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Round 1:



Who was the commander of King Virata’s army, killed by Bhima for molesting Draupadi in the Matsya Kingdom?- Keechaka

Which Asura in the form of a boar did Lord Shiva and Arjuna kill at the same time? Mooka

Uttara is the son of? Virata the Matsya King

Who killed Jarasandha? Bhima

Celestial fathers of Nakula and Sahadeva-Aswini Twins

Celestial father of Arjuna- Indra

Who was the mother of the Kouravas? Ghandhari

Celestial father of Yudhishthira-Yama

Who cursed Arjuna to be disdained as a eunuch for a period of time? –Urvashi

Who taught Arjuna the art of Music and dance in Amaravathi?- Chitrasena

Celestial father of Karna-Surya

Father of the Kouravas-Dhritarashtra

Son of Dushanta and Shakuntala?-Bharata

Who is the Guru in Mace warfare for Bhima and Duryodhana-Balarama

Who is the brother of Draupadi?-Dhrishtadyumna0

Who was the father of Bheeshma-Shantanu

Karna’s foster father-Adhiratha, the charioteer

Who was the mother of Veda Vyasa-Satyavathi

Who asked Karna for the Kavacha and Kundala? Indra

A King who Krishna forgave 100 times but finally beheaded-who is he? Shishupala

The Rakshasha son of Bhima-Ghatotkacha

This student cut off his thumb for Dronacharya. Who is he?-Ekalavya

Who killed all the sons of the Pandavas at night at the end of the Mahabharata? Ashwathama

A lady burned Youdhistra’s toes. Who? Gandhari

Sage Parasara is the father of?-Veda Vyasa

Who was the Guru for the Pandavas before Dronacharya-Kripacharya

Father of Draupadi--Drupada

Arjuna’s wife who was the daughter of the Naga King-Uloopi

Arjuna’s son by Chitrangada-Babhuvahana

Subhadra’s son-Abimanyu

This king was going to help the Pandavas but was tricked by Duryodhana into becoming Karna’s charioteer. Who was he? Shalya

What question did Draupadi ask when she was summoned to the court?- She asked whether Yudhishthira lost her or himself first

What promise did Karna make to Kunthi? That he wont kill any of the Pandavas except Arjuna.

Who was the commander in chief of the Pandava army? Dhrishtadyumna

Round 2:



Who was the Asura that was spared by Krishna and Agni in the Khandava forest because Arjuna had given him protection? - Maya

Who was born with three eyes and four arms? Shishupala

Who dragged Draupadi to the court?- Duhshasana

Who was the person used as a shield to kill Bheeshma.Shikandi

Which son of Dhritarashtra objected to Draupadi being brought to the court as a slave? – Vikarna

Where did Bhima meet Hanuman?- Gandhamadana forest

Where did Arjuna reunite with his brothers after 5 years in heaven?- Gandhamadana forest

Where did Shiva fight Arjuna?-Himalayas

Kingdom gifted to Karna by Duryodhana- Anga

What was the kingdom ruled by Pandu known as?-Hastinapura

Drupada was the king of --Panchala

Where was Duryodhana captured by the Gandharvas and then freed by the Pandavas? Dwaitavana

Name of the town where Duryodhana tried to burn the Pandavas-Varanavata

Who built the inflammable mansion for the Pandavas as ordered by Duryodhana-Purochana

The Rakshasha whose sister married Bhima-Hidimba

In which city did Bhima kill the Rakshasha called Baka?- Ekachakra

City built by the Pandavas-Indraprastha

Shishupala belonged to which Kingdom?- Chedi

Where did Duryodhana mistake floor for a pond and a pond for a floor-in the palace built for Yudhishthira by Maya Asura at Indraprastha

Kingdom where the Pandavas spent the 13th year of exile? Matsya

What is the relationship between Nakula and Bhima? Step Brothers

What is the relationship between Madhri and Kunthi? Both had same husband

What is the relationship between Duryodhana and Youdhistra? Cousins

What is the relationship between Nakula and Sahadeva? Twin brothers

What is the relationship between Arjuna and Krishna? Brother in law

What is the relationship between Arjuna and Bheeshma? Nephew and grand uncle

What is the relationship between Ganga and Bheeshma? Mother son

How are Bhima and Hanuman related? Step Brothers

How are Shakuni and Gandhari related? Brother sister

What is the relationship between Yama and Surya-Yama is son of the Surya

As the Pandavas went up the Himalayas who fell down first? Draupadi

Who was the dog that accompanied the Pandavas up the Himalayas? Yama

Why did Yudhishthira have to visit hell before heaven? Because he lied to Drona




Round 3:



Where did Arjuna receive the Vajra weapon from Indra? At Amaravathi, the city of Indra

Kunthi was the --------------------of Krishna. Paternal Aunt

King Janamejaya was the -----------of Vyasa. Great grandson.

What happened when Yudhishthira uttered the lie to Drona? His chariot that used to be 4 finger breaths above the ground touched the ground

What was Arjuna’s vow when he heard of Abimanyu’s death? That he would kill Jayadratha by sundown the next day or consign himself to flames.

How did Krishna save Arjuna from the Nagastra shot by Karna? He pressed the chariot down so that it missed Arjuna’s head and hit his crown instead

How was Jayadratha able to contain the Pandavas while Abimanyu was killed? He had got a boon from Shiva that he could oppose the Pandavas on one occasion successfully.

