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RE: One Star Spirituality - Advaita-Kundalini Yoga of Yogi Bhajan

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Dear Kirantana,

Thanks for quoting from my letter to you

of a few years back. I noticed 2 small typos towards the end of the quote and

corrected them. Reading articles like this elicit the primal memory of one’s

Self, within and throughout the body field, where the illumination that

pervades the mind outshines the images we typically grasp at to retain our idea

or notion of identity. This illumination of the Self recollecting Itself

within the reflected consciousness, is like watching a movie where the light in

the projector becomes brighter and brighter dissolving the images on the

screen, but instead of protesting to the theater manager, you are drawn inward

to the source of the Light, which you experience paradoxically as an

all-pervasive Singularity of Being. You suddenly recall who you really

are and abide as the True Man and true Woman, unconditioned uncaused, just as

the Japji states. This sudden transformation, which is not from this to that or

here to there, like an identity shift, is called in all the religions “hearing”

in which attention itself radically disengages and you abide as the

Transfiguration, both immersed in yet the source of the Ground of Being at the

creative core of the manifestation of Creation Itself – the meaning of Ek

Ong Kar Sat Nam.

There used to be a website with hundreds

of such articles and spiritual texts, sets, kriyas and meditations, www.kundalini-matashakti.com,

which unfortunately was hacked and destroyed. Several people have been

trying to reconstitute some of the main articles and spiritual texts on their

websites, both from the perspective of Kundalini Yoga and pure advaita

(non-dualism). The series referred to was called the Radiant series,

which was based on a number of TT handouts from 2001/3.

The volume of information that came out

of Yogi Bhajan’s 37 years of teaching is such that sometimes one forgets that

the many spokes on the wheel have a central hub from which perspective, the

whole of the Teachings resolve themselves into the transformation of the

experience of the body field from the energy grips of thoughts and emotions

that make up the clinging sense to an identity, to an experience of pervasive

radiance, where you experience the whole field of the body, i.e., the 10

bodies, at once without attention, as a unit of consciousness itself, at a

vibration that is just beyond the frequency of thought and impressions.

Gradually within this field of self aware being emerges a singular sense of

Intelligence which begins to consider who experiences this single pervasive


Regarding the aid of Spiritual Texts, one

needs just to consider Yogi Bhajan’s own Sadhana, in which he also explains

that he is daily reading spiritual texts with the consideration of gleaning the

experience or sensation of Truth they emit within and behind the words.

When read in this way in combination with one’s daily Sadhana of sets, kriyas,

sound and meditations, the Self Radiant Intelligence that emerges within the

unified body field as a unit of consciousness, suddenly experiences

“recollection” which in Kundalini yoga is called Pradupati or Crystallization.

This is the real beginning of yoga. “hearing, recollection and Self

abiding” are the same experience. “Abide in Me (the unit of consciousness) as I

abide in the Father (the Universal Consciousness). For I and my Father

are One.” This is the experience of what Yogi Bhajan called “impact” – which

was quoted and explained in the website, also hacked and destroyed, www.adityahrdaya.com. So,

in the 37 years of Teachings, one realizes that the inscrutable volume of

knowledge and insight that accompanies the innumerable sets, kriyas, mantras

and meditations for every conceivable happenstance and purpose one may feel

directed to in life, are like spokes in a wheel that have at their core, the

simple understanding that, whatever the situation, Sadhana, spiritual practice

as a means to engage and resolve every interaction of life, has the core

intent, like spokes on a wheel have a hub, of bringing about the experience of

the body field as a unit of consciousness capable of attuning at any moment, to

its Ground, like a magnet aligning suddenly to a magnetron, which is single all

pervasive Being. Then (even now if we had “eyes to see and ears to hear”)

everywhere you look, you see and experience your own Self Radiance, where time

and space have no meaning. The duality within the non-dual,

indistinguishable. We always see with the eyes of the Infinite, but don’t

recognize the True Seer, and then we do. In life it is difficult to change the

scrip we are given, but the writer of the script augments the contents based on

changes in the experience of consciousness and to the extent one is able to

abide in and as That.

Note: This is a different concept as to

the purpose of life and how we go about living it than the one we would suppose

from the press, school systems and media, in which we come to grasp that there

is an archetype that underlies and overrules the notions of civilization that

often tend to border on and align with the idea of godlessness and an elite’s

prerogative over the masses considered to be no more than fodder.

Here in Asia just finishing on November

1, there was a one week Level 2 TT Program taught by Sunder Singh Khalsa at

Baan Puwaan in Nakorn Prathom, just outside of Bangkok http://www.kundaliniyogathailand.orgevents/sunderworkshop.gif,

followed by a one week Yoga Festival http://www.kundaliniyogathailand.org

with 6 international KY teacher trainers headed by Sunder, including

Kartar Singh Khalsa from Espanola NM and Dr. Kartar Singh Khalsa and Nirvair

Singh Khalsa and Nirvair Kaur Khalsa from Alaska and Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa.

