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Sat Nam,

Occasionally men, we need to do ourselves, our lives, our partners a


favor by taking a complete break. Coupled with this being a Water

Year*, and Water being the ruling element of the second chakra, I can't

think of a better year to pull ourselves from the blessed company of

women, for better or for worse, and see what that will produce for us,

(its just a few days, after all).This will be my third year and each

time I come

home feeling much more of my strength and a huge clarity. Water, Maya

or illusion can be huge trouble. Yogiji had much to say on this and how

when we as men get our sensitivities tied up with our ego, it's a




Both times I've been there we've done ass-kicking yoga (the

"Evergreen Set" was memorable!), martial arts type workouts, Gatka,

video lectures,

great classes lead by Guru Singh, Hari Dass Singh, etc. Sadhana and

Gurdwara, camp fires and yeah, and lots of great food. Actually too

much great food.


I'll be carpooling from Portland, OR and we might just have room for

another guy. Details about camp are at



Blessings all around,







2009 Solstice Theme: The Water Tattva


Passions of the Soul–Opening Your Creative Essence


By Gurucharan Singh



We are filled with passions that come like waves through our body and

mind. Some waves are gentle reminders, some forceful imperatives and

others overwhelming demands. They are essential to living well and

living fully. We are meant to enjoy them but not become entangled in

and reactive to them.


The tattva, or element, of Water is malleable and can

flow into any earthen form. Just as water is essential to life and to

our body–which is 60% water–it is also essential to our mind. The

energy of 2009 is to master the Self by using and directing the

Negative Mind. That part of our greater mind protects us and secures a

path forward. We reorganized our Earth element in 2008. In 2009, we

fill ourselves with the power of higher emotions. We accept the

intuitive, protective sensations of our Negative Mind and calm its




The 2009 Solstices are a chance to clear subconscious emotions and

come into a positive relationship to our most powerful emotions.


The Element of Water and the Second Chakra


Water rules our second chakra, the seat of creativity, cultivating and

celebrating the senses and our ability to actually be real and intimate

with another and our own soul.



Narayan: Lord of Water


The kriya for 2009 is the Narayan Kriya which moves the passions

and opens the heart. It takes away wounds and fills us with passionate

compassion to heal and bless our relationships:



Sat Narayan


Hari Narayan


Hari Narayan


Hari Hari



During 2009, the focus on Water runs throughout the programming

from a group meditation with our karma yoga groups to a variety of

classes, offering opportunities to explore and balance the Water tattva

within body, mind and spirit.

The 2008–2012 Theme Arc: “Carrying Us into the Aquarian Age”

A Dawn of a New Age


Yogi Bhajan was a visionary who guided us on a path of discipline and

consciousness and pointed us toward the horizon of the Aquarian Age.

Beyond that horizon is a new sun. It is the dawn of an Age in which we

can and must reach our maturity as human beings. A time when sacredness

is shown through compassion, courage is demonstrated by our character

and prosperity flows from our originality and intuition.



According to Yogi Bhajan’s vision, this change is gradual, radical,

profound and lasting. Unlike many other changes we as humanity have

gone through, this change is like the shift from adolescence to

adulthood. It brings all of our capacities to fruition and gives us a

chance to create a future of peace and live in creative prosperity as a

united humanity. In this coming Age, we are called to embrace change –

both personal and global. When we bring our Self fully present and

embrace change, it becomes evolution and elevation.



The Piscean–to–Aquarian transition from 1991 to 2012 brings us

fully under the pressure of change. It is a pressure on each person,

each nation and each belief system. We must find our personal reality

and use both our intuition and our spirit to thrive under the pressure

and challenge of the times.



>From 2012 to 2038 we will be sorting out a new way of living

together; a new approach to sustaining our environments; a new reach

into micro– and macro–worlds of technology; and a new sensitivity to

knowing each other – in our depth and shallowness – in the blink of an




The Five Tattvas


The five years between 2008 and 2012 is our chance to energize,

elevate and develop the best qualities of our body, mind and spirit and

to enjoy one another as we serve this time of awakening. Each solstice

will work on one of the elements (tattvas)

and the associated qualities within us. Each solstice combines the

individual work with the creation of a powerful group psyche that can

project our prayer and intention globally.



Traditionally, the five elements correspond to the first five

chakras and are described by the qualities of Earth, Water, Fire, Air

and Ether. By the time we complete the 2012 solstice, we will have

energetically reached the sixth chakra and be ready to rely on a new

level of subtlety and self–discipline.


Both our Winter and Summer Solstice Sadhana Celebrations for 2008

through 2012 will incorporate each year's tattva.

Individually and collectively, the tattvas will support us in working

together for unity while expressing our uniqueness as we prepare to

embrace the Aquarian Age. Through the elements we will be uplifted and

enlivened to serve, heal and lead in this new Age.


2008: Earth

New Beginnings – Dropping the Past and Living the Present

Setting the Foundations for the Future

First chakra: stability and security

Celebrated by the Isht Sodhana Mantra:

Dhartee Hai,

Akasha Hai,

Guru Ram Das Hai


2009: Water

Passions of the Soul – Opening Your Creative Essence

Second chakra: creativity

Celebrated by the Narayan Kriya

Sat Narayan

Hari Narayan

Hari Narayan

Hari Hari


2010: Fire

Spiritual Warrior – Strength, Balance, and Peace in a Changing


Third chakra: power, energy, well-being


2011: Air

Healing One, Healing All – The Age of Guru Ram Das

Fourth chakra: compassion, love, free will, wish-fulfillment


2012: Ether

Sat Nam – Speak and Be the Living Truth

Fifth chakra: power of projection and penetration

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