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heaviness/large/dropping feeling on the right during kriyas

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Sat Nam!

For the last 2 weeks when I am practicing, I have been experiencing a heavy

and/or dropping feeling on my right side while doing certain kriyas. I will

feel often like I am falling to the left. During spinal rolls I found that I

was moving in a circle during the 2 minutes I was doing them because of this

feeling. Today, I turned in the opposite direction to practice facing other

wall than I typically do. I still had the feeling, so it wasn't an uneven floor

as I suspected. This time I felt like my entire right side was extremely large

while my left side was puny and thin. It was the oddest sensation. Can anyone

offer any insights to what this might be?


Thank you,


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Hello Kelli...as I remember , you are fairly new to Kundalini yoga. You should

understand that all kinds of strange body feelings can happen when you first

start these practices. Unless they start to interfere with your life, they are

normal and will pass. But for issues concerning right and left equilibrium...I

always find that right and left nostril breathing balances it out. I almost

always start my sets with 3 minutes breathing through each nostril...following

the breath down to the base of the spine...and back up with the exhale......then

holding the breath with a closed root lock...for as long as you can....This way

the prana will fill the whole spine. Whatever kryia I do...I always begin with

right and left breathing. Try that for awhile...then add the more advanced

breathing...inhale one side....exhale the other side....inhale that same

side...then exhale the other side....back and forth....But always follow the

breath with your imagination up and down the spine with the

breathing....................This should help..... Kirantana



Kundalini-Yoga , " hillfolkmama " <kudzumountain wrote:


> Sat Nam!

> For the last 2 weeks when I am practicing, I have been experiencing a heavy

and/or dropping feeling on my right side while doing certain kriyas. I will

feel often like I am falling to the left. During spinal rolls I found that I

was moving in a circle during the 2 minutes I was doing them because of this

feeling. Today, I turned in the opposite direction to practice facing other

wall than I typically do. I still had the feeling, so it wasn't an uneven floor

as I suspected. This time I felt like my entire right side was extremely large

while my left side was puny and thin. It was the oddest sensation. Can anyone

offer any insights to what this might be?


> Thank you,

> Kelli


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Sat Nam,

Another consideration with anything left-brain/right-brain is

that your right brain (which connects to the

left side of your body) relates to your feminine/moon/mother - while

your left brain (which connects to the

right side of your body) relates to your masculine/sun/father.

Sometimes, our relationships to our parents are reflected in the

strength or weakness of one of our hemispheres. Yoga and meditation

can both tune us into relative weaknesses, and help us to balance them.

Harbhajan Kaur

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> Another consideration with anything left-brain/right-brain is

> that your right brain (which connects to the

> left side of your body) relates to your feminine/moon/mother -

> while your left brain (which connects to the

> right side of your body) relates to your masculine/sun/father.


> Harbhajan Kaur


Just a question... Or rather a call for clarification... based on what you

said... If this is the case...


Isn't the right brain also used for more calculating, evaluating, and logic

processes - which would naturally be more associated with the masculine

qualities? And isn't the left brain more associated with emotional, creative and

loving/flowing processes - which would naturally be more associated with

feminine qualities??


So if this is also true, isn't this the opposite of what you said?


Curiously & confusedly yours,



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Sat nam,

During my first 6 years of Kundalini Yoga I lived in an ashram and I can

remember being in yoga at some point during that time period, meditating, and

feeling like I was to the right of center. It was like the center of my

awareness was not along my spine, but maybe 6 to 10 inches to the right. Now I

see that my awareness was hanging out more in the masculine/thinking side of

myself. Through time (weeks?) it went back to center. Just keep doing your


By the way, I am a work from home Mom of one 4.5 year old. I live in a rural

area. I can definitely see how you feel isolated. I'm glad you are on here!

Nice to meet you. I have managed to get in my 15 minutes of warm-ups in order

to not feel old for much of the time that I've been a mom. For a while I even

taught a yoga class for parents of babies from my living room (when I lived in

town). Class included nursing and diaper changes as we did full yoga sets. It

was great. My daughter grew up thinking yoga is something you do with your

baby. As she got older she'd grab a doll so she could do yoga. Now she enjoys

Snatam Kaur's yoga DVD, I think it's called Shanti the Yogi.

