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Sodarshan chakra kriya youtube critiques

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Sat nam, dear ones,


In viewing the So Darshan Chakra Kriya youtube videos on

www.kundalini-yoga-info.com I found a couple of significant errors by the

yoga teachers. With all respect and appreciation to Sat Avtar Kaur for

the excellent job she is doing providing the website, I would like to

submit my opinions.


There are three videos featured; the first is Yogi Bhajan discussing the

benefits and giving directions. The second is a woman, in white yoga

attire, explaining how it is done, the third is a man in bana

demonstrating the meditation with some written explanations and a few



Since the Yogi Bhajan video is somewhat confusing, it is tempting to view

the others for clarity. But both have mistakes that I feel are not in

keeping with practicing the meditation correctly.


The mistake by the first yoga teacher is that she does not mention that

the mantra is to be repeated silently. She says to chant with the breath

held in, and demonstrates repeating it out loud herself. I would call

this a serious misdirection. The mantra should be repeated mentally,

silently, with the breath held in. Also, would there be any breath to

let out after chanting 16 repetitions? Confusing, as well.


In the third video, the teacher shows the meditation basically correctly,

but gives an alternate way of counting using the left hand. Since the

meditation specifies that the left hand is in gyan mudra, to be moving

the thumb up and down each finger I believe is a mistake.


Yogi Bhajan talks about focusing on the segments of the fingers as a way

of keeping track of the count. He taught So Darshan Chakra Kriya several

times and each time expanded or explained aspects that may not have been

clear the first time. I believe that the counting directions were a

suggestion as a way to keep track, as a help but not necessarily an

integral part of the meditation. He demonstrated using the raised right

hand, with just a slight bounce or tensing of each finger to show us

where he was in the count.


The explanation of counting using the segments of the fingers became a

confusion for many of us trying to follow the directions. I think it is

a cultural difference. We in America generally count on the finger tips.

Travelling in Northern India, I saw people count on the segments--just

the way the Siri Singh Sahib ji had tried to show us in So Darshan Chakra

Kriya. Aha! He had been trying to simplify things for us and we ended

up learning a whole new way of doing something as simple as counting.


For those who have made it this far...here is a more specific explanation

of counting by segments during So Darshan Chakra Kriya. Leaving the left

hand in gyan mudra, I focus my attention on the fingers of the raised

right hand (the one with the thumb blocking the right nostril.) Holding

the little finger present in my imagination, I do three repetitions of

the mantra moving my mind from the segment closest the hand, to the

middle, to the tip. And then I move my mind to the ring finger and do

three more, and continue. The four fingers equal 12 reps, the thumb

bring it to 15, and one extra as I move the index finger into position

and prepare to exhale.


I welcome any corrections or clarifications. Yogi Bhajan suggested that

I practice this kriya for 31 minutes a day for the year of 1991(or '92?),

and then come see him. When I told him that I had completed my

assignment, he said, " Good. Now do it for 62 minutes for the next year. "

Following was one of the best talks I ever had with him. But that is

another story. I honor those who have kept up with So Darshan Chakra

Kriya all these years.



S. S. GuruSurya Kaur Khalsa

Kundalini Yoga in Park Slope

Brooklyn, New York


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Dear S. S. GuruSurya Kaur Khalsa,You made an important point! I havent been doing gyan mantra with my left hand because I was too busy counting with the fingers of that hand.  This morning I tried the gyan mantra with the left hand and counted instead with my right hand while holding my nose and I actually felt a difference in the kriya.  I was in a better mood today than I have been lately (I've been quite down these days) and I attribute the mood enhancement to the mantra after I looked up its benefits.

