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The Total Eclipse of the Sun on July 21/22 2009 (10:35 pm edt 7/21, 2:35 am

gmt 7/22) has been called 'the most significant of the solar eclipse of the

century' by astronomers. Astrologers believe this solar eclipse lasting over 6

and one half minutes will have influence for the next 6 and a half years

according to the formula of Ptolemy. In addition to it's extreme duration, this

eclipse is significant because it occurs at the cusp of Cancer and Leo, one of

the 9 'Gates of Inspiration' in the year. Each Gate is identified with a Greek

Muse, this one with Terpsichore, the Muse of Music and Dance

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terpsichore. Perhaps related to this Muse is the

mystical magical Mary Magdalene whose feast day also happens to be July 22nd.

Whatever occurs at a New Moon has influence for the lunar month, whatever

happens at a solar eclipse determines what will be until the next total solar

eclipse (7/11/2010) and it will carry influence for many years to follow.



A solar eclipse is Mother Nature's most powerful editing tool. When an

eclipse occurs above, things are eclipsed / eliminated here below. Whatever

needs eclipsing comes up in the days and weeks before a solar eclipse. An

eclipse is an opportunity to eliminate patterns of thought and behavior that

trouble our world. This is an ideal time to clear away what stands in the way of

our dreams being realized.



A solar eclipse is positively transformative as we learn to detach from what

is breaking down and shift attention to what is breaking through. Energy bound

in old forms is released to power dreams being realized. The more shadow

patterns are released and transformed, the more energy is freed for a new

creation. So continues the cycle of death and rebirth, destruction and



The world is ready for change and solar eclipses are all about change. A

total eclipse of the Sun is an opportunity to change whatever we wish at the

deepest level. All that's required is slowing down and going within where

everything is wired. Change can be conscious, mostly it's unconscious. Each time

a total eclipse of the Sun occurs, the whole world changes as the eclipse

triggers a brief collective shutdown followed by a `reboot' to a new operating

system. We don't want to be on the subway or in the air when this occurs (July



An energy shift happens with each New Moon. The Dark of the Moon (July

20-22) is a potentially dangerous time when the old emotional cycle is breaking

down and our behavior can become erratic. This is especially so for a solar

eclipse. More accidents happen now. Nine climbers died on K2 at the last solar

eclipse on Aug 1, 2008, the Columbia space shuttle disaster occurred in the

exact hour of a New Moon, and the London underground bombings happened in the

Dark of the Moon. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are also more common

before, during and following a solar eclipse. Shamans traditionally go inside

and do inner work while the door is opened between worlds. This is a special

time when we are downloading a new operating system.


Everything shifts forward, life is charmed as the New Moon becomes visible,

all things start anew - especially after a total eclipse of the Sun. How well we

meet the opportunity of any lunar cycle depends on letting go of old ways and

clearly sounding our new note as the crescent appears. A total solar eclipse

breaks up old psychic patterns freeing energies for a new creation. The energies

released by the eclipse re-constellate around any new purpose or initiative we

bring forward during the waxing Moon (two weeks) following the eclipse. The

Druids built fires and beat drums in the weeks after a solar eclipse. This

wasn't done 'to bring back the Sun' as some believe, it was to restore the

natural order and power on a new mythic story. " When old patterns are broken,

new worlds emerge. " ~ Tuli Kupferberg


Cosmic Calendar



Total Eclipse of the Sun, July 21-22 (10:35 pm edt) – Seeding Magic


Each New Moon is a cosmic spring, a source of `orenda,' or good luck. The

spring flows freely as we relax and take time to go within. In most areas of the

world this New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs on July 22, the Feast Day of Mary

Magdalene. This `most powerful solar eclipse of the century' sets the tone of

will be until the next total solar eclipse on July 11 2010.



Terpsichore Gate of Inspiration, July 22 (12:36 pm - 12:36 pm 7/23edt / 4:36

pm - 4:36 pm 7/23 gmt), Open to Receive


A Gate of Inspiration opens every 40 days beginning at the Spring Equinox.

