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Fwd: [worldyogachampionship] Digest Number 88

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here is some food for thought from the International Yoga Federation regarding Yoga Sport

anandaworldyogachampionship wrote:

Sat, 15 May 2004 06:54:28 -0300vijay tiwari (by way of YogaNet http://www.yoganet.org)Subject: International Yoga Federation (World Yoga Community) News Yoga SportYoga Sport is Recognized International Spiritual Sport (from 1989)Yoga Sport is not YogasanasYoga Sport is not MallakahmbMallakahmb and Yogasanas Competitions are not Yoga Sport CompetitionsYOGA SPORT International RULESActualization date: april,2004-04-11Yoga SportThe Yoga Sport beginnings comes from the AsthangaYoga, Hatha Yoga, Kriya Yoga and.Maha YogaThe Yoga Sport objetive is the human personspiritual realization through the competition inorder to get the personal superation and thespiritual entertaiment in front of the obstaclesthat the life set in our diary way.The Yoga Sport try to get the development of thehuman person spiritual, afective and emotionalintelligence, inside a

competence in front ofadversity situations which could generate stressand unbalance.The s Yoga Sport uses yoga techniques through thesport competence and the spirituality as a finalpoint.The sport is all fairplay ruled which objetive isthe competence between two or more participantsor teams, where one of them is the winner and theother one the loser or the draw.Yoga Sport Division:The Yoga Sport is diveded into:1) Atlhetic Yoga Sport2) Artistic Yoga Sport3) Rhythmic Yoga SportBefore a competence is very important to saludateto Nataraj , the Patron of Artistic Yoga andYoga Sport.A Yogacharya, Swami and Pujari are theresponsables for doing the puja before thecompetence.Atlhetic Yoga Sport ( formed-Olympic Yoga )The Atlhetic Yoga Sport evaluate the perfectejecution of asanas, the perfect alineation, Theexactly range of flexibility, the strength, thebalance and

resitence. The perfect ejecution ofPranayama ( control of energy) , the correctbreathing or swara yoga.To reach the Pratiahara state ( introspection).The Dharana state ( concentration) and if it ispossible to reach the meditation ( Dhyana).Spiritually: the competitor can not be nervous ,disturbed, being the spiritual states of peacefull, harmony, happines, satisfied throughwhich they can get to have a higher score insidethe competence.These spiritual states are "more valuables" thanthe score of each competitor in phisicalqualities: flexibility, strenght, balance andresistence.To the spiritual satates must adds thecompetitors correct actitude and acts ( karmayoga) insede which each competior curry on hisDharma ( duty) whitout waiting for the results,if he is ancious for the score or worried aboutit the competitor loose the competence.Artistic Yoga SportsThe Artistic Yoga is

formed by vinyasas orpostures series which must simulate aninterrupted flow poem of asanas.To the being qualities in Atlhetic Yoga, it mustadded the music, the dresses, the good taste, thenatural art, the execution rhythm and thebreathing rhythm have to be synchronized with thelow sounds of music.The postures betwwen themselves, must be joinedby an link (enrolmen)t , being these link amovement that join two postures using the leastcorporal translate in the least possible time.It is fundamental that the Artisitc Yoga Sport show his spirituality and the content in eachmovement in his serie. The dresses must behapiness, coloured, and on a very good taste.The competitor has to intend to reach an empathyand sympathy with the judges and public.The serie must be adjusted to the music rhythm choosen with good taste.Rhythmic Yoga:The rhythmic yoga must to be realized in pair orcouples who works as

a mirror ( that issynchronized form, doing the same postures, inthe same grade and in the same time ) keep on thesame qualities than the artistic yoga.IMPORTANT.:In all the cases the followings items must havebeen taken on to evaluate the competitors inspiritually form.AHIMSA.The competitor must not show any kind ofviolence, aggression or nuisance, nor phisical,mental, spoken or spiritual.Unpleased feelings must not be show, nor dislikethrough his oponents or the jury.The competitor must not answer in an angry or malicious form to the public, realitions,competitors and jury.He can not do scowls on his face which showunfrienship, unhappy,. rejected, bother, doubt orunhapiness feelings, anciety states, stress ordistress.MAITRI.The competitors get a score for maitri,friendships feelings, cooperation, solidarity, tothe other partners, oponents or judges.YAMAS AND NIYAMAS.The

