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Hi Dana,


When I went through my first Shaktipat I hads getting debilitating

migraines 3-5 times per week. I have gotten migraines since I was

12, although they were never as bad as they were starting 2 years ago

when I was in a serious car accident and had a head injury. By the

end of Shaktipat week the migraines left. While I still get some,

they are cut down significantly and the pain is more bearable when I

do get them.


One thing I did that allowed me to head off many of them is

biofeedback training. The therapist taught me how to make my hands

and feet warm, thus resetting the vascular system when I felt one

coming. If I get to it soon enough, I can head it off or at least

reduce the duration.


Another thing I feel compelled to mention to you is about the

Maxalt. The Triptan drugs (Zoming, Maxalt, Immitrex) are vaso

constrictors. When we have a migraine, the blood vessels in the head

open up full throttle and the blood pumping through causes pain

(which is why caffeine sometimes brings relief). Taking a vaso

constrictor provides relief because it reduces the blood vessels back

down to normal, however, the drug cannot be selective in WHICH blood

vessels are reduced. Therefore, it constricts ALL blood vessels in

the body and it happens at a rapid rate. These drugs have not been

out long enough for complete studies to be done on this, but over

time the dilation and ensuing rapid constriction of the vessels can

cause arterial bleeding and possibly heart attack. I saw an article

on this and I discussed it with my neurologist. I asked him point

blank if prolonged use of these drugs might not cause some serious

health issues and he said " Yes " . I threw them out. After the head

injury, in which I had a small hemhorrage, I was told under no

circumstances was I allowed to take any Triptan drugs (not that I

would touch them anyway).


Have you gone to the healing group? We have a lot of successes at

the healing group for a variety of ailments. Why not try the natural





Dana, I fully sympathize with you. I have suffered for many years

with migraines and I know how miserable it can be. I can recall

times that I had to hit myself on the head to distract myself from

the pain or I wished for death. I watched my mother suffer from

cluster headaches growing up.


I wish you relief from the pain.




, Dana Nourie

<dana.nourie wrote:


> Hi all,


> I brought up my migraines on another list, and Claudia suggested

that I talk about my migraines here, as some of you have apparently

been helped with bad migraines through K awakening.


> I've been suffering migraines for about 10 years now. I've pretty

much assumed they are triggered hormonally, as it was always a pms

thing for a long while. My dr had me take my bc pills straight

through for 4 months, then have a period, then straight through for

another four months, in the hopes this would get rid of the

migraines, except for 3 times a year. In addition, she prescribed



> Taking the bc pill like that doesn't get rid of the migraines. I

still get them as I finish one pack and start another. What does get

rid of them 80% of the time is the Maxalt. This is not an analgesic

like pain killers. I have no symptoms from it other than it kills the

migraine. Then I wake up the next day and the migraine tries to come

back, so I take another Maxalt. This goes on for one week every

month, so I end up taking about 9 Maxalt pills. But occasionally,

like this last week the migraine comes through is pure HELL. I cannot

function with them. The pain on one side of my head, in my eyeball,

and at the base of my skull is so bad I sometime wish I'd just die

from it. Without the Maxalt it will go on for up to 4 days.


> I have tried acupuncture, which helps somewhat. I have also seen my

kinesiologist for them for the last 6 months to no avail. I'm

frustrated and sick of these things. What's scary is that my mom has

them and always had, and hers got worse as she got older. Now she

gets up to 4 or 5 a month. I'm trying hard not to think in that

direction, not to manifest that outcome, but I have a lot of fear

around these things as they are so horrible I can't do anything but

lie in bed holding my miserable head for two days when I get hit.


> Claudia said someone here was helped immensely by K-awakening and

got relief from migraines. Since mine seem to be hormonal, my doc

hopes mine go away when I go through menopause, but it sure didn't

help my mom.


> I've been meditating on my chakras for sometime, and I do notice

improvements in my third eye chakra, but I don't know what energies

to work with to improve these migraines and nothing seems to make

them go away totally. It used to be I got one migraine a month, but

now it seems two or three try to break through. Maxalt gets rid of

all but 20% or so, and oh man are they horrible. Bah!


> Thanks for listening.


> Dana Nourie

> Cosmic Pathway

> http://www.cosmicpathway.com





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I have never had headaches (thank you God) but can't

help wondering what the emotional reasons are behind


If every condition has an emotional or karmic reason

attached to it what causes migraine?


I had a friend who suffered from really bad cluster

headaches and would self medicate using magic

mushrooms, just a very small dose, not enough to be

high, and this helped him prevent them.


I would be really interested to know about the reasons

behind migraine and how to cure them.


We know that Kundalini helps but why? What causes the



Love Elektra x x x




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Hello Dana,

For the time being please refrain from any of your

practices with the chakras. Many people can cause a situation by over

focus on certain areas and reap the results of wanting to gain an

enlightenment experience by pushing to much energy into the Ajna for

instance or any of a number of combinations of engforced chakra

enervation. So please just for the moment do not continue to do these

kinds of practices. - Let me know how this feels to you. - I am

traveling so give me a little time to answer. - blessings Dana - chrism

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Hi Chrism,


I've only been working with the chakras off and on for the last year, originally

having nothing to do with K awakening. This problem with my migraines has been

going on for 10 years. Not working with chakras at that time didn't help at all.

Since working with the chakras, I haven't noticed changes in my migraines, but I

have noticed improvement with other other health feelings and opening of psychic

centers. So, I don't want to stop working with them:-) Believe me if I suspected

even a tiny bit they they bring on or worsen my migraines, I wouldn't work with



Dana Nourie

Cosmic Pathway




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  • 2 years later...
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Both my osteopath & acupuncturist have told me that many people suffer from

migraines because their neck is out of alignment - quick & easy to check with a

professional. The headache is caused by pressure on the occipital nerve, whilst

nausea is from pressure on the vagus nerve which runs down into the stomach.

This explains why some migraine sufferers get relief by vomiting - the neck

contraction shifts the vertebrae enough to provide relief.

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ah the point about the vagus nerve goes right along with what I experienced with

the lady I was teaching with migraines! Nice to have it confirmed! Work on the

navel too, the center of what goes on every where!


Sat Nam!


and while I am here a friendly reminder SEWALL HOUSE YOGA RETREAT was featured

on ABCnews online and we are heading into our nice time in Maine so I will be

leaving NYC around May 1 to be there and EASTER we are open too!



loss-camps-yoga/story?id=10066973 & page=2


We have also recently created a FACEBOOK fanpage if anyone would care to kindly

join us!





thanks fellow yogis and yoginis!


Amrita and Sat Amrit


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