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Yoga-Vidya: The Science of Yoga: By Dr Ananda

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Yoga-Vidya: The Science of Yoga



Yoga is the science of the SELF. Yoga can also be termed the science

of man in depth, the science of conscious evolution or the science of

human possibilities. Yoga not only has the concepts but also the

tools and technology needed to find OUR SELF. While the modern

science looks outward the Yogi searches the depth of his own self.

According to Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj who

was one of the foremost authorities on Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga in

the last century, Yoga is a science and not only is it a science but

is the mother of Science. Dr. I K Taimni, another learned scholar

known for his great analytical works on Yoga, even goes to the extent

of calling Yoga the " Science of Sciences " .



The characteristic of a science or Vidya is the approach and not

merely content or quality of knowledge. Though Yoga has its

foundations more than 5000 years ago and is principally an oral

tradition, the verbal basis of Yoga-Vidya (Yogic Science) is found in

the Upanishads (especially the Katha-Upanishad, Shvetashvatara-

Upanishad and Maitrayaniya-Upanishad), the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

and the Bhagavad Gita. According to Prof. TR Anantharaman, President

of the Indian Academy of Yoga, all of these Yoga scriptures are pre

Buddhistic in nature and share a systematic and broad scientific

basis. Katha Upanishad, one of the first written works on Yoga

mentions the Yoga-Vidya (science of Yoga) and Yoga-Vidhi (the

technological know how) of Yoga. The pure science of Yoga is Adhyatma

Vidya (science of man in depth) while the technology or applied

science (rules of Yoga practice) that is, the technology of

unification or integration, is called Yoga-Vidhi. The scientific

attitude of Yoga can be seen from the firm insistence on Pariprasna

(enquiry or dialogue) as a pre requisite to higher knowledge as

enunciated in the Bhagavad Gita (IV.34). Similarly the Yoga Sutras of

Patanjali display a scientific attitude towards the acquisition of

Pramana (true knowledge). Patanjali says that true knowledge can be

acquired (Yoga Sutra: Chapter I, Verse7) by direct perception

(Pratyaksha), rational inference (Anumana) and from reliable

testimony (Agama). This use of the intellect (Buddhi) endowed with

discrimination (Viveka) is typical of all Yoga traditions and their

teachings. The Bhagavad Gita, which is sometimes referred to as the

Yoga Shastra, shows the exchange between Arjuna and Yogeshwar Krishna

to be of a genuine spirit of enquiry and a keen desire for truth, as

one would expect from a modern scientist and his guide. The Shiva-

Samhita (V.26-30) lists the characters of a fully qualified disciple

(shishya) as follows. " Endowed with great energy and enthusiasm,

intelligent, heroic, learned in the scriptures, free from delusion… "

Aren't these very same qualities required by a true scientist (a

seeker of true knowledge)?



The process of Yoga is one of the understanding and achievement of

Mind Control. The Yogis discovered that the mind has many levels such

as Mudha (dull and inert mind), Kshipta (distracted mind), Vikshipta

(partially distracted mind), Ekagratha (concentrated mind) and

Niruddha (controlled mind). They also found that the thought waves

(Chitta-Vritti) were five fold and are Pramana (conception),

Viparyaya (misconception), Vikalpa (imagination), Nidra (sleep) and

Smrithi (memory). They realized that without controlling these mental

fluctuations there was no hope of spiritual evolution. This is why

Maharishi Patanjali says, " Yoga is the stilling of the whirlpools of

the mind (Yogash chittavritti nirodhah). Once this is achieved the

Yogin rests in his essential self (Tada drishtu swarupeva sthanam).

The method to achieve this state is through dedicated and determined

practice and dispassion (Abyasa vairagyabhyam tannirodhah).

