Guest guest Posted December 28, 2009 Report Share Posted December 28, 2009 Dear April/Amarbir Kaur -I am glad you wrote your email.It is the translation to English of the Sikh Scriptures that is throwing you off.Pls remember for the sake of translation, the original meaning and beauty of the words of the great saints and gurus can be thrown off.Sikhism does not believe in a he or a she god.It believes in an energy that is not bound by gender, or time, or space.God, is simply an energy and an experience of that energy.That is all.What is my experience you may ask?I am born into a sikh family, and also had issues with the genderization of god b/c I have read many of the english translations of the sikh scriptures and have had discussions about this point with my parents as, don't worry, you are not alone in this feeling.I have had the chance to read both the english and the gurmukhi side by side, and i can tell you, a lot does get lost in translations.Best of luck.Daljit Kaur--- On Sun, 12/27/09, Kundalini-Yoga <Kundalini-Yoga > wrote:Kundalini-Yoga <Kundalini-Yoga > Digest Number 1708Kundalini-Yoga Date: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 5:55 AM Kundalini-Yoga Kundalini-Yoga Messages In This Digest (12 Messages) 1a. Re: finding a relationship tantrarap 1b. Re: finding a relationship tantrarap 1c. Re: finding a relationship gurufathasingh 1d. Re: finding a relationship Nigel 2a. siri guru granth sahib Pritam Hari Kaur 2b. Re: siri guru granth sahib beautiful22 2c. Re: siri guru granth sahib Nigel 3a. Polarity - Venus Lock Catalyst Yogi 3b. Re: Polarity - Venus Lock Yoga Jap 4. To Amarbir Kaur--God and the Siri Guru Granth Sahib Siri-Gian (Soul Answer) 5. Adi Shakti mantra Paula Lucidi 6. Winter Solstice 2009... Who sings that song played at the end of... anandjot.kaur View All Topics | Create New Topic Messages 1a. Re: finding a relationship Posted by: "tantrarap" tantrarap tantrarap Sat Dec 26, 2009 7:03 am (PST) Sat Nam, 3HO community yes! this is an extremely important dialogue - and what better time of the year to address such themes!! I feel that most scriptures reflect the essence of that particular time-space continuum, so they possess a quality of the infinite and, often, shades of the current mindset. Hence, the word "Lord" assuming a masculine gender. We have suffered through the patriachial superstructure now for 3000-5000 years (depending on the location/culture) . Thankfully, this period is now coming to a deserved end. WAHE GURU. The feminine is re-creating new balance, new possibilities for an awakened world community - one that respects the freedom of each individual, the beauty and uniqueness of every soul!! Kundalini Yoga (and more specifically Naad Yoga & Kirtan) is for me a key component of this global awakening. Daily sadhana will carry us through this awesome rollercoaster ride to freedom, true freedom .... WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU in Oneness, EK ONG KAR SAT NAM SIRI WAHE GURU Hari Ram Singh Kundalini-Yoga, "Kirantana" <kirantana@. ..> wrote: > > Hello April....... I always had trouble with the literature of the Guru Granth Sahib, and after carefully reading it for many years I decided I was not a Sikh. Though I respect their religion as much as I respect anyone's, there were many ideas I just did not agree with and could not correspond with my own 'communions' with God. But I always assumed that the Guru's enlightenment' s were at least as real as my own, and for myself, the word "God" does not signify "male". It is just a word I use to try and speak about what can't be explained. > As to the Guru's "personal" ideas of male and female, I have no idea, and have never been curious. But I wholeheartedly support you in trusting that Your "journey is supported even in the lens of misogyny, and trust that the spirit of the practice is not lost in translation. " I have always found this to be the case. If all this practice does not lead to "self trust" then what good is it? Feel confident in making up your own mantras and words, and anything else you need to do... to form resonance with the experiences you seek. There is no one 'correct' way for any of this. > > In all peace Kirantana > > > Kundalini-Yoga, "April" <april_parchoma@ > wrote: > > > > Sat nam yogis, > > > > I have a question, that's not supposed to be cheeky, because it's authentic, but it may sound cheeky. > > > > Is all the mantra scripture designed in accordance with misogynist spiritual