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Considering what is going on or not goin on

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Sat Nam,


Considering what is going on or not goin on within Kundalini Yoga, the world and

us. I think the following is intersting.




Sat Avtar Kaur




Lies, Half-Truths and Manipulations:

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon


We wish to speak with you about a dangerous and treacherous

passage that you are now entering. We spoke to this in our last

communication when we discussed Chaotic Nodes.


From our perspective you are getting closer to the

manifestation of such chaos.


There are several reasons for this, which we wish to explore.

But first we wish to affirm to you our belief in the

sovereignty of human consciousness. We believe that you can,

as individuals and as a collective, change your destinies,

even as they unfold before you.


Therefore this message is not one of doom, but a call to

presence and spiritual mastery.


As we view it, the H1N1 Virus, commonly called the " swine

flu " has been genetically engineered and created. It is not a

natural mutation. It is a conscious attempt by the hidden

forces behind your governments to control and manipulate you.

It is a social experiment, with dire consequences if they



The lies, half-truths and manipulations of information

concerning this virus are very convoluted. But whatever the

outcome, it is clear to us that this was initiated by human



And it is also clear to us that it can only be undone by

human consciousness. Fear of survival is one of the greatest

tactics used to manipulate, and these dark forces shall use

every means at their disposal to ensure that fear increases

over the next several months (much less years).


As spiritual masters, your task is to transcend this

collective mind control and find your own personal pathway

through the chaos that will ensue. There are no specific

guidelines on how to manage this. It is up to you and your

own capacity for discernment. From our perspective, it will

appear as if a rift is torn through the very fabric of your

social consciousness.


There are those who will side with fear and insist that

radical actions be taken including, but certainly not limited

to, inoculations. Each of you must make your own decisions

regarding this, for you are the ones living in bodies, and it

is you who would be most affected.


But we must say to you, from our perspective, that we view

these inoculations to be highly suspicious. They are

contaminated. They will not protect. They will, in fact,

damage the health of many, and they contain crude mind

control devices, formulated from a scientific field in its

infancy called " nano technology. "


Again we cannot, and will not, advise you as to what you

should or should not do in this situation. It is your

sovereign choice. We are only reporting to you what we see

and how we view the situation.


Your economic problems are not over. Some elements of your

economy have been stabilized by furtive actions made behind

the closed doors of those who hold the reins of economic

power. But the system is riddled with time bombs and the

stress of increasing economic distress will add to the chaos.


There are many other elements that will escalate as you

approach what we have identified as chaotic nodes. But the

main purpose of this communication is to present a pathway

through the treacherous and dangerous transition that is now

upon you.


These are not times for the weak-hearted. These are times

that call upon your greatest reserves of courage, insight,

and intuition.


Our words are intended for those who sense the truth of the

hour. If what we say to you seems too far-fetched for your

imagination, then there is no reason to continue reading.


Our words are intended for those of you who know that the

hour has come, that the need for true mastery has arrived,

and despite whatever fears may dwell within your minds and

hearts, you know that courage will rise within you, for all

life depends upon your choices.


As the fear increases through collective mind control, it is

vital, indeed mandatory, that you transcend this; that you

bypass the misinformation corridors that will be open to you

everywhere you turn through the media, through social

pressure, through possible governmental interactions and



We have spoken in many previous communications about various

means to accomplish this. We would refer you to previous

messages about " Ecstasy and the Heart, " the " Holon of

Balance " and especially the " Holon of Ascension. " See links

below for these pages.)


But these are techniques, inner technologies for the mind.

They can and will assist you to transcend the mind control.

But there are simpler methods we now wish to discuss. They

are aspects of your very nature.


This " secret of secrets " is quite simply that you are creator

beings (both human and divine). This knowledge, as to your

nature, has been purposefully hidden from you by your

religions and some of your philosophies.


These secrets are, of course, forbidden fruits, for were you

to partake of them you would gain knowledge of your own

divinity, even as you live in materiality. You would gain the

knowledge that you are creating your future in this very

moment and in every moment of your life: through your

thoughts and your feelings, and by what you choose to think

and feel about yourself and each other.


