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help help yoga teacher lost her way!

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I have finally diagnosed myself with OCD based on dermatillomania. Ive been

thumb biting for years (even through my KY level one training)Im finally tired

of it. Anyone have any good sets to help?!

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Sat Nam!


David S. Shannahoff-Khalsa - http://www.theinternetyogi.com - can be a

starting point, as well the Guru Ram Das Center - http://www.grdcenter.org -

to have professional advices.




Sujan S.



" jreneeworks " <jreneeworks

<Kundalini-Yoga >

Tuesday, February 02, 2010 5:40 AM

help help yoga teacher lost her way!



I have finally diagnosed myself with OCD based on dermatillomania. Ive been

thumb biting for years (even through my KY level one training)Im finally

tired of it. Anyone have any good sets to help?!

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Sat Nam


how about the meditation for addiction (I think). You put your thuumbs on

temples and press while mentally chanting Sa Ta Na Ma and clennching on molars.




Kundalini-Yoga , " jreneeworks " <jreneeworks wrote:


> I have finally diagnosed myself with OCD based on dermatillomania. Ive been

thumb biting for years (even through my KY level one training)Im finally tired

of it. Anyone have any good sets to help?!


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Dear Jreneeworks,

I am housebound at the moment due to CSP (compulsive skin picking or

dermatillomania) I have made such a mess of my face, again!

The habituation meditation is supposedly helpful for these things, it is listed

in David Shannahoff Khalsa's book. The OCD protocol might help, also in his

first book, the one with couples therapy in the title.


I still always find myself at the limits of these KY practices. They help, but

that is about it, I practice for a couple of hours a day, for depression, ocd,

addiction. It levels off the symptons, but that is about it. I feel very

depressed of late, as I miss so much life due to these conditions and yoga only

just helps a little. But do try, you may have more luck.



Kundalini-Yoga , " jreneeworks " <jreneeworks wrote:


> I have finally diagnosed myself with OCD based on dermatillomania. Ive been

thumb biting for years (even through my KY level one training)Im finally tired

of it. Anyone have any good sets to help?!


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Dear Sukhnivas


Perhaps this may help.

There is a book called Peace Lagoon - you can order it from Ancient Healing Ways



Reading 11 pages a day - or more- brings peace to your soul.


many blessings,

Dharm Kaur



Kundalini-Yoga , " beautiful22 " <22taro wrote:


> Dear Jreneeworks,

> I am housebound at the moment due to CSP (compulsive skin picking or

dermatillomania) I have made such a mess of my face, again!

> The habituation meditation is supposedly helpful for these things, it is

listed in David Shannahoff Khalsa's book. The OCD protocol might help, also in

his first book, the one with couples therapy in the title.


> I still always find myself at the limits of these KY practices. They help,

but that is about it, I practice for a couple of hours a day, for depression,

ocd, addiction. It levels off the symptons, but that is about it. I feel very

depressed of late, as I miss so much life due to these conditions and yoga only

just helps a little. But do try, you may have more luck.

> Sukhnivas


> Kundalini-Yoga , " jreneeworks " <jreneeworks@> wrote:

> >

> > I have finally diagnosed myself with OCD based on dermatillomania. Ive been

thumb biting for years (even through my KY level one training)Im finally tired

of it. Anyone have any good sets to help?!

> >


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Sat Nam Renee,


It may help to carefully observe your foods, especially what you eat just before

an episode. Anything that comes up in patterns, eliminate or reduce from your



As far as subconscious patterning as the cause of this, continue and deepen your

practice. There are meditations for picking, pulling, grinding, etc, but wounds

we carry that we exhibit through self-destructive patterns can often be so deep

as to need a very deep method of healing these inner wounds.


I have found that my obsessive patterns lessened somewhat after continuous and

dedicated sadhana, attention to diet and careful attention to other patterns in

my life that aggravate picking (such as gambling, arguments, non-conscious

relationships, TV news).


But I also really got a huge healing boost by the following three deeper healing

practices: 1) Dedicate practice of personally assigned meditations from Guru Dev

Singh (private Sat Nam Rasayan session). 2) Doing White Tantric and Solstice

events. 3) The major one for me was taking one of Sat Santokh's healing

workshops ( " Healing the Wounds of Life " /Self-worth) http://www.satsantokh.com .


After I did Sat Santokh's workshop Guru Dev Singh somewhat surprised, commented

that I had completely changed, and that; " I was good now " . My picking has since

in the 4-5 months following been reduced, and also, I have enjoyed eating other

foods I previously shunned -- showing an opening of healing towards self

nourishment. Also I have had a reduction in the allergic picking I had after

eating the foods I was previously reacting to. It is still is important to watch

my behaviors too, but those have changed almost naturally as a result as well.


It may help to keep a diary in this regards too, and to open yourself to as many

different healing and growth practices as possible with your intent in mind to

keep healing. This YouTube video of Abraham may help in how you frame the goals

you want to achieve in a positive vibrational tone:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_m6OG1d-AEU & feature=related


Thank you and wishing you infinity and stillness on your journey,

Fateh Singh



Kundalini-Yoga , " jreneeworks " <jreneeworks wrote:


> I have finally diagnosed myself with OCD based on dermatillomania. Ive been

thumb biting for years (even through my KY level one training)Im finally tired

of it. Anyone have any good sets to help?!


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