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36th Annual Six Month International Yoga Teachers Course at ICYER, Ananda Ashram ,Pondicherry, India

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36th Annual Six Month International Yoga Teachers Course at ICYER, Ananda Ashram ,Pondicherry, India (www.icyer.com) comes to Successful Conclusion



For the thirty-sixth consecutive year, without a break the intensive Residential Six Month International Yoga Teacher Training and Sadhana Course came to a successful conclusion on March 25, 2005. Fourteen Sadhaks from ten countries including Spain, Switzerland, Holland, Czech Republic, USA, and Australia, Canada, India, Germany and Argentina participated in the intense residential training which involved six months of disciplined Ashram living from 5 am each morning to 9 pm each evening on a daily basis.


The six months course, designed and structured by one of the twentieth centuries greatest Masters of Ashtanga Yoga, Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj, is set up to effect a total transformation of personality into universality. Though this is a grand goal, and a lifetime (if not hundreds of lifetimes process) the six-month training environment and plants the seeds for this “Cosmic Leap of Faith” into higher levels of living, practice and understanding. Swami Gitananda often said, “I will give you enough practices and concepts in Six Months to last you for several lifetimes of conscious evolutionary work”.


The six-month course was well described by authoress of From Here To Nirvana (A Guide to Indian Ashram) as “an over.” The training is intense and Tran formative. Gheranda. Samhita described Yoga as “Gatashta Yoga” or “baking the pot.” All know that if an earthen pot is to be useful, it must be put in an over and baked so it becomes hard enough to hold the liquids for which it was intended. “Tapas”, one of the five Niyamas of Maharishi Patanjali has its origin in “heat” – heat is a Tran formative agent and “Tapas” also sometimes defined as “austerities” or “discipline” has the capacity to transform. The six month training is a “Tapasya”, no doubt, but usually a very enjoyable one.


The course is taught in the traditional Indian style structure – a Guru Kula, where a limited number of students live close with their Guru – Guide so he / she may interact closely with them on a personal, day to day basis, observing their character and guiding their Sadhana (spiritual practice). The emphasis is on community living with the ideal that “relationship is a mirror through which we may observe our essential nature”. The structure is strong – Morning Aarthi (positive prayer), quiet meditative sitting and Hatha Yoga from 5:30 am to 8:30 am. After breakfast all person some Seva (selfless service) to the Ashram – gardening, cleaning, office work for one hour. From 11 am to 1 pm, Relaxation, Concentration and Pranayama techniques are taught and practiced.


Lunch, a rest-quiet time, then Mantra and Yantra classes from 4:30 pm to 6;00 pm. Evening meal, followed by Bhajans from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Then Satsangha, question and answer till 9:00 pm. Evening Aarthi, closing the day with positive affirmations, and lights out. The routine repeated daily with variation on Thursday and Sundays. Emphasis is on the 3 R’s – “Repetition, Regularity and Rhythm.”


Each month students write an examination, entitled, “A Self Study Sheet.” Oral quizzes are also held once in December and once again in March. A thesis is submitted at the end of six month.


Emphasis is on initiating students into the spiritual roots of Yoga inherent in Indian culture. This is accomplished by participate i.e. festival, Puja cultural events such as Bharat Natyam (dance performance) Bhajans, Carnatic vocal recitals, students are also give opportunities to present lecture on Yoga in Conferences. Trips are taken to temples and holy place near Pondicherry.


Though the schedule to an outsider may seen strenuous and difficult, it actual practice it is joyous and light. The Ashram often rocks with laughter as a good humour builds up amongst the Sadhaks. Most remark, “we have never laughed so much in our lives as we do in the Ashram!”

In fact, the present guidelines to applicants of the course may soon include, “Please do not apply unless you like to laugh, eat and sing”.


Some idea of the scope of the course can be seen from the wording on the Certificate awarded at the end of the training.