lens of the universe? Is the mantra literature written with a male-centric view of the Universe - I.E. that infinity is male, or is it the careful translation to English? > > > > I love the mantras, I love how they work, I love the blissful balance I feel after practicing Kundalini meditation, but I also feel placed in a ridiculous situation when I read some of the translations because in my own, personally personal personable heart infinity has no gender, and I find it is often creation stories that provide gender through a cultural lens, or a Christo-Judao lens is the background of the translator. In my worldview there is no omnipresent capital L lord, and it's difficult, unsettling, and in fact unrealistic for me to interpret the mantras in this way. > > > > I recognize that gender issues are surface in relation to the effectiveness of the mantras, and acknowledge that my emotions are my own responsibility; however, I'm still curious about the attachment the translations have to gender - is it from the source material or the lack of gender neutral words in English? > > > > For example, I feel like I'm reading part of The Bible rather than reading a translation of eastern meditations in the soul-mate mantra: "The time of rejoicing has come; I sing of my Lord God. I have heard of my Imperishable Husband Lord, and happiness fills my mind. My mind is in love with Him; when shall I realize my great good fortune, > > and meet with my Perfect Husband? > > > > I apologize for the offensive ripple that may wave through those of you with a Christian/Jewish background, and if you're offended by me lumping ya'll together, and further to those who may have translated this piece with hearts filled with bliss and love and connection to the spiritual support available to anyone who wishes to venture in this direction. I pose this question as a selfish attempt to authentically connect with the language of the mantras, and to intellectually develop my own language to support my practice - outside of the misogynist spiritual view of life and the universe. > > > > If in fact the translations hold true, and this is the language which supports my spirit and cleanses my subconscious, then all I can do is express is my gratitude for the ancestors who practiced this holy exercise in the spirit of bliss and elevation, and trust that my journey is supported even in the lens of misogyny, and trust that the spirit of the practice is not lost in translation. > > > > Thank you for your patience in reviewing this post, > > > > With much love and respect, April/Amarbir Kaur > > > > Kundalini-Yoga, "Yoga Jap" <noi@> wrote: > > > > > > Sat Nam! > > > > > > Search for "Marriage > > > Mantras" -http://www.kundalin iyogainfocntr. com/page/ Kundalini+ Yoga+Mantras+ L+-+P > > > > > > Blessings, > > > > > > Sujan S. > > > > > > ---- Original Message ---- > > > "Paula Lucidi" <plucidi@> > > > <Kundalini-Yoga> > > > Tuesday, December 15, 2009 3:25 AM > > > finding a relationship > > > > > > > Hello all, > > > > > > > > I am wondering if there is any info on finding a romantic > > > > relationship, as well as finding good friends/best friend. > > > > > > > > I know of some Sanskrit mantras for finding a husband and for > > > > friendship. I am wondering if there are any kriyas or mantras in KY. > > > > As well, if one is having difficulty in finding a husband/wife, is > > > > this just a karmic situation or is this maybe influenced by their > > > > chakras? > > > > > > Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (19) 1b. Re: finding a relationship Posted by: "tantrarap" tantrarap tantrarap Sat Dec 26, 2009 7:04 am (PST) Sat Nam, Angela I am so excited to see so many people being turned on to Naad Yoga!! here is a link to my myspace site, where you can find some of my original music for mantras: http://www.myspace. com/hariram in Oneness,Hari Ram Singh Kundalini-Yoga, Angela Bond <angelajbond@ ...