The Yogi views his being as a manifestation of the Divine and

realizes that he is not only the physical body but also has four

other bodies; the energy body, the mental body, the body of wisdom

and the body of eternal bliss. This concept is known as the Pancha

Kosha. He follows a systematic practice (Abyasa) of the eight fold

path of Ashtanga (Raja) Yoga consisting of the moral restraints

(Yama), ethical observances (Niyama), firm and comfortable postures

(Asana), expansion of the vital life force (Pranayama), control of

the senses (Pratyahara), concentration (Dharana) leading into

meditation (Dhyana) and ultimately transcending the individual self

in cosmic consciousness (Samadhi). This conscious evolution may take

years and years (even lifetimes) of disciplined and dedicated

practice (Abyasa), detachment or dispassion (Vairagya) and loads of

discrimination (Viveka). Through such a systematic manner the Sadhak

(seeker of Truth) attempts to unite (Yuj) his individual self

(Jivatma) with the universal self (Paramatma).



Swami Vivekananda said, " Yoga is really one of the grandest sciences…

take up the study of this science as you would any other science of

material nature and remember there is no mystery and no danger in it. "

Dr. I K Taimni, an eminent scholar known for his excellent work on

the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (The Science of Yoga) says, " This

science of sciences is too comprehensive in its nature and too

profound in its doctrine to be fitted into the framework of any

particular philosophy-either ancient or modern. It stands in its own

right as a science based upon the eternal laws of the higher life and

does not require the support of any science or philosophical system

to uphold its claims. Its truths are based in the experiences and

experiments of an unbroken line of mystics, occultists, saints and

sages, who have realized and borne witness to them through the ages. "

Sri RR Diwakar, who was one of the founding fathers of the modern

Indian political state, has the following to say. " While modern

science (that is of an experimental nature) has brought us to the

brink of a nuclear war, the Yoga-Vidya (that is experiential in

nature) on the other hand brings about peace, harmony, love,

friendliness and cooperation. "

This experiential nature of Yoga is well brought out by Vyasa's Yoga-

Bhashya wherein he says, " Yoga must be known through Yoga. Yoga grows

through Yoga. He who is attentive towards Yoga long delights in

yoga. " (III.6). Similarly the Yoga-Shikha-Upanishad warns of

the " snare of textbooks " (Shastra-Jala) referring to bookish learning

without accompanying experience.

Dr. Georg Feuerstein Ph.D., Director of the Yoga Research Centre USA

says in his excellent book `The Shambala Guide to Yoga', " Long before

physicists discovered that matter is energy vibrating at a certain

rate, the Yogis of India had treated this body-mind as a playful

manifestation of the ultimate power (Shakti), the dynamic aspect of

Reality. They realized that to discover the true Self, one had to

harness attention because the energy of the body-mind follows

attention. A crude example of this process is the measurable increase

of blood flow to our fingers and toes that occurs when we concentrate

on them. The yogis are very careful about where they place their

attention, for the mind creates patterns of energy, causing habits of

thought and behavior that can be detrimental to the pursuit of

genuine happiness " .

Dr Dean Ornish, an eminent American medical doctor who has shown that

Yogic lifestyle can reverse heart disease says, " Yoga is a system of

perfect tools for achieving union as well as healing. "

Dr VSSM Rao writes that, " The tradition of Yoga is so perfect that we

have to seek ways of expounding it in modern scientific terminology

instead of simply evaluating it in terms of current concepts of

science, which is expanding so rapidly that a time may come when man

would like to live by his intuition rather than by scientific

planning, bristling with conflicts and balancing a number of

variables not completely understood. "

According to the late Padma Bhushan Dr B Ramamurthy, eminent

neurosurgeon, Yoga practice re-orients the functional hierarchy of

the entire nervous system. He has noted that Yoga not only benefits

the nervous system but also the cardiovascular, respiratory,

digestive, endocrine systems in addition to bringing about general

biochemistry changes in the yoga practitioners.

Professor Dr SV Rao, an eminent medical doctor and Yoga Scientist

says, " Yoga is a science because it is verifiable. Yoga as a science

of living is also an art. Yoga, therefore, may be defined as the

science and art of optimum living. Yoga has the capacity to move,

either side by side with medical science or independently. This is

because Yoga has a sound system of etiology, diagnosis and

pathogenesis of disease. Thus we have a complete system by itself in

Yoga. "

Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj, one of the

foremost authorities on classical yoga in the last century

says, " Yoga is scientific and many of it practices can be measured by

existing scientific methods. As a science of mind it offers a safe

method of concentration and meditation educing a practical

application of the power of the human mind. Its entire process is

centered in awareness, that is why I call it the science of

awareness. "