This is to certify that the above named person has been awarded the title YOGACHARYA/YOGACHARINI in recognition of six months of intensive Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga Study and practice during the Annual International Six Month Yoga Teachers Training Course October 2nd, 1995 through March 25th, 2006 at the International Centre for Yoga Education and Research (ICYER) at Kottakuppam, Tamil Nadu – 605 104 (Via Pondicherry) India. This Intensive Six Month Residential Yoga Teachers Training and Sadhana Course, which has been conducted every year without break from 1968 in Pondicherry, was designed by the world famous Ashtanga Yoga Guru YOGAMAHARISHI DR SWAMI GITANANDA GIRI who conducted this training personally until his Maha Samadhi on December 29, 1993. The Yoga Training since that time has

been under the direction of Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani wife and chief disciple, and Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, son and successor to Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj. The course contains 750 hours of practical work and 750 hours of theory classes. More than 300 Asanas, Kriyas and Mudras, forty Pranayamas and a multitude of relaxation and concentration techniques are studied. The students have been initiated into the unique Raja Yoga system of concentration of this lineage. Monthly examinations are conducted and a thesis is submitted at the end of the course. Class schedule is from 5.00 am. To 9.00 pm. Daily, with short breaks for meals, rest and Karma Yoga duties. All aspects of Ashtanga Yoga, both practical and theoretical, are thoroughly covered. The medical and scientific background of all Yoga practices are examined. Intensive study of classical Yoga Scriptures is undertaken. Basic instruction in

Sanskrit language and Mantra is given. Thorough training in traditional Yoga cleansing techniques including fasting and the classical Shat karmas is imparted. Exposure to the Hindu Culture in the form of Bhajans, Classical Carnatic Vocal and Instrumental Music, Bharat Natyam, Pujas and Homas are part of the training, as well as participation in local Festivals, Conferences, study, self knowledge and selfless service. The above candidate is now deemed fit to guide others along the path of RISHICULTURE ASHTANGA YOGA, as expounded by Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj. The title “Yogacharya” (for men) and “Yogacharini” (for ladies) literally means “one who teaches others by good Yogic example”. It can also mean “a qualified Guide to the Yoga Path”. We fully recommend the above named candidate as an exponent of RISHICULTURE ASHTANGA YOGA and offer our good wishes for his/her continued growth in the Yoga style of



Candidates for the six-month training undergo a strong screening and selection process, which include a one-year study of the 52 lessons Correspondence Course YOGA-STEP-BY-STEP that also provide the basis syllabus of the course. A medical repot attending to good health and a statement that one has been free of addictive bad habits for at lest three years proc to admission is required. Vegetarian a diet must be followed which undertake the course. Usually students apply several years in advance and then, prepare themselves for in resident training. Many of these accepted to the course are “students” of trained Gitananda Yoga Teachers.


This year Yogacharya Hariharan of Switzerland referred for his second six months to earn his One Year Diploma. As part of his work, he taught too course of Yoga one two week course in the Ashram and a second three month course to American Foreign Exchange Students in cooperation with Pondicherry University. Two sets of married couples participated in the 2004 – 2005 training. Alexandro and Guadalupe of Argentina, South American students of Yogacharya Chandra Kumar of Ibiza, Spain, also underwent a “second marriages” Indian style during this course. Sonya and Robert Servine were another young married couple whose course was strengthened by their participation in the course. Jana Ransley of England was fortunate to have her husband Michael visit over the “mid term break” and because of description in his hotel reservations, Michael was able

to stay in the Ashram and enjoy nearly two weeks of “unexpected Sadhana” with his wife!