I will paste what I found (from http://healthmad.com/mental-health/health-in-your-hand-seven-mudras-for-amazing-health-benefits/)

Specialty:As it is a mudra of knowledge, it enhances the knowledge. The tip

of thumb has centers of pituitary and endocrine glands. When we press

these centers by index finger the two glands work actively.Benefits:

Increases memory power and sharpens the brain

Enhances concentration and prevents Insomnia

If we practice it regularly, it will cure all psychological disorders like Mental, Hysteria, Anger and DepressionAnother thing worth mentioning...I was reading about the kriya from this kundalini yoga site...(exact page: http://raviana.com/faq_42.html)  and I learned something I never heard of before after reading about the kriya from various sites online and also is not mentioned in any of the videos...I will again copy and paste from this site:

" With each Wha Hay Guru move your navel in three graduated movements

towards the spine. On Wha pull it 1/3 in, on Hay pull it 2/3 in, and on

Guru pull your navel in to the fullest extent you can. "   I don't know how important this point is, but I would have liked to know about it before I started practicing the kriya four months ago.  Let me know what you all think.

Sat Nam,NadaOn Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 7:06 PM, <gurusurya wrote:

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Sat Nam Nada,


A little late, I guess, but if you ever want to know more about Kundalini Yoga

and So Darshan, you can always go here and read all about it, some cases

websites are given for reference, books and how to do it, stomach pumps and all.


On these 2 sites, the old and the new, Kundalini Yoga is being cross-referenced.


New site has youtubes embed on the page, when I can find them, not all has gone

up yet



This is the site, that is being moved, or it would be if I quit inventing, new

things to put on the new one. There is a large section of online classes, here

and a short section, so far, on the above ref: site.





Sat Avtar Kaur

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Sat Nam Nada,


I had the opportunity to have Guru Prem Singh expand upon the posture and

movements in this kriya. Specifically, he mentioned something similar to the

1/3, 1/3, 1/3 pumps...


(First of all, he demonstrated this as an advanced method, so I hope I got it

100% right - not for early practitioners, I would assume.)


He said, 1st/3 you pull the lower naval straight back. 2nd/3 you pull the naval

slightly in and up diagonally towards the spine and diaphragm, and finally on

the 3rd/3, you pull upward on the naval and the diaphragm together -- which

leads to an position that basically feels like a light mahabandh.


I imagine this sequence:


3 |

2 /

1 --


Personally, and generally, I'd just be aware of how hard you are pumping in this

kriya. In SCK and in Sat Kriya it's easy to fall into a jerky, snapping of the

naval and diaphragm where you are using your kidneys and back muscles as much as

your naval and diaphragm. I personally believe that in this SCK and Sat Kriya,

the proper movement for long-term practice is more of a deep, smooth and

controlled naval squeeze than a violent or hurried " snap " . As evidence, in the

one popular YouTube video of Yogi Bhajan demonstrating the SCK, you can't even

see his naval moving at all. Subtle.



Fateh Singh



Snip: "

I was reading about the kriya from this kundalini yoga site...

> " With each Wha Hay Guru move your navel in three graduated movements towards

the spine. On Wha pull it 1/3 in, on Hay pull it 2/3 in, and on Guru pull your

navel in to the fullest extent you can. "

> "

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Sat Nam Sat Avtar Kaur! thanks for the sites, no its never too late

to spread knowledge :)


Sat Nam Fateh Singh,

Thanks for your explanation, it was a bit stressful when I first read

about the 1/3 1/3 1/3 pumping after normal pumping for 4 months! I

think I will try to ignore it for now and do my normal pumping until i

feel advanced enough to try otherwise. Does anyone notice any

difference in benefits or is it more or less the same?


Blessings to all :)


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Greetings Jis,


I have not had a practice of Sodarshan Chakra Kriya sustained for more

than 40days although I just began again on the 31st of January and will

see where this takes me. I did try the 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 ( _ / l ) version

of moving the navel last night and experienced a greater sense of ease

with the meditation on several levels. It made more sense to my body

to move in that manner. The heat generated was of a gentler nature.

The time zoomed by. That may have been my focus on the less familiar

way of working with the navel. It felt joyful and I am a great fan of



Sat Nam,


Joan Richards

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