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The Loma-Viloma Pranayama Of Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga

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The Loma-Viloma Pranayama

Of Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga By

Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj


This beautiful exposition of the basic Loma – Viloma Pranayama practice was given by Swamiji nearly twenty years ago. Gitanjali Devi of Sydney, Australia, has recorded every class which she every book under Swamiji’s guidance together with Yogacharya Muralidharan. They have put on CD’s all these tapes and donated these priceless recordings to the Mother Ashram. This article is a transcription of a portion of one of these tapes. - Yoga Life, Ed’s Note


There are a WHOLE GRUP OF ALTERNATE NOSTRIL BREATHS Loma – Viloma Pranayama don’t be confused through intelligent contemplation of the practices. You can only RESOLVE AND DISOLVE confusion.


The Pranayama practices are also concerned with SOLVING breathing problems, on the physical level. This is the bonus to the spiritual, emotional and mental benefits. Physically, you dissolve all the old mucous in your system, with these breath controls. This mucous builds up on the ends of the nerve endings. It creates a kind of bulbs on the ends of the nerves. These are just like hatpins, which have bulbs-like structures in the ends of the pin. Imagine if every nerve terminal in your body has crystallized. Do you think energy can pass through such blocks? You will be “energy constipated”


These blocks have to be DISSOLVED and then, the breath problems will be RE-SOLVED.


The first practice is similarly to a WAKE – UP call to your nervous system. Your nervous system is asleep. When we examine the reflex system of the human body, we discover that almost all the nerves of the human body are untouched – virgin snow – they have never been used! How to wake up all these nerve centres in your body? How to wake up all the millions of synapses those “gate points” over which nerve messages must pass? That is the purpose of these Pranayama we want to flood the nervous system with solar and lunar energy known in Yoga as PRANA AND APANA.


A special Mudra or hand gesture is used to control the breath as it moves and out through the nostrils. All of the Mudras used on the face are called by the names of Devas or Gods, such as Brahma, Vishnu or Maha Deva. Since the Loma – Viloma Pranayamas are sustaining breaths – the Vishnu Mudra must be used. Vishnu is the great sustainer, the great Preserver, Hence, “his Mudra” is the most appropriate for use with this Pranayama which sustains the life force.


Loma – Viloma Pranayama is called the Alternate Nostril Breath, in English. The In breath is the – Loma, positive, warm, golden Prana. The Out breath is the – Viloma, negative, cool, silvery, Apana. One “excites” the solar and lunar energies (the “HA” & “THA” energies) that move as Prana and Apana through the Pancha Kosha of man, the Ida and Pingala through the big Nadis of the Psychic. In doing this body, exercise, we “wake up” our nervous system! We begin with Vishnu Mudra, always use the right hand, one is left-handed. The nervous system doesn’t get “changed over” just because one is left handed. The tip of 2nd finger is placed against the root of the nose. This pressures a nerve terminal there, which will help open both nostrils. Apply pressure to this point, in the middle of the brow, Brumadhya Bindu, 2nd finger. Use the ring finger to

close the left nostril. Keep the thumb and the little finger spread apart in a wide “V”. The little finger represents the IDA NADI, the left peripheral nerves for both the physical body and the Pranamaya Kosha. The thumb opens up Pingala Nadi. The right Peripheral nervous system. The Mudra presses psychic buttons, which allow free flow of energy.


Now close your left nostril with your ring finger and inhale, slowly for an eight count – through the right nostril. Close the right nostril, left out for eight slow counts. Through your left nostril. Close eight in left. Inhale right for eight count. Be attentive! Do not look down. Keep you head up straight. (not turned to either side). Sit up straight. Body currents can become evenly balanced, only (Asana) if the body is held straight and erect, in a static position. Move only your fingers. If head is twisted to one side, the full flow of nerve energy is blocked.


Continue to breathe right for eight, left for eight. Continue several rounds.


Take a massive deep breath through both nostrils. Hold for about six seconds then, this form of breathing may be done nine, eighteen or twenty-seven rounds, exhale vigorously.