Guru Beant Kaur in FL


Bridget Kamke, LMT

Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Licensed Massage Therapist

Children's Book Author





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Sat Nam

Hi Fateh,

The right side of the brain is the creative feminine side which relates to the

left hand, and the right hand is ruled by the logical left side of the brain. I

have a book called drawing on the right side of the brain, it is an art book to

help beginners, and includes techniques such as turning a picture upside down

and drawing it, you would be surprised how well it comes out, bypassing the left



When I was studying Jyotish I was taught that the right eye is the masculine

eye, and the left feminine, but this is reversed in females.


I get confused with this switching myself, are left handed people's brains

switched around? If I get confused I remember right hand positive switches to

left brain.


OCD must be a Lunar imbalance as the main technique for this condition is

breathing through the left nostril only. When the OCD is bad the right nostril

gets very blocked, and the left prominent. When I practice this breath I can

feel myself slowly switching into the left side of my brain, at this point the

OCD calms down, the right nostril opens up and there is less pressure on the

right nostril. Importantly also the body and brain cool down, OCD seems to heat

the body, when bad the tongue is very red, after practicing this technique the

tongue becomes pinker and lighter in colour. Maybe the logical Solar side is

overcompensating for the irrational lunar side.

I understand it as the Solar and Lunar currents or hemispheres of the brain



All best wishes,

Sukhnivas S. (Paul)

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the right brain is the emotional/creative side and the left is logical. however the left controls the right side of the body whereas the right brain controls the left.PaulaOn 12/4/09, Fateh Singh <fatehsinghnyc wrote:







> Another consideration with anything left-brain/right-brain is

> that your right brain (which connects to the

> left side of your body) relates to your feminine/moon/mother -

> while your left brain (which connects to the

> right side of your body) relates to your masculine/sun/father.


> Harbhajan Kaur


Just a question... Or rather a call for clarification... based on what you said... If this is the case...


Isn't the right brain also used for more calculating, evaluating, and logic processes - which would naturally be more associated with the masculine qualities? And isn't the left brain more associated with emotional, creative and loving/flowing processes - which would naturally be more associated with feminine qualities??


So if this is also true, isn't this the opposite of what you said?


Curiously & confusedly yours,



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Wonderful suggestions from Kirantana.


Kundalini-Yoga , " Kirantana " <kirantana wrote:


> Hello Kelli...as I remember , you are fairly new to Kundalini yoga. You should

understand that all kinds of strange body feelings can happen when you first

start these practices. Unless they start to interfere with your life, they are

normal and will pass. But for issues concerning right and left equilibrium...I

always find that right and left nostril breathing balances it out. I almost

always start my sets with 3 minutes breathing through each nostril...following

the breath down to the base of the spine...and back up with the exhale......then

holding the breath with a closed root lock...for as long as you can....This way

the prana will fill the whole spine. Whatever kryia I do...I always begin with

right and left breathing. Try that for awhile...then add the more advanced

breathing...inhale one side....exhale the other side....inhale that same

side...then exhale the other side....back and forth....But always follow the

breath with your imagination up and down the spine with the

breathing....................This should help..... Kirantana



> Kundalini-Yoga , " hillfolkmama " <kudzumountain@> wrote:

> >

> > Sat Nam!

> > For the last 2 weeks when I am practicing, I have been experiencing a heavy

and/or dropping feeling on my right side while doing certain kriyas. I will

feel often like I am falling to the left. During spinal rolls I found that I

was moving in a circle during the 2 minutes I was doing them because of this

feeling. Today, I turned in the opposite direction to practice facing other

wall than I typically do. I still had the feeling, so it wasn't an uneven floor

as I suspected. This time I felt like my entire right side was extremely large

while my left side was puny and thin. It was the oddest sensation. Can anyone

offer any insights to what this might be?

> >

> > Thank you,

> > Kelli

> >


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