The " secret of secrets " frees you from the imprisonment of

human limitation. It frees you from the constraints of your

time, place and circumstance. It does this by opening the

doorway of your own mind, freeing it from the mental

imprisonment projected onto you by those forces which would

contain and manipulate human destiny, for their own selfish



The " Secret of Secrets " has four aspects.


One is your ability to attain spiritual insight, or vision,

i.e. to see through the lies that are being projected onto

you. And to see the " right path, " even in the greatest



Two is your ability to feel. This is the core of the secrets.

It is your greatest treasure, although it is also your

greatest quandary. Those who wish to control and manipulate

you know that freezing, or paralyzing, your ability to feel

anything but the lower emotional spectrum will serve their



The third aspect is your ability to speak your truth. For

many of you the coming times will demand that you speak your

truth clearly, even when it is diametrically opposed to those

around you.


And the fourth aspect is your ability to take action. These

four aspects are rooted together and are the source of your



Within the nature of your heart is your capacity to feel and

this is the deepest secret of all. For this allows you to

change your vibratory field and this is the key to

transcending collective mind control.


Although it sounds ridiculously simplistic, the essential

truth of these secrets is what you call joy, appreciation and

gratitude. Discover the things in your life, the situations,

the people, your own thoughts and feelings, whatever gives

you a reason for joy, appreciation and gratitude. Cultivate

this like a precious garden in the midst of poisonous weeds,

for then this garden will grow and give you sustenance.


Paradoxically on many levels (not just emotionally and

psychologically but spiritually and even physically) when the

power of joy, appreciation or gratitude reaches a certain

amplitude or strength, it can literally cause manifestations

of physical reality. And so even in the darkest moments, if

you hold the spiritual mastery to transcend fear and

cultivate joy, appreciation and gratitude, unexpected

auspicious moments and situations will present themselves to



And, finally, we wish to be clear that these dark times can

be your grandest hours. You hold within you the Secret of

Secrets. Use them. Pass through the veil into the new world

that awaits you. And may your path to this new dimension of

being be strewn with auspicious blessings.


The Hathors

August 10, 2009




Observations from Tom


First of all let me say that the Hathors are, in no way,

telling any of us what to do. They are simply sharing what

they see in the current world situation.


Prophecies are strange animals. Their purpose is to alert us

to possible future outcomes, but they are not written in

stone. I sometimes use the metaphor of a nearly flat tire to

describe what happens with prophecy.


If you are driving your car and someone brings to your

attention that you have very low tire pressure and are on the

verge of a flat tire, they are giving you a prophecy. Now if

you were to respond to this the way some persons respond to

prophecy, you might say " Oh, my God, I am going to have a

flat tire and there is nothing I can do about it. "


The truth is that you would then be limiting yourself to a

very narrow view of possibility. Another more resourceful

possibility would be to go get your freaking tire fixed (or

at the very least re-inflated). Then you would have changed

the prophecy.


Prophecies are, by their nature, meant to be altered. And the

power to change a prophecy (no matter how dire it may be) is

through our ability to make choices.


But first of all, we have to know that we even have the

possibility to make choices.


This is the crux, I think, of what the Hathors are saying

here. We have the ability (whether we realize it or not) to

choose different vibratory fields than the collective might

choose. And higher vibratory fields such as joy, appreciation

and gratitude will lead us to different destinies (outcomes)

than will fear, anger and hostility.


One of our great challenges is that we have been duped into

believing that we have less ability to make choices for

ourselves than we innately possess. The Hathors clearly level

their criticism for this situation upon the shoulders of

religion and some of our more self-limiting philosophies.

These have robbed us of our inherent sovereignty by passing

on our responsibility (spell that response-ability) onto some

mysterious force beyond our control. The result has been a

decrease in our response-ability that has led us, I believe,

to our current cultural impasse.


