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A meditation on Christmas

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" It is not by pure coincidence or because they were

instituted by some religious leader that there are

four cardinal feasts - Christmas, Easter, the feast of

Saint John, and the feast of the Archangel Michael.

They exist because they correspond to cosmic

phenomena. During the course of the year the sun

passes through four cardinal points : March 21st is

the spring equinox ; June 21st is the summer solstice

; September 21st is the automn equinox ; and December

21st is the winter solstice. During these four

periods, great influxes and currents of energy are

produced which influence the earth and all its

inhabitants. If therefore , we are attentive and

receptive to these influxes and if we prepare

ourselves to receive them, great transformations can

occur within us.

According to Christian tradition, Jesus was born on

December 25th at midnight. On december 25th, the sun

has just entered the constellation of Capricorn.

Symbolically, Capricorn is linked to mountains and

grottoes, and it is in the depths of a grotto that the

child Jesus can be born. During the rest of the year

nature and human beings have been very active, but as

winter approaches, work slows down, the days get

shorter and the nights longer, and the time is ripe

for meditation and contemplation, a timely occasion

for human beings to enter the depths of their being

and make ready for the birth of Christ within them.


Every year on Decemeber 25th at midnight, the

constellation of Virgo rises over the horizon, and

this is why it is said, from the astrological point of

view, that Jesus was born of a virgin. On the opposite

horizon is Pisces, and in mid-heaven the magnificent

constellation of Orion , with the alignment of the

three stars, which, according to popular tradition,

represent the three Kings.

Let us leave aside the question wether Jesus was

really born on December 25th at midnight. What is

important is that on this date in nature the

Christ-principle is born, the light and warmth that

will transform everything. (...)

The birth of Jesus has to be understood in the three

worlds. That is, as a historical phenomenon, a psychic

and mystical phenomenon, and a cosmic phenomenon. And

today it is the mystical aspect that most concerns me.

In his account of the birth of Jesus, St Luke has

retained only images of those events that occur for

every human being. It is these symbolic images that we

shall examine now.

For a child to be born there has to be a father and a

mother. Joseph, the father, represents the intellect,

and on a higher level, our spirit. Mary, the mother,

is our heart, and on a higher level, our soul. When

the heart and the soul are pure the child is born, but

he is not born of the intellect and of the spirit, he

is born of the Holy Spirit, the pure flame that

impregnates the human soul and heart. (...)

When Mary and Joseph sought refuge in the inn, there

was no room for them, an this means that human beings

who are busy eating, drinking and enjoying themselves

never have room for one who has received the divine

child. (...) No one is prepared to open their door to

him. (...) The stable with the manger is a symbol, a

symbol first of all of poverty and difficult external

conditions. Indeed, for one in whom the Spirit dwells

it will always be this way : those around him will not

appreciate or welcome him. But thanks to the light

that radiates from him and shines above the manger,

others will see him from afar and come to visit him.

You must understand that Mary and Joseph are symbols

of our inner life. Those who have repudiated Mary have

become dried up. All they have left is their

intellect, which does nothing but destroy and

criticize and is never content. (...)

The star that shone over the stable means that a light

radiates from every initiate in whom dwells the living

Christ. This light can be seen by others from afar,

and they sense that something very special is

manifesting itself throught that being, and that

'something' is Christ. (...)

The Three Kings - Melchior, Balthazar, and Gaspar -

brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and each of

these gifts was symbolic. The gold brought by Melchior

meant that Jesus was king ; gold is the colour of

wisdom which shines over the heads of initiates like a

crown of light. The incense brought by Balthazar meant

that Jesus was a priest ; incense represents the realm

of religion, and therefore of the heart and love. And

myrrh, brought by Gaspar, is a symbol of immortality ;

it was used to embalm the bodies of the dead and

preserve them from destruction. These three gifts,

therefore, correspond to the three realms of thought,

emotion, and the physical body. And each of them also

corresponds to a sephirah : myrrh corresponds to

Binah, eternity ; gold corresponds to Tiphareth, light

; and frankincense corresponds to Chesed, love for all


Let us now take a closer look at the stable, where an

ox and an ass are said to have sheltered. There is no

mention of any other animal in this stable, only an ox

and an ass. Why ? (...) The stable represents the

physical body. And the ox ? You know that in ancient

civilizations the bull - and here of course we must

draw a parallel between the ox and the bull - was seen

as the generative principle. In ancient Egypt, for

instance, Apis the bull was the symbol of fertility

and fecundity. The bull is ruled by Venus and

represents sexual energy. The ass, on the other hand,

is ruled by Saturn and represents the personality, our

lower nature - also referred to as the old Adam - who

is obstinate and headstrong but a good servant. And

these two animals were there to serve Jesus. But how

could they serve him ? Well, let me reveal to you

something absolutely essential.