Evolving gradually from a seed of thought to motivated action is the RaMaDaSa

Center, which is in the process of emerging in an area found in China

surrounded by beautiful hills and water. What I noticed in this Name is that

MaDa, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and end, birth and death are

contained without distinction or separation from RaSa, the Infinite Light of

uncaused unconditioned Being. Together RaMaDaSa is the duality within the

non-dual as an indistinguishable experience of Reality, something that Sunder

was talking about almost in the same breath as he explained the intent and

future of the RaMaDaSa Center and how it will emerge throughout Asia.

Regarding the Radiant series:

The series was made up of a group of

articles that I will eventually reconstitute in the new domain name website: www.kundalini-matashakti.org, as

the hacker of the other was able to work with an ISP over a couple of years to

convince the NIC in Switzerland that they owned the domain name, which became

their means to take over the website (actually several) legally and shut it


Here below is the Radiant




From time to time when you practice, also read some of these

texts. The first group should be read in succession, as each one further

the information to be incorporated in one’s practice and understood from the

previous one. Also they are useful to reread from time to time, as with

practice new understanding arises as to the meaning of the words, i.e., you experience

the meaning of the words that would not have been imaginable prior to practice,

such as the experience of radiance and dissolution related to prana and apana

and how the combination results in the body field emulating the emergence of

the experience the non-dual. The use of Sound in the KY Sadhana and how it is

practiced with breathing, cadence and movement and in a way that elicits

penetrative vibratory effects that dissolve blockages throughout the nervous

and psychic system is also much different than sound in most other yoga

practices, the result being that high levels of voltage are easily and

effortlessly sustained as one’s common experience. In a sense Sadhana is

like going through a systematic rewiring of one’s house to accommodate greater

levels of amperes and voltage, always available in the (non-dual) grid without



For those that know this experience of the non-dual inherent in

the body field, it is like experiencing a penetration of living light that

pours through and between the atoms of the body field, having a dissolving

effect that causes a radical disengagement and (out of hand) relinquishment of

attention and abidance as a Singularity, like standing in the midst or center

of a Black Hole, as the Force Itself untouched by and as the very destruction

of images and impressions, indeed the Alpha and the Omega. If there is a

thought that emerges, it rises like a thought from within a span of

10,000 years of unutterable silence, words full of the meaning of Truth, such

as ….. “uncaused”……“timeless” …… “unconditioned” ….. that arise out of a

void beyond the very notion of time and space.


Because one experiences a deepening field of radiance without

attention to any part of the body even outside the physical body i.e., the

Radiant body field and at a frequency beyond the range of thought, the natural

attachment to cling to some focused identity is relinquished, and the mind

begins to Trust an experience of being and identity in which there is no

tension, or in which tension, as an unit of energy that typically grips us, is

constantly releasing into a unified field. Then all that’s needed is the Word,

the expression of Truth of who one is, the result of which is this sudden

impact Yogi Bhajan refers to, which all the religions portend.


The KY TT articles are:


Breath of Fire


Basic Kundalini Yoga



A Proper Understanding of

the Active and Passive Aspects o Kundalini Yoga Practice


Sadhana Aradhana Pradupati


What Is Yoga


The Right Path – Aka Purkh

Illuminates Me


The disengaging of the

Reticular Activating System


Additional Articles regarding yoga practice and resulting

experience of radical Self awareness:

1. Maya-Non-Dualism




What is the One Star


Non-Dual spiritual Texts, the reading of

which results in a sudden recollection of the Self by the Self,

the “I” of our “i”, giving arise to the sensation of coming out of a state of

amnesia or stupor and into a grounding Singularity of pervasive uncaused

unconditioned Being:


Faith Mind by the Third Zen



Avadhut – The Avadhut Gita


The Heart of the Ribhu Gita

(Ch 26)


A-Buddha – a discourse by

the 6th Zen Patriarch


Shankara (A4)





If anyone would like to have these articles, just e-mail me

and I’ll forward them you.

The above is a follow up on the previous posting below.



Re: Kundalini Energy and the older posts...


Posted by: " Kirantana " kirantana



Nov 1, 2009 3:00 pm (PST)


Sat Nam sister...very well said...and I

concur...also Joel Goldsmith is someone I consider one of my main

teachers... " Practicing the Presence " ...and the " Art of

Spiritual Healing " I try and read at least once a year...and have for decades.

