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Peak Of Perfection

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Dear Sadhak,

While forwarding this valuable advice, may I remind you that Vibrational

Breath Therapy has developed the practice of chanting of AUM and meditating

on the ensuing silence, with resultant good health . It integrates the body,

mind & self-consciousness (physical, astral and causal planes of existence),

transcends the three states of consciousness associated with them (wakeful,

dream and deep sleep) and leads one into the state of causal silence within,

where renewal, repair and healing take place. The healing is actually a


I am also happy to inform you that I now try and devote my whole morning to

my sadhana.

Wishing you again a more meaningful 2005!


Sri Bala

Founder, Vibrational Breath Therapy





" Mano " <rmanoharan

Sunday, January 09, 2005 11:55 PM

Peak Of Perfection



> Peak Of Perfection


> You can climb the peak of perfection through resolute will, intense

> dispassion, renunciation and rigorous Meditation. Sublime divine

> thought is very powerful, it is a dynamic transmuting force. Diligently

> seek the path of truth; tread it carefully and vigilantly, for you may

> slip and fall. Love is harmlessness, kindness, compassion. Nothing can

> tempt you if you are regular in meditation. He who is pure at heart has

> already found divinity. Renunciation of egoism is the direct way to the

> eternal.


> Knowledge of the imperishable bestows perfect freedom and independence.

> Where egoism is, immortality is not; where immortality

> is, egoism is not. Concentration will give you great power. Collect the

> scattered rays of the mind. Lust and greed make you a spiritual

> bankrupt. Purity and meditation bestow on you inexhaustible divine

> wealth.


> A yogi becomes the master-builder of the temple of truth. Pass through

> the gate of wisdom - you will reach the illimitable domain of eternal

> bliss. He who is endowed with discrimination and power and concentration

> climbs rapidly to the peak of illumination. Your real guru (preceptor)

> is your own heart - he is the indweller, the inner ruler.


> Longing for final liberation is the hunger for the spiritual food of

> knowledge of the eternal. Mind is the mirror through which the eternal

> appears as the universe of names and forms. Be in the world - not of the

> world. This is the highest yoga. this is the eternal wisdom. The wise

> man is ever eager to learn, he never poses as a teacher.


> This visible world is the mirror of the invisible Brahman. You are a

> slave of circumstances because you do not meditate regularly. You will

> easily get illumination in solitude. Solitude has its own charms -

> prepare yourself for life in seclusion. Control and preserve energy

> through silence, brahmacarya (celibacy) and pranayama (yoga breathing),

> - you will have wonderful meditation. Love those persons who dislikes

> another group - ythe latter will grow strong. Money wasted can be

> restored, but time wasted is lost forever. Find out your centre - that

> centre is perfect harmony, eternal bliss, your own immortal soul.






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