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Sat Nam,


I have a bootleg copy of The GoodTiming Newsletter - it is a pdf file and I have

been requested not do post it here, as it is a paid for source, however, a few

excerpts should be ok. Madeline C. Gerwick is an internationally recognized and

certified astrologer, specializing in business and personal astrology. She has a

BA degree with honors in economics, many years in industrial sales and

marketing, and she's listed in several Who's Who books, including Who's Who in

the World and Who's Who in America. Her 30+ years of astrological experience

and study enable her to provide in-depth, multi-dimensional insights and



I have never been interested in this type of stuff, but I am fascinated with her

stuff, my friend, has been following her for 10 years and says she is accurate.






By Madeline C. Gerwick -



The year 2010 has a major configuration which no one alive

has seen in their current incarnation. This set of cycles

includes economic and social revolution combined with

earthquake energies (unexpected changes), structural

transformation and war energies. For all those social change-

makers who were born in the mid-1960s, this is the beginning

of their time to make the needed social changes that they

came here to do.


This set of unusual cycles (Mars and Saturn in Libra, opposite

Jupiter and Uranus in Aries and all of them square to Pluto in

Capricorn) has been dubbed " the Cardinal Climax, " because it

occurs in the most intense parts of the zodiac (0 degrees in

cardinal signs of Aries and Libra, with Pluto at 3 degrees

Capricorn). This unusual set of cycles starts in late July 2010

and continues through mid-September. After that it will lessen

in intensity and the configuration eventually breaks up into

individual cycles.


What will transpire then will depend greatly on our level of

consciousness. Will we go off to war or see the insanity of that

model? Will we make the needed economic changes so we

can develop a sustainable economy instead of maintaining

more corruption and greed? Our consciousness as a whole will

determine the answers to these questions. You may recall that the USSR and the

Berlin Wall all collapsed because of a change in consciousness.


..................skip down.......


Since May 2000 an economic revolution has been unfolding

and will continue until October 2040. This " revolution " was

indicated by a Jupiter and Saturn conjunction (the

representatives of our economy) in challenging aspect

(square) to Uranus (representing major disruption and

unexpected changes).


The last time we had this cycle was in 1861 during the Civil

War. We lost 620,000 lives then (a huge percentage of the

labor force), and the economy dropped in half. We also had

" fiat " money (not backed by any type of gold or metal standard)

then too, as we do now. It took twenty years to get over the

disruption of the war, grow a new labor force, and regain a

solid economic path.


This time the disruption is related to a new type of economy

emerging. That new economy is still emerging and it'll take

until October 2040 for this revolution to complete. This is

because the next Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in 2020 is also

square Uranus. So we get this cycle twice, back to back. My

research shows that this has not occurred within the past 500

years, but I do not know how far back it last happened. When

it's over, the economy will no longer be based on

manufacturing, services, financial products, or agriculture, as it

has been since 1842. That was an " earth " type economy.


The new economy we're changing to is based on ideas,

knowledge, communications, transportation, relationships,

partnerships, alliances, technology, the internet and

innovation. This " air " type of economy will work very differently

and last until December 2159. We'll still have manufacturing,

services, agriculture and financial products, but that's not what

will bring in growth.



Within this forty-year cycle of economic revolution, we're now

in the midst of a sixteen year cycle to transform the economy.

Pluto entered Capricorn on January 25, 2008 for the first time in about 248

years (last there 1762 – 1778).


This indicates a major transformation of the economy,

businesses, governments, and capitalism itself.................skip


US Debt Levels

It's likely that unless the US either nationalizes

or abolishes the Federal Reserve, that the US will default on its

Treasury Bonds no later than 2015...............skip


The US dollar


The US dollar is also unsustainable in its present state.

Because the US dollar is backed by unsustainable amounts of

debt, instead of gold, silver or other metals, it continues to lose

value at a relatively rapid rate. For this reason, other countries

are banding together to create a new " world currency " that

would be used for international trade instead of the US dollar.

At the moment, a basket of currencies is under consideration.

Would it make more sense to back the US dollar with gold or

other metals and let it remain the world currency? That could

occur in 2010 or 2011. The US could be forced to do this or the

dollar may devalue to such a point that it crashes.


The US Trade Deficit


The US trade deficit is also unsustainable. For many years

now, the US has run an enormous trade deficit (often more

than a billion dollars per day) with other countries. This means

we spend more with other countries than they ever spend with

us. We can't continue to overspend and ask the rest of the

world to loan us the money to do so, because the rest of the

world no longer thinks we'll pay it back.


Our energy usagfe is likely to change to a new technology,......skip

....this could be an off-world technology, such as abtu-gravity devices or it

could be something similar to the free energy potential discovered by Tesla.