> wrote: > > Greetings, > > I just wanted to introduce myself to the group and respond to David's reply. I only joined a couple days ago. I'm excited about the wealth of knowledge I hope to gain from this group, mostly, because I am a vocalist and have recently been moved by Spirit to start learning and singing mantras specifically for self and hopefully to inspire healing in others... > > So thanks David for sharing..."not searching outside of self", is always a hard pill to swallow, but so true... > > Be encouraged.. . > Angela > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > davidswalec davidswalec@ ... > Kundalini-Yoga > Tue, December 15, 2009 10:27:34 AM > Re: finding a relationship > >  > In response to your question I will offer this as I hope it answers your question. I think people are looking for things too specific when they look for mantras and kriyas. Perhaps there is one recommended for very specific conditions, however my belief is that if yogis focused more on their own happiness they would find a lot of their answers in keeping their own ten bodies in balance and other things would take care of themselves. > > My suggestion is to find a Kriya that is for yourself, such as on the DVD Add Grace and Prosperity with Kundalini Yoga with Nirvair Singh Khalsa. It has the Ganapati (pronounced gun a putty) kriya and exercises that not only are great but many are also used for ridding depression. Seem coincidence to me that peace and prosperity go hand in hand like lovers. > > The point I am hoping to make is if you work on yourself the rest come naturally as when people stop looking for a mate the tell stories how they suddenly bumped into them and were married for the past 15 years. We keep looking outside ourselves and forget to honor the wisdom within. I am only suggesting you consider if you have done this (perhaps you have) before you search too far from what would really complete you. Perhaps searching for your own mantra and using it will bring everything else. > > Sat Nam > David > Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (19) 1c. Re: finding a relationship Posted by: "gurufathasingh" gurufathasingh gurufathasingh Sat Dec 26, 2009 10:42 am (PST) Sat Nam. I know some Gurmukhi and am familiar with the psycho-spiritual construct of Siri Guru Granth Sahib - am also a student and teacher of women's issues as I have give a number of courses on Yogi Bhajan's teachings for women here in Canada. So that is where I am coming from. 1) Let me answer the first question first. Finding a life partner is a primal pursuit in life and everything figures into it. So, yes, your chakras, but also your expectations of what a husband should be, your concept of yourself as a woman, your habits of socializing, your ability to communicate both verbally and non-verbally, your geographic location, the local culture - all have their place in the mix. Longing for a beloved - whether that beloved is known or unknown to you - is one of the most powerful and ennobling instincts a human being can feel. That is why is figures a lot in the Shabad Guru. It is also the wellspring of so much art and so much beauty. Suffering too. It is bittersweet to be without one's beloved; bitter to be alone, but sweet to ultimately trust in uniting or reuniting with her or him. As for mantras, the Adi Shakti mantra can give you the strength and conviction of your power as a woman. The Grace of God mantra can mellow you and put you in the flow of divine grace. Then there is a Song from the Shabad Guru. It starts "Mangal saaj bha-i-aa..." If you need help with any of these let me know. 2) As for misogyny in Gurbani, I would say misogyny, meaning the "hatred of women" is not an appropriate word. Gurbani, as divine poetry, does take a vantage point, sometimes male, sometimes female, and sometimes neither to convey the story, the feeling, the message it conveys. You must remember Guru Nanak wrote "Bhand jammee-ai... " particularly to elevate the status of women. The first person who happened to believe in him, we call her "the first Sikh", was his sister, Nanaki. If you study Indian philosophy, you will find some systems that depict the infinite as male and others depict it as female. What difference does it really make so long as we treat each other with respect? Where Gurbani and Yogiji's teachings step out and become "difficult" is where they assume that women are not weak but powerful, and that every man is ultimately ruled by one disposition, to please the woman in his life. Gurbani says also that a yogi is androgenous. So my best suggestion to anyone who has difficulty with the sexual orientation of certain Gurbani is: 1) try to recognize there is no misogyny there. None. It is simply a poetic and philosophical construct. 