This very simple form of Loma Viloma Pranayama brings about a state of polarity in the human complex. We use the terms Loma Viloma to equal polarity. What does this mean? Unless a living organism is in a state of polarity, it is useless. Evan if animate object, losses its polarity, it disintegrates and falls apart. A piece of metal is what it is – because of its polarity. A magnet is a magnet – while it has polarity. There is always a pair of opposites – positive and negative – Please don’t think of the negative as negative as equal to bad. Rather, think of it in the chemistry of the body – as.

(a) reconstruction - metabolism

(b) destruction - catabolism


Constantly, the anabolic flows over to the catabolic side. In the terms of electricity we talk to:

(a) Anion

(b) Cation

In fact the most important discovery in Western scientific medicine in recent years is that of electrical potential of the human body. In neurology now, the talk is of the charge / discharge of the neurons in the system – in this anion / cation complex and context. Cancer specialists are starting to get away from the “chemical” and “virus” ideas about cancer, and instead look upon cancer. As an electrical disturbance of cells. The doctors are getting very close to the truth – of how tropoblastic cells placental cells can be irritated in the system and suddenly multiply into neo – plasma. This occurs because the body falls into its negative side and becomes more dominated by cationic energy than anionic energy and as the result – degenerative diseases develop. Cancer is, of course, one of the worst of the degenerative diseases.


If we are talking in terms of electrical potential – anion and cation in a radio / transmitter valve – energy passes from the anion over to the cation and passing in between produces a dionic energy. It is that energy – which is sent out in a powerful radio broadcast – so that one can listen to local and overseas radio stations. Because there are powerful broadcasts – dichotic broadcasts – being sent out as radio waves. Can you imagine that every cell in every person’s body – has that potential because there is the positive and negative reaction (anion) and cation. The nucleus of every cell in every person’s body has that potential. We call it life! When a cell dies in the body, it dies as a result of electrolysis. The cell has lost it ability to be recharged. One buys a battery and uses it – (Some batteries can be re-charge. Every cell in the body can be charged and re-charged

over and over again – till a time comes when life of that battery – or that cell is finished and the cell dies. It depends entirely how one cares for those battery cells care determines how long it will last. If one turns on the torch, and leaves it on all day, one shouldn’t expect the torch to have any light left by nightfall. But, if one guards that light – turning the torch off when it is not needed, then at night, a light is needed, one can turn it on, and when you’ve finished. One turns off the torch when not needed and continues like that. The batteries will probably last a month. In exactly the same way. We have to learn to conserve our won energy. Most of us: are burning ourselves our, leaving our torches burning all the time!


How you look after your cellular energy.

Well : Yes. How Do I Do it? You will ask.


There are many ways to keep our batteries charged. One of the simplest ways is the Loma – Viloma Pranayama using the Vishnu Mudra which I have just taught you. Those who have been trained in Savitri Pranayama, may add a held in and a held out breath of four counts each between the inhalation and exhalations.


The lungs should be completely filled on the inhalation and completely emptied on the exhalation. The Mahat Yoga Pranayama, filling the complete lung area lower, mind and high should be used. While practicing Pranayama make certain that you are drinking plenty of fresh pure water, at least ten glasses per day.


Flood your nervous system with the cosmic currents of Prana and Apana, the solar and lunar nervous system. Create a state of polarity in the Pancha Kosha structure which is this marvelous human organism. Only when our nervous system is alive, vitalized, active, fresh and in healthy working order will we become fit (to paraphrases Patanjali) for the higher levels of Dharana (Yogic concentration). May I conclude by echoing the clarion call of the Upanishadic Rishis: “Arise! Awake! And Stop not till the Goal is Reached!









Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani

Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER

25,2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry-605 013

Tel: 0413 - 2622902 / 0413 -2241561

Website: www.icyer.com





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Dear Dr,


I am glad to be a member of your ..

All the articles are very useful and interesting.

Thank you.