Both have been surppressed and both are being worked on at a fast pace to bring

them out in time to help save the Earth..............skip


One portion of the financial mess that's unsustainable is derivatives.

......Another portion of the financial meltdown is due to mortgages.



Quarterly Overview: January - March








Winter Solstice: December 21st



Romance and Money?


At a deeper level though, we're transforming the structure of

our own psyches. As we do so, we become much more

aligned with our authentic selves, (who we really are), instead

of just the human body that we inhabit this lifetime. This

process results in us transforming old patterns of conditioning,

and giving up old behaviors and thought patterns that no

longer serve us. This is the real change behind the social

changes. As we change our consciousness, so does the world.


In particular, this Winter Solstice shows that we're transforming

old beliefs, especially ones related to our work and health. We

often fail to notice that our health and well being is directly

related to the thoughts we think and the feelings we choose to

feel, but this is what's behind all forms of dis-ease. Negative

energies lower our vibrations and break down our body. We

can change this, even without a new health care plan.


There is also one very unusual and special cycle for this

Solstice. We have the last of the triple conjunction between

Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune, which are all together in the sign

of Aquarius, on December 21st. This threesome last got

together in September 1945 and they're associated with

bringing in healing visions for the future. They've been

together since late March of this year and stay in range

through January 16th.


Because this cycle peaks on the Solstice, these optimistic and

visionary energies will stay with us through the first quarter.

This very strong cycle is seeding the next major vision for our

economy right now. Those seeds are related to technology, the

internet, metaphysics, radio or television, the airlines, utilities,

equality, and democracy.


This particular cycle is also special in another way. We have

Jupiter and Neptune in Uranus's sign, while Uranus is in

Jupiter and Neptune's sign. This has only happened one other

time in 3000 years, back in 1843, right after another major

depression. This cycle creates optimism and hope and it helps

get us back on track to create a sustainable economy.


This 11½ week cycle starts Sunday December 20th and lasts

through March 10th of 2010. This is not a cycle for new starts,

because we're supposed to be reconsidering what really

motivates us now, and where we want to go for the next two

years. We're supposed to be asking ourselves, what really

makes me want to jump out of bed in the morning? What

brings zest and juice to my life? And once we have those

answers, we're supposed to be researching potential ways to

head off in that direction, so we spend more time doing that.


This is not the time to introduce new products. Not the time to

launch a new web site. Not the time to start a new company, or

even to start a new project. New products introduced during

this period can lose as much as 85% of their potential

revenues. So it's definitely worth waiting for this cycle to be

over to introduce new products.


But there IS something you can do during this period to help

that product. You can either beta test the product to certain

customers, or test market it to a particular market segment and

see how well it does. If you do this, be sure to get some

customer feedback about the product, so you know where it

misses the boat. Then fix it! Don't ignore your customer

feedback. Make the changes suggested by cuyour product will be MUCH more



This is an excellent time to learn and use non-violent

communication. Marshall Rosenberg has a book on this topic

titled Non-Violent Communication, A Language of Life.


You can also find non-violent or compassionate

communication specialists in all parts of the world. Just go to


www.cnvc.org to find out who teaches it in your area.

That's the Center for Nonviolent Communication and they list

all the trained teachers around the world there. This will help

you handle conflict resolution issues which arise during Mars retrograde in a

positive way.


When choosing a bank, consider banks that provide support to

your local community and small businesses. This helps ensure

your local area is getting the help it needs. Also check their

safety ratings online. Unless you really want your deposits to

fund a bank that is risking them with lots of derivatives, you will

need to find a smaller bank.




I cannot get to the rest of this newsletter



You can read about here and :



get the Good Timing Guide : get todays 'stuff'



The Wall Street Journal reported that 1400 businesses which all started under

the same astrological cycle (the Time-Out periods shown in this Guide) all went

bankrupt. Days are not created equal! Find out how to achieve better results by

using the underlying cycles to your advantage.


Time-Outs, for example, are periods that occur 2-4 times per week, and are

offered by the Universe as times of renewal and gestation. We're not supposed to

take important actions or make decisions during these times. When we try to push

through them anyway, by starting new projects, making sales calls, placing

purchase orders, or advertising, etc., we're rewarded with nothing, dead end

roads, difficulties, and wasted resources. The author observed millions of

dollars wasted in one company from not observing these periods.


There are other important cycles too, some for catching up and fixing our

mistakes, some for successful promotions and growth, and some for legal issues

and signing contracts. Still others are concerned with production, or new

beginnings, such as product introductions, and starting new companies, teams or



I am subscribing.




Sat Avtar Kaur

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