When did Duryodhana plan to imprison Krishna? When he came as the Pandava’s messenger to broker peace.

What happened to Arjuna’s chariot when Krishna descended from it after the battle? It burst to ask fully because it was held together only by Krishna’s power after sustaining the celestial weapons of Karna, Drona etc

When did Drona become the commander of the Kourava army? After the fall of Bheeshma.

What was special about Jayadratha’s head? The person causing it to fall on the earth would have their head shattered in hundreds of fragments.

On whose lap did Jayadratha’s head fall? His father’s lap.

Why wasn’t Arjuna able to kill Duryodhana in the battle? Because Drona had tied an impenetrable Armour on him.

Where was the Mahabharata first recited?- At the Sarpa Satra Yagna conducted by King Janamejaya

After what event did Duryodhana repent for his evil deeds and want to die? - After the battle where the Pandavas rescued him from the Gandharvas

On the battle field against whom did Krishna take up the Sudharshan Chakra? Bheeshma.

Who did Bheeshma ask to give him a pillow of arrows to support his head on the battlefield? Arjuna

When did Bheeshma and Karna make up to each other? As Bheeshma lay on the bed of arrows waiting for the time to leave his body.

How did the Pandavas get the plan to kill Bheeshma using Sikandhi? Bheeshma himself told them the idea.

How did Arjuna show that his doubts had been dispelled after Krishna extolled the Bhagavad Gita? He picked up the Gandeeva and twanged it.

Which of Duryodhana’s brothers joined the Pandava army when Yudhishthira offered them the chance in the beginning of the battle. Yuyutsu

What Yagna did Duryodhana perform instead of the Rajasooya- Vaishnava Yagna

When did Durvasa visit the Pandavas in the forest and why did it give them a problem?- He visited them after Draupadi had eaten from the Amudhasurabhi. Once she ate, no more food would come.

In which year of exile were the Pandavas in disguise? 13th year

What Yagna did Yudhishthira perform? Rajasooya

How long does the Sarpa Satra Yagna last? –12 years

How did Kunthi get the boon to bring forth Karna? Sage Durvasa

How did Pandu get cursed to die if he touched his wife with desire? By a deer

How did Drona get his weapons? From Parasurama

How did Drona introduce himself to the Pandavas and Kouravas? By taking out his ring from a well using a blade of grass

Which animal made an appearance at Yudhishthira’s Aswamedha Yagna? A mongoose

How did Dhritarashtra and Ghandhari die? In a forest fire

What happened when Balarama left his body? A great white snake came out of his mouth and disappeared into the ocean





Round 4:



How did Arjuna receive the Brahmasiras missile from Drona? By saving him from a crocodile

How was Draupadi born- From the fire sacrifice by Drupada

Who married Draupadi first? -Yudhishthira

Which forest did Arjuna help Agni to consume? Khandava

Which mountain did Indra hurl at Arjuna and Krishna? - Mandara

How did Shishupala’s parents find out who would kill their son? By placing him on the lap of the person, then his extra eye and arms vanished

Which of his brothers did Yudhishthira lose first in the game of dice? -Nakula

Which of his brothers did Yudhishthira lose last in the game of dice? -Bhima

When the Yaksha gave Yudhishthira the chance to bring one brother back to life, whom did he choose? – Nakula

What final boon did Yudhishthira ask of Yama? That they would not be recognized in the 13th year of exile.

Name of Abimanyu’s wife? Uttaraa

Name of Jarasandha’s kingdom? Magadha

Name of Arjuna’s conch? Devadatta

What was the name of the weapon that killed Ghatotkacha? Shakti

What was the name of Arjuna’s bow?-Gandeeva

What was the name of the elephant that was killed to trick Dronacharya? Ashwathama

Who was the first commander of the Kourava army? Bheeshma

The real name of Veda Vyasa was? Krishna Dwaparana

Satyavathi is also known as? Gandhavathi

Who is also known as Dhananjaya? -Arjuna

What was the weapon given to Arjuna by Shiva?- Pashupata Asthra

Abimanyu penetrated the ----------------- formation before he was killed. Chakravyuha

How did Dhritarashtra view the battle of Kurukshetra? Vyasa bestowed the divine vision upon Sanjaya who then narrated it to the king

Which great warrior was not accepted on both sides? Rukmi, the brother in law of Krishna.

Arjuna posed as --------in the Matsya kingdom. Brihannala, the eunuch

Bhima posed as --------in the Matsya kingdom. Ballava, the cook

Youdhistra posed as --------in the Matsya kingdom. Kanaka

Draupadi posed as --------in the Matsya kingdom. Malini a Sairandhri

When Arjuna chose Krishna as the charioteer what did Duryodhana choose? Krishna’s Army

Krishna was on the side of the Pandavas. On whose side was Balarama? He remained neutral and went to Kashi

What condition did Bheeshma want fulfilled before he led the Kourava army? He wouldn’t kill the Pandavas and that Karna shouldn’t share the battlefield with him.

How many days did Bheeshma lie on the bed of arrows? 58 days

Why was Abimanyu’s son still born? Because of Aswathama’s Bhramasthra

Who guarded the Horse during Yudhishthira’s Aswamedha Yagna? Arjuna












Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani


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