When human beings first begin to work to achieve

self-perfection, they come into conflict with the

forces of their personality and of their sexuality. An

initiate is someone who has succceded in mastering

these two forces and making them serve him. Yes, you

see, he puts them to work ; he does not annihilate

them ; he must not annihilate them. The fact that

those two animals were there is proof that they were

useful. How ? What did they do ? They warmed the

Infant Jesus with their breath. So, when an initiate

has transmuted his inner ox and ass and made them his

servants, they warm and vivify the new-born child

within him with their breath. And then, not only do

they no longer torment him, but they become beneficial

forces. Breath is a sign of life, and the breath of

the ox and the ass is a reminder of the breath by

which God gave the first man a soul. (...)

Now I would just like to add this : you may doubt that

Christ ever existed historically. Some people doubt

this and have demonstrated that he did not exist on

the basis of evidence just as scientific as that

produced by those who say he did exist. So where does

the truth lie ? Well, I would say very simply that the

historical aspect is not really so important. Suppose

that someone manages to produce irrefutable proof that

Jesus never actually existed, that the whole story is

a myth : one thing remains certain, and that is that

the Gospels were inspired by an exceptionnally great

spirit. The mere fact that someone was capable of

writing such things, of such depth, of such

luminosity, is enought o take your breat away. Any

other question becomes superfluous. "


Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, " You are Gods " , Psalm 82:6 /

Saint John's Gospel 10:34, Barcelona, Prosveta, 2002,

559 p (481-498)








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  • 2 weeks later...

Namastey and thank you for a very interesting article love on yoga sonia


" Christoph Eberhard " <christoph_natyam


Saturday, December 24, 2005 9:40 AM

A meditation on Christmas




> " It is not by pure coincidence or because they were

> instituted by some religious leader that there are

> four cardinal feasts - Christmas, Easter, the feast of

> Saint John, and the feast of the Archangel Michael.

> They exist because they correspond to cosmic

> phenomena. During the course of the year the sun

> passes through four cardinal points : March 21st is

> the spring equinox ; June 21st is the summer solstice

> ; September 21st is the automn equinox ; and December

> 21st is the winter solstice. During these four

> periods, great influxes and currents of energy are

> produced which influence the earth and all its

> inhabitants. If therefore , we are attentive and

> receptive to these influxes and if we prepare

> ourselves to receive them, great transformations can

> occur within us.

> According to Christian tradition, Jesus was born on

> December 25th at midnight. On december 25th, the sun

> has just entered the constellation of Capricorn.

> Symbolically, Capricorn is linked to mountains and

> grottoes, and it is in the depths of a grotto that the

> child Jesus can be born. During the rest of the year

> nature and human beings have been very active, but as

> winter approaches, work slows down, the days get

> shorter and the nights longer, and the time is ripe

> for meditation and contemplation, a timely occasion

> for human beings to enter the depths of their being

> and make ready for the birth of Christ within them.

> (...)

> Every year on Decemeber 25th at midnight, the

> constellation of Virgo rises over the horizon, and

> this is why it is said, from the astrological point of

> view, that Jesus was born of a virgin. On the opposite

> horizon is Pisces, and in mid-heaven the magnificent

> constellation of Orion , with the alignment of the

> three stars, which, according to popular tradition,

> represent the three Kings.

> Let us leave aside the question wether Jesus was

> really born on December 25th at midnight. What is

> important is that on this date in nature the

> Christ-principle is born, the light and warmth that

> will transform everything. (...)

> The birth of Jesus has to be understood in the three

> worlds. That is, as a historical phenomenon, a psychic

> and mystical phenomenon, and a cosmic phenomenon. And

> today it is the mystical aspect that most concerns me.

