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OBJECTION TO: Who is this KY Teacher? & Ethics of Teacher Referral

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Sat Nam. I have been watching the posts on this topic - which has

become somewhat of a group meditation, with due consideration being

given to the appropriate ethics in speaking of other teachers'



In emails I have received recently some people have offered a

popular 3-criteria yardstick against which to measure one's

consciousness in speaking of another person: " Is it true? Is it

necessary? Is it kind? " Some people in this group might add that the

person being spoken of should be in a position to defend him/her

self. Though that may not always be possible when someone asks for a

reference or referral on a teacher, it is always possible to imagine/

inject that person's presence into the situation by asking oneself the

question, " Am I willing to say the same thing to this person directly

- in the same way? " Yogi Bhajan's Aquarian Sutra, " The other person

is you " takes the " presence " aspect further. The question might then

become, " Are I aware that I'm speaking to mySelf? Is this how I would

want people to speak of/to me? " Personally, I also like to " envision

a different future with forgiveness " value; not " closing the book " on

someone who may yet re-direct his/her behavior in a more conscious,

social direction.


Generally speaking, news reporters only have to pay attention to

whether or not something can be proven as " true " to avoid a libel

suit. Many do not give much consideration to whether or not it is

" necessary " to report, let alone to how " kind " or unbiased their

report is. But most of us sense the importance of neutrality and

" vibration " in telling a story - for what it says about us, as well as

the other person.


These may be some useful guidelines, but it is still a difficult

call when it comes to a particular teacher and how what we say (or

don't say) may either harm that teacher's reputation, or allow that

person to cause harm to others. As someone who did Solstice

programming for twenty years, I often found myself in the position of

having to investigate the actions or reputations of teachers before

allowing them to present (and represent 3HO) to hundreds of yoga

students. From that experience - and specific questions about

particular people I asked Yogi Bhajan's personal secretaries to ask

him for input - I developed some sense of what kinds of behaviors

might be overlooked (after some dialogue with the teacher about

concerns), and which ones might take a teacher out of our public

teaching arena. One teacher with the tendency to throw curse words

into his teaching as emphasis was asked to be mindful of people's

sensitivities - but was not removed as a teacher. As long as a

teacher maintained a respectful vibration of adherence to the

teachings and respect for the students, some latitude was given.

However, if you check the Code of Ethics for teachers, and even Yogi

Bhajan's warnings into how teachers become " cockroaches, " any kind of

misguidance or exploitation of students is not to be overlooked. The

Siri Singh Sahib was known to temporarily or permanently " demote "

teachers who had sexual relationships with their students, or

otherwise broke the trust of people whom they were supposed to serve

as ministers. Though no one was asked to wear a scarlet letter or

held in shackles in the public square, there was a subtle " Better

Business Bureau " at work. As Solstice programmer, I would personally

receive such reports - and hear concerns about teachers with egos that

seemed to be moving away from a humble, Golden Chain mentality toward

blatant self promotion.


Though I had personally experienced Agia Akal Singh as a gifted

numerologist - who seemed to be kind and personable enough with

students - there came a time when I had to tell him that he would not

be allowed to teach at Solstice until he cleared up his financial

dealings with several students who had complaints in regard to his

numerology training. They had been promised a course of training

within a certain time period - and had received neither the rest of

their training nor a refund, in over a year or more past the promised

time. He well understood that Solstice and 3HO could not accept

either the moral or legal liability of someone misrepresenting our

organization's values in that regard. Though my conversation with him

did not close the door permanently, he never asked to teach at

Solstice again. Subsequent follow-up on complaints against him

indicated that the problem had not cleared. A couple of years later

he appeared on the Jerry Springer show, promoting himself as Yogi

Akal, and a numerologist. To his credit, it was probably one of Jerry

Springer's more contained shows, but I couldn't help reflecting that

this gifted, ambitious teacher was exhibiting some blind spots that

would bring consequences to the sequences/course he was pursuing.


And to those who say none of us are in a position to judge, I

would agree that rather than condemn him or anyone else personally, or

permanently " close the door " on what other good he/any person may be

doing or yet do, his financial mistakes with students might well serve

as a sobering reminder to us all - even in regard to the importance of

intentionally setting up trusted and honest feedback/management

mechanisms for any social endeavors or businesses - in order to

overcome and support whatever personal weaknesses and blind spots we

each may have as individuals. It's a wise person who invites " checks

and balances " into his/her leadership and business practices.


I end my comments wishing Agia Akal Singh a bright and rewarding

future (and a solid and honest business manager), while also feeling

the need to support what have proven to be legitimate " Buyer Beware "

comments made from the experience of some members of this group -

complaints which Agia Akal Singh himself did not deny when I

confronted him with the complaints directly. And, if somehow he finds

it within the realm of his consciousness to make amends to those with

whom he has misdealt, I believe he would still find the 3HO family

could still be that to him.

Very sincerely,

Harbhajan Kaur

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Sat Nam, and BRAVO Harbhajan Kaur!

You nailed it. I can understand very well at a personal experiential level that

Agia Akal Singh may be legitimately annotated as " a difficult person. " Does

anyone believe that Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan ji was NOT a " difficult

person. " In my life SSSji was perhaps the most difficult person I've ever known

(other than myself).


However, I must also express my deepest gratitude to Agia Akal Singh who during

a numerology consultation that I found in some ways to be egotistical and

offensive (in 1989 in Phoenix AZ), THAT HE ALSO SHARED WITH ME A PARTICULAR




As one of the toughest English professors I studied with as an undergraduate

once said to me, " This paper is so good I forgive it's tardiness. " Tardiness

was the " ultimate " sin in his classroom. Whereas for me, taking enough time to

do the job properly has always been a virtue.


Some people have appreciated what I wrote here in initiating this " thread " of

OBJECTION to another post on this site. Some have been excoriating. As it was

required in my graduate studies in philosophy, it was an absolute requirement

" To say what you mean, and to mean what you say. " Because, whatever you say (or

don't say, but should have said) you will be accountable for.


I stand by my earlier posts in this thread for expressing exactly what I was

guided by conscience and intelligence to say, without personal attack on anyone

(if one will read them carefully enough to understand). I can only be

responsible (in this mature, adult setting) for what I write. I cannot be

responsible for the manner in which others may read. And yes, sometimes Truth

is bitter. The best medicines are bitter (quinine, for example). The intention

was sweet and clear for the highest and greatest benefit of all.


If I am able to live as the hologram I should be, stones will easily pass

through. :)


for many Blessings,

Krishna Singh


Kundalini-Yoga , Harbhajan Kaur Khalsa <harbhajank



> Sat Nam. I have been watching the posts on this topic - which has

> become somewhat of a group meditation, with due consideration being

> given to the appropriate ethics in speaking of other teachers'

> practices.


> And, if somehow he finds

> it within the realm of his consciousness to make amends to those with

> whom he has misdealt, I believe he would still find the 3HO family

> could still be that to him.

> Very sincerely,

> Harbhajan Kaur


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Harbhajan Kaur Khalsa-I think you said it all when you said he appeared on Jerry Springer. Come on no person in their right mind would go on that show! that show is for attention starved people and is so fake.


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