2) Leave your own sexual predispositions and prejudices (machisma or feminist) and try to appreciate it for what it is. I think you will find a lot of love and inspiration and beauty there. Blessings abounding... Guru Fatha Singh Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (19) 1d. Re: finding a relationship Posted by: "Nigel" tantrarap tantrarap Sat Dec 26, 2009 8:45 pm (PST) Sat Nam, Ji I think you will have to attest that this so-called '"longing for the beloved" can take many twists and turns in one's life! Indeed, we have all come into this earthly plane with many soulmates (perhaps one "twin flame" - the jury is still out for me); hence the need for any evolving soul to periodically re-examine and redefine the word "beloved". Yes, most possibly it is the God or Goddess or Guru - that which we see most clearly in the eyes of our intimates. For me, this is part of the magic and splendour of White Tantric: that I can sit face-to-face with a perfect stanger and, by the end of the day, feel as if we have known each other for lifetimes!!! Indeed, what I like best about Solstice gatherings is the opportunity to experience White Tantric Yoga with three different partners - and one of these days I will seek to share this sacred experience with another man. WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WAHE GURU Hari Ram SIngh Kundalini-Yoga, "gurufathasingh" <gurufathasingh@ ...> wrote: > > > Sat Nam. I know some Gurmukhi and am familiar with the psycho-spiritual construct of Siri Guru Granth Sahib - am also a student and teacher of women's issues as I have give a number of courses on Yogi Bhajan's teachings for women here in Canada. So that is where I am coming from. > > 1) Let me answer the first question first. Finding a life partner is a primal pursuit in life and everything figures into it. So, yes, your chakras, but also your expectations of what a husband should be, your concept of yourself as a woman, your habits of socializing, your ability to communicate both verbally and non-verbally, your geographic location, the local culture - all have their place in the mix. > > Longing for a beloved - whether that beloved is known or unknown to you - is one of the most powerful and ennobling instincts a human being can feel. That is why is figures a lot in the Shabad Guru. It is also the wellspring of so much art and so much beauty. Suffering too. It is bittersweet to be without one's beloved; bitter to be alone, but sweet to ultimately trust in uniting or reuniting with her or him. > > As for mantras, the Adi Shakti mantra can give you the strength and conviction of your power as a woman. The Grace of God mantra can mellow you and put you in the flow of divine grace. Then there is a Song from the Shabad Guru. It starts "Mangal saaj bha-i-aa..." If you need help with any of these let me know. > > 2) As for misogyny in Gurbani, I would say misogyny, meaning the "hatred of women" is not an appropriate word. Gurbani, as divine poetry, does take a vantage point, sometimes male, sometimes female, and sometimes neither to convey the story, the feeling, the message it conveys. You must remember Guru Nanak wrote "Bhand jammee-ai... " particularly to elevate the status of women. The first person who happened to believe in him, we call her "the first Sikh", was his sister, Nanaki. > > If you study Indian philosophy, you will find some systems that depict the infinite as male and others depict it as female. What difference does it really make so long as we treat each other with respect? > > Where Gurbani and Yogiji's teachings step out and become "difficult" is where they assume that women are not weak but powerful, and that every man is ultimately ruled by one disposition, to please the woman in his life. Gurbani says also that a yogi is androgenous. So my best suggestion to anyone who has difficulty with the sexual orientation of certain Gurbani is: 1) try to recognize there is no misogyny there. None. It is simply a poetic and philosophical construct. 2) Leave your own sexual predispositions and prejudices (machisma or feminist) and try to appreciate it for what it is. I think you will find a lot of love and inspiration and beauty there. > > Blessings abounding... > > Guru Fatha Singh > Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (19) 2a. siri guru granth sahib Posted by: "Pritam Hari Kaur" khalsa tept2free Sat Dec 26, 2009 7:31 am (PST) Hola group, I wouldn't let myself get hung up on the generic description of God as a male.. the english translations are mid 20th century and gender-politically- correct use of language in Europe/ north America is relatively recent also... I know several people who have tried their hand at non-gender-specific translations, like