Guest guest Posted May 7, 2004 Report Share Posted May 7, 2004 YOGA TEAM QUIZ Prepared by Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Ananda Ashram, Pondicherry, India I. Translation ROUND: 1. Vatayanasana 2. Noukasana 3. Dhanurasana 4. Kapotasana 5. Kukkutasana 6. Halasana 7. Sarvangasana 8. Paschimottanasana 9. Kokilasana 10. Makarasana 11. Bhujangasana 12. Sashahasana 13. Matsyasana 14. Adho Mukha Swanasana 15. Bhekasana 16. Bakkasana SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz II. Definition ROUND: 1. Who said, "Yoga is 4 fold awareness?" 2. What is Samyama? 3. What is Kriya Yoga? 4. What is Adhikara Yoga? 5. Bhagavad Gita says "Samatvam ______________________ ". 6. Bhagavad Gita says "Dukka _______________________ ". 7. Bhagavad Gita says "Yogah _______________________ ". 8. Patanjali's definition of Yoga is ______________________? 9. The 'Root' word of Yoga is ______________________. 10. List the components of Bahiranga Yoga. 11. List the components of Antaranga Yoga. 12. What is a Mudra? 13. What is a Bandha? 14. Define Asana as per Patanjali Yoga Sutras. 15. Swamiji said that Yoga is Evolution. What type of evolution is it? 16. How is the word Pranayama split properly? SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz III. General ROUND: 1. List the Karmendriyas 2. List the Chitta Vrittis. 3. List states of the Chitta. 4. Name the Kleshas. 5. How to destroy the Kleshas. 6. What happens when the Chitta Vrittis are controlled? 7. Number of Petals in Mooladhara. 8. Which endocrine gland corresponds to Mooladhara Chakra? 9. Which nerve plexus corresponds to the Manipura Chakra? 10. Anahata means ______________________? 11. The shape of Mooladhara is ______________________. 12. Name the three Gunas. 13. Which element (pancha maha bhutas) is related to Swadhisthana Chakra? 14. What happens if one perfects Ishwar Pranidhana? 15. Name components of the Bandha Trayam. 16. What are the Prana Vayus? SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz IV. Author ROUND: 1. Name the author of the ‘Yoga Dharshana’ 2. Name the author of the ‘Bhagavad Gita’ 3. Name the author of the ‘Hatha Pradipika’ 4. Name the author of ‘Light on Pranayama’ 5. Name the author of ‘Yoga: Step-by-Step’ 6. Who composed the THIRU ARUPPA? 7. Name the author of ‘Yoga: one woman's view 8. Name the author of ‘My Experiments with Truth’ 9. Name the author of the book ‘Mudras’ 10. Name the author of the ‘Bhaja Govindam’ 11. Name the author of the ‘Ganesha Pancharatnam’ 12. Name the author of the Sanskrit ‘Ramayana’ 13. Who wrote Silappadikaram? 14. Who is the Editor of the international Yoga magazine “Yoga Life”? 15. Who wrote Thirumandiram? 16. Who publishes the magazine “Yoga Sudha”? SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz V. Yatra ROUND: 1. Where did Swamy Vivekananda leave his body? 2. Where did Swami Sivananda found his Ashram? 3. Where is sVYASA located? 4. Which pilgrimage site in North India is sacred to both Shiva & Vishnu? 5. Where is the ICE LINGAM situated? 6. Kaivalyadhama is located in which town in Maharasthra? 7. In which city is the Sri Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram located? 8. Where was the office of the Indian Academy of Yoga? 9. Shiva is said to live there but this place is not in India? 10. Where does the Ganga originate? 11. Where in south India can you expect to find a depiction of Patanjali? 12. Where in North India can you find Adi Shankara’s Samadhi? 13. Which North Indian city has the headquarters of the Divine Life Society? 14. In which India city will you find the Yoga Institute of Santa Cruz? 15. Where and when was the First International Yogasana Competition held? 16. In which year did the Pondicherry Tourism Dept hold the First Yoga Festival? SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz VI. Mudra Round 1. Which Mudra is used in Bhramari Pranayama? 