> In his account of the birth of Jesus, St Luke has

> retained only images of those events that occur for

> every human being. It is these symbolic images that we

> shall examine now.

> For a child to be born there has to be a father and a

> mother. Joseph, the father, represents the intellect,

> and on a higher level, our spirit. Mary, the mother,

> is our heart, and on a higher level, our soul. When

> the heart and the soul are pure the child is born, but

> he is not born of the intellect and of the spirit, he

> is born of the Holy Spirit, the pure flame that

> impregnates the human soul and heart. (...)

> When Mary and Joseph sought refuge in the inn, there

> was no room for them, an this means that human beings

> who are busy eating, drinking and enjoying themselves

> never have room for one who has received the divine

> child. (...) No one is prepared to open their door to

> him. (...) The stable with the manger is a symbol, a

> symbol first of all of poverty and difficult external

> conditions. Indeed, for one in whom the Spirit dwells

> it will always be this way : those around him will not

> appreciate or welcome him. But thanks to the light

> that radiates from him and shines above the manger,

> others will see him from afar and come to visit him.

> You must understand that Mary and Joseph are symbols

> of our inner life. Those who have repudiated Mary have

> become dried up. All they have left is their

> intellect, which does nothing but destroy and

> criticize and is never content. (...)

> The star that shone over the stable means that a light

> radiates from every initiate in whom dwells the living

> Christ. This light can be seen by others from afar,

> and they sense that something very special is

> manifesting itself throught that being, and that

> 'something' is Christ. (...)

> The Three Kings - Melchior, Balthazar, and Gaspar -

> brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and each of

> these gifts was symbolic. The gold brought by Melchior

> meant that Jesus was king ; gold is the colour of

> wisdom which shines over the heads of initiates like a

> crown of light. The incense brought by Balthazar meant

> that Jesus was a priest ; incense represents the realm

> of religion, and therefore of the heart and love. And

> myrrh, brought by Gaspar, is a symbol of immortality ;

> it was used to embalm the bodies of the dead and

> preserve them from destruction. These three gifts,

> therefore, correspond to the three realms of thought,

> emotion, and the physical body. And each of them also

> corresponds to a sephirah : myrrh corresponds to

> Binah, eternity ; gold corresponds to Tiphareth, light

> ; and frankincense corresponds to Chesed, love for all

> humankind.

> Let us now take a closer look at the stable, where an

> ox and an ass are said to have sheltered. There is no

> mention of any other animal in this stable, only an ox

> and an ass. Why ? (...) The stable represents the

> physical body. And the ox ? You know that in ancient

> civilizations the bull - and here of course we must

> draw a parallel between the ox and the bull - was seen

> as the generative principle. In ancient Egypt, for

> instance, Apis the bull was the symbol of fertility

> and fecundity. The bull is ruled by Venus and

> represents sexual energy. The ass, on the other hand,

> is ruled by Saturn and represents the personality, our

> lower nature - also referred to as the old Adam - who

> is obstinate and headstrong but a good servant. And

> these two animals were there to serve Jesus. But how

> could they serve him ? Well, let me reveal to you

> something absolutely essential.

> When human beings first begin to work to achieve

> self-perfection, they come into conflict with the

> forces of their personality and of their sexuality. An

> initiate is someone who has succceded in mastering

> these two forces and making them serve him. Yes, you

> see, he puts them to work ; he does not annihilate

> them ; he must not annihilate them. The fact that

> those two animals were there is proof that they were

> useful. How ? What did they do ? They warmed the

> Infant Jesus with their breath. So, when an initiate

> has transmuted his inner ox and ass and made them his

> servants, they warm and vivify the new-born child

> within him with their breath. And then, not only do

> they no longer torment him, but they become beneficial

> forces. Breath is a sign of life, and the breath of

> the ox and the ass is a reminder of the breath by

> which God gave the first man a soul. (...)