For eons, we have followed our religious and political

leaders to the edge of an abyss without questioning. If we

continue on this path of blind subservience (without thinking

and choosing for ourselves) then we will, I think, enter a

deeply dark period of human history. The signs of this are

everywhere, if we but open our eyes to see past the mass

hypnotic spell that is being cast upon us.


Once again, the Hathors are reminding us to use the methods

they have shared to transcend the limitations of our time,

place and circumstance. These include Ecstasy and the Heart,

the Holon of Balance and the Holon of Ascension.


I can honestly say from my own experience and from the

reports of many persons around the world, these methods work.

But we must use these inner technologies in order to gain

their benefit.


In this message, however, the Hathors are also sharing a

simpler way of stepping free of collective mind control. They

call this the Secret of Secrets, and I personally found this

section to be most interesting.


I wish I could honestly tell you that I have mastered these,

but then I would not be speaking my truth. My truth is that I

sometimes accomplish the attainment of joy, appreciation and

gratitude and sometimes I fail at it miserably.


I have noticed, however, that when I am in the vibratory

field of joy, appreciation and gratitude, I am somehow

insulated from the swirling madness of our time. It is as if

I am suspended above the conflicts that I was so engrossed in

only moments before. And I have also noticed that if these

feelings continue long enough, my external circumstances

reflect this vibratory field. In other words, reasons to feel

joy, appreciation and gratitude pop up all around me through

such things as serendipity, and odd coincidences (i.e.,

synchronicities) that assist me.


When I succumb to the lower vibratory fields of fear, anger

and hostility (often after watching or reading too much of

the news, or simply indulging in my own bad habits of

imagining worst case scenarios), I find myself immersed in a

world of conflict. Serendipity and joy disappear, and the

world that was so full of magic and possibility evaporates

before me.


But I am clear that this is all my own creation.


I think the Hathors are sensing a deepening rift between

those who choose to live upward in the vibratory states of

joy, appreciation and gratitude and those who choose to live

in the vibratory states of fear, anger, and hostility: the

dominant emotional states currently being projected upon us

by our mass media and political agendas.


It remains to be seen what will transpire around these issues

in regard to our collective destiny, but those of us who are

striving to live upward will, no doubt, find these to be

interesting times.


Another way I personally think about all this is as a dance

between the art of ascension (living upward) and that of

descending (living downward). If I may extend the dance

metaphor a bit further, I would say we are all pretty much

caught up in the Great Mambo.


Although the Hathors didn't mention this directly, I think

one of our greatest allies in these times will be a

well-honed sense of humor. After all, from at least one

perspective the whole thing is one big cosmic joke, the joke

being on us. And certainly those of us who manage to keep our

humor intact will have many opportunities to laugh at

ourselves, the pathetic stupidity of our leaders and the

great dance of Maya (the world of illusion) as she waltzes

from the Old World into a new reality.


Tom Kenyon

August 10, 2009



Go to the website:


Ecstasy and the Heart




The Holon of Balance




The Holon of Ascension




Lies, Half-Truths and Manipulations




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©2009 Tom Kenyon . www.tomkenyon.com

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Thanks, Sat Avtar Kaur, for sharing the prophecy that the coming forced

vaccination will represent the final power move by the oligarchy that always had

controlled humanity, and the prophets' admonition to raise ones courage to

survive this Aquarian transition. Bolstering the case made by those whose

thoughts you shared, here is a similar prediction from a finance expert famous

for correct predictions:







lu-pandemic-riots.html, we can see Big Media already stirring fears.


Finally, at


s-by-2012.html, we see Celente's 2012 predictions, and see evidence of the

respect he has from so many established sources.


Time to get serious with sadhana.


Sat nam,

Amar Atma


Kundalini-Yoga , " Sat Avtar Kaur " <myralorey wrote:


> Sat Nam,


> Considering what is going on or not goin on within Kundalini Yoga, the world

and us. I think the following is intersting.


> Blessings,


> Sat Avtar Kaur

> http://www.kundaliniyogainfocntr.com/



> Lies, Half-Truths and Manipulations:

> A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon


> We wish to speak with you about a dangerous and treacherous

> passage that you are now entering.


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