The 9 Gates of Inspiration are Stations of the 9 Muses. The July Muse is

Terpsichore, `the lover of dancing.' Prior to a Gate of Inspiration, shadows

arise to be dispelled. Whatever is blocking inspiration becomes revealed. Moving

through the gate, we breathe deeply until we breathe freely, shedding all fears

and doubts and so becoming present to the spiritual power and promise of the new

time. The goal is to release all tensions from the body, tensions that hold

outmoded ways of thinking and feeling. We breathe deeply, feel deeply, move

freely to clear our way. As the gate opens, new light pours through with

wonderful new possibilities, new inspiration, new creative energy.



Crescent New Moon/ Venus/ Mercury, July 23-26 – Time to Sow


These next few days following the appearance of the lunar crescent are ideal

for starting a new business or staging a successful public event. It is time to

share new opportunities, make announcements or bring new discoveries to light.

Anything is possible. This Cancer / Leo Moon cycle brings great new

opportunities for realizing hopes and dreams. These days are ideal for all new

beginnings. This Moon tide will energize whatever we bring forward.



Moon at the Equator / Lunar Zero Point South, July 25 (9:20 am edt/ 1:20 pm



Lunar 0 Points are cosmic balance times ideal for creative imagination. 0

South is good for surrendering to spirit before entering the under world in

quest for vision. The magic portal opens for two hours 8:20– 10:20 am on the

U.S. East Coast.



1st Quarter Moon, July 28 (6:00 pm edt / 10 pm gmt) – Let Go the Old, Power

On the New


The First Quarter Moon is like a scythe cutting across the sky signaling a

time for decision, a time to cut free of the past and affirm our true purpose.

Inspirations may come in dreams or sudden realizations that help to solve

problems and clarify life issues. Choices made now are likely to be the right




The 1st quarter Moon is like a scythe cutting across the sky. This is a time

for decision, a time for cutting free from the old that is breaking down and

commiting to the new that is coming through. The way is opened through

meditation, music and dance celebration. " The Druids had a great number of feast

days. The new and full moon and the sixth day (1st quarter) of the moon were

sacred periods. " - The Secret Teachings of All Ages p 23, Manly P. Hall



Lughnasa / Lammas / `White Rabbit Day', August 1 – Magical New Beginnings


Say `White Rabbit' first thing today for good luck throughout the month.

Rabbit opens us the mystical realm within, the Rabbit in the Moon is our magical

guide. The Moon is now maximally Out of Bounds South plowing our psychic depths.

This will be a month to remember. This month of Leo begins with Lughnasa the

Celtic festival of the Sun god Lugh. Also known as Lammas or Loaf-mass, it is

the traditional time to share bread of the first harvest and celebrate the

bounty of the natural world.


Moon Out of Bounds South, July 30-Aug 3 (4:11 am 7/30 – 3:54 pm 8/3 edt,

four hours later gmt)


As the Moon travels below the zodiac our inner world becomes illuminated.

Subconscious beliefs and behavior are revealed and more easily reformed. We may

experience challenges where we've been blocked or hiding from ourselves. This is

a time to go beneath the surface, do research, change habits and renovate our

inner world.



Barack Obama's Birthday, August 4 – Now turning 48 and entering a First

House Year, our new president's time to fully come on stage. This story is just




Sun in Leo 'Asala' Full Moon, August 5 (exact 5:21 am) – Illumination


This is the Asala Full Moon when enlightened leaders of the world gather in

their spirit bodies to focus energy for global renewal. Each Full Moon brings

revelation and opportunity for healing body, mind and soul. Meditation, deep

breathing, music and dancing open us to receive blessings. Each Full Moon is

like a pitcher pouring out a healing elixir we raise our cups to receive.

Special energies flow through for three days following. Revelations come in

dreams, `chance encounters' or sudden flashes of inspiration.