> Now I would just like to add this : you may doubt that

> Christ ever existed historically. Some people doubt

> this and have demonstrated that he did not exist on

> the basis of evidence just as scientific as that

> produced by those who say he did exist. So where does

> the truth lie ? Well, I would say very simply that the

> historical aspect is not really so important. Suppose

> that someone manages to produce irrefutable proof that

> Jesus never actually existed, that the whole story is

> a myth : one thing remains certain, and that is that

> the Gospels were inspired by an exceptionnally great

> spirit. The mere fact that someone was capable of

> writing such things, of such depth, of such

> luminosity, is enought o take your breat away. Any

> other question becomes superfluous. "


> Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, " You are Gods " , Psalm 82:6 /

> Saint John's Gospel 10:34, Barcelona, Prosveta, 2002,

> 559 p (481-498)









> Nouveau : téléphonez moins cher avec Messenger ! Découvez les

tarifs exceptionnels pour appeler la France et l'international.

> Téléchargez sur http://fr.messenger.




> " Health and Happiness are your birthright, claim them through Rishiculture

Ashtanga Yoga " -Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri


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Thank you for forwarding a very interesting and thought provoking artice.

Nice of you.


Sri Bala

Yoga Master

Founder, Vibrational Breath Therapy,

based on Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga.

website: www.vbt.com.au


" gary wall " <ether


Monday, January 02, 2006 3:41 AM

Re: A meditation on Christmas



> Namastey and thank you for a very interesting article love on yoga sonia

> -

> " Christoph Eberhard " <christoph_natyam


> Saturday, December 24, 2005 9:40 AM

> A meditation on Christmas




>> " It is not by pure coincidence or because they were

>> instituted by some religious leader that there are

>> four cardinal feasts - Christmas, Easter, the feast of

>> Saint John, and the feast of the Archangel Michael.

>> They exist because they correspond to cosmic

>> phenomena. During the course of the year the sun

>> passes through four cardinal points : March 21st is

>> the spring equinox ; June 21st is the summer solstice

>> ; September 21st is the automn equinox ; and December

>> 21st is the winter solstice. During these four

>> periods, great influxes and currents of energy are

>> produced which influence the earth and all its

>> inhabitants. If therefore , we are attentive and

>> receptive to these influxes and if we prepare

>> ourselves to receive them, great transformations can

>> occur within us.

>> According to Christian tradition, Jesus was born on

>> December 25th at midnight. On december 25th, the sun

>> has just entered the constellation of Capricorn.

>> Symbolically, Capricorn is linked to mountains and

>> grottoes, and it is in the depths of a grotto that the

>> child Jesus can be born. During the rest of the year

>> nature and human beings have been very active, but as

>> winter approaches, work slows down, the days get

>> shorter and the nights longer, and the time is ripe

>> for meditation and contemplation, a timely occasion

>> for human beings to enter the depths of their being

>> and make ready for the birth of Christ within them.

>> (...)

>> Every year on Decemeber 25th at midnight, the

>> constellation of Virgo rises over the horizon, and

>> this is why it is said, from the astrological point of

>> view, that Jesus was born of a virgin. On the opposite

>> horizon is Pisces, and in mid-heaven the magnificent

>> constellation of Orion , with the alignment of the

>> three stars, which, according to popular tradition,

>> represent the three Kings.

>> Let us leave aside the question wether Jesus was

>> really born on December 25th at midnight. What is

>> important is that on this date in nature the

>> Christ-principle is born, the light and warmth that

>> will transform everything. (...)

>> The birth of Jesus has to be understood in the three

>> worlds. That is, as a historical phenomenon, a psychic

>> and mystical phenomenon, and a cosmic phenomenon. And

>> today it is the mystical aspect that most concerns me.

>> In his account of the birth of Jesus, St Luke has

>> retained only images of those events that occur for

>> every human being. It is these symbolic images that we

>> shall examine now.

>> For a child to be born there has to be a father and a

>> mother. Joseph, the father, represents the intellect,

>> and on a higher level, our spirit. Mary, the mother,

>> is our heart, and on a higher level, our soul. When

>> the heart and the soul are pure the child is born, but

>> he is not born of the intellect and of the spirit, he

>> is born of the Holy Spirit, the pure flame that

>> impregnates the human soul and heart. (...)

>> When Mary and Joseph sought refuge in the inn, there

>> was no room for them, an this means that human beings

>> who are busy eating, drinking and enjoying themselves

>> never have room for one who has received the divine

>> child. (...) No one is prepared to open their door to

>> him. (...) The stable with the manger is a symbol, a

>> symbol first of all of poverty and difficult external

>> conditions. Indeed, for one in whom the Spirit dwells

>> it will always be this way : those around him will not

>> appreciate or welcome him. But thanks to the light

>> that radiates from him and shines above the manger,

>> others will see him from afar and come to visit him.