shakta kaur's jaap sahib, very beautiful.. conversely, one may ask the question, if god is always described as the husband, how do the brothers feel about being the bride..? eastern worldview sees all souls as 'female' - Shakti energy, movable, creative, expressive - only in relation to the non-moving, stoic, stable, unchanging face of god as 'male'.. of course, god being everything is male and female - just in this comparison of purkha and prakriti god would end up as the male polarity and all people, all of life, all beings, all elements, etc. as Shakti expression = female.. it is fine to reframe things on your own terms, all good language dialogue and reinvention does that.. the beautiful part of siri guru granth sahib is that again and again it takes us into a bhakti yoga expression, the gurus believed it was easier to find 'god' through love than through intellectual pursuit, dialectic, work, etc.. finally, the song that's always recommended for finding - and even in their absence 'grooming', finishing and educating 'the one for you' - is 'mera man lochai.. there are many lovely versions around.. the idea the siri guru granth sahib extols is - if we can do the pratyahar of tying all to god and being in a state of love worship, then the earthly beloved can also materialise. . s/he will then be part of the loving connectedness with god.. and it's a good habit, as even then, with the dearly beloved by your side, the god relationship wants to have pride of place.. Sat Nam, pritam hari kaur, Johannesburg, south africa Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (3) 2b. Re: siri guru granth sahib Posted by: "beautiful22" 22taro beautiful22 Sat Dec 26, 2009 12:56 pm (PST) Dear Pritam Hari Kaur, I am not sure that the eastern worldview sees all souls as female. The soul doesn't have a gender. There are also many Indian philosophies on creation, and anyway prakriti and purusha are manifested much lower down than say Narayana with Sri Shakti, Sadashiva with Bhu Shakti and Parabrahma with Iccha Shakti. As a general rule the deity is male and the power is female. So Guru or Jupiter is male and the shakti of the Guru or Jupiter's consort is Tara. So we could say that Shakti is Shiva, or Shiva is Shakti. But the gender difference is not like this, all gender difference is just the play of shakti. Or all gender difference is the manifestation of Shiva. The Soul always has this 'maleness' associated with it but only as Karaka or the real Doer wether you are male or female, your form whatever gender is shakti. A lot depends on your perspective, Shaktas will only acknowledge the feminine power, to them Shiva is totally subservient to Shakti. To them Shiva is just a point, and all his intelligence and thinking and moving is Shakti, everything we could ever care about. To Shivaites the reverse is true and Shiva is the supreme lord. So male and female on this scale just doesn't exist, they are simply ways to get around the problem of explaining things. All blessings as always, Sukhnivas Kundalini-Yoga, "Pritam Hari Kaur" <khalsa wrote: > > Hola group, I wouldn't let myself get hung up on the generic description of > God as a male.. the english translations are mid 20th century and > gender-politically- correct use of language in Europe/ north America is > relatively recent also... I know several people who have tried their hand at > non-gender-specific translations, like shakta kaur's jaap sahib, very > beautiful.. conversely, one may ask the question, if god is always described > as the husband, how do the brothers feel about being the bride..? eastern > worldview sees all souls as 'female' - Shakti energy, movable, creative, > expressive - only in relation to the non-moving, stoic, stable, unchanging > face of god as 'male'.. of course, god being everything is male and female - > just in this comparison of purkha and prakriti god would end up as the male > polarity and all people, all of life, all beings, all elements, etc. as > Shakti expression = female.. it is fine to reframe things on your own > terms, all good language dialogue and reinvention does that.. the beautiful > part of siri guru granth sahib is that again and again it takes us into a > bhakti yoga expression, the gurus believed it was easier to find 'god' > through love than through intellectual pursuit, dialectic, work, etc.. > finally, the song that's always recommended for finding - and even in their > absence 'grooming', finishing and educating 