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Amma's 10 lessons on Yoga Psychology-Lesson 2

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Yoga Psychology, the study of the psyche, is based upon the principle of Adhi – Vyadhi – that is, the lower is a mirror of the higher, and if we can understand the microcosm, which is our own consciousness, we will be able to understand the macrocosm, which is the Universe. The Christ master put it poetically, “As above so below, on earth as it is in heaven.”

An important aim in the spiritual life is, first of all, to discover the Universal Law, which in Sanskrit is sometimes referred to as “Dharma Rai” or “Sanathana Dharma” and second of all, to harmonize ourselves with that Law. Actually, we have little choice in the matter. The Spiritual Law of the universe is as real as the physical law. Understanding the law of gravity, we do not jump off ten story buildings, for we can easily predict the unpleasant consequences. Yet, the foolish human denies the existence of Spiritual Law, and even defies it. Swami Gitananda has warned us of this folly saying, “You cannot break The Law. You will only break yourself over The Law.”

The External Law or Truth of the Universe is described as the “Dharma Rai” or the “Law of Dharma”. The results of breaking that Law are unhappiness, sickness, accidents, insanity, depression. Adherence to The Law produces happiness, health, safety, mental balance, joy and energy.

If this be so, why is it that the entire world does not chose to obey that Law, that Dharma Rai? The answer is “ignorance”, which in Sanskrit is called “Avidya.” Patanjali calls “Avidya” as the “Mother Klesha”, the “affliction which produces all other affections”. “Klesha” is a hindrance, that which causes misery, a knot of the heart. Yet, ignorance cannot be pleaded as excuse for breaking The Law even in human courts of justice, let alone in Divine realms. Hence, the burning need to remove the darkness of ignorance with the light of consciousness, to know The Law and to obey The Law.

An essential component of the Dharma Rai, or Divine Law, is Dharma. Dharma is often simply defined as “duty” but this does no more justice to this great word than a drop of water does to the ocean. One can say that “Dharma” is the root of all stability; it is that which holds all structures aloft. It is the central pillar of the Universal Structure. The bull of Shiva is the embodiment of Dharma – strong, stable, and powerful. It is Nandi – Dharma - upon which Lord Shiva – Goodness – Evolutionary Change – moves. Without Dharma, in other words, Goodness loses its mobility and evolutionary change cannot take place.

An amazing cartoon was produced years ago in the U.S.A. that unwittingly portrayed the essence of Dharma. A cartoon figure was shown on a pure white background, falling and stumbling everywhere, totally confused. Finally, he reached into his pocket, took out a pen, and drew a line under his own feet! He could then breathe a sigh of relief. He finally had a place to stand! That line is Dharma. It is the ground on which we stand, the boundaries which give structure to the Universe, making it Cosmos, rather than chaos. Dharma is comprised of the lines, which are drawn around our lives, lines which give meaning to our existence. Dharma embodies the “Rules of the Game of Life” Without rules, there can be no game.

Dharma is also another name of the God of Death. Death is the one certainty of life. It is because of Death, that we question our own existence. Death comes to all. It is the essence of all life. Hence, Death is also Dharma, part of the Universal Law, and nothing to be feared.

In the icon of the Nataraja, the right leg is the symbol of Dharma or Righteousness. The left leg is the symbol of action. Through action made possible by Dharma, the dwarf of ignorance, the Muyiladden or Asmita, under the left foot of Lord Shiva is rendered powerless.

When Lord Rama left for the forests to begin his fourteen years of exile, his mother Kausalya said to him as a blessing: “May that Dharma which you have upheld so gloriously, and which you have protected at great cost, now protect you!” It is said: “Dharma protects those who protect Dharma.”

Dharma is the “essential righteousness” of any action. It is knowing what is the correct response in any given situation. It is knowing when to say, how to say, what to do, when to do. It is true “responsibility.” – That is – the “ability to respond” in the correct way to any stimulus. Dharma also implies “Right-use-ness.” The skill and intelligence to use everything in the right way.

Dharma is the state of being when the individual will is merged with Divine Will. In simple terms, when we want to do what God wants us to do, we are established in Dharma. Dharma is the Inner Law of our own spiritual being which is in absolute harmony with the Divine Will or Ritam. “May I perfect myself till I find, my own will identical with thine.” is the prayer of those who seek to live according to Dharma.

Dharma is always doing the right thing at the right time in the right way as far as we know it. This resolution helps us to purify the Buddhi our intellect, and develop Viveka and Vairagya, discrimination and detachment, which will, in turn, help us to clear our vision so that we may be able to see our Dharma more accurately as we progress.

A DHARMA NISHTHA, or One Who Is Established in Righteousness, does what is right under all circumstances, no matter what the inconvenience or suffering. Lord Rama is the prime example of a “Dharma Nishtha.” He did what was right, even though it meant that he had to leave his kingdom and live in the forest. To live as a Dharma Nishtha this requires alertness as well as perfection in Swadyaya, Tapas and Ishwara Pranidhana. In fact, all of the Yama and Niyamas are tools to refine the personality so it is capable of perceiving Dharma. The more perfect a man is in the Yama and Niyama, the more perfectly he will see his Dharma.

Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Chairman

Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER

25,2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry-605 013

Tel;0413 2622902 / 0413 2241561 abb,yognat2001 Website: www.icyer.com



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