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Yognat presents a special item for the yoga festival 2004

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12th International Yoga Festival, Pondicherry 2004




The manifest world of Prakrithi is made up of five principle elements known as the Pancha Maha Bhutas. The Yogic concept of Chakras or energy vortices within us runs parallel to the Pancha Maha Bhutas. Each of the elements namely earth, water, fire, air and space or ether is related to a particular spinal Chakra and specific qualities with associated shapes and colours known as Mandalas and sounds known as Bhija or seed Mantras.

In this special presentation prepared exclusively for this year festival, Yoganjali Natyalayam attempts to bring out the qualities inherent in each element of nature with relation to the respective Chakra through the medium of dance.


Pritvi- Earth- Mooladhara Chakra –Yellow Square

According to Yogic tradition, the Earth is related to Mooladhara Chakra or the root support lotus. Four dancers are used to depict the four petals of this Chakra that open in synchrony with its Bija Mantra of Lang. Earth is shown emerging as a small fragment expelled from the sun and then we use the moving Chakrasana to show earth’s revolution around the sun. The stability of earth is well brought out by the Pritvi Mandala, which is a yellow square, and the dancers dressed in yellow scarves depict this Mandala or shape through movements choreographed to visualize the square shape. Sowing seeds on earth gives us great joy as the trees grow, flower and finally yield the fruits of our labor. Yet, the earth also has a dangerous side and the earthquakes that threaten the very existence of humankind are a

standing testimony of the violence that occurs when man misuses nature.


Jala / Apas-Water-Swadhisthana Chakra– Silvery Crescent

The element water is related to the Swadhisthana Chakra, the lotus of owns own self. The six petals of this Chakra open in synchrony with the Bija sound Vung. The fluidity of water is well brought out by the fluid movements of this dance and the movement of the tides with the moon is also depicted as the silvery crescent moon is the Mandala associated with this Chakra. Water may be a spring, a stream, a river or even the mighty ocean.


Tejas-Fire-Manipura Chakra – Red Triangle

Fire is the element related to the third Chakra, that is Manipura. The red triangle that symbolizes creativity and energy is also correlated to the Bharatanatyam dance where the basic shape of the body is the triangle. The ten petals of this Chakra are depicted by the ten dancers who give us a show of the great energy that is there in the sound of rung associated with this Chakra. Fire gives us the light of vision but is also capable of burning us if we aren’t careful.


Vayu-Air-Anahatha Chakra – Blue Hexagon

Twelve dancers move in unison to represent the 12 petals of the Vishudda Chakra that is related to the element air. There is no sound in a vacumn and the dancers enjoy the dance to the sound present in the air. Their movement brings out the spirit of being young at heart to this Chakra that is related to the sound Yung. The shape of the Chakra, a six sided hexagon formed by two interlaced triangles is also depicted by the dancers in this item.


Akasha-Space-Vishudda Chakra – Magenta Oval

Space, that element of Nature with neither beginning nor end is awesome in nature and the 16 dancers who represent the 16 dancers representing the 16 petals of the Vishudda Chakra depict the movements of the planets around the sun. The universe is interplay of the male and female principles that are depicted thoruh the dance of shiva and Shakti that is witnessed by all the planets. The item concludes with a mangalam or auspicious prayer to all the elements of nature that are both outside as well as within each one of usYogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Chairman

Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER

25,2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry-605 013

Tel;0413 2622902 / 0413 2241561 abb,yognat2001 Website: www.icyer.com



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