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Dear Sadhak,


The Healing Power of AUM


Manoji is perfectly right when he says that happiness is elusive and when he

quotes Patanjali, the sage who formulated the Yoga system, the science of

oneness, " Pranayama is a step to be one with the Supreme BEING. It enables

one to switch off the five senses of sight, smell, taste, touch and sound

and provides the concentration to enjoy divine presence. "


Pranayama holds the key to experience celestial happiness. That has been my

search for the last 40 years and now my experience.


I have been introduced to Pranayama, the science of breathing, in stages by

the good Lord.


I was first introduced to Mantra Yoga in 1965 by my late grandmother

manifesting through a spiritual medium at a holy temple in Sri Lanka. It

helped me to progressively and successively combat a severe emotional

trauma, which was overwhelming me. I've been continuing it since with great



Later in!988 when it dawned on me, as a Yoga Therapist in Australia, that to

assist a person to recover from an illness the therapist should conduct a

practice which would help the person to rise above body and conscious mind,

negate ego consciousness and attune to the state of causal silence within, a

realized soul, a Yogini in a Sivan temple at the foothills of the Himalayas,

introduced me to the practice of chanting of OM and a program of how to do

it. With that guidance I was able to help a lady in Bangalore, who had been

bed ridden for three years from lumbar spondylitis, to walk again.


Then the hand of the good Lord took me to Pondicherry to learn under Dr

Swami Gitananda Giri, an authority on Pranayama and now one of my revered

gurus. During my five months stay with him, I learnt Pranava AUM Pranayama

among several other practices.


That was all that I needed. I plunged into its practice on the lines

revealed to me by the Yogini and developed it into a program. And lo and

behold I realized that there was nothing beyond it. Within three months of

its practice it healed me of a ten year old hay-fever and what more made me

feel 68 years young and not old. Subsequently it healed me after a heart

attack in 1996, a stroke in 1997, not to mention from 1991onwards the

rehabilitation of several student-patients of mine suffering from serious



Naturally I kept on going more deeper into the discipline and today have

successfully developed Pranava AUM Pranayama into basic, intermediate and

advanced programs.


1. Basic - to experience good health & longevity


2. Intermediate - to experience renewal, repair and self-healing


3. Advanced - to experience reversal of any physical/mental condition and

evolve spiritually.


In all three levels the objective is only to experience a state of natural

health and wellbeing, resulting in good physical and mental health. In order

to make it a comprehensive program to experience that elusive happiness,

Savitri Pranayama, a harmonising and tranquillising Rhythmic Breath and

Meditational Walk and Yoga Nidra, a very deep relaxing technique, have been

incorporated as complementary practices The healing is only a by-product.

Vibrational Breath Therapy is Yoga Therapy in its pristine purity.


Those of you who wish to know more about it please feel free to contact me

on Email address: sribala or visit my website: www.vbt.com.au






Sri Bala, Founder, Vibrational Breath Therapy, Australia.



" Mano " <rmanoharan

Wednesday, January 12, 2005 9:49 PM

Elusive Happiness



> Elusive Happiness


> Humans wants happiness. They try to get it from money, from power, from

> woman, from son, from position and so on. They rush from one thing to

> another trying to find happiness. They get knocked, blown, failures and

> disappointment. They laugh, dance, weep and mourn. Their senses get

> exhausted. They get disgust ed at objects. Eventually they understand

> that sense objects are illusory and that real lasting happiness cannot

> be found in them.


> Humans feel the need for a particular object. They try to get it. If

> they succeed, they get delighted for a moment. On the other hand, if

> they fail, they are sunk in despair, sorrow; gloomy and depressed. If

> they lose an object, they become very miserable.


> As soon as one want is gratified, another new want crops up. There is no

> end to these wants. Cares, worries, anxieties and fear co-exist with

> wants and desires. Want is the product or offspring of ignorance.

> Almighty Supreme BEING is all full. All wants are satisfied by this



> The restlessness of the mind is kept up by all these wants. He who wants

> nothing is a mighty emperor of the world. It is told: " That carefree

> saint who moves about in a loincloth only, without possessions, without

> the idea of ownership, without any wants, is the most happy person in

> the world. " Wants and desires can be eradicated by self-realisation

> only.


> Any number of zeros have no value unless you add a '1' before them.

> Similarly, even if you possess the wealth of the whole world, it is

> nothing if you do not lead a spiritual life, if you have no spiritual

> wealth, if you have no self-realisation.


> You will have to add the atman to the life here.


> Mind is greater than the senses. Pure intellect is greater than the

> mind. Atman is greater than the intellect. There is nothing greater

> than atman.


> Supreme BEING is without senses, mind, prana. He is within and without

> all beings. He is immovable, He is extremely subtle. He is the light of

> all lights.


> It's indeed amazing that sitting and breathing evenly can be a means of

> tapping deeper resources within us. Devoting half an hour a day even for

> a week reveals the beauty of this practice. It increases the quality of

> alertness of the mind, which becomes capable of looking afresh and

> thinking in completely new ways.


> Breath is not only the nourishment of our body but it is also the one

> essential link between the terrestrial and the vast expanse of the

> cosmos, for it ties us through its incessant cycles to the universal

> order of things.


> Patanjali, the sage who formulated the Yoga system, the science of

> oneness, says that Pranayama is a step to be one with the Supreme BEING.

> It enables one to switch off the five senses of sight, smell, taste,

> touch and sound and provides the concentration to enjoy divine presence.


> Sri Bala of Melbourne, Au had practised for nearly 40 years and have

> developed as the 'Founder' Vibrational Breath Therapy www.vbt.com.au. It

> developed the practice of chanting of AUM and meditating on the ensuing

> silence, with resultant good health. It

> integrates the body, mind & self-consciousness (physical, astral and

> causal planes of existence), transcends the three states of

> consciousness associated with them (wakeful, dream and deep sleep) and

> leads one into the state of causal silence within, where renewal, repair

> and healing take place. The healing is actually a by-product. May this

> advice be taken practice this therapy for healthier LIFE and lead to

> more spiritual practises.


> OM Namasivaya, Sivaya Namo OM







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