'the one for you' - is 'mera man > lochai.. there are many lovely versions around.. the idea the siri guru > granth sahib extols is - if we can do the pratyahar of tying all to god and > being in a state of love worship, then the earthly beloved can also > materialise. . s/he will then be part of the loving connectedness with god.. > and it's a good habit, as even then, with the dearly beloved by your side, > the god relationship wants to have pride of place.. > > Sat Nam, pritam hari kaur, Johannesburg, south africa > Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (3) 2c. Re: siri guru granth sahib Posted by: "Nigel" tantrarap tantrarap Sat Dec 26, 2009 8:47 pm (PST) Sat Nam, Ji what a beautiful response! you remind me of a conversation I had today, about yin & yang - how each are interrelated and mutually dependent. They cannot exist without the other! and yet they are illusory, in the greater scheme of things, only necessary constructs to help one penetrate the core of existence ... where all is ONE. EK ONG KAR SAT NAM SIRI WAHE GURU Hari Ram Singh Kundalini-Yoga, "beautiful22@ ..." <22taro wrote: > > Dear Pritam Hari Kaur, > I am not sure that the eastern worldview sees all souls as female. > The soul doesn't have a gender. > There are also many Indian philosophies on creation, and anyway prakriti and purusha are manifested much lower down than say Narayana with Sri Shakti, Sadashiva with Bhu Shakti and Parabrahma with Iccha Shakti. > > As a general rule the deity is male and the power is female. So Guru or Jupiter is male and the shakti of the Guru or Jupiter's consort is Tara. > So we could say that Shakti is Shiva, or Shiva is Shakti. > But the gender difference is not like this, all gender difference is just the play of shakti. Or all gender difference is the manifestation of Shiva. > > The Soul always has this 'maleness' associated with it but only as Karaka or the real Doer wether you are male or female, your form whatever gender is shakti. > > A lot depends on your perspective, Shaktas will only acknowledge the feminine power, to them Shiva is totally subservient to Shakti. To them Shiva is just a point, and all his intelligence and thinking and moving is Shakti, everything we could ever care about. > > To Shivaites the reverse is true and Shiva is the supreme lord. > > So male and female on this scale just doesn't exist, they are simply ways to get around the problem of explaining things. > > All blessings as always, > Sukhnivas > > > > > > Kundalini-Yoga, "Pritam Hari Kaur" <khalsa@> wrote: > > > > Hola group, I wouldn't let myself get hung up on the generic description of > > God as a male.. the english translations are mid 20th century and > > gender-politically- correct use of language in Europe/ north America is > > relatively recent also... I know several people who have tried their hand at > > non-gender-specific translations, like shakta kaur's jaap sahib, very > > beautiful.. conversely, one may ask the question, if god is always described > > as the husband, how do the brothers feel about being the bride..? eastern > > worldview sees all souls as 'female' - Shakti energy, movable, creative, > > expressive - only in relation to the non-moving, stoic, stable, unchanging > > face of god as 'male'.. of course, god being everything is male and female - > > just in this comparison of purkha and prakriti god would end up as the male > > polarity and all people, all of life, all beings, all elements, etc. as > > Shakti expression = female.. it is fine to reframe things on your own > > terms, all good language dialogue and reinvention does that.. the beautiful > > part of siri guru granth sahib is that again and again it takes us into a > > bhakti yoga expression, the gurus believed it was easier to find 'god' > > through love than through intellectual pursuit, dialectic, work, etc.. > > finally, the song that's always recommended for finding - and even in their > > absence 'grooming', finishing and educating 'the one for you' - is 'mera man > > lochai.. there are many lovely versions around.. the idea the siri guru > > granth sahib extols is - if we can do the pratyahar of tying all to god and > > being in a state of love worship, then the earthly beloved can also > > materialise. . s/he will then be part of the loving connectedness with god.. > > and it's a good habit, as even then, with the dearly beloved by your side, > > the god relationship wants to have pride of place.. > > > > Sat Nam, pritam