During the course, the students had are excellent opportunity to interact with senior teachers of Rishiculture Yoga. Mary Lou Tomscha, (Amma’s younger sister) now a leading Vipasana Teacher, but also a student of Swami Gitananda, gave her enlightened presence in January as did Yogavachara Bikkhu Rahula, a well known Buddhist monk who shares his Yoga knowledge with his students world wide. Yogiraj Arunanatha Giri of Italy – Argentina was with the Ashram for the full month of February and gave many enlightening Satsanghas. Arunanatha has been with Swamiji since 1968 and now has his own network of Yoga Centres throughout Argentina and Europe. Of course, Dr. Jonn Mumford, (Swami Ananda Kapila) of Australia, a student of Swamiji’s since the 1950’s in Canada, was present for nearly one month in connection with the Annual Yantra Course, giving his

inimitable humour, wisdom and laughter to the group. Yogacharya Muralidharan and Yogacharya Devidasan, senior teachers of Gitananda Yoga from Australia, were also present for the Yantra course in February. Yogacharini Kalavathi of England had a group of four of her students for the Yantra Course along with her son, Keshavan and daughter Hamsa who had her Nama Karana during their stay. Yogacharini Catherine Davis of U.K. who studied with Swami in 1980 in Kambliswamy Madam was also present in the Yantra Course. Smt Hanna Machia, a German National now settled in Karnataka state also joined the Ashram for a week the end of March. Hanna is the teacher Adithi (Claudia Heinen) of Germany. In this manner the students had a chance to interact with many senior teachers of the Paramparai and benefit for the wisdom and experience.


The students also had a chance to observe the City Centre Yoganjali Natyalayam’s work with young people in Yoga, Bharat Natyam and Carnatic Music. All these experience culminated or Sunday, March 20th, at the regular Sunday Puja at Sri Kambliswamy Madam with the Certificate – Annual Ceremony. The moving ritual was followed by a lovely social get together at a lavish buffet at a star hotel in Pondy, celebrating “good news” Ashram style with a lavish feast!


The final Guru Dakshina night was held on March 24th in which student presented the “Dakshina” (love offering to the Guru) and enjoyed a lovely dance performance by Archana, Guadalupe and Padma who had studied Bharat Natyam under Smt Devasena Bhavanani’s guidance for six month.


A wonderful group of souls gathered this year to share the “Journey Into Spirit” which a Yoga Life style impulse. “I am always grateful when the Guru sends me good raw material to work with”, Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani said at final Guru Dakshina night, “and he certainly gifted me great souls and great fellow travelers on the path. Thank you!” she said. Yogacharya Dr. Ananda, who was the guide for Yantra, Mantra and Anatomy in the course, expressed his great happiness with the Sadhaks and advised the “new eaglets” to “fly high”. Yogacharini Devasena Bhavanani, Sanskrit, Carnatic Vocal and Bharat Natyam instructor of the course, thanked all for these sincere efforts and good spirit. Yogacharini Dr. Nalini Devi, Senior Associate Teacher and in Resident doctor-counselor of the course also expressed her appreciation of the quality of this year’s

batch! “You are all transformed! Your inherent Divinity now shows and glows”


Thus, another six months Sadhak drew successfully to a close. With God and Guru’s grace, may those glorious teachings continue to glow and grow in the heart of sincere Sadhaks from now to eternity.


The following persons completed successfully the 36th Annual Senior Associate Teacher, Yogacharini Dr. Nalini Devi, Spain; One Year Teacher Diploma Awardee, Yogacharya Hariharan (Patrick Nicora), Switzerland; Yogacharini Archana Tulsidas Sachdev, Mumbai; Yogacharini Adhiti (Claudia Heinen) ,Germany; Yogacharini Jennifer Dany Aube, Canada; Yogacharya Davor Rogic, Czech Republic; Yogacharini Sonya and Yogacharya Robert Scott Servine, Australia; Yogacharini Padma (Helena Hermankova), Nederland; Yogacharini Revathy (Edith Schacher), Switzerland; Yogacharini Guadalupe La Torre and Yogacharya Alejandro Costantino Spain, Yogacharini Shanthi (Martina Kynkorova), Czech Republic; Yogacharini Sharadha (Jana Ransley), England.


(Report from YOGA LIFE, the International Monthly Journal of Yoga Jivana Satsangha, Pondicherry, India that is in its 36th year of unbroken publication. For details of subscription, please contact ananda )









Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani

Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER

25,2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry-605 013

Tel: 0413 - 2622902 / 0413 -2241561

Website: www.icyer.com




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Congratulations to all!