2. Which Mudra helps with low chest/abdominal breathing? 3. Mid chest breathing is helped by which Mudra? 4. Adi Mudra is useful for which Pranayama. 5. Complete Yoga breathing uses which Mudra? 6. This Mudra helps in cases of neck pain. 7. A topsy-turvy Mudra that is useful in diabetes. 8. This Mudra is similar to the Paschimottanasana. 9. According to the Hatha Pradipika the best of all Mudras is ____________? 10. A Mudra similar to Moola Bandha. 11. This Mudra needs a very long tongue. 12. In which Mudra are both eyes fixated on the mid point between the eyebrows? 13. This Mudra is similar to the swallowing action? 14. Which Mudra is also known as Yoni Mudra? 15. Name a Mukha Mudra that is useful in cleansing toxins. 16. This Mudra is the second stage in Surya Namaskar. SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz VII. Pranayama ROUND: 1. Name the Pranayama in which inhalation is through both nostrils but exhalation is only through left nostril. 2. Which Mudra is usually used to regulate alternate nostril breathing? 3. Adam Pranayama refers to which part of sectional breathing? 4. Plavini is the ______________________ breath. 5. Murccha is the ______________________ breath. 6. In Sadanta, the air is inhaled via the ____________ & exhaled via ______________. 7. What sound is made in the Bhramari Pranayama? 8. In Surya Bhedana, the air is exhaled through the ______________________ nostril. 9. Is Nadi Shuddhi one of the classical Kumbakas in the Hatha Pradipika? 10. Sectional breathing is called what Pranayama? 11. Name the four components of Pranayama. 12. Name of the 3 types of Kumbakas. 13. Which is the best of all Kumbakas (H.Y.P)? 14. Which Pranayama purifies all the 72,000 Nadis? 15. Inhalation & exhalation are through which nostril in Chandra Anuloma Pranayama? 16. Uddiyana Bandha is performed after which stage in Pranayama. SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz VIII. Kriya Round 1. Does the Yoga Sutra describe the Shat Karmas? 2. Basti is like an enema. Yes/No 3. Neti Kriya is good for the eyes. Yes/No 4. Nauli Kriya cleans the ears. Yes/No 5. Vaman Dhouti is performed with ______________________? 6. The Kriya that can also be called a Pranayama is ______________________? 7. Cleaning of nose with ghee is known as____? 8. Cleansing of nose with Milk is known as____? 9. The rate of respiration in Kapalabhati is ______________________? 10. What is Gaja Karani? 11. Is Shanka prakshalana part of the traditional Shat Karmas? 12. Which of the Shat Karmas can help sinus problems and allergies? 13. Name a Bandha that is similar to one of the Shat Karmas? 14. Name the Shat Karma that is useful in large bowel diseases. 15. Name the Shat Kriya that is useful in Asthma. 16. What material is used for the Danda Dhouti now days. SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz IX. Asana Round 1. The king of Asanas is ______________________. 2. This Asana is named after the bird that helped Nala wed Damayanthi. 3. Patanjali defines Asana as ______________________. 4. The bridge to cross an ocean. 5. Used by Rama & Arjuna in battle. 6. Tapas of 100 years was performed by a sage in this Asana. 7. The cow face hill located at Gangotri. 8. To be a warrior we need valour. 9. Indra's weapon. 10. I am useful in Rajasthan desserts. 11. Vamana Avatara. 12. I move slowly & carry my home on my back. 13. India's national bird. 14. Embryo in the womb. 15. Commonest bird in Pondy. 16. My sting is painful but my pose is beautiful. SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz X. Personality ROUND: 1. Describe the Physical appearance of Patanjali. 2. I was born on 12th Jan 1863, and though I died before my 40th birthday, I achieved great fame, who am I? 3. Lived less than 40 yrs., yet revitalized Hinduism during the 8th Century A.D. 4. The Lion who achieved Maha Samadhi on Dec. 29, 1993. 