competitors must practicebefore, during and after the competence the Yamasand Niyamas. ( The jury control one hour beforeand after the competence).A competotitoror player loose the competence ifhe smokes, drinks alchohol, phsicofarmacs, drugsor stimulatins substances. To kill insects orbreak plants. Throw dust on the floor or beinguntidy. ir having not respect or goodeducation.Once the phisical, mental and spiritualactitud and aptitud of the person has beenevaluated the social one has to be evaluated too,to go directly to the cultural and phylosophicalactitud and aptitud of this discipline on thislife.Jnana Yoga and Phylosophical Competion like in school*** The competitor must answer a questionary whit questionsabout yoga.Each player can get 10 point of maximun!!!!!Final evaluation 10 points.Phisical: 1Mental:lSpiritual:4 *****Social:1Ecological:

1Cultural:1Philosophical: 1ORGANIZATION.Every competence must be organized in quality of:Federate competence: Only for the federatespalyers with the card which follow the normativesof the organizative federation.Open competence: Where everybody can compite.Invitation competence: In all these competencesthe competence is in order to divulgate, develop,perfectionate and prepare the practicioners.OFICIALS AND NO OFICIAL COMPETENCESThe International Council of Yoga Sports(Formed International Yoga Sport Federation)IYF Oficial competence: the IYF or the nationalsfederations gives the quality of oficial to thefederates competences which figures in theInstitution FIXTURE.IYF No oficial competences: They are those thatare organized out of the federations FIXTURE, thecompetence is of friendly kind and is playedbetween two or more federates or not institutions.CATHEGORIES:As the

International Council of Yoga Sportsmember of International Yoga Federation says theyoga sport is divided in the followingcathegories:.Baby: 4 to 5 yearsBaby Kids:6 to 7 yearsKids: 8 to 12 yearsJuniors: 13 to 17 yearsYoungers: 18 to 25 yearsYoungers adults: 26 to 35 yearsAdults: 35 to 40 yearsVeterans: 40 t0 60 yearsSenniors: more than 60 yearsLEVEL:a) Professionalb) Amateurs***The YOGA SPORT is not contorsion, acrobatics,yogasanas, mallakhamb, stretching, nor gimnastic,is a spìritual sport with a high philosophicalcontent that looks for the best human persons. The Yoga Competitions or Yoga Championship are notYogasanas Competitons. Yogasanas is only onepoint in Yoga Competitons***Yoganasanas Championship is another Game and Sport.*** Mallkhamb Championship is another Game and Sport.Mallakhamb and Yogasanas play with another rules and with phisical points.If

you have any doubts, questions, objectios, orwant to do any comentary, understand how thespirituals Yoga Masters or Yogacharyas andSwamis judge or need some aclarations, you haveto do the international thecnical and trainercourse which will be given in Argentina, Spain,U.S.A. and India, in October 2004Important the jury have one Referee and more than4 judges. The referee is disciplinary rector andthe judges give the points.For talk about Yoga Sport and Artistic Yoga, andfor be Referee or Judges you must be Swami orYogacharya (Yoga Master) with traditional linageand certificate of your guru.Each Yogacharya must be study for 12 years inAshram under the gurukula tradition with hisguru. Only the Yogacharya with 12 or 10 years ofstudy can get confirmation in the World YogaCommunity. Yoga Teachers cand not be Judgesbecause they are students but they can betrainers or coachYoga Shiromani Dr

GopaljiPresident Yoga Confederation of YogaPresident International Council of Yoga Sports(Formed International Yoga Sport Federation)President of Asian Union of YogaPresident of Delhi Yoga AssociationVicepresident of International Yoga Federationwww.iysc.yoganet.orgVijay TiwarijiHon. Sec. of Yoga Confederation of Yogaand International Council of Yoga Sportswww.worldyogachampionship.yoganet.org








Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani



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