Dr.Tirupathy Jai Chamraj,

S/o. Dr.T.Chandra Sekaran

Salem."Dr.Ananda Bhavanani" <yognat2001 wrote:


The Loma-Viloma Pranayama

Of Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga By

Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj


This beautiful exposition of the basic Loma – Viloma Pranayama practice was given by Swamiji nearly twenty years ago. Gitanjali Devi of Sydney, Australia, has recorded every class which she every book under Swamiji’s guidance together with Yogacharya Muralidharan. They have put on CD’s all these tapes and donated these priceless recordings to the Mother Ashram. This article is a transcription of a portion of one of these tapes. - Yoga Life, Ed’s Note


There are a WHOLE GRUP OF ALTERNATE NOSTRIL BREATHS Loma – Viloma Pranayama don’t be confused through intelligent contemplation of the practices. You can only RESOLVE AND DISOLVE confusion.


The Pranayama practices are also concerned with SOLVING breathing problems, on the physical level. This is the bonus to the spiritual, emotional and mental benefits. Physically, you dissolve all the old mucous in your system, with these breath controls. This mucous builds up on the ends of the nerve endings. It creates a kind of bulbs on the ends of the nerves. These are just like hatpins, which have bulbs-like structures in the ends of the pin. Imagine if every nerve terminal in your body has crystallized. Do you think energy can pass through such blocks? You will be “energy constipated”


These blocks have to be DISSOLVED and then, the breath problems will be RE-SOLVED.


The first practice is similarly to a WAKE – UP call to your nervous system. Your nervous system is asleep. When we examine the reflex system of the human body, we discover that almost all the nerves of the human body are untouched – virgin snow – they have never been used! How to wake up all these nerve centres in your body? How to wake up all the millions of synapses those “gate points” over which nerve messages must pass? That is the purpose of these Pranayama we want to flood the nervous system with solar and lunar energy known in Yoga as PRANA AND APANA.


A special Mudra or hand gesture is used to control the breath as it moves and out through the nostrils. All of the Mudras used on the face are called by the names of Devas or Gods, such as Brahma, Vishnu or Maha Deva. Since the Loma – Viloma Pranayamas are sustaining breaths – the Vishnu Mudra must be used. Vishnu is the great sustainer, the great Preserver, Hence, “his Mudra” is the most appropriate for use with this Pranayama which sustains the life force.


Loma – Viloma Pranayama is called the Alternate Nostril Breath, in English. The In breath is the – Loma, positive, warm, golden Prana. The Out breath is the – Viloma, negative, cool, silvery, Apana. One “excites” the solar and lunar energies (the “HA” & “THA” energies) that move as Prana and Apana through the Pancha Kosha of man, the Ida and Pingala through the big Nadis of the Psychic. In doing this body, exercise, we “wake up” our nervous system! We begin with Vishnu Mudra, always use the right hand, one is left-handed. The nervous system doesn’t get “changed over” just because one is left handed. The tip of 2nd finger is placed against the root of the nose. This pressures a nerve terminal there, which will help open both nostrils. Apply pressure to this point, in the middle of the brow, Brumadhya Bindu, 2nd finger. Use the ring finger to

close the left nostril. Keep the thumb and the little finger spread apart in a wide “V”. The little finger represents the IDA NADI, the left peripheral nerves for both the physical body and the Pranamaya Kosha. The thumb opens up Pingala Nadi. The right Peripheral nervous system. The Mudra presses psychic buttons, which allow free flow of energy.


Now close your left nostril with your ring finger and inhale, slowly for an eight count – through the right nostril. Close the right nostril, left out for eight slow counts. Through your left nostril. Close eight in left. Inhale right for eight count. Be attentive! Do not look down. Keep you head up straight. (not turned to either side). Sit up straight. Body currents can become evenly balanced, only (Asana) if the body is held straight and erect, in a static position. Move only your fingers. If head is twisted to one side, the full flow of nerve energy is blocked.


Continue to breathe right for eight, left for eight. Continue several rounds.