Institutions such as AIIMS, BHU, NIMHANS, DIPAS, JIPMER, VK Yogas,

Kaivalyadhama, Bihar School of Yoga and our own ICYER have done vast

amounts of work in bringing forth the scientific methods of Yoga

Vidya. Universities such as BHU, Sagar, Himachal, Venkateshwara and

Andhra University have created Centers for Yoga education and

Research and are doing great service. Scientists such as Dr BK Anand,

Dr KK Datey, Dr KN Udupa, Dr B Ramamurthy, Dr W Selvamurthy, Dr T

Desiraju, Dr Nagendra, Dr Nagaratna, Dr Shirley Telles, Dr MV Bhole,

Dr Rajapurkar, Dr Mittimohan, Dr Lajpat Rai and Dr Madanmohan have

contributed extensively towards the scientific understanding of Yoga

Vidya and Yoga Vidhi. The Central Government has created the Central

Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy (CCRYN) that is the

governing body for Yoga research and education in our country under

the Ministry of Health. Various private institutions are running in

our country and doing their best to propagate Yoga-Vidya. Yoga

therapy is being used both in conjunction with modern medicine or

alternative systems of medicine as well as on its own in various

centers. Various conditions such as diabetes, hypertension,

arthritis, mental depression, bronchial asthma etc have been found to

be relieved by Yoga Therapy and centers such as sVYASA,

Kaivalyadhama, Manipal Institute and the Moraji Desai National

institute are doing a great deal of work in this field.



Because, even fifty years after independence we still suffer from

a `colonial hangover' believing that `the west is best' and that all

our ancient knowledge is hocus-pocus. We do not see and understand

this great Yoga-Vidya until westerners come and certify that it is


Though the interest for Yoga-Vidya in the west is growing day by day

and more and more people are turning towards Yoga, this is not the

same in our country. Lack of proper infrastructure and absence of a

proper systematized approach in the propagation of Yoga are still

drawbacks in our nation. The youngsters are being drawn away from our

culture and blindly ape the hedonistic western lifestyle.

Unless we change our mindset we cannot understand our wonderful

culture and the great science of Total Man that has arisen from it.

This is why it is imperative that the youth of our nation are

awakened to the greatness inherent in our beloved nation and given

the proper and systematic training in Yoga and our cultural heritage.

Catch them young must be our aim if we are to educate them about the

greatness of our cultural heritage.

I conclude my presentation with a favorite statement of Pujya Swamiji

Gitananda GiriGuru Maharaj,

" Health and happiness are your birthright. Do not forsake your golden

culture for the plastic playthings of the western world. Learn and

live Yoga for then you will know health and happiness " .



1. TR Anantaraman. Yoga Vidya and Yoga Vidhi. The Yoga Review

1983; III: 3, 119-137.

2. IK Taimni. The Science of Yoga. The Theosophical Publishing

House, Adyar, Chennai.1961

3. Swami Gitananda Giri. Yoga the Art and Science of Awareness.

Souvenir 1996; 4th International Yoga Festival, Govt of Pondicherry.

4. Yogi Ram. Health and longevity through Yoga. Yoga Thara 1997;

July/Aug, pp 7-9

5. RR Diwakar. Reader's forum. The Yoga Review 1986; Vol. VI;

3/4, pp 35.

6. Georg Feuerstein. The Shambala Guide to Yoga. Shambala

Publications Inc, Boston, Massachusetts, and USA.1996.

7. Swami Gitananda Giri. Yoga: Step-by-Step, Satya Press,

Pondicherry, 1976.

8. Swami Gitananda Giri. Frankly Speaking. Satya Press,

Pondicherry, 1997.

9. Swami Gitananda Giri. Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali. Satya

Press, Pondicherry.1999.

10. Swami Chidbhavananda. The Bhagavad Gita. Ramakrishna

Tapovanam, Trichy, 1984

11. Yoga the Science of Holistic Living. Vivekananda Kendra

Patrika. Vol. 17- 2. Aug 1988.

12. TR Anantaraman. Yoga as Science. Souvenir: Seminar on Yoga,

Science and Man.1975.

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