hari kaur, Johannesburg, south africa > > > Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (3) 3a. Polarity - Venus Lock Posted by: "Catalyst Yogi" peace catalystyogi Sat Dec 26, 2009 10:39 am (PST) Sat Nam, Has anyone read or heard Yogi Bhajan talk about the science of why men put right thumb over left for venus lock and women put left thumb over right ? Thank you in advance for your assistance. peace to ALL, Catalyst Yogi http://www.catalyst Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (2) 3b. Re: Polarity - Venus Lock Posted by: "Yoga Jap" noi acsujansingh Sat Dec 26, 2009 1:02 pm (PST) Sat Nam! These are the asnwers I've received when I asked about Venus Lock........ .. 1st: It's not about the Mercury finger, it's about the energy flowing through the thumbs as they rest on the fleshy mound of the opposite thumb. In women the receptive ("south pole") energy is dominant and in men opposite. Because the energy flows through the hands and the Venus lock is a strong lock wherein the thumb and "venus" mound are locked, the energy flow is strong and in reverse polarity for men and women. So, the easy way to teach it is, "Men - right thumb closer to the body. Women - left thumb closer to the body." 2nd: Here's my understanding. Males and Females are opposite polarities. It is a question of balancing the hemispheres of the brain. (Where the little fingers end up is the result of the placement of the thumbs in order to activate the energies of two specific pressure points: the mound of Venus and the mound of Mars. Venus lock begins with the Thumbs. The right thumb of the male is placed on the fleshy mound of his left thumb (next to the palm of the hand (it's called the mound of Venus), and his left thumb tip is placed in the "web" between his right thumb and forefinger (this is the mound of mars) then each of the other fingers are alternately interlaced. (Women reverse the placement of the thumbs, etc.) Then the nerve endings in the fingertips relate to the two sides of the brain. Applying the Venus lock helps to contain energy. .BTW, the thumbs are NOT crossed. 3rd: Venus Lock entails having all fingers alternating, from the smallest to the top thumb. Men, whose right thumb is on top, naturally end up with the left little finger last. Women, whose left thumb is on top, naturally end up with the right little finger being last. In the 1980s David Shannahoff Khalsa was asked by Yogiji to research the benefits of men and women doing it correctly, and the outcome if it is done the opposite way. When Yogiji proposed this scientific experiment he mentioned that many people normally fold their hands in their lap in a Venus Lock position, and that you can tell where they are at if you pay attention-such as when viewing politicians on TV. The general problems are that a man who does it the female way cannot be trusted, and women who do it the male way can be rude and manipulative. Whether or not David did the research, he would be able to expound upon this explanation more thoroughly. Yogji mentioned that he did not teach the reason for male and female versions of Venus Lock because he did not want to "take the flak." His reasoning was that if David researched it scientifically it would not be questioned, and could be shared freely at that time. * Back then I naturally held my hands with the right thumb on top. It felt uncomfortable to do it the female way. But it only took a month of consciously setting my fingers correctly when meditating, riding in a car and watching TV, etc, for it to self-correct. And, yes, I feel the difference in temperment. I hope this helps! Blessings, Sujan S. - "Catalyst Yogi" <peace (AT) catalystyogi (DOT) com> <Kundalini-Yoga> Saturday, December 26, 2009 6:45 PM Polarity - Venus Lock Sat Nam, Has anyone read or heard Yogi Bhajan talk about the science of why men put right thumb over left for venus lock and women put left thumb over right ? Thank you in advance for your assistance. peace to ALL, Catalyst Yogi http://www.catalyst Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (2) 4. To Amarbir Kaur--God and the Siri Guru Granth Sahib Posted by: "Siri-Gian (Soul Answer)" sirigian sirigian Sat Dec 26, 2009 10:43 am (PST) Dear Amarbir Kaur, Yes, my Dear. You have found the great difficulty with the Manmohan English translation of our beloved Siri Guru Granth Sahib. He translated these scriptures into English when the only English people around could only begin to understand any scriptures