Lammas Cross-Quarter, Aug 6-7 Time to Power On a New Mythic Story


Midpoint Leo, the power gate of fire, culminates the festival of Lughnasa

(or Lammas) that began August 1. This cross-quarter day of the summer season is

most favored for mountain top picnics. The bread of the first harvest (hence

Lammas or " loaf mass " ) prepared now is believed imbued with transcendent spirit

like the Hobbits `Lammas bread' that sustained them in their quest. This

cross-quarter brings opportunities to realize dreams and bring illumination.

Dreams and portents predict what will be come in the Autumn season, so take

note! Aug 6 is also the Catholic Feast of Transfiguration celebrating the time

when Jesus went up on the mountain to be illuminated. Mid-Leo is the power gate

to fire, teh time for illumination. The Sun is exactly mid-Leo at 5:15 am EDT

(9:15 am GMT) on August 7th. This is a great date for a mountain picnic.



The Druids built fires and beat drums following a solar eclipse, not 'to

bring back the Sun' as many believe, but to tune into and power on a new rhythm

for a new creation. Understanding eclipses was key to Druid religious science,

Stonehenge was built to predict eclipses. The Druids also celebrated eight

`solar power gates' in the year: the equinoxes, solstices and cross-quarter

days. Following a total solar eclipse the next solar gate is most important for

powering on the new creation. Lammas marks the cross-quarter of Summer, the

mid-Leo `power gate of fire'. The Lammas festival begins August 1, the

cross-quarter date is August 6-7 when the Sun is exactly halfway between

Solstice and Equinox. Now the Druids would stoke up their fires and beat drums

to power on a new cosmic creation.



During mid-August shooting stars will be streaming brightly from the sword

of Perseus while the great benefic Jupiter shines brilliantly in the evening

sky. Jupiter is at opposition, closest to our planet, bringing celestial

blessings. Saturn will just be fading from view as the Lord of the Rings makes a

solar rendezvous and turns rings edge on toward the Sun for a once-in-30-years

Spring Equinox. Spring time on Saturn is great news for planet Earth.



Cosmic Connections


Total Eclipse of the Sun July 21/22 http://www.spaceweather.com/

The longest solar eclipse of the 21st century takes place this Wednesday,

July 22nd. The path of totality crosses many major cities, setting the stage for

possibly the best-observed eclipse in human history.


Longest Solar Eclipse of the 21st Century


The event begins at the crack of dawn on Wednesday, July 22nd, in the Gulf

of Khambhat just east of India. "


Total Solar Eclipse of July 22, 2009


On Wednesday, 2009 July 22, a total eclipse of the Sun is visible from

within a narrow corridor that traverses half of Earth. The path of the Moon's

umbral shadow begins in India and crosses through Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan,

Myanmar and China. After leaving mainland Asia, the path crosses Japan's Ryukyu

Islands and curves southeast through the Pacific Ocean where the maximum

duration of totality reaches 6 min 39 s.


Solar Eclipse of July 22, 2009 ~ Wikipedia


This longest total solar eclipse in the twenty-first century will not be

surpassed in duration until June 13, 2132.


The Sequani Celtic Calendar http://www.sequanicalendar.com/discovery.html

Note the Druid's holy nights or stay-home times at the dark of the Moon, the

importance of 1st quarter Moon when divine and human interlink and the great

Full Moon celebrations that are central to the new world religion.


The Druid's Egg and the Sequani Calendar


The balain or ballaun (baa-lawn) is known as the Druid's Egg. An ellipse is

a two-dimensional balain. The Bluestones at Stonehenge form one half of an

ellipse from an aerial view. The semi-ellipse of the bluestone circle represents

the first quarter moon, the day when the Druids gathered their mistletoe. The

Celtic Calendar Page http://technovate.org/web/coligny.htm


Mary Magdalene, Feast Day July 22



Terpsichore, the Muse of Music and Dance



Eclipse of the Sun and the Goddess Eye



Total Eclipse ot the Sun: The Sun Bird Phoenix, Eye of God and Flight of the

Feathered Serpent


olar_eclipse_phoenix.htm & 2







Sat Avtar Kaur


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