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Greetings all,


I am persisting in my practice and will be completing my second 120

day discipline of the ganpattee. Now I have been feeling mentally

confused and unclear. I am not sure how much of it is related to the

winter and lack of sunlight because for the past years, the winter has

been tough on me since I tend to feel quite sleepy.


I am not sure if I need to continue. I think though I probably will do

another ganpattee because I'm still not happy or happy with my life,

although I think I am making progress and am getting happier, although

I have a ways to go. I think I will keep doing GP until I achieve that

peace and happiness and the outer manifestation of it. Maybe it'll

take 3 or 4 or 5 more 120 disciplines, who knows what my karmic

predicament is like.


I chant Adi Shakti regularly but do not do a formal discipline. I like

singing that.

I was at the Dasvandh site and the prosperity kriya for this year is

the har har har har gobinday. I've done a couple of disciplines last

year with it and chant it occasionally. I'm not quite sure yet if I

want to do a discipline with that because I do like the idea of just

doing the ganpattee and really focusing on it. After all, GP is

supposed to make the impossible possible.


The reason I am considering maybe using that mantra again is because

maybe I need to work on my radiant body? I aspire to be a comedic

performer and I had a contest that I was in last night. I didn't get

to make it to the next round. I was the only female performer out of 9

performers. I know I did good as I was going to tell another joke and

I was asking if I had time which I really didn't and I heard some of

the audience members sighing as they wanted to hear me do another

joke. I was quite upset I was not one of the 2 selected to advance. I

was clearly one of the top 2 in that group and I wondered if they

didn't want to let a female advance because it might look like that's

the only reason I advanced - but I had talent (mind you, maybe that

was not why I advanced but I felt some sexism, but I could be wrong).


Part of this industry involves getting rejected and so it's hard to

not take it personally. Why are some able to succeed effortlessly

while others experience struggle and struggle?


Clearly I want to be on the side where success is effortless. The GP

is a good kriya since it's good for removing blocks and obstacles but

maybe using the gobinday will be a nice complement to it?


As well, I think I might add Sat Kriya to my practice. I have had read

good things about it and I read it was one of the 3 that YB suggested

be done if all his teachings were lost.


For me, I am aware that I have some mental fogginess and unclarity and

that is what I think I will gain from meditation. I am working on my

navel centre as well. This is one of the most important things for me

to achieve in my life - material/career success. Maybe it's the

Capricorn in me but I must do work that I feel utilizes my talents.


anyways, thanks for reading this. I'm sure some of you can see more

clearer then I can my own struggles



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Sat nam Paula,

I think Sat Kriya is a great one to delve into. It surely will strengthen the

third chakra and when you feel strong there, you'll be less shaken by other's

opinions of you.

But the main reason I am writing is to thank you for inadvertently reminding me

about ganpattee kriya. As I began to read your email, and while I read it, I

felt a tingling at the tip of my tailbone, saying, " Do this meditation " because

what I'm up to right now is grounding my energy, bringing all this spirituality

deep into my body, anchoring myself in the Earth plane so I can be fully present

and also manifest what I want to manifest, particularly in the area of



Guru Beant Kaur


Bridget Kamke, LMT

Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Licensed Massage Therapist

Children's Book Author




Senior Assisted Living

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Why are some able to succeed effortlessly while others experience struggle and struggle?Dear Paula, dear all!Sat NamSome wise people say: It´s your intention that matters. I fully agree. It´s a law of the unsiverse that energy flows to the thing you concentrate on, it´s the law of attraction.Working with the subconscious mind is very, very interesting. It has all the power, it is what is governing most if not all people on this planet. It is what we speak of when we say: You have to live a counscious life. That actually means to understand how the mind is working exactly.So what does the subconscious mind do? Two examples: 1. It tells the muscels how to behave in Kinesiology: You cannot hold up the arm if something interferes with your energy. 2. It shows in the patterns of your life when you experience all the same things all the time and all over again and again and again. If you say: I never will have money, I´ll never succeed... You´ll get what you ask for: NO MONEY/ SUCCESS, because you focus an having no money/ success. Same it you say: I don´t want to be fat! The subconsciousness does not get the "don´t". So what it hears is: I want to be fat - and that is what you will gain: weight.Whatever you think with all your might, all you imagination, and with all the power of your subconscious mind comes true - hence the saying: Be careful what you wish for, it might come true. But when you see yourself in the circumstances you actually WANT to be in - then this is what you get. So when you see yourself as a comedic performer don´t forget the laughing and applauding audience in front of you when you see yourself in that position. And of course you get paid tons of money for your performance. Have fun, paint the painting of your live as YOU WANT IT TO BE! Use your imagination ;-) Shift the focus to the happy side of you, no one is only negative or sad or broke or fat or female....... Utilizes you talents - let them shine every day, make yourself laugh with delight! Maybe you would like to use the meditation "I am Iam". If you don´t have it, tell me and I send it to you...Love Blessings - let your soul shine!Siri RamKaur, Berlin, Germany

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Greetings Brothers and Sisters,


This confuses me:


If you say: I never will have money, I´ll never succeed... You´ll


what you ask for: NO MONEY/ SUCCESS, because you focus an having no

money/ success.

Same it you say: I don´t want to be fat! The subconsciousness does


get the " don´t " . So what it hears is: I want to be fat - and that


what you will gain: weight.


Why does the subconscious register the " never " in one set of

circumstances yet does not hear the " don't " in another?


I have found much more peace and freedom from struggle when I allow

myself to be fully accepting of the gifts and 'success' of the present

moment with the full understanding that my mind is very capable of

placing stumbling blocks on my path, but also aware of the capacity of

my mind to learn the lesson of each block without blaming itself for

their presence.