if they had the Christian words God and Lord in them. So funny that the British thought themselves so superior, but were not ready for these amazing concepts. However, Yogi Bhajan asked us to tranlate the Guru into words that better convey the true meaning of that incredible, Infinite but oh, so cozy Consciousness. So, right now a group of us are attempting a sort of new translation. It is not actually scholarly but rather based on each of our own intuition--that is listening to the Consciousness within, and then using the old translation as a kind of guide to the whole meaning. When you actually do examine the words that are translated as God and Lord, they are words like "HarGobindayKartarPrakash" and so on--quite beyond gender. Once in a while you will come across "Patishah," which as I understand means something like great emperor, although the context that it is used in seems to connote devotion to the kindest authority. The totality of the Guru is to give us instruction and experience of that Consciousness that is within. It is Who each of us really is, and this path is to fully discover that Union! If you like, you can read the little bit that I have translated so far. I try to examine the meaning of each word, but not understanding the grammar, I rely heavily on my own intuition--that is listening to the Reality within. It is at www.SoulAnswer. com/guru. html . And you will find a wonderful excerpt from Japji, Song of the Soul--which is the very first prayer or writing of the Guru. This wonderful translation was done by Ek Ong Kaar Kaur. See it at www.SoulAnswer. com/japji. html . And in the Guru, unfortunately you will often find that the word for Mind (which I call "everyday self") has been translated as Soul, so that confusion is cleared up once you check the original Gurmukhi. So, my Dear, I hope that you can go deeper with your study of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. It has amazing concepts that over time continue to amaze me as I grow in my own understanding of this incredible Consciousness! And these days, I am teaching how you can easily access that--your Soul, your God Self. If you would like to join us in learning how to tell the difference between "everyday self" and Soul and actually contact it to get its most impeccable answers and guidance for you on the spot, and how to make an incredible ongoing relationship with it, please go to www.SoulAnswer. com/intuition. html . Use your own intuition to "feel out" if this tele-course would be good for you. It is most incredible when the whole class shares the astonishing, but totally personal wisdom from each of their Souls! I hope to meet you and your precious Soul soon! Lots of Love, Siri-Gian www.SoulAnswer. com "Laugh because that is your purpose in life. Love because that is what you came here for. Shine because that is important. Share because it is demanded of you." Yogi Bhajan. Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 5. Adi Shakti mantra Posted by: "Paula Lucidi" plucidi onefunnybabe Sat Dec 26, 2009 7:52 pm (PST) Greetings all, I am wondering what are people's experiences with adi shakti mantra or what it is for. I was reading on the egroup, past messages so it seems a man here used it and it helped him find a wife. I have read as well it is good for getting pregnant. I am not wanting to get pregnant (mainly because I am still single, I'd like the relationship first!) I am a creative person and like to write so the energy of creating would be useful for me, and giving 'birth' to artistic projects would be something more suitable for me. any thoughts? thanks Paula Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 6. Winter Solstice 2009... Who sings that song played at the end of... Posted by: "anandjot.kaur" anandjot.kaur anandjot.kaur Sat Dec 26, 2009 7:53 pm (PST) ....White Tantric? "Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru" It is very rythmic and prompt many of us to start dancing. I would very much like to get this song! Sat Nam, and thanks! Anandjot Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) Recent Activity 9 New Members 3 New Photos Visit Your Group Finance It's Now Personal Guides, news, advice & more. Find helpful tips for Moderators on the team blog. Small Business Group Improve your business by community exchange Need to Reply? Click one of the "Reply" links to respond to a specific message in the Daily Digest. 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