I remember ending the 6 months course in 2000, it

felt like such a beautiful dream. It was so unreal to

go back to the 'real world' after undergoing such a

transformation, having acquired a pair of new eyes.

It actually takes a lot of courage to go back, to go

through a culture shock in your own country!


So congratulations to the chelas/yogacharyas and

yogacharinis, as well as the teachers and many thanks

to Swamiji, Om Shanti.




--- " Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani "

<yognat2001 wrote:


> 36th Annual Six Month International Yoga Teachers

> Course at ICYER, Ananda Ashram ,Pondicherry, India

> (www.icyer.com) comes to Successful Conclusion






> For the thirty-sixth consecutive year, without a

> break the intensive Residential Six Month

> International Yoga Teacher Training and Sadhana

> Course came to a successful conclusion on March 25,

> 2005. Fourteen Sadhaks from ten countries including

> Spain, Switzerland, Holland, Czech Republic, USA,

> and Australia, Canada, India, Germany and Argentina

> participated in the intense residential training

> which involved six months of disciplined Ashram

> living from 5 am each morning to 9 pm each evening

> on a daily basis.




> The six months course, designed and structured by

> one of the twentieth centuries greatest Masters of

> Ashtanga Yoga, Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda

> Giri Guru Maharaj, is set up to effect a total

> transformation of personality into universality.

> Though this is a grand goal, and a lifetime (if not

> hundreds of lifetimes process) the six-month

> training environment and plants the seeds for this

> “Cosmic Leap of Faith” into higher levels of living,

> practice and understanding. Swami Gitananda often

> said, “I will give you enough practices and concepts

> in Six Months to last you for several lifetimes of

> conscious evolutionary work”.




> The six-month course was well described by authoress

> of From Here To Nirvana (A Guide to Indian Ashram)

> as “an over.” The training is intense and Tran

> formative. Gheranda. Samhita described Yoga as

> “Gatashta Yoga” or “baking the pot.” All know that

> if an earthen pot is to be useful, it must be put in

> an over and baked so it becomes hard enough to hold

> the liquids for which it was intended. “Tapas”, one

> of the five Niyamas of Maharishi Patanjali has its

> origin in “heat” – heat is a Tran formative agent

> and “Tapas” also sometimes defined as “austerities”

> or “discipline” has the capacity to transform. The

> six month training is a “Tapasya”, no doubt, but

> usually a very enjoyable one.




> The course is taught in the traditional Indian style

> structure – a Guru Kula, where a limited number of

> students live close with their Guru – Guide so he /

> she may interact closely with them on a personal,

> day to day basis, observing their character and

> guiding their Sadhana (spiritual practice). The

> emphasis is on community living with the ideal that

> “relationship is a mirror through which we may

> observe our essential nature”. The structure is

> strong – Morning Aarthi (positive prayer), quiet

> meditative sitting and Hatha Yoga from 5:30 am to

> 8:30 am. After breakfast all person some Seva

> (selfless service) to the Ashram – gardening,

> cleaning, office work for one hour. From 11 am to 1

> pm, Relaxation, Concentration and Pranayama

> techniques are taught and practiced.




> Lunch, a rest-quiet time, then Mantra and Yantra

> classes from 4:30 pm to 6;00 pm. Evening meal,

> followed by Bhajans from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Then

> Satsangha, question and answer till 9:00 pm. Evening

> Aarthi, closing the day with positive affirmations,

> and lights out. The routine repeated daily with

> variation on Thursday and Sundays. Emphasis is on

> the 3 R’s – “Repetition, Regularity and Rhythm.”




> Each month students write an examination, entitled,

> “A Self Study Sheet.” Oral quizzes are also held

> once in December and once again in March. A thesis

> is submitted at the end of six month.




> Emphasis is on initiating students into the

> spiritual roots of Yoga inherent in Indian culture.

> This is accomplished by participate i.e. festival,

> Puja cultural events such as Bharat Natyam (dance

> performance) Bhajans, Carnatic vocal recitals,

> students are also give opportunities to present

> lecture on Yoga in Conferences. Trips are taken to

> temples and holy place near Pondicherry.




