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Men's Circle

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I have had a request to start a men's circle so I posted anouncements on my

teacher training group and posted it on the monthly newsletter put out by

the ashram which is holding the teacher training. I am not getting any replies

to date. I was wondering if anyone has had any success with organizing men's

gatherings in the kundalini community?


Sat Nam



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Sat Nam, Enrico


I have been hosting a Men's gathering for over 2 years now - it began first in

Vancouver, Canada and now is held in the Okanagan.


The circle meets each New Moon. It starts with a short Kundalini Yoga set -

followed by a teaching and then a meditation. In my experience I have found

that men are much more receptive & authentic when they practice a yoga set



After the meditation, there is a talking circle with talking stick - this is

where the magic happens. The stick goes around and each man makes a formal vow

of confidentiality to the group. We have also each started picking an archetype

card (myss) to do focused energy work for that month. And there is an

accountability part of the circle where each man 'gives his word' - committing

to do something for that month - preferably something he knows he needs to do

for his spiritual journey but has been blocked.



The circle has really morphed into a leadership circle - supporting one

another to become heart-centered Aquarian Men and Leaders of the Aquarian Age -

strong leaders in their workplaces, families and communities.


I teach regular Kundalini Yoga classes so a trust has been built with these

men. You are best to personally invite men to the circle. There is a lot of

fear in the psyche around men of spiritual consciousness gathering. They won't

know how healing this is until they have the experience. Also in my experience

the men of an older generation ( 50 + ) are not comfortable in this space and

don't return - don't let that dissuade you - the younger generation of men are

eager for these kinds of gatherings.


Contact me personally if you need more information or support.


Peace to you,






Kundalini-Yoga , " enricospirit " <enricomassage wrote:


> I have had a request to start a men's circle so I posted anouncements on my

teacher training group and posted it on the monthly newsletter put out by

the ashram which is holding the teacher training. I am not getting any replies

to date. I was wondering if anyone has had any success with organizing men's

gatherings in the kundalini community?


> Sat Nam


> Enrico


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