Take a massive deep breath through both nostrils. Hold for about six seconds then, this form of breathing may be done nine, eighteen or twenty-seven rounds, exhale vigorously.


This very simple form of Loma Viloma Pranayama brings about a state of polarity in the human complex. We use the terms Loma Viloma to equal polarity. What does this mean? Unless a living organism is in a state of polarity, it is useless. Evan if animate object, losses its polarity, it disintegrates and falls apart. A piece of metal is what it is – because of its polarity. A magnet is a magnet – while it has polarity. There is always a pair of opposites – positive and negative – Please don’t think of the negative as negative as equal to bad. Rather, think of it in the chemistry of the body – as.

(a) reconstruction - metabolism

(b) destruction - catabolism


Constantly, the anabolic flows over to the catabolic side. In the terms of electricity we talk to:

(a) Anion

(b) Cation

In fact the most important discovery in Western scientific medicine in recent years is that of electrical potential of the human body. In neurology now, the talk is of the charge / discharge of the neurons in the system – in this anion / cation complex and context. Cancer specialists are starting to get away from the “chemical” and “virus” ideas about cancer, and instead look upon cancer. As an electrical disturbance of cells. The doctors are getting very close to the truth – of how tropoblastic cells placental cells can be irritated in the system and suddenly multiply into neo – plasma. This occurs because the body falls into its negative side and becomes more dominated by cationic energy than anionic energy and as the result – degenerative diseases develop. Cancer is, of course, one of the worst of the degenerative diseases.


If we are talking in terms of electrical potential – anion and cation in a radio / transmitter valve – energy passes from the anion over to the cation and passing in between produces a dionic energy. It is that energy – which is sent out in a powerful radio broadcast – so that one can listen to local and overseas radio stations. Because there are powerful broadcasts – dichotic broadcasts – being sent out as radio waves. Can you imagine that every cell in every person’s body – has that potential because there is the positive and negative reaction (anion) and cation. The nucleus of every cell in every person’s body has that potential. We call it life! When a cell dies in the body, it dies as a result of electrolysis. The cell has lost it ability to be recharged. One buys a battery and uses it – (Some batteries can be re-charge. Every cell in the body can be charged and re-charged

over and over again – till a time comes when life of that battery – or that cell is finished and the cell dies. It depends entirely how one cares for those battery cells care determines how long it will last. If one turns on the torch, and leaves it on all day, one shouldn’t expect the torch to have any light left by nightfall. But, if one guards that light – turning the torch off when it is not needed, then at night, a light is needed, one can turn it on, and when you’ve finished. One turns off the torch when not needed and continues like that. The batteries will probably last a month. In exactly the same way. We have to learn to conserve our won energy. Most of us: are burning ourselves our, leaving our torches burning all the time!


How you look after your cellular energy.

Well : Yes. How Do I Do it? You will ask.


There are many ways to keep our batteries charged. One of the simplest ways is the Loma – Viloma Pranayama using the Vishnu Mudra which I have just taught you. Those who have been trained in Savitri Pranayama, may add a held in and a held out breath of four counts each between the inhalation and exhalations.


The lungs should be completely filled on the inhalation and completely emptied on the exhalation. The Mahat Yoga Pranayama, filling the complete lung area lower, mind and high should be used. While practicing Pranayama make certain that you are drinking plenty of fresh pure water, at least ten glasses per day.


Flood your nervous system with the cosmic currents of Prana and Apana, the solar and lunar nervous system. Create a state of polarity in the Pancha Kosha structure which is this marvelous human organism. Only when our nervous system is alive, vitalized, active, fresh and in healthy working order will we become fit (to paraphrases Patanjali) for the higher levels of Dharana (Yogic concentration). May I conclude by echoing the clarion call of the Upanishadic Rishis: “Arise! Awake! And Stop not till the Goal is Reached!










Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani

Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER

25,2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry-605 013

Tel: 0413 - 2622902 / 0413 -2241561

Website: www.icyer.com






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