>> You must understand that Mary and Joseph are symbols

>> of our inner life. Those who have repudiated Mary have

>> become dried up. All they have left is their

>> intellect, which does nothing but destroy and

>> criticize and is never content. (...)

>> The star that shone over the stable means that a light

>> radiates from every initiate in whom dwells the living

>> Christ. This light can be seen by others from afar,

>> and they sense that something very special is

>> manifesting itself throught that being, and that

>> 'something' is Christ. (...)

>> The Three Kings - Melchior, Balthazar, and Gaspar -

>> brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and each of

>> these gifts was symbolic. The gold brought by Melchior

>> meant that Jesus was king ; gold is the colour of

>> wisdom which shines over the heads of initiates like a

>> crown of light. The incense brought by Balthazar meant

>> that Jesus was a priest ; incense represents the realm

>> of religion, and therefore of the heart and love. And

>> myrrh, brought by Gaspar, is a symbol of immortality ;

>> it was used to embalm the bodies of the dead and

>> preserve them from destruction. These three gifts,

>> therefore, correspond to the three realms of thought,

>> emotion, and the physical body. And each of them also

>> corresponds to a sephirah : myrrh corresponds to

>> Binah, eternity ; gold corresponds to Tiphareth, light

>> ; and frankincense corresponds to Chesed, love for all

>> humankind.

>> Let us now take a closer look at the stable, where an

>> ox and an ass are said to have sheltered. There is no

>> mention of any other animal in this stable, only an ox

>> and an ass. Why ? (...) The stable represents the

>> physical body. And the ox ? You know that in ancient

>> civilizations the bull - and here of course we must

>> draw a parallel between the ox and the bull - was seen

>> as the generative principle. In ancient Egypt, for

>> instance, Apis the bull was the symbol of fertility

>> and fecundity. The bull is ruled by Venus and

>> represents sexual energy. The ass, on the other hand,

>> is ruled by Saturn and represents the personality, our

>> lower nature - also referred to as the old Adam - who

>> is obstinate and headstrong but a good servant. And

>> these two animals were there to serve Jesus. But how

>> could they serve him ? Well, let me reveal to you

>> something absolutely essential.

>> When human beings first begin to work to achieve

>> self-perfection, they come into conflict with the

>> forces of their personality and of their sexuality. An

>> initiate is someone who has succceded in mastering

>> these two forces and making them serve him. Yes, you

>> see, he puts them to work ; he does not annihilate

>> them ; he must not annihilate them. The fact that

>> those two animals were there is proof that they were

>> useful. How ? What did they do ? They warmed the

>> Infant Jesus with their breath. So, when an initiate

>> has transmuted his inner ox and ass and made them his

>> servants, they warm and vivify the new-born child

>> within him with their breath. And then, not only do

>> they no longer torment him, but they become beneficial

>> forces. Breath is a sign of life, and the breath of

>> the ox and the ass is a reminder of the breath by

>> which God gave the first man a soul. (...)

>> Now I would just like to add this : you may doubt that

>> Christ ever existed historically. Some people doubt

>> this and have demonstrated that he did not exist on

>> the basis of evidence just as scientific as that

>> produced by those who say he did exist. So where does

>> the truth lie ? Well, I would say very simply that the

>> historical aspect is not really so important. Suppose

>> that someone manages to produce irrefutable proof that

>> Jesus never actually existed, that the whole story is

>> a myth : one thing remains certain, and that is that

>> the Gospels were inspired by an exceptionnally great

>> spirit. The mere fact that someone was capable of

>> writing such things, of such depth, of such

>> luminosity, is enought o take your breat away. Any

>> other question becomes superfluous. "


>> Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, " You are Gods " , Psalm 82:6 /

>> Saint John's Gospel 10:34, Barcelona, Prosveta, 2002,

>> 559 p (481-498)








> _________________________

>> Nouveau : téléphonez moins cher avec Messenger ! Découvez les

> tarifs exceptionnels pour appeler la France et l'international.

>> Téléchargez sur http://fr.messenger.




>> " Health and Happiness are your birthright, claim them through

>> Rishiculture

> Ashtanga Yoga " -Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri


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