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Hola amigos and familia!

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Hello dear ones,

Happy New Year to any of you that I have not had a chance to wish that to.

Obviously I have been and am thinking of you and cheering us all on to have

a super dynamic, out of the box, over the top, into the clouds year.


I'm here in Bali so in a way my year is starting out that way! It's my last

day here and just wanted to say hello before I leave this tropical

paradise.....at least the kind of tropical paradise that I have been

fortunate enough to experience....call it good karma or whatever but I am

thoroughly amazed at how my trip has turned out. I started out in a more

humble setting that was a simple Inn on one of the main bustling streets of

Ubud. The Inn was tucked away right off the street and with a lovely view of

the rice fields. There was no air conditoning and so it was quite hot and

the shower didn't work which meant using a little cup...but it was fine and

became home for a week while I taught my classes down the street at the Yoga

Barn and gave a Mantra Kirtan there one night to just about the most

international group you could imagine....very lovely evening....


And then my friends Bruce and Rebecca arrived and invited me to join them in

their 5 star Villa just outside of town. Wow...what a place...I have

pictures to prove to myself that it was real. And it was practically a

Balinese museum. We had a party there one night and invited all sorts of

really neat international people....again, just lovely.


And when I thought it just couldn't get any better the Four Seasons Hotel

where I have been giving yoga classes to adults and children invited me to

spend two nights and two days here in a private $1,000.00 a night Villa with

my own swimming pool, outdoor dining area, plush bed with large screen TV

and I can order anything I want from room service.....plus they pay me well

for each of my classes....


So what can I say.....good karma or what is going on here! This Four Seasons

is right on the beach too so after class this morning I went down for a swim

and my only complaint is that the water was a bit too warm! But what a

beautiful setting. You look back at the shore and see palm trees and grassy

hills and tons of flowering tropical trees....


OK, I'm done....so so sorry to drag you all through this when I am hearing

that winter has set in big time where most of you are. Please enjoy this all

vicariously through me and I am sure that each in your own way you are also

having wonderful experiences with snow and skiing and fireplaces and other

cozy ways....and that sounds wonderful to me also.


I leave tomorrow and head back to Barcelona and will have a Level II yoga

course for two 3 day weekends...and finally home again after 7 weeks on the

road. It's been grand so far....and I get to see my son again in Barcelona.


The art here is amazing...wood carvings and batiks and all sorts of Balinese

handicrafts. I wish I didn't have the weight limit that I have....alas, you

can't really purchase anything with that European weight limit...but I hope

to make it back here someday and then I will know to bring an empty



On a less materialistic note I have possibly never been anywhere where the

people are so dedicated to their faith and such Bhakti Yogis that you see it

in every way that they relate to life....and I have never been around people

that are so gracious and sweet with tourists and they are honest and not

demanding and very serviceful. I am really enchanted by the Balinese....and

though at this time in my life I am not very endeared to rituals and having

daily life so organized around them, I do see the effect on the people and

the children. Of course Bali is just a small island and so they can more

easily keep a community spirit alive here.


More later my dear friends and family... I muat get ready for my last family

yoga class....yesterday I had children and parents from Japan, Findland,

Russia and New Zealand! All my love to you all!!! Gurudass

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