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Yoga and Pregnancy

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Hello there,

One of my students is expecting (not for awhile), but I was wondering what

poses I should tell her to stay away from.


I know certainly to stay away from the shoulder stand and shirsha asana.

(which I am not teaching anyway). I know that crawling is good and I

beleive that nava asana is good...BUT, I was wondering about poses on the

belly (like bhujanga), and also, even lying in Shava asana--in the further

stages of pregnancy, because a friend of mine said that she couldn't lay on

her back when she was 8 to 9 months because it cut off some nerve to her

legs or something.


I know nothing first hand. I was wondering if you could give me some

guidelines, especially as too what month to stay away from what pose.


To give you a little more information about what I am doing. This group, I

am focussing on the samasthithi group and the loma-viloma group. Would any

of those be bad?






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The best poses during the early months are the loma viloma without any extra efforts

chatushpada and vyagraha pranayama are great throughtout pregnancy and post delivery also

baddha kona and supta baddha kona where u lie down on the back with the feet in baddhakona are excellent to open the pelvis and prepare for the delivery

avoid one leg standing and other balancing poses for there is the risk of falling due to change in the centre of gravity

Savitri as well as vibhaga pranayama are great

shavasana is ok but long periods of rest and sleep are better off on the left lateral as the blood vessels supplying the uterus and legs may get pressurised by the heavy uterus in the supine pose

face prone poses are better avoided for the pressure on the abdomen reason

lots of fresh juices, salads,soups are great and avoid alcohol and tocacco in any form

listening to soft music and sending positive vibrations to the child do wonders as we are seeing with dhivya priya!


any more ideas are welcome


Nova Scheidt <nova_scheidt wrote:

Hello there,One of my students is expecting (not for awhile), but I was wondering what poses I should tell her to stay away from.I know certainly to stay away from the shoulder stand and shirsha asana. (which I am not teaching anyway). I know that crawling is good and I beleive that nava asana is good...BUT, I was wondering about poses on the belly (like bhujanga), and also, even lying in Shava asana--in the further stages of pregnancy, because a friend of mine said that she couldn't lay on her back when she was 8 to 9 months because it cut off some nerve to her legs or something.I know nothing first hand. I was wondering if you could give me some guidelines, especially as too what month to stay away from what pose.To give you a little more information about what I am doing. This group, I am

focussing on the samasthithi group and the loma-viloma group. Would any of those be bad?Thanks---Nova_______________The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=dept/bcomm & pgmarket=en-ca & RU=http%3a%2f%2fjoin.msn.com%2f%3fpage%3dmisc%2fspecialoffers%26pgmarket%3den-ca

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Dr.Ananda Bhavanani

Tuesday, November 18, 2003 9:30 AM

Re: Yoga and Pregnancy


The best poses during the early months are the loma viloma without any extra efforts

chatushpada and vyagraha pranayama are great throughtout pregnancy and post delivery also

baddha kona and supta baddha kona where u lie down on the back with the feet in baddhakona are excellent to open the pelvis and prepare for the delivery

avoid one leg standing and other balancing poses for there is the risk of falling due to change in the centre of gravity

Savitri as well as vibhaga pranayama are great

shavasana is ok but long periods of rest and sleep are better off on the left lateral as the blood vessels supplying the uterus and legs may get pressurised by the heavy uterus in the supine pose

face prone poses are better avoided for the pressure on the abdomen reason

lots of fresh juices, salads,soups are great and avoid alcohol and tocacco in any form

listening to soft music and sending positive vibrations to the child do wonders as we are seeing with dhivya priya!


any more ideas are welcome


Nova Scheidt <nova_scheidt wrote:

Hello there,One of my students is expecting (not for awhile), but I was wondering what poses I should tell her to stay away from.I know certainly to stay away from the shoulder stand and shirsha asana. (which I am not teaching anyway). I know that crawling is good and I beleive that nava asana is good...BUT, I was wondering about poses on the belly (like bhujanga), and also, even lying in Shava asana--in the further stages of pregnancy, because a friend of mine said that she couldn't lay on her back when she was 8 to 9 months because it cut off some nerve to her legs or something.I know nothing first hand. I was wondering if you could give me some guidelines, especially as too what month to stay away from what pose.To give you a little more information about what I am doing. This group, I am focussing on the samasthithi group and the loma-viloma group. Would any of those be bad?Thanks---Nova_______________The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=dept/bcomm & pgmarket=en-ca & RU=http%3a%2f%2fjoin.msn.com%2f%3fpage%3dmisc%2fspecialoffers%26pgmarket%3den-ca

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