singh and, with his practical guidance, I began

teaching Kundalini Yoga classes in an off-campus dormitory ping pong

room, at times playing ping pong instead of teaching.


Baba Singh taught us as Yogi Bhajan taught him, about one God Whose name

is Sat Nam, Infinite Truth, Who created and dwells in all Creation and

within every atom of our being. G-O-D…Generating Power, Organizer,

Destroyer. Everything. We breathed Sat Nam in yoga classes—it is the

sound of the breath, and chanted long Sat Nams aloud three times after

each class. Sat Nam was our way of blessing food and of greeting each

other. I even drank water swallowing Sat Nam! Dwelling on the Nam meant

living consciously, breath-to-breath, soul-to-soul—seeing God in

everyone and in every situation. Living the yogic lifestyle meant living

as God made me, leaving all my hairs on my body uncut and keeping my

mind and body in balance by avoiding meat, drugs, caffeine and alcohol.


Baba Singh encouraged us to work and earn an honest living and share

with others. Sharing could mean giving money, shelter, comfort, a

smile—hope. When I did not have any money to attend yoga class I gave a

feather or a poem.


Under Baba Singh’s encouragement, some of us in his yoga class banded

together and rented a house in West LA. That way we could support each

other as we pursued a vegetarian diet and practiced the sadhana of two

and a half hours of Long Ek Ong Kars in the early morning before dawn.


In the spring of 1971, Yogi Bhajan began teaching ongoing Kundalini Yoga

classes on Melrose Avenue. I gazed into his energy field, looking for a

sign he was my spiritual teacher. The only inner glimpse he gave was a

tiny spark of light in my heart. I knew it would be up to me to feed it

into a flame with chanting and a devoted yogic practice.


My curiosity grew about Yogi Bhajan, Baba Singh and other turbaned

Kundalini Yoga teachers whose classes I enjoyed. With a little

encouragement I got a fellow student and housemate to take me to an

Indian Sikh Temple. During that Sunday Sikh music service I sat very

still, hoping to feel the true energy of the temple as I had done in

each church I explored as a teen. Towards the end we stood while a

prayer was given. Listening intently, I became imbued with awareness of

being an ancient soul, full of love and the wisdom of ages. This time I

did not cry. I knew, in the deepest part of my being, “I am home.”


That summer I cashed in my ticket to Rome, giving me just enough money

to attend my first Summer Solstice spiritual retreat, where I naturally

and joyfully immersed myself in the heart of my Sikh Destiny.


Yogi Bhajan worked with the local Sikh Study Circle to provide us yogis

a way to become Sikhs by taking Sikh vows. As it turned out, we already

were Sikhs, yet took these vows to confirm it, and in so doing clarified

our identity.


From that time on my sincerest efforts were directed toward practically

living in the vast healing presence of my spiritual awakening and the

profound wisdom of my soul. I learned to read Gurmukhi that year, and in

1972 married one of the few men in 3HO wearing a turban, even before I

donned one myself. We legally took on the spiritual names given to us by

Yogi Bhajan, became Sikh ministers, Ashram heads, and were baptized as

Khalsa. We started one of the first mail-order Sikh businesses--Singh

Brothers, supplying Kangas, Karas, kirpans, turbans and chunis, and a

Golden Temple (India) Import store in Palo Alto. I dove deeply into

every alternative healing and inner discipline available to me, and

studied Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu at the University of Washington, Aikido,

Wing Chung and Gatka as well as Swedish Massage, receiving a massage

license. Following the lead of Yogi Bhajan, I organized spiritual

community Unity of Man picnics in my communities and took many teacher

training intensives from Yogi Bhajan to fully became a student/teacher

of Kundalini Yoga.


During my second marriage beginning in 1980, I was introduced to a

Hawaiian Kahuna master. Over the course of four years I learned from him

the esoteric use of healing extensions known as " Kiatsu "

<http://wsm.ezsitedesigner.com/page61.html>. When these classes came to

a natural end in the early 1990's I was swept into the study of

shamanism, wherein I forlornly experienced my vastness as huge voids in

both the lower and upper worlds, wherein Yogi Bhajan gave me to the

formless Guru.


