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Un sorriso / keep smiling - SURYA e P.T.NARENDRAN su/on TV RAITRE

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Mentre vi auguriamo una felice pausa in occasione della festività di Pasqua


vi comunichiamo che i due danzatori SURYA e P.T.NARENDRAN

Membri del World Movement for Indian Fine Arts

saranno ospiti di Licia Colò nella trasmissione "AlleFalde del Kilimangiaro" di RAITRE

domenica 23 aprile. Proporranno una performance di danza Bharata Natyam

Thillana Danashree coreografia della grande srmt.Leela Samson

fondatrice della prestigiosa accademia Kalakshetra di Madras India.

Un sorriso

Emy Blesio

(presidente del World Movement for Indian Fine Arts)


While we wish you an happy Easter

we are glad to tell you that the dancers SURYA and P.T.NARENDRAN,

Members of the World Movement for Indian Fine Arts,

will be the guests of Licia Colò in the famous programme "AlleFalde del Kilimangiaro"

of the National TV RAITRE on Sunday 23rd April.

They will perform Thillana Danashree: choreography by Srmt.Rukmini Devi

founder of the prestigious Academy Kalakshetra, Madras, India

A smile

Emy Blesio

(president of World Movement for Indian Fine Arts)





P.T.Narendran e Surya "Thillana Danashree"

photo by Maria Toffoletti




Buona Pasqua!!! Happy Easter !!!

.....che la pace regni nei cuori di tutti... / may Peace and Harmony with everyone....

e tutto l'anno....non solo a Pasqua...!!! / ... not only for Easter... but years to come !!!

Un sorriso / keep smiling

Emy e Surya


olio su tela cm. 100 x 300/ oil on canvas cm. 100 x 300 by Emy Blesio





Yogacharini Emy Blesio (Gayatri Devi)

President of WORLD.M.I.F.A.World Movement for Indian Fine Arts

Art Director of the great Indian Festival - Milan - Italy Vicepresident E.Y.F.EuropeanYogaFederationVicepresident C.U.I.D.Y.ConfederazioneUfficialeItalianaDiYoga

Vicepresident World.M.Y.A. World Movement of Yoga and Ayurveda

President of Suryanagara, International Yoga Centre of Arts, Culture, Oriental Disciplines,

recognized from E.Y.F. and C.U.I.D.Y.

Via Teramo 5 - 20142 Milano - ItalyPh. + 39 02 89150917 - + 39 02 89190884 mobile + 39 338 3116126 suryanagara http://web.tiscali.it/suryanagara




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