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Yoga Sport Competition

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Consciousness is the basis of the causation and creation of all animate and inanimate things in this Universe. We are Self-Consciousness, part and parcel of Cosmic Consciousness whether we call it Krishna or Buddha or Christ Consciousness.


In our worldly existence we live in 3 states of consciousness - wakeful, dream and deep sleep, in 3 planes of existence, the physical, astral and causal, all manifestations of cosmic energy - energy bodies vibrating at different frequencies, one enveloping the other.


The physical energy body consists of the physical body

The astral energy body consists of the electro-magnetic field (auric body), the lower mind in charge of all autonomic functions, and higher mind, an intellectual and discriminating mind, again one enveloping the other.

The causal energy body consists of the bliss body extending to infinity.

In order to experience good health or renew, repair and self-heal or evolve spiritually, we have to integrate the three energy bodies (planes of existence), transcend the three states of consciousness and move into the fourth state, Turiya, the state of causal silence within.


This is achieved through the serious practice of the science of yoga, dancing, singing, and so on, but the science of yoga stands supreme for in the process of doing it, the practitioner develops physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, with personality and character transformed.


In his wisdom and in keeping with his lineage, revered Swami Gitanandaji realized that for all round development the teaching of yoga should be complemented with a participation in the other disciplines as well, and at the Ananda Ashram at Pondicherry you have your fill of the rich heritage and eternal values of India. Living and studying at the Ashram is a soul inspiring experience. Having lived and studied at the Ashram, and also in a few other Ashrams and schools of yoga and meditation, I can vouchsafe for its superiority. I treasure the memory of my five month long stay with Swamiji at the Ashram in 1988/9.


Further Swamiji’s teachings were based on science. He realized the truth that the Pranamaya Kosha/Electro-magnetic field was the vital body and all his practices were designed to restore the health of the electromagnetic field, which manifested as good physical and mental health. As a dedicated student, who has practised, experienced, researched and developed one of his practices, Pranava AUM Pranayama, for the last fifteen years, I can boldly assert his teachings are true. He was also man of great vision.

All the benefits which he associated with the practice have been experienced by me and by my hundreds of students and patients, with serious ailments.


It was Swamiji who introduced Yoga Sport competition as he felt that there was no better way of spreading this unique discipline which cultivated the mastery of both body and mind far and wide in India and later hopefully through out the whole world. It was man and nation building activity that he was sponsoring. It was his desire that it should be an event at the Olympics someday, because he sincerely felt that there was no greater contribution to the world by India, than spreading the knowledge and practice of the science of yoga and the Indian way of life. All right thinking people may agree with him.


To the credit of the Ashram it has developed the Yoga Sport competition into an art, which requires not only mastery of the asanas individually and collectively, but also knowing the concepts (theory), and the ability to convey it to an audience. I witnessed one being held in 1989 at the 3rd Decennial Convention of World Wide Yoga Congress, Pondicherry, India. It was an awe inspiring and reassuring spectacle. Selvi D Lakshmi is the perfect illustration of a finished product from the Ashram after nine years of serious study.


In respected Amma we have the dedicated mentor and an authority, and in Dr Ananda Balayogi we have the perfect exponent of all aspects of a Yoga Sports competition, a born leader, with a fund of knowledge and experience, and the Indian cultural ambassador of yoga to the West. Let us please have enough faith in both of them and encourage them to hold Yoga Sport Competitions state-wide, nationally, and internationally, and kindle an interest throughout the whole world in Yoga. It is our only salvation!


Sri Bala Ratnam

Founder, Vibrational Breath Therapy

Website: www.vbt.com.au

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