You are right, there is always something more you can get from writings of

people like this...no matter how many times you read them. I wasn't quite

clear, sorry, I'm recording my life long Opus...I was never good at

multi-tasking :-). I was concerned that people might think that what he was

describing was the 'only' way these things happen. But as you talk about these

other teachings like Joel...I see we are on the same page. Also that if younger

teachers hadn't had experiences like this, I was concerned that they might feel

like what they were doing wasn't good enough, and not contributing. But Pieter

always makes it clear...If you are doing sadhana, you are solidly on the path

and serving humanity greatly. The " inner lights " will unfold as they

are needed, in their own timing.

And I will continue this conversation, and share some of my own experiences as

I finish some gnarly new challenges in " shabad " that I have taken on.


Thanks for this......Kirantana



" MyraL " <myralorey@. ..>



Sat Nam Kirantana,


I tried to talk myself out of saying anything, or not on your statement

Quote: " because for newer people Pieter can be overwhelming " .



That is an assumption. If a person gets overwhelmed, reading the writing of a

person who lives in the non-dual state, they may tune it out and stop, but they

will know where it is, and they will gain something from it, and something will

be remembered and possibly even they can pass the information along. (now if

you really want to be overwhelmed read Gurdjieff's Beelzebub's Tales to His

Grandson, or Madame Blavatsky's writings).


It use to be a well known fact, (early Christian Science, Theosophy, Vedanta)

that one of the paths towards the non-dual state is reading the writings of a

person who has reached enlightenment, self-realization, Non-dualism, Christ

Consciousness or whatever you want to call it. As you try to understand what

these writers are saying, you are getting closer to understanding it yourself,

just one tiny realization of what they are saying can start a person their



I just today ran across an email which Pieter sent to me in March 2008. I think

he states it better than I did.




There is a particular experience in Kundalini Yoga called One Star

Spirituality, which comes as the sense of the seer is discriminated or isolated

from what you see. There's a sense of radical Intelligence in which your

interest or enquiry withdraws for what you are seeing and becomes absorbed in

who sees, where the seeing is coming from. A sense of disengaging of

attention begins to pervade the whole body and radiance penetrates everywhere.


This will just begin to happen by Itself. The source is not in the area of the

brain, rather in the heart, which is like the Sun in the body, and behind that

Sun is Infinite all pervasive Being.


Reading the various non-dual spiritual texts as part of the practice is helpful,

as the Self recollects Itself in the words and lives of the Saints, Sages and

Saviors of the various religions, like words to someone with amnesia, who

hearing them begins to recollect, and then remembers and abides as who he/she



The texts aren't really meant to compare, but rather to somehow be

" heard " where you consider that the life and words are expressing the

awakened state, and you try to somehow get what it is they are

experiencing. And then suddenly you do. In Kundalini Yoga, this is

called Pradupati or Crystallization. In the various religions it's a

trinity of " hearing-recollection-abiding. "


When this happens then all sorts of experiences and the clinging attention to

them have no more hold on you. Whatever they are you abide entirely

beyond them, yet as their substratum.


The initial stages of this recognition are that you begin to realize yourself

as a field or unit of consciousness, animating the body, lighting the mind, and

no longer the body sensations and thought impressions. The distinction of

seeing, seer and seen, fades and you see as a field of self-radiance.

Your light lights the field around you. When the sense of " I "

as " I " begins to become stronger, pulling inward like a graviton yet

radiant penetrating light everywhere, there is an " impact " with the

Infinite, and all separation and distinctions dissolves.


This may seem a far off experience, but in fact it is the basis of our everyday


Reading The Self, Maya and the Heart: The

Philosophy of Non-Dualism a few times, maybe once a week , as you

practice and consider what is written, will start to make all this clear.

All the phenomenological experiences are

letting us know that there is more to who and what we are. But with

steady daily practice of the various sets, kriyas and meditations, and

understanding the proper breathing, the applied awareness, the active and

passive aspects of each exercise, and occasional reading of spiritual texts,

this " hearing " occurs. It disengages you from attention, and

something new awakens, the recollection and abiding as your True Self. You

experience for your Self what Christ meant when he came out of the dessert and

said " I am the Truth. " Or when Nanak came from the cave and said Sat

Nam, which means the experience of " I AM " as Absolute unconditioned

uncaused Truth.


help the remembrance if the mind is pure enough for the reflected Intelligence

of the Self to radiate through the mind enabling this " hearing " to

penetrate through the mind's habit of attention. But the experience is

beyond words, beyond seeing, beyond knowing, yet utterly here, but here in a

way quite different than we can imagine. Here, now, yet pervasive.


If you feel you don't quite hear or get the words, you will soon enough, as you

keep up the daily Sadhana.





The above is not the only way, there are as many ways as there are people. You

can even read Eckhart Tolle, Joel S Goldsmith and others, and have an


The Self, Maya and the Heart: The Philosophy of Non-Dualism can be found on

this page;

http://www.kundalin iyogainfocntr.

com/page/ The+Self% 2C+Maya%2C+ and+the+Heart% 3A

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