> Though the schedule to an outsider may seen

> strenuous and difficult, it actual practice it is

> joyous and light. The Ashram often rocks with

> laughter as a good humour builds up amongst the

> Sadhaks. Most remark, “we have never laughed so much

> in our lives as we do in the Ashram!”


> In fact, the present guidelines to applicants of the

> course may soon include, “Please do not apply unless

> you like to laugh, eat and sing”.




> Some idea of the scope of the course can be seen

> from the wording on the Certificate awarded at the

> end of the training.




> This is to certify that the above named person has

> been awarded the title YOGACHARYA/YOGACHARINI in

> recognition of six months of intensive Rishiculture

> Ashtanga Yoga Study and practice during the Annual

> International Six Month Yoga Teachers Training

> Course October 2nd, 1995 through March 25th, 2006 at

> the International Centre for Yoga Education and

> Research (ICYER) at Kottakuppam, Tamil Nadu – 605

> 104 (Via Pondicherry) India. This Intensive Six

> Month Residential Yoga Teachers Training and Sadhana

> Course, which has been conducted every year without

> break from 1968 in Pondicherry, was designed by the

> world famous Ashtanga Yoga Guru YOGAMAHARISHI DR

> SWAMI GITANANDA GIRI who conducted this training

> personally until his Maha Samadhi on December 29,

> 1993. The Yoga Training since that time has been

> under the direction of Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi

> Bhavanani wife and chief disciple, and Yogacharya Dr

> Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, son and successor to

> Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri Guru

> Maharaj. The course contains 750 hours of practical

> work and 750 hours of theory classes. More than 300

> Asanas, Kriyas and Mudras, forty Pranayamas and a

> multitude of relaxation and concentration techniques

> are studied. The students have been initiated into

> the unique Raja Yoga system of concentration of this

> lineage. Monthly examinations are conducted and a

> thesis is submitted at the end of the course. Class

> schedule is from 5.00 am. To 9.00 pm. Daily, with

> short breaks for meals, rest and Karma Yoga duties.

> All aspects of Ashtanga Yoga, both practical and

> theoretical, are thoroughly covered. The medical and

> scientific background of all Yoga practices are

> examined. Intensive study of classical Yoga

> Scriptures is undertaken. Basic instruction in

> Sanskrit language and Mantra is given. Thorough

> training in traditional Yoga cleansing techniques

> including fasting and the classical Shat karmas is

> imparted. Exposure to the Hindu Culture in the form

> of Bhajans, Classical Carnatic Vocal and

> Instrumental Music, Bharat Natyam, Pujas and Homas

> are part of the training, as well as participation

> in local Festivals, Conferences, study, self

> knowledge and selfless service. The above candidate

> is now deemed fit to guide others along the path of


> Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj.

> The title “Yogacharya” (for men) and “Yogacharini”

> (for ladies) literally means “one who teaches others

> by good Yogic example”. It can also mean “a

> qualified Guide to the Yoga Path”. We fully

> recommend the above named candidate as an exponent

> of RISHICULTURE ASHTANGA YOGA and offer our good

> wishes for his/her continued growth in the Yoga

> style of living.




> Candidates for the six-month training undergo a

> strong screening and selection process, which

> include a one-year study of the 52 lessons

> Correspondence Course YOGA-STEP-BY-STEP that also

> provide the basis syllabus of the course. A medical

> repot attending to good health and a statement that

> one has been free of addictive bad habits for at

> lest three years proc to admission is required.

> Vegetarian a diet must be followed which undertake

> the course. Usually students apply several years in

> advance and then, prepare themselves for in resident

> training. Many of these accepted to the course are

> “students” of trained Gitananda Yoga Teachers.




> This year Yogacharya Hariharan of Switzerland

> referred for his second six months to earn his One

> Year Diploma. As part of his work, he taught too

> course of Yoga one two week course in the Ashram and

> a

=== message truncated ===



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