My shaman yoga teacher introduced me to his healing modality, known as

Sahaj <http://wsm.ezsitedesigner.com/page63.html>, through which I

delved deeply to carve ethereal pathways to discover effortless ways of

healing, and to be with my teacher, whom I meditatively experienced as

having been my brother and husband in previous lifetimes.


The healing modalities I learned evolved to be ever more subtle and

divine. I relinquished what became a huge attachment to my shaman mentor

with the help of the Grace of God Meditation

<http://wsm.ezsitedesigner.com/Grace_of_God_Meditation.pdf>, the Ten

Body Meditation

<http://wsm.ezsitedesigner.com/The_Ten_Body_Meditation.pdf>, grounding

techniques, post-Tantric Yoga forty-day kriyas and the help of a friend

who simply asked " What can you do with all this energy to put it to good

use instead of putting it into the relationship? " On March 22, 1993 I

wrote, " Within an hour of our conversation I felt the solid barrier of

my attachment dissolve--totally gone, and I was flooded with Amrit! My

tenth gate was open, no veil of illusion. I am light, I am I am, God

flows through me just to be. "


Once I made a holy vow to commit to this pure consciousness, my soul

became free to travel our once shared etheric pathways to divine realms.

While going into my heart to pray for a dear friend to be healed of

bronchitis and heart pains, I very unexpectedly found myself with her at

the Golden Temple of Amritsar

<http://wsm.ezsitedesigner.com/page24.html>, where I was directed to

take my friend into the pool surrounding the Temple and submerge her

until she relaxed and began breathing the water into her lungs. In the

course of that vision my friend was totally healed and a new healing

modality was made known to me--the Golden Temple Meditation

<http://wsm.ezsitedesigner.com/page33.html>, which is as easy to teach

as it was effortless to experience.


Not being a licensed healer, in 1995 and 1996 onwards I was compelled to

teach these subtle healing ways by writing: first, a Kiatsu manual that

I gave to healers in exchange for treatments; then a Sahaj manual, from

which I gave Sahaj workshops and retreats; and, finally, a Golden Temple

Meditation Manual <http://wsm.ezsitedesigner.com/page5.html> compiled of

teaching guidelines that were developed while giving Golden Temple

Workshops up and down the West Coast -- from Washington State, Oregon

and California on down to New Mexico.


My next writing project, beginning in the year 2000, was a home-based

business, Yoga Gems--where I published KRI-approved Meditations for the

New Millennium. These are synopses of Yogi Bhajan's final years of

classes and meditations first sent out as an email subscription and

later compiled together as CD-ROM Books



At a small outdoor Italian party during the summer of 2001 Yogi Bhajan

chided me about bothering with colons and semi-colons in Meditations for

the New Millennium until I was in tears, and silently began chanting EK


<http://wsm.ezsitedesigner.com/page54.html> " to reverse my state of mind.


The moment the mantra started, Yogiji Bhajan commanded me, " You are to

write a book on the deeper, yogic meaning of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib

<http://wsm.ezsitedesigner.com/page43.html> as seen through each of its

authors' writings. 1000 people will contest your book but it will come

through pure. "


" Yes sir, I can do that! " I mentioned to people sitting near me how I

had compiled a dictionary of Gurmukhi words from the Siri Guru Granth

Sahib and been doing Nit Nem Paath, the Daily Sikh Prayers

<http://wsm.ezsitedesigner.com/page55.html>, every day since my 25th

birthday. Yogi Bhajan looked on with knowing eyes and added, " You can

twist Guru's words any way you wish, " --like I am not to play around with

punctuating his words, but Guru's are okay! What he said stuck in my

mind, it was so outrageous.


Amazingly, in drawing upon old journals I discovered that this project

was also given to me in deep meditation in the early 1970's. On asking

the Gurus what kind of book would best help children understand the Siri

Guru Granth Sahib, I was told to couple life experiences with excerpts

from the " Adi Granth. " My journal mentions that the book would be for

children of all ages, and that I did not yet have enough experience to

write it.