5. India's earliest Yoga Scientist who founded Kaivalyadhama. 6. I am a well-known Hatha Yogi and have had a great violinist as my student, who am I? 7. Grand old man of Yoga who was guru of BKS Iyengar, Deshikachar and Pattabhi Jois. 8. Creator of 'Integral Yoga', this revolutionary turned sage took refuge in a French colony. 9. Kerala Born, medical doctor, who after Sanyasa founded a famous Ashram in Rishikesh. 10. He was praised as the "King of Ashtanga Yoga" and lived in Pondicherry 130 years ago. 11. The Flying Swami, who was a disciple of Swami Sivananda, founded an Ashram named after his Guru in Kerala. 12. This swami who was GURU of Rajinikant who left his body recently. 13. This Swami, a disciple of Swami Chinmayananda, composed the song Bho Shambo. 14. A famous disciple of Swami Gnanananda Giri, this Swamiji was known for his wonderful Bhajans and attained Jala Samadhi in the Himalayas a few years ago. 15. The sage of the holy mountain who taught his disciples to ask, “Who am I”? 16. Name of Swami Vivekananda’s Gurupatni. SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz XI. Swami Gitananda Round 1. When was Swamiji’s calendar birthday? 2. What was his Sun Sign/Rasi? 3. What was Swamiji's Samadhi date & day? How was it special? 4. What was his name prior to Sanyasa? 5. What was his father's name? 6. What was his Mother's name? 7. Who was his Yoga Guru? 8. Name his most famous book? 9. What is the Yoga system he taught known as? 10. Swamiji founded Yoganjali Natyalayam on what date in which year. 11. Swamiji was the founding member of this famous yoga association in Varanasi. 12. Who was the Madathipathi before Swamiji in the Kambliswamy Madam? 13. What is the wedding date of Swamiji and Amma? 14. Swamiji had a title where he was equated with a noble animal. What was the title? 15. Name Swamiji’s disciple who has founded the Gitananda Ashram in Italy. 16. Where was Ananda Ashram situated prior to Sri Kambliswamy Madam? SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz I. Translation ROUND: 1. Horse face pose 2. Boat pose 3. Bow pose 4. Pigeon pose 5. Rooster / Cock pose 6. Plough pose 7. Shoulder stand 8. Posterior stretch / back stretch pose 9. Cuckoo pose 10. Crocodile pose 11. Cobra pose 12. Rabbit pose 13. Fish pose 14. Downward facing dog pose 15. Frog 16. Crane pose SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz II. Definition ROUND: 1. Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri 2. Dharana + Dhyana + Samadhi 3. Tapas, Swadyaya and Ishwar Pranidhana together are known as Kriya Yoga. 4. Yama + Niyama 5. Samatvam Yoga Uchyate 6. Dukka Samyoga Viyogam, yoga Sangnitam 7. Yogah Karmasu Koushalam 8. Yogah Chitta Vritti Nirodaha 9. Yuj 10. Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama +/- Pratyahara 11. Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi +/- Pratyahara 12. A seal for energy 13. A lock for energy 14. Stira Sukam Asanam 15. Conscious evolution 16. PRANA (Vital cosmic catalyst / energy) + AYAMA (controlled expansion) SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz III. General ROUND: 1. Pada (Feet), Pani (Hands), Payu (Excretion), Upastha (Reproduction), Vak (Speech) 2. Pramana (right knowledge), Viparyaya (wrong knowledge), Vikalpa (imagination), Nidra (sleep), Smrithi (memory). 