Peace, Sat Nam,


Joan Richards

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Sat Nam Joan,


As I understand and experience this technology, it is the frequency of ideas

such as don't want and never that the mind projects which attracts the same to

it. It is a frequency of fear that is picked up by the Universe which results in

a flow of that frequency back to you. Stating what you want in postitive terms

and vibrating the frequency of gratitude and joy as if this were already your

reality is very powerful in attracting your heart's desire.




Kundalini-Yoga , joan richards <joancarol wrote:


> Greetings Brothers and Sisters,


> This confuses me:


> If you say: I never will have money, I´ll never succeed... You´ll

> get

> what you ask for: NO MONEY/ SUCCESS, because you focus an having no

> money/ success.

> Same it you say: I don´t want to be fat! The subconsciousness does

> not

> get the " don´t " . So what it hears is: I want to be fat - and that

> is

> what you will gain: weight.


> Why does the subconscious register the " never " in one set of

> circumstances yet does not hear the " don't " in another?


> I have found much more peace and freedom from struggle when I allow

> myself to be fully accepting of the gifts and 'success' of the present

> moment with the full understanding that my mind is very capable of

> placing stumbling blocks on my path, but also aware of the capacity of

> my mind to learn the lesson of each block without blaming itself for

> their presence.


> Peace, Sat Nam,


> Joan Richards


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Sat Nam dear all,What Joan said: (...) I have found much more peace and freedom from struggle when I allow myself to be fully accepting of the gifts (...) is in fact the same what I tried to say - even if my examples confused you, Joan ;-) The "thing" that matters is you intention: Focus on the Positive.In saying "I never will have money" you probably SEE yourself poor. And that´s what is essential. See the gifts and succsesses of the present moment and you´ll never FEEL poor. So your sence of abundance grows and will inevitably show in the "real" life.Was that a little clearer?LoveSiri Ram Kaur

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Sat Nam

Although I know this is true, my soul has a problem with it. I am not sure if

it feels this as manipulative, or that I don't know what I really want(soul

level). Something in me is always surrendered to fate, in fact I am a fatalist.

I am in the middle of many things in this moment, so maybe can't articulate my

ideas properly. I wanted to make a post however, at least so I can post agaain

on this topic.

It is powerful magic (this technique mentioned below), I am not sure why it has

always felt a bit uncomfortable.

Loving blessings,



Kundalini-Yoga , " Sunderta " <grateful2day wrote:


> Sat Nam Joan,


> As I understand and experience this technology, it is the frequency of ideas

such as don't want and never that the mind projects which attracts the same to

it. It is a frequency of fear that is picked up by the Universe which results in

a flow of that frequency back to you. Stating what you want in postitive terms

and vibrating the frequency of gratitude and joy as if this were already your

reality is very powerful in attracting your heart's desire.


> Sunderta


> Kundalini-Yoga , joan richards <joancarol@> wrote:

> >

> > Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

> >

> > This confuses me:

> >

> > If you say: I never will have money, I´ll never succeed... You´ll

> > get

> > what you ask for: NO MONEY/ SUCCESS, because you focus an having no

> > money/ success.

> > Same it you say: I don´t want to be fat! The subconsciousness does

> > not

> > get the " don´t " . So what it hears is: I want to be fat - and that

> > is

> > what you will gain: weight.

> >

> > Why does the subconscious register the " never " in one set of

> > circumstances yet does not hear the " don't " in another?

> >

> > I have found much more peace and freedom from struggle when I allow

> > myself to be fully accepting of the gifts and 'success' of the present

> > moment with the full understanding that my mind is very capable of

> > placing stumbling blocks on my path, but also aware of the capacity of

> > my mind to learn the lesson of each block without blaming itself for

> > their presence.

> >

> > Peace, Sat Nam,

> >

> > Joan Richards

> >


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Hello all,well I was probably thinking maybe I'll wait before I do a discipline with the har gobinday as prescribed on the dasvanh site. I do feel that I don't want to distract myself with too much mantras so I'll give myself some more time to work and get into it. I think this has been one of the more effective mantras/kriyas for me as I've always held a lot of tension in my head and I've tried various things to help release that but it is quite difficult. I seem to get the most relief from this and lately have been noticing I yawn during it which means I am relaxing into it which is a good sign. As well I probably have too many mental attachments and this is probably why my head is so tight.

I've done sat kriya before but I did it last week and got a headache so I did it again a week later. not sure exactly why that happened but I think I'd like to experiment with that one for a bit to see what happens.


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Inspired by a tingling tailbone at the mention of ganpatee kriya when I read

Paula's original email on this thread, i have done the kriya a couple times in

the past week. The first day I did it, I warmed up then meditated, then did a

lay out. during the lay out, my sore tooth in my lower left jaw hurt a little

and I wondered if I needed to say something? So I started saying to myself that

I loved myself, out loud. I said, I love you Bridget, I love you Guru Beant,

and addressed myself by every name or nickname I have ever gone by. In

particular, the Bridget part of me ate it up! I felt my lower chakras vibrating

in particular and I also cried a little, from the childhood self who felt

abandoned by my Mom, etc. I also did a bunch of affirmations that I was safe,

called myself beautiful, told myself that God loves me, Mother Earth loves me,

gave myself permission to be prosperous, to be sensual, affirmed that I am

healthy and strong, and various other things. Certain phrases caused tension to

ease in certain areas, even caused a slight adjustment in my neck. This was

powerful. So thanks again for the reminder about ganpatee kriya!

Guru Beant Kaur


Bridget Kamke, LMT

Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Licensed Massage Therapist

Children's Book Author




Senior Assisted Living

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