During the years following Yogi Bhajan's command, I was in a suppressive

relationship and in great turmoil. When I begged him to let me start

writing in two years when my astrological aspects improved. Yogi Bhajan

exclaimed, " What are you waiting for! You are to leave a legacy--Use

your love of God! It will burn off all your karmas! "


A year later in November of 2003, the suppression had me so upside-down

that even chanting sank me into hopeless tears. Yogiji gave me five

minutes to two and a half hours a day of So Darshan Chakra Kriya

<http://wsm.ezsitedesigner.com/So_Darshan_Chakra_Kriya.pdf> to do. His

letter began with " Happy New Year, " letting me know it had been a letter

sent out to all the ashrams. But the kriya is one of the ten most

powerful kriyas Yogiji ever taught us--I did it knowing it would help me.


I fought my way through utter turmoil to clarity using this kriya in

troubled earnest for as long as ninety minutes at a time whenever I was

uncontrollably tearful and out of balance. Except for the extremes of

blissful community Kirtans and being berated at home, I did not know

what was wrong with me. There was an ever-present heavy pressure at my

third eye that I fought as though I was fighting karma or destiny--so

unclear, feeling upside down, the turmoil outside-in. Nothing made

sense, things did not.


A week later, in answer to a plea for help, Yogi Bhajan gave me 31

minutes of Sat Kriya <http://wsm.ezsitedesigner.com/Sat_Kriya.pdf> to do

each morning to rebuild myself: “You will change and become clear and

beautiful. You will no longer feel anything lacking in you. 31 minutes

of Sat Kriya every day will give you insight into the Unknown: You will

always know how your health is. Female creative power will become GIANT.

You will know things you do not even understand. You will never be in

old age. You will always look young, healthy and powerful because at the

navel point, you utter the sound Naam, and you get it right back 100

times more from God. Do it and you will get it. Give yourself an hour a

day where you reconstruct, re-nurture, revalue and rejuvenate yourself

and believe in your own spirit. Connect with the Infinite through Sat

Kriya and Kundalini Yoga, and you will never feel alone- you will never

be alone.”


Sat Kriya was another battlefield for me. I used it to penetrate the

huge attachments and emotional currents in my mind.


That tumultuous relationship culminated in my being physically abused

and kicked out of my home a year later, only to learn that my daughter

was suffering from brain trauma incurred in a car accident. When I asked

Siri Singh Sahib what I could do to help her, he said to find the best

doctors and send her all my energy. Well, my energy was shot, so I began

doing the Ten Body Meditation calling on the ten Gurus

<http://wsm.ezsitedesigner.com/page6.html> to heal her ten bodies.


While I was still married to my last husband I began the earnest study

and practice of Non Violent Communication, or NVC

<http://nvctraining.com/>, meeting with a group of similarly inspired

folks to go through the entire workbook together over six month's time.

It was the beginning of breaking my attachment to my husband and

forgiving him.


On Yogi Bhajan's birthday following his passing in 2004, I sat down at

my desk to listen to a new sadhana CD and felt compelled to write,

completing the first draft of my book in two days. I naturally realized

it was simply my Memoirs <http://wsm.ezsitedesigner.com/page3.html>, and

knew exactly what to do--couple each episode of my life with an excerpt,

or Hukam, from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, which is all about life. The

Siri Guru Granth Sahib and my life illuminate each other.


Yogiji Bhajan taught us that we can master a meditation by doing it for

1,000 days. I have been doing three of the most powerful meditations

every day since early 2003--Sat Kriya, So Darshan Chakra Kriya and the

Ten Body Meditation.


Loving practice of these kriyas while calling upon all the Gurus to

bless the world has given birth to the subtlest healing modality, Gurus’

Healing Ardas <http://wsm.ezsitedesigner.com/page14.html>, entailing

sublime communication with the ten Gurus and beloved saints in the Siri

Guru Granth Sahib. Such meditative practices and revelations have

enabled the book Yogi Bhajan gave me, which for the first three years

seemed an impossible task, to progress as a natural, yogic outcome, its

purpose being to bring deep understanding and peaceful acceptance to our

transition into the Aquarian Age.



For those interested in learning more about the techniques mentioned in

this post, visit the website http://www.pathoflifetolight.com


Loving Blessings,

Guru Prem Kaur

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