3. Mudha (dull), Kshipta (totally distracted)), Vikshipta (partially distracted), Ekagratha (one pointed). Niruddha (controlled) 4. Avidya (ignorance), Asmita (ego), Raaga (attraction), Dwesha (repulsion), Abhinivesha (clinging to life) 5. Kriya Yoga-the Yoga of Purification 6. Then the seer rests in his essential nature (Thada Drishtu Swarupe Avastanam) 7. Four 8. Gonads 9. Solar plexus 10. Unstruck sound 11. Cube / square 12. Tamas, Rajas, Satvas 13. Water (Apas) 14. One attains Samadhi 15. Jalandhara, Uddiyana and Moola Bandhas 16. Prana, Apana, Samana, Vyana and Udana SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz IV. Author ROUND: 1. Maharishi Patanjali 2. Veda Vyasa 3. Swatma Rama Suri 4. BKS Iyengar 5. Dr Swami Gitananda 6. Vallar Ramalingaswamy 7. Smt Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani 8. Mahatma Gandhi 9. Dr Swami Gitananda 10. Adi Shankara 11. Adi Shankara 12. Valmiki 13. Ilango Adigal 14. Smt Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani 15. Thirumoolar 16. sVYASA / VK Yogas SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz V. Yatra ROUND: 1. Belur 2. Rishikesh 3. In Karnataka (Jigani) 40 kms from Bangalore 4. Hardwar 5. Amarnath 6. Lonavla 7. Chennai 8. Benaras Hindu University, Varanasi 9. Mount Kailash 10. The glacier Gomukh near Gangotri 11. Chidambaram 12. Kedarnath 13. Rishikesh 14. Mumbai 15. Pondicherry 1989 16. 1993 SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz VI. Mudra Round 1. Shanmuki Mudra 2. Chin Mudra 3. Chinmaya Mudra 4. Adyam Pranayama or clavicular breathing 5. Brahma or Mahat Yoga Mudra 6. Brahma Mudra helps in cases of neck pain. 7. Viparita Karani Mudra 8. Tadagi Mudra 9. Kechari Mudra 10. Aswini Mudra 11. Kechari Mudra 12. Sambhavi Mudra 13. Aprakasha Mudra 14. Shanmuki Mudra 15. Kaki Mudra 16. Anjali Mudra SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz VII. Pranayama ROUND: 1. Ujjayi Pranayama 2. Nasika /Nasarga /Vishnu Mudra 3. Abdominal /low chest 4. Floating breath 5. Fainting breath 6. In through the teeth and out via the nose 7. Male Bee during inhalation and female bee during exhalation 8. Left nostril 9. No 10. Vibhaga Pranayama 11. Puruka, Kumbaka, Rechaka and Shunyaka 12. Antara, Bahira and Kevala Kumbakas 13. Kevala Kumbaka 14. Nadi Shuddhi 15. Left nostril 16. Rechaka SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz VIII. Kriya Round 1. No 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5. Water 6. Kapalabhati 7. Gratha Neti 8. Dugdha Neti 9. 120 per minute 10. Forceful expulsion of water through the mouth after drinking many liters of water 11. No 12. Neti 13. Uddiyana Bandha is similar to Nauli Kriya 14. Basti 15. Vastra Dhouti 16. Rubber SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz IX. Asana Round 1. Sirasasana 2. Hamsasana (Swan) 3. Stira Sukam Asana 4. Sethubandha 5. Dhanurasana 6. Vashistasana 7. Gomukasana 8. Veerasana 9. Vajrasana 10. Ushtrasana 11. Trivikramasana 12. Kurmasana 13. Mayurasana 14. Garbha Pindasana 15. Kakasana 16. Vrishchikasana (scorpion pose) SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz X. Personality ROUND: 1. Upper half of his body was man and lower half was snake 2. Swami Vivekananda 3. Adi Shankara 4. Swami Gitananda 5. Swami Kuvalayananda 6. BKS Iyengar 7. Sri Krishnamacharya 8. Sri Aurobindo 9. Swami Sivananda 10. Sri la Sri Kambaliswamigal 11. Swami Vishnudevananda 12. Swami Satchidananda of Yogaville USA 13. Swami Dayananda Saraswathi 14. Swami Haridas Giri 15. Ramana Maharishi 16. Sharada Devi SWAMI GITANANDA BEST YOUTH AWARD 2002 Yoga TEAM Quiz XI. Swami Gitananda Round 1. 24th July 1907 2. Simha Rasi /Leo 3. 29th December 1993. Arudra Dharshan 2.20 am 4. Dr Ananda Bhavanani 5. Sukraj Bhavanani 6. Smt Leelavathi 7. Swami Kanakananda Brighu 8. Yoga Step by Step 9. Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga 10. March 27 1993 11. Indian Academy of Yoga 12. Sri la Sri Shankara Giri Swamigal 13. 25th February 14. Lion of Pondicherry 15. Swami Yogananda Giri 16. Lawspet Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Chairman Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER 25,2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry-605 013 Tel;0413 2622902 / 0413 2241561